Hey!! Greetings from Singapore! I rarely leave any comments on those channels that I subscribed and yours the first 😜! Just want to say that I’m so so thankful that I chanced upon your channel. It’s genuine, entertaining, fun and therapeutic to watch a video about food of a culture shared in a different country & enjoyed by your loveable family! Love your dad-in-law too Kumaar! I can see how your son loves his grandpa (bubba) so so much!!! I think you’re fortunate to have your wife and a lovely dad-in-law...is that your mom-in-law too? Anyway, love your videos and I’ll definitely wait for your new videos when I want to chillax from work! Love....your fan from Singapore 🇸🇬 💓
Heya Salwati! Your comment is the sweetest. Really made our day. Thanks for taking a chance to watch our video and I'm so happy you enjoyed it. We are blessed to have a wonderful loving family. And also so thankful to have such a wonderful supporting audience like yourself. We try our best to get ideas from everyone and create videos based on that. Hope we can stay connected (fb or insta) and I look forward to making more videos for you ❤ Love, love and more love from the Kumaar Family
Bila Malaysian yg tggl di luar Malaysia,dia akan rasa yg Malaysia tu lah rumah paling sempurna. Pernah tau sorg chinese yg sy kenal,menangis rindu Malaysia,rindu suasana raya,suasana merdeka.
No matter how far you travel, no matter how long you've been away, yet your tounge misses your hometown food. That is how special our Malaysian cuisine is...
Work in home , Aplikasi penghasil duit free RM3.60/Day,tak paya upgrade,Promo upgrade 30%😍, Cuma hari ini saja, and you Wajib punya Account bank in Malaysia buat tarik duit , Bila anda register Lewat link ini,www.wemediaa.com/home/register/?i=141824"anda bole dapat RM 5 percuma, jika kau verifikasi bank yang benar, Ini Terbukti membayar,,.
Bro Kumaar. You did great as a Malaysian. Even you are far away from our country, but you never talk bad about Malaysia like some of our citizens did. Those who always talk bad about MALAYSIA, even disrespect of our flag🇲🇾 while being abroad are not a responsible Malaysian. You've made a high bench mark to the Malaysian outside Malaysia. You proved that this is what we should do towards Malaysia.. JAGA NAMA BAIK MALAYSIA. Terima kasih bro. Keep it up! Send my regards to your beautiful wife.. ❤️
I feel only those of us that have moved away from home really appreciate Malaysia, I would say we miss the food, family and friends. Every country has its pros and cons but I am proud to have grown up in Malaysia with all the different cultures 🙏
I don't know about everyone else but most of Malaysian Indians I know were taught to respect the country and behave as an ambassador of the country when we are out of it. We can be free as we want in our own country but when we are outside, we need to be at our best so nobody else will look own on our country where we were born even if we are no longer living there. That is the true patriotism. Many think carrying flag on the car during the Merdeka month is the patriotism. We love Malaysia even though we complain alot, just like we talk about our family.
Love this channel. We are based in Melbourne and recently had a baby boy too. I can't wait to teach him all our beautiful malaysian culture and food. It's amazing to see both of you working well together in a western society. And having family and friends embracing the culture language etc. Great work to you and the Mrs. 🙏🏽💕
Hey Regina, thank you so much. I love hearing how Malaysians who leave Malaysia still want to teach their kids about Malaysian culture and food. That's so amazing. ❤ Hope you and your family are well in Melbourne. I hear its beautiful there.
Singaporean here. Never knew I'd chance upon a channel that brings these foods to the western friends on TH-cam. It was pretty cool to see you bringing these food cultures from SEA to your friends and family. Loved their reactions! Wishing safety and peace to your family! Subbed!
Great content, bro Kumaar!! I am so proud of you!!! Keep on doing this, Mr Kumaar!! Really mcm ada kedai mamak kt AS..😍 (pstt.. Knapa saya tgok Kumaar ni mcm Remy Ishak ek.. 😍😍😍)
Work in home , Aplikasi penghasil duit free RM3.60/Day,tak paya upgrade,Promo upgrade 30%😍, Cuma hari ini saja, and you Wajib punya Account bank in Malaysia buat tarik duit , Bila anda register Lewat link ini,www.wemediaa.com/home/register/?i=141824"anda bole dapat RM 5 percuma, jika kau verifikasi bank yang benar, Ini Terbukti membayar,,.
