我是個老ABC。家人在我還是嬰兒的時候就搬回台灣工作, 所以我念了小學國中才回到美國! 但是因為高中大學都在美國唸書, 而且也工作了快三十年, 畢竟自己還是覺得比較能夠用英文表達一些專業的知識, 以及一些比較正式的文件等! 我覺得如果在美國沒有用中文的機會,其實ABC不會中文也還是可以好好的過生活! 也許會覺得比較遺憾, 但是it’s not the end of the world!
The only reason I know as much Mandarin (and Taiwanese) as I do is cuz my parents couldn’t speak English so I HAD to speak to them in Chinese. Since they’ve passed away, my Chinese is so bad now. I like seeing your vids in Chinese because I can understand most of what you’re saying, unlike when I try to watch Chinese films/shows and I barely understand what is going on without the subtitles.
Great episode. It's super common to have ABCs not know Chinese. Because I live in Taiwan now, my Chinese is so so so much better than almost all of my friends' 😂 P.S. Your's is still way better than mine 😭
Love your video, it is so nice to see you sharing your experience as second generation immigrants kids. It breaks my heart that you have to suffer the discrimination in your own country yet you are so strong and turn out to be wonderful young adults. As a first generation immigrant, I don't have the cultural identity issues but I can totally sympathise with you. Keep up the great work!!!😍😍💞💕
She is so pretty, natural and cute😍 I love the way she speaks. That guy looks, speaks weird, unnatural and shows or act strange. Specially that accent😂
I find this is more a North American born Chinese problem. Kids born elsewhere have a higher percentage of still able to speak the language. I admire folks that are polyglots. Knowing a different language also provides a different perspective. Views and perspectives are so important in this divided yet global world.
Yea. English as a language is considered to be a vehicle of an advanced culture especially in the States. The power struggle of the two regions since war world II is so evident when it comes to immigration inclination of people. The tide is changing. Maybe in another 20 years, we will see the issue totally differently than how we do today.
Now it is an interesting video/topic I have never thought about. No matter where you are from, not just language, it is a wise choice to adapt a life, where you are passionate with.
I was born in Beijing, but I have been living in Spain the most of my life , actually I don`t feel like a chineses, nor a spanish, just like a kind of mixture, and I love this, but people usually consider me like a asian than a local, just because my appearance, they usualy don`t understand people with 2 cultural background, they see you with your asian face and they will say: oh, you chinese people are this or that... well it`s ok for me :)
@@chrismomma While you can do whatever you want to with your own body., I would love to see how Kim and George would react when they see you or Raymond putting on a nose ring or tattoo sorts of. :))
可能是要融入白人的社會,需要迎合他們的語言優越感吧?這不是ABC的問題,是社會的壓力。It“s not difficult for the ABC to speak their mother language ,it's because the American are too proud of American English they don't want other language to be heard 。
Hmm I grew up in Hong Kong using the term ABC, but having worked in an Asian American company in the States, I'll now use the term AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) instead, coz it's true, the term "American-born Chinese" is very sinocentric
I also don’t think there is anything wrong with people who mindlessly do math. In fact, their minds are probably the most active when doing math rather than “mindless”.
It is hard to motivate kids to learn Chinese and speak Mandarin at home. Even when parents speak to them exclusively in Mandarin at home, it is still basic level listening comprehension and daily nonsense, nothing close to college level. Parents who did so run the risk of not improving their English comprehension (seen that plenty among my generation and older generation). My ABC cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends, if they were motivated to learn Chinese, is mostly due to career choice (better promotional opportunities when Chinese is added bonus).
the reason is you including the male in the video from from family without cultural proud and confidence because China was demonized in the west for long time. Actually, ABA (I don't think you are Chinese in any sense) is not welcome neither in US nor in China, because China is becoming better and better and Chinese like me don't like foreign-born Asians who are mostly stupid and problematic.
I live in Hong Kong and I used to have an ABC boss. Our ABC boss , we find him so useless, most of use are able to speak and write and read English and Mandarin very well, but our ABC boss need our help to read and write and translate Mandarin to English for him. I remember there were once we had 4A media agency from New York and Shanghai staff meetings , and he kept asking us oh I don't understand what the Chinese is .... blablabla ... we were like rolling our eyes , as he kept asking us stupid questions !!!! He got laid off during covid time, partially he is too expensive, partially we are more capable than him, all of us that speak more than 2 languages stayed in the company as we can read , write , speak English and Mandarin and we work more efficiently this way . ABC - add oil, English is not enough, most of us 20+ living in HK, Singapore, Taiwan and China are able to speak more than 2 languages, and we are able to communicate both in English and Mandarin better than an ABC.