Work in home , Aplikasi penghasil duit free RM3.60/Day,tak paya upgrade,Promo upgrade 30%😍, Cuma hari ini saja, and you Wajib punya Account bank in Malaysia buat tarik duit , Bila anda register Lewat link ini,www.wemediaa.com/home/register/?i=141824"anda bole dapat RM 5 percuma, jika kau verifikasi bank yang benar, Ini Terbukti membayar,,.,
@@frostonyt_7824 Nasi lemak and banana leaf rice are two different dishes .. Banana leaf rice is plain white rice ( no coconut milk ) eaten on large piece of banana leaf
Bro kumar...im so proud of u...sy suke bila u jemput ur parents in law to taste the malaysian favorite n experience it wth them...cam order kat mamak plkk rase..esp father in law is such a cool sport
Bagus la abg ni... X pandai tebar roti pn family layan mcm biasa... Abang betul2 layan video musim pkp ni yek... Sy betul2 puji yg family abg ni fun termasuk mertua abg sekali. Semua video best2 teruskan lagi bang #kitejagakite
Alamak malunya, I don't know how to make roti canai myself, last time when I try to do it during MCO is was catastrophe.., the taste is horrible 🤣🤣🤣. Madam Kumar, if your husband can make a roti canai, seri muka, rendang he is a pro, kuddos.
Tq mr. Kumaar.. U are small embasador for malaysia... Semoga berbahagusa di samping keluarga tercinta... Ayah dan ibu mertuanya juga cukup baik dan sporting... Nice family...
This brings back memories. I used to do this ages ago when I was retrenched. I joined my cousin Philip in 1984 to run a food stall in Kepong catering to factory workers working in the area. Since my cousin was living in Sentul, we would leave around 6am reach Kepong around 6:30 and start to prepare for breakfast by 7 and close around 6pm. We were serving breakfast, lunch and light snacks during the tea break. We had the typical Malaysian and Indian fare, roti canai, nasi lemak, mee goreng for breakfast and the usual Indian fare of rice with 2 types of curries fried fish and chicken plus 2 veggies. Later around 4 am we would prepare for the tea break which will include, mee goreng and goreng pisang or some other kuihs. I was incharge of mixing the drinks and doing the frying stuff including the mee goreng. It was tough but it was fun as well because we made a lot of friends there. I was responsible for kneading about 5 kgs of flour until my knuckles turned black! :-D
Aku rasa kena perkenalkan lah pasangan ni di malaysia macam pasangan duriankimchi tu,bagi orang tau dan kenal pasangan malaysia-us ni di perantauan,good job kumar for introduce malaysian culture at america.
Hai kumar dan keluarga. Maap akk tak pandai bahasa or puteh. 😅seronok tgok video kamu ni. Td tgok video buat onde2. 👍👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟🌟.kamu rajin reply komen2,mmg 👍👍..smoga kamu skurga gembira dan bjya..
Ur wife n ur wife's family so sporting..keep it up kumar..even though the way u tebar the roti canai not like profesional but u success made roti canai..congrats 👍..one day u should bring them to Msia and tastes the original one 😊👍
Amazing Kumaar, i'm proud of u because u never forget Malaysian foods and promote it to your buddies in US. It means that Malaysia always in your heart no matter where u go. The only thing funny is u dont know how to "tebar" the roti but remember, practise make perfect dude lol. Perhaps one day u can really open your own "Kumaar Kedai Makanan" representing Malaysian foods, who knows.... I cant wait to see your next videos, congrats bro...👏👏👏
This is such a great content. happened to browsed upon your channel which i'm surely glad i did. So proud of you & you have a great family. Thus being said, you should really think about having a small cafe/stall or just once a week kinda moment serving Malaysian local dishes to your friends & family. i'm certainly sure it would be a hit amongst them. Again you are awesome! Take care & stay safe. Love from your Malaysian Family back home.
TH-cam has recommended this to me after many days struggled in Australia for not getting the real taste of Malaysian dish here. The best part is that I'm gonna leave soon back to Malaysia🤩🤩🤩 #cravingForMalaysianFood Oops, forgot to mention this, I am your new subscriber bro. You are doing a great job👏👏
This is fun..... for us to watch! 😂 But I believe that this is also very fun for the family to experience a bit of Malaysia in this horrible and sorrowful year. Enjoy your time with your family while we all still can 😊 Have a great and blissful day Kumar and family! Malaysia boleh!
Take a look on a Japanese couple channel- iChang. They are the most Durian maniac foreigner I've ever seen. They LOVED Malaysia food, til the extend they prepare Banana leafs dishes, ramli burger, kuih melayu from scratch even when they are backed to their home in HK. I adore how lovely you both work this out together to introduce Malaysia to your friends and family by sharing the simple yet delicious food. Keep it up and looking forward for the next video.
This is just awesome! Loving the way you and your family sharing and embracing our culture out there to the world! Also, it is awesome to see another mixed couple out there just like myself and my Fiancé ❤️😇
I have a feeling this channel is just about a moment away from its glory. Wait until Siakap Keli alikes discover this and boom! Sugu Pavithra 2.0! Keep it up dont give up 💪
Wow! Sugu Pavithra is amazing. I can only dream to be like her. I have learned so much on how to cook from watching her videos. Thanks for the encouragement kawan ❤
@@fileanthonijsz5379 sometime practice makes perfect not gonna happen in real life dats a fact☝️ correlation📈: "perfect practice , produce perfect results indeed.
So cute all of u guys!!!! Ur wife is really amazing!! She is embracing the Malaysia so naturally!! So thoughtful and heartwarming.. send my regards to her and to all of ur extended family in USA!!
sedapnya ......macam main masak pd zaman kanak2 ni......great....moments like this makes me extra proud being a Malaysian......your new subscriber.....keep rocking Kumar & Rachel
I missed going out with friends to mamak.. Edit: Anyway, I think you should start the kedai mamak shop there, brings on Malaysian food to the US. It would be successful, I know it will.
@@KumaarFamily well, you never know if you never try.. You don't actually have to be good at something if you want to start something. And you can always learn. That's what my guardian always told me. 😊❤️
Hei guys, love what you did...roti canai..you can never go wrong! For more recipes please watch this viral couple..Sugu Pavithra.. Everyone likes them..even foreign tourists going back to their homes refer to her videos when they miss Malaysian food. Next video you should try their nasi bryani.
I've been watching her videos to learn more on how to cook different dishes. She is so good at cooking ❤ Maybe I'll try that next time. Thanks for the kind words and support for this channel ❤
Im sorry kumaar I can't stop laughing when I see you tebar roti canai.... But you are doing great.. I such a pleasure to see Malaysian in abroad but never forgot the Malaysia taste bud
You really a good cook...if you know the basic of cooking you can cooked anything especially if you stay abroad... proud of you bro and keep on doing more video and cant wait for next video.. Cheers from KL
Kumar saya rasa kelakar bila you tebar roti, you kena cari you yube dan tengok cara mereka tebar riti, tapi saya rasa bangga melihat you perkenalkan makanan malaysia pada famaly you, dan usaha wife you bercakap melayu, moga you punya video berkembang maju
Salam sejahtera.. Mr and Mrs Kumar..Terima kasih atas penerbitan video yang sangat menghiburkan. Sudah tentu ramai yang lain akan terhibur juga.. All the my friends.
Yass! So happy your subs are climbing, Kumaar Family. As you can see from your comment section you also have an extended family of supportive M'sians who have affectionately appointed you guys as Malaysia's local US cultural and culinary ambassadors. Wow! So proud of you. Keep up the wholesome content coz we're lovin' it and we love you guys too.❤👍😊
Well done kumaar. U very talented. Malaysia and teh tarik never be apart 😂😂😂. I think u can open indian restaurant malaysian style right? My english so poor..heheheh..gud luck kumar. From 🇲🇾
Work in home , Aplikasi penghasil duit free RM3.60/Day,tak paya upgrade,Promo upgrade 30%😍, Cuma hari ini saja, and you Wajib punya Account bank in Malaysia buat tarik duit , Bila anda register Lewat link ini,www.wemediaa.com/home/register/?i=141824"anda bole dapat RM 5 percuma, jika kau verifikasi bank yang benar, Ini Terbukti membayar,,.
So much positivity in your family. Your dad reminds me of my late father. Calm, kind and loving. Always supports his children in whatever we do. And I think you should open a café or a restaurant , Kumaar Family.
Hey!! Greetings from Singapore! I rarely leave any comments on those channels that I subscribed and yours the first 😜! Just want to say that I’m so so thankful that I chanced upon your channel. It’s genuine, entertaining, fun and therapeutic to watch a video about food of a culture shared in a different country & enjoyed by your loveable family! Love your dad-in-law too Kumaar! I can see how your son loves his grandpa (bubba) so so much!!! I think you’re fortunate to have your wife and a lovely dad-in-law...is that your mom-in-law too?
Anyway, love your videos and I’ll definitely wait for your new videos when I want to chillax from work!
Love....your fan from Singapore 🇸🇬 💓
Heya Salwati! Your comment is the sweetest. Really made our day. Thanks for taking a chance to watch our video and I'm so happy you enjoyed it. We are blessed to have a wonderful loving family. And also so thankful to have such a wonderful supporting audience like yourself. We try our best to get ideas from everyone and create videos based on that. Hope we can stay connected (fb or insta) and I look forward to making more videos for you ❤ Love, love and more love from the Kumaar Family
Kumaar Family would love to follow u on fb/insta@ s_wati_a
Keep it up & Never give up👍
Watch this interesting Motivation for Success❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sis thanks for good vibes🇲🇾💜🇸🇬
Restoran Banana Leaf Kumaar 🤣🤣
Make Malaysia famous in the eyes of the world bro im proud of you
Thank you bro! We will do our best 🇲🇾❤
Mknn Malaysia mmg dh top di mata dunia cuma media cuba menutup keistimewaan mknn kita
Daro' Kumar*
Yessss..trully Malaysian..we r proud of you bro👍👍👍🌹
Locally: Sugu Pavithra
East Asia: iChang RM
Western: Kumaar Family
For all Malaysian tunggu apa lagi, kasi up ini channel! 💪💪 🇲🇾🇺🇸
Kumaar family have so much more to learn from Sugu Pavithra and iChang RM. We will try our best. Thank you for the wonderful support from everyone ❤
The iChang really impressed me.
So, all onion rangers must make kumaar family viral.
Yes ...support this lovely family ❤️ ❤️❤️!!
Bila Malaysian yg tggl di luar Malaysia,dia akan rasa yg Malaysia tu lah rumah paling sempurna.
Pernah tau sorg chinese yg sy kenal,menangis rindu Malaysia,rindu suasana raya,suasana merdeka.
Thanks for support Malaysia
Guys Jom support channel ni guys!!
Semangat Malaysia🇲🇾🇺🇲!!
man i love how this american being so friendly and enjoying this...love it
We’re so happy to have such a loving and supportive family! 🥰
No matter how far you travel, no matter how long you've been away, yet your tounge misses your hometown food. That is how special our Malaysian cuisine is...
This is fun😍😍😍. You can't come back to Malaysia, but you brought Malaysia with you🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾
Work in home , Aplikasi penghasil duit free RM3.60/Day,tak paya upgrade,Promo upgrade 30%😍, Cuma hari ini saja, and you Wajib punya Account bank in Malaysia buat tarik duit , Bila anda register Lewat link ini,www.wemediaa.com/home/register/?i=141824"anda bole dapat RM 5 percuma, jika kau verifikasi bank yang benar,
Ini Terbukti membayar,,.
Bro Kumaar. You did great as a Malaysian. Even you are far away from our country, but you never talk bad about Malaysia like some of our citizens did. Those who always talk bad about MALAYSIA, even disrespect of our flag🇲🇾 while being abroad are not a responsible Malaysian.
You've made a high bench mark to the Malaysian outside Malaysia. You proved that this is what we should do towards Malaysia.. JAGA NAMA BAIK MALAYSIA. Terima kasih bro. Keep it up! Send my regards to your beautiful wife.. ❤️
I feel only those of us that have moved away from home really appreciate Malaysia, I would say we miss the food, family and friends. Every country has its pros and cons but I am proud to have grown up in Malaysia with all the different cultures 🙏
You're true Malaysian, Logesh. Nothing without your supportive beautiful wife... Rachel dear
I don't know about everyone else but most of Malaysian Indians I know were taught to respect the country and behave as an ambassador of the country when we are out of it.
We can be free as we want in our own country but when we are outside, we need to be at our best so nobody else will look own on our country where we were born even if we are no longer living there. That is the true patriotism. Many think carrying flag on the car during the Merdeka month is the patriotism. We love Malaysia even though we complain alot, just like we talk about our family.
Love this channel. We are based in Melbourne and recently had a baby boy too. I can't wait to teach him all our beautiful malaysian culture and food. It's amazing to see both of you working well together in a western society. And having family and friends embracing the culture language etc. Great work to you and the Mrs. 🙏🏽💕
Hey Regina, thank you so much. I love hearing how Malaysians who leave Malaysia still want to teach their kids about Malaysian culture and food. That's so amazing. ❤ Hope you and your family are well in Melbourne. I hear its beautiful there.
@@KumaarFamily can u download game roblox plllsss
@@KumaarFamily i like game roblox
Singaporean here. Never knew I'd chance upon a channel that brings these foods to the western friends on TH-cam. It was pretty cool to see you bringing these food cultures from SEA to your friends and family. Loved their reactions! Wishing safety and peace to your family! Subbed!
You' re real Malaysian even though you're away. Caya LA..!
Terima kasih!! You can take a Malaysian out of Malaysia but not Malaysia out of Malaysian ❤😀🇲🇾
Great content, bro Kumaar!! I am so proud of you!!! Keep on doing this, Mr Kumaar!! Really mcm ada kedai mamak kt AS..😍
(pstt.. Knapa saya tgok Kumaar ni mcm Remy Ishak ek.. 😍😍😍)
I mean...you got the skill la..in making the roti canai.. applause from us 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Proud of you bro. Salam from Msia. You hv an amazing family.
Very proud to see your cooking video...from Terengganu, Malaysia.
I think Malaysians have TH-cam food ambassadors in the East = ichang RM, in the west = kumaar family and locally = sugu pavithra. 👍👍👍👍
Wow! We have so much more to learn from Sugu Pavithra and iChang RM. We will try our best. Thank you for the wonderful support from everyone ❤
Sugupavitra no more adik
Blimey too
You are so Malaysian... You brought Malaysia to your family... I'm proud of you.... 🥰🥰🥰
Like it when Kumaar stir his father in law's teh tarik
You have a lovely family in law there. especially your dad in law. you're so lucky bro!
+KenZo Miyazawa thank you! I’m am pretty blessed to have wonderful family on both sides
Something out of the box!...you & your wife are SO CREATIVE!...your 1st customers are your family, keep up with more GOOD VIDS👍😊
Bro, you are a true Malaysian ambassador! Stay safe!
I have no doubt about it. He is a true Malaysian 🙏
Semoga "kedai makanan" bro kumaar berjaya! ..right thumb from malaysia for you n your family bro...👍👍👍
Work in home , Aplikasi penghasil duit free RM3.60/Day,tak paya upgrade,Promo upgrade 30%😍, Cuma hari ini saja, and you Wajib punya Account bank in Malaysia buat tarik duit , Bila anda register Lewat link ini,www.wemediaa.com/home/register/?i=141824"anda bole dapat RM 5 percuma, jika kau verifikasi bank yang benar,
Ini Terbukti membayar,,.
Your wife she's so kind and cute. Beautiful couple combo here, love you guys.
the more i look at kumaar, his face remind me over fikri ibrahim (malaysian actor) 😂
Hahaha! A lot of people have said that 😂
Yes!!!! He looks exactly like Fikri Ibrahim......that why I am wandering where did I saw his face before....
Yasss ..doppleganger!
ok aku terhibur sat... aku paham ok cuma xreti nak tulis dalam bahasa inggeris. hehehehehe...
@@ciklolly3744 it's okay ^^ you can still learning them
your father in law seems like such a cool dude
He is pretty cool! We love him 😃
Kudos to you and your family. Malaysian spirit never fade away! 🇲🇾
Terbaik Mr Kumar
Perkenalkan makanan Malaysia di US
Work in home , Aplikasi penghasil duit free RM3.60/Day,tak paya upgrade,Promo upgrade 30%😍, Cuma hari ini saja, and you Wajib punya Account bank in Malaysia buat tarik duit , Bila anda register Lewat link ini,www.wemediaa.com/home/register/?i=141824"anda bole dapat RM 5 percuma, jika kau verifikasi bank yang benar,
Ini Terbukti membayar,,.,
Terima kasih dan sangat menghargai atas apa yang anda lakukan....lebih-lebih lagi En. Kumar mengajar keluarga berbahasa Melayu.
So cute when u guys speak malay.. i fell in love at once!!!
My gosh she is so cute when she get the order...
Try to invite them for a banana leaf rice meal.
You mean nasi lemak?
There is no other name for Nasi lemak... Always nasi lemak
@@RinaSova01 Nope. Nasi Lemak is a malay dish. The banana leaf rice is a southern indian dish which is also widely available in Malaysia.
@@frostonyt_7824 Nasi lemak and banana leaf rice are two different dishes .. Banana leaf rice is plain white rice ( no coconut milk ) eaten on large piece of banana leaf
@@kimsoon80 Oh that one whoops XD
I very like your content about presenting Malaysian's cuisine to foreign people. Keep it up buddy.
Bro Malaysian cuisine are a mixture of different cultures.
The uncle reminding me one of my lecture in canada ... He love eating roti canai.... Love from Malaysia! 😘👍
Susah nak tebar roti. Apa pun terbaik. You are truly Malaysian. Bangga dengan kau bro. 👍 Patutnya Roti Sardin pun patut ada tu. Baru marvellous.
Bro, forgot the trademark "SIAP!"
dont forget 'boss' 🤣
@@piko_kyunnchannel5372 😂😂😂😂
🙋🏻♂️ "ikat tepi" 😅
Noo, like this ROTI CANAI SIAP
Bro kumar...im so proud of u...sy suke bila u jemput ur parents in law to taste the malaysian favorite n experience it wth them...cam order kat mamak plkk rase..esp father in law is such a cool sport
proud of u bro and also ur wife.....stay safe,stay alert and stay healthy. lots of love from Malaysia 🇲🇾
Thanks bro! Love all you Malaysians too ❤
Dey anney. Aku nak gelak tengok ang tebar roti canai. Great job anney. One day if I meet you. I shout anney roti canai usa wonney
Bagus la abg ni... X pandai tebar roti pn family layan mcm biasa... Abang betul2 layan video musim pkp ni yek... Sy betul2 puji yg family abg ni fun termasuk mertua abg sekali. Semua video best2 teruskan lagi bang #kitejagakite
Alamak malunya, I don't know how to make roti canai myself, last time when I try to do it during MCO is was catastrophe.., the taste is horrible 🤣🤣🤣. Madam Kumar, if your husband can make a roti canai, seri muka, rendang he is a pro, kuddos.
Thank you for your kind words! I'm sure if you keep practicing, you will make them well ❤
Wow, amazing kedai makan kumaar!
Mamak... Teh tarik satu, tak mau gula!
Roti kosong dua, kasi banjir...
Siap bos👍😂
Cepat sikit ya... Lepas ni mau pi Hong Kong pulak, sudah order Ramly's burger dari iChang... Tapau saja, mau makan atas kapalterbang.
@@MrQalamQabut baek bos.......ha..dh siap semuanya free...x perlu bayar...kita kasi sedekah
Hahaha... Kalau free bolehlah singgah selalu...
@@MrQalamQabut haha x ku sangka kamu pergi melepak di channel sebelah hahaha
Teh tarik ais hahaaa...atok mmg mcm tu selalu tersasul hahaa...love your video mr.kumar....jom kita rakyat malaysia support mr.kumar 🆙🆙🆙
Tq mr. Kumaar.. U are small embasador for malaysia... Semoga berbahagusa di samping keluarga tercinta... Ayah dan ibu mertuanya juga cukup baik dan sporting... Nice family...
“Dip dip dip” hahahaha in Malay “ cicah” or “roti kasi banjir satu mamak 😂”
Awh this video is so cute and makes me proud to be a Malaysian. Just binge watch all your videos and it's amazing. ❤
Awww thank you Shanis ❤
Can i add you fb? 😬😬
You got a beautiful family there bro. Bring them as quick as you can to Malaysia & let 'em experience it. Best regards to all of you!
I'm convinced that Kumaar has actually worked at a mamak restaurant before haha
Haha! I promise this is first time
This brings back memories. I used to do this ages ago when I was retrenched. I joined my cousin Philip in 1984 to run a food stall in Kepong catering to factory workers working in the area. Since my cousin was living in Sentul, we would leave around 6am reach Kepong around 6:30 and start to prepare for breakfast by 7 and close around 6pm. We were serving breakfast, lunch and light snacks during the tea break. We had the typical Malaysian and Indian fare, roti canai, nasi lemak, mee goreng for breakfast and the usual Indian fare of rice with 2 types of curries fried fish and chicken plus 2 veggies. Later around 4 am we would prepare for the tea break which will include, mee goreng and goreng pisang or some other kuihs. I was incharge of mixing the drinks and doing the frying stuff including the mee goreng. It was tough but it was fun as well because we made a lot of friends there. I was responsible for kneading about 5 kgs of flour until my knuckles turned black! :-D
You are so lucky to have such open and supportive family to the Malaysian culture. Terbaik
Definitely very lucky to have a wonderful and supportive family!
This is so so sooooo cute. It's like having a small tea party but with a malaysian twist 😍
Aku rasa kena perkenalkan lah pasangan ni di malaysia macam pasangan duriankimchi tu,bagi orang tau dan kenal pasangan malaysia-us ni di perantauan,good job kumar for introduce malaysian culture at america.
Chef n cafe mngr detected... May another authentic Malaysian food cafe in SF come true...
Org Malaysia kalau Tak makan roti canai Tak sah la....tersenyum je sambil tengok video Ni...awak memperkenalkan Malaysia pada org luar dgn baik...
Hai kumar dan keluarga. Maap akk tak pandai bahasa or puteh. 😅seronok tgok video kamu ni. Td tgok video buat onde2. 👍👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟🌟.kamu rajin reply komen2,mmg 👍👍..smoga kamu skurga gembira dan bjya..
Done subsribed!Thank you Mr and Mrs Kumaar for sharing our foods to them. Love from Malaysia.
Thanks for the support! ❤
Roti Canai Bossku ! so delicious 👍
cara tebar roti tu kena pratis banyok sikit ..tak brape nok jadi tebor nye
Ur wife n ur wife's family so sporting..keep it up kumar..even though the way u tebar the roti canai not like profesional but u success made roti canai..congrats 👍..one day u should bring them to Msia and tastes the original one 😊👍
I would love to bring them to Malaysia to explore and try all our food!
Best ohhhh ini family's. Betul2 saya suka. Tahniah punya keluarga bahagia.
Alhamdulillah tahniah kumaar. Anda sekeluarga membawa semangat Malaysia di mana sahaja. terbaikkk mesti rindu restoran mamak sambil menikmati EPL.
Once a man enter the kitchen,there's must be a delicious food coming after that!
Amazing Kumaar, i'm proud of u because u never forget Malaysian foods and promote it to your buddies in US. It means that Malaysia always in your heart no matter where u go. The only thing funny is u dont know how to "tebar" the roti but remember, practise make perfect dude lol.
Perhaps one day u can really open your own "Kumaar Kedai Makanan" representing Malaysian foods, who knows....
I cant wait to see your next videos, congrats bro...👏👏👏
Thank you Eisham!! I agree I still need a lot more practice. Appreciate your support so much ❤
Hy From Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩😘😘👍👍👍👍
Makanan indonesia pun sedap sekali 👍
@@norainiedrews1582 nasi padang is so good..
Hai bro👍❤
This is such a great content. happened to browsed upon your channel which i'm surely glad i did. So proud of you & you have a great family. Thus being said, you should really think about having a small cafe/stall or just once a week kinda moment serving Malaysian local dishes to your friends & family. i'm certainly sure it would be a hit amongst them. Again you are awesome! Take care & stay safe. Love from your Malaysian Family back home.
I've no idea who else would dislike this video. This video deserve more likes and views!
TH-cam has recommended this to me after many days struggled in Australia for not getting the real taste of Malaysian dish here. The best part is that I'm gonna leave soon back to Malaysia🤩🤩🤩
Oops, forgot to mention this, I am your new subscriber bro. You are doing a great job👏👏
This is fun..... for us to watch! 😂
But I believe that this is also very fun for the family to experience a bit of Malaysia in this horrible and sorrowful year.
Enjoy your time with your family while we all still can 😊
Have a great and blissful day Kumar and family! Malaysia boleh!
Thank you Muhammad!! We are trying to make light of the moment in this rough times.
@@KumaarFamily sorrow but not that horrible..blessings indeed at the end.insyaaAllah..how about in us now?
Take a look on a Japanese couple channel- iChang. They are the most Durian maniac foreigner I've ever seen. They LOVED Malaysia food, til the extend they prepare Banana leafs dishes, ramli burger, kuih melayu from scratch even when they are backed to their home in HK. I adore how lovely you both work this out together to introduce Malaysia to your friends and family by sharing the simple yet delicious food. Keep it up and looking forward for the next video.
Diorang tu agak pelik kan? Macam mana boleh jadi local taste bud pulak haha
I've been following iChang. Love their videos so much! We also love Malaysian food and have to share with all out family andf friends here
@@KumaarFamily That's the spirit that we all must live with - Sharing♡, with no boundaries of region, religion, colour, languages etc.
Hai kumaar family, saya peminat baru kamu dari tanah air,, teruk kan dengan video2 menarik dan menjadi duta kecil negara malaysia di usa.
This is just awesome! Loving the way you and your family sharing and embracing our culture out there to the world! Also, it is awesome to see another mixed couple out there just like myself and my Fiancé ❤️😇
Kumar well done bro...buat sedap2 Tau...biar org putih tau Malaysian food..👍🇲🇾
I'm smiling while watching this video..
I have a feeling this channel is just about a moment away from its glory. Wait until Siakap Keli alikes discover this and boom! Sugu Pavithra 2.0! Keep it up dont give up 💪
Wow! Sugu Pavithra is amazing. I can only dream to be like her. I have learned so much on how to cook from watching her videos. Thanks for the encouragement kawan ❤
Betul betul berasa bangga nii... Bertutur dalam bahasa melayu.. Bahasa melayu adalah Bahasa merdu keep rocking bro hats off.... Vazhga valamudan
The dude has skill on making Roti Canai 👍🏼
The "tebar"ing roti canai part need more practice. Haha
But, A for the effort! 👍👍👍
Practice make perfect...try with wet towel..cara2 tebar roti canai..keep trying .😎
@@fileanthonijsz5379 yes..like the Senario group belajar tebar dalam satu filem tu kan..😂
Haha! Definitely need a lot more practice 😆
@@fileanthonijsz5379 sometime practice makes perfect not gonna happen in real life dats a fact☝️ correlation📈: "perfect practice , produce perfect results indeed.
The secret in tebar is how you hold the flatten dough and flipping. Can watch on youtube
true Malaysian at heart..
So cute all of u guys!!!! Ur wife is really amazing!! She is embracing the Malaysia so naturally!! So thoughtful and heartwarming.. send my regards to her and to all of ur extended family in USA!!
sedapnya ......macam main masak pd zaman kanak2 ni......great....moments like this makes me extra proud being a Malaysian......your new subscriber.....keep rocking Kumar & Rachel
I missed going out with friends to mamak.. Edit: Anyway, I think you should start the kedai mamak shop there, brings on Malaysian food to the US. It would be successful, I know it will.
Wow! I can cook some things but not sure if I'm that good 😬
@@KumaarFamily well, you never know if you never try.. You don't actually have to be good at something if you want to start something. And you can always learn. That's what my guardian always told me. 😊❤️
@@KumaarFamily dont need to have too many menu~ just concentrate on specialty roti canai.. :D
YESSS mamak needs to be everywhere around the world.
@@KumaarFamily It's okay... start small small first. Later business can grow bigger
Waaaa.... So good la. You know how to make roti canai. Great. Untung your wife. 💖
Hei guys, love what you did...roti canai..you can never go wrong! For more recipes please watch this viral couple..Sugu Pavithra.. Everyone likes them..even foreign tourists going back to their homes refer to her videos when they miss Malaysian food. Next video you should try their nasi bryani.
Ayoyo..sugu tk bikin roti except kari n varuval chicken.😄😄
Rasanya Kumaar takda masalah buat tu semua..... makanan dia dari kecil lagi tu.
I've been watching her videos to learn more on how to cook different dishes. She is so good at cooking ❤ Maybe I'll try that next time. Thanks for the kind words and support for this channel ❤
Bestnya...u even try to be like in kedai mamak.. hebat lah yr ideas, kumar..very2 interesting to watch the way u made roti telur, etc3
Hallow bro..I bangga..kerana you memperkenalkan budaya dan makanan Malaysia..semoga you dapat buka kedai makan su us
Im sorry kumaar I can't stop laughing when I see you tebar roti canai.... But you are doing great.. I such a pleasure to see Malaysian in abroad but never forgot the Malaysia taste bud
I need so much more practice!! 😆
You really a good cook...if you know the basic of cooking you can cooked anything especially if you stay abroad... proud of you bro and keep on doing more video and cant wait for next video..
Cheers from KL
So cute. So sporting...
i cant believe you make them all yourself 😂 the effort is real 100%
Kumar saya rasa kelakar bila you tebar roti, you kena cari you yube dan tengok cara mereka tebar riti, tapi saya rasa bangga melihat you perkenalkan makanan malaysia pada famaly you, dan usaha wife you bercakap melayu, moga you punya video berkembang maju
Ciri tebar ini susah sikit gak. Tapi saya akan praktis lagi. 😃
Saya rasa..bro Kumar tebar lg cantik..sy tebar setempat, kelepek2..jd besar piring je, sedih! 😪
@@KumaarFamily practice makes perfect, 😄 you're the man Bro 💪👍
Salam sejahtera.. Mr and Mrs Kumar..Terima kasih atas penerbitan video yang sangat menghiburkan. Sudah tentu ramai yang lain akan terhibur juga.. All the my friends.
Yass! So happy your subs are climbing, Kumaar Family. As you can see from your comment section you also have an extended family of supportive M'sians who have affectionately appointed you guys as Malaysia's local US cultural and culinary ambassadors. Wow! So proud of you. Keep up the wholesome content coz we're lovin' it and we love you guys too.❤👍😊
We are so thankful for all the Malaysians and everyone else who have been supporting us! You guys are the besttt! ❤❤❤
this is so interesting. why my mom never think of doing this. hahahah.
This is so cool! Different experience.. it looks like Restaurant roleplay ! 😂 Great video
Roleplay is great for your son too.
bagus kumaar btul² Malaysian, boleh berbahasa kebangsaan... bawak budaya Malaysia ke luar negara... good 👍
From ,miri sarawak malaysia! good bro keep it up,stay safe and be good to all.Awak mengharumkan nama negara dan makanan kita.
Im preety amaze with ur roti spinning bro.
gud luck kumaar and family
Jgnla ada yg claim Roti Canai dari negara dia... Kita makan je... Dia sibuk nak claim..
Well done kumaar. U very talented. Malaysia and teh tarik never be apart 😂😂😂. I think u can open indian restaurant malaysian style right? My english so poor..heheheh..gud luck kumar. From 🇲🇾
Your english is pretty good!! I'm not that good for restaurant yet but slowly learning still
@@KumaarFamily i hope one fine day..
Tergelak pulak tengok ang tebar roti. Hahahaha, sorry. Mantap bro. Proud of you bro
Skill tebar tu kena praktis lagi haha
I like this family promote Malaysian food at USA.... Thanks Kumar & family.... I hope you and family have good health... I love
1 keluarga dah main masak2, family sporting..😉😉😋😋
I'm glad I found this channel 💜
This is a great channel. Thank you for introducing our Malaysian food.
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Best lah channel ni seriously aku happy tengok family ni. Keep it up bro kumaar love from malaysia
So much positivity in your family. Your dad reminds me of my late father. Calm, kind and loving. Always supports his children in whatever we do. And I think you should open a café or a restaurant , Kumaar Family.