Most of my cousins who were born in or moved to America in their childhood don't speak Chinese. They're all successful in their career without having to speak Chinese. To me, they are Americans. There's no need to force an ABC to learn Chinese. They'll learn it if they want to. Funny enough though, children who were born or raised in Europe seem to speak Chinese more. They can at least speak, but not necessarily write or read Chinese. English is the dominant world language after all. However, being able to speak another language is always a plus, because that's how one learns about other cultures. Living in Europe, I automatically would want to learn more than one foreign language.
hey it’s me! The ABC
Hi 美國人 你好👋
u lost ur root! u r more like an american.but as long u happy :)
Great video! love it. Would like to hear more about you. ✌
You gay or straight? Looking muscular
@@Suckdeep 歐陽珊女鵝 🤪😆她看到妳的問題應該就會回妳,就是在下本寶寶,居然不識俺(甩手淚奔 😭🤣
我是個老ABC。家人在我還是嬰兒的時候就搬回台灣工作, 所以我念了小學國中才回到美國! 但是因為高中大學都在美國唸書, 而且也工作了快三十年, 畢竟自己還是覺得比較能夠用英文表達一些專業的知識, 以及一些比較正式的文件等! 我覺得如果在美國沒有用中文的機會,其實ABC不會中文也還是可以好好的過生活! 也許會覺得比較遺憾, 但是it’s not the end of the world!
If you don’t have to speak Mandarin to survive, speaking Mandarin is not important for you anymore.
@@ailo8964 拜拜很重要嗎??漢文化最可怕的莫過於此,連死了都還要挾制子孫,能不能死了以後放過子孫呢??
@@vajrachou408 你還在寫中文,然後説別人不要學中文
認為無論你出生什麼地方、成長在什麼地方等等 重點是自己認為歸屬什麼地方 覺得自己是美國人 台灣人 或哪裡人 自己高興就好 不要因為別人覺得「自己是哪裡人」就特別強調「一些條件、背景、歷史」把別人歸類 每個人覺得自己是什麼人是他的自由🙌
嘿啊~大家都地球人 現在這個年代了 歸屬哪一國根本不是重點了 因已經世界大同 只要是人類 管是哪裡人 真的是放錯重點
@@stantan1007 都是地球人了
视频这个Asian male是racial ladde最low的
@@AndrewLoui 1 你的回答完全不符合事实,在美国这种移民国家因为左派思维盛行,如果你问黑人拉丁人这个问题你从哪来的,这属于offensive的问题,要是你问到黑人很可能打你一顿,从你的回答,我很怀疑你是不是在美国生活过
2 美国白人喜欢问亚洲尤其是东亚人这个问题的含义是你不属于这里,尤其是加上有些口吻在里面,美国是一个本质白人至上的国家,我不信你有什么白人朋友
3 美国最有尊严的东亚人(亚裔是扯淡的词汇,你和南亚人、西亚人、中亚人没啥共同点)是韩裔美国人,他们团结互助敢于打回去,至于所谓自以为有素质的Taiwanese/hongkongese基本都是种族主义受害者,当然自我感觉特好,想通过歧视大陆或者其他地方的华人找优越感,说实话,这些人需要明白,他们永远不可能变成白人甚至黑人都比你们社会地位高
I like Tim no mater what language he can speak. I enjoy your way of expression your thoughts.
Christina真的是東西兩種文化結合的一個典範!你既有東方的溫良和恭儉,又有西方的開放和包容,如果每個有biracial背景的人都能做到你這樣,那世界真的就太美好了 :)
@@cocowu5576 我們是假的 政府連民意都不理 美國阿公大於人民
@@so584167 政府不聆聽民意時,選舉就會慘敗,再不聽,就失去執政機會,這就是主權在民。
@@cocowu5576 兩黨都舔美要打仗 怎麼下架
The only reason I know as much Mandarin (and Taiwanese) as I do is cuz my parents couldn’t speak English so I HAD to speak to them in Chinese. Since they’ve passed away, my Chinese is so bad now. I like seeing your vids in Chinese because I can understand most of what you’re saying, unlike when I try to watch Chinese films/shows and I barely understand what is going on without the subtitles.
好喜歡Tim ~~根本就是哥暖男大哥哥♥️
Good to see Tim back to Christina’s video 👍.
Tim Mo 是美國人、Christina 是台灣人 就這樣 報告完畢
Great episode. It's super common to have ABCs not know Chinese. Because I live in Taiwan now, my Chinese is so so so much better than almost all of my friends' 😂
P.S. Your's is still way better than mine 😭
劉沛!YEA~~ it’s like a kid being raised by a pack of wolves, the kid will behave like one too! Your Chinese is fine laaa ~~~
Excellent programs! I totally enjoy watching it!
因為有些移民家庭的家長缺乏文化自信,他們認為到了美國融入的定義是只說這裡的通用語言,而小朋友在成長過程中會有經歷一些有意識無意識的刻板印象會讓他們試圖要擺脫「我是不同的」所引起的不舒適感。其實每個移民家庭都應該對自己的文化有自信,本來美國就是移民國家,除了native americans大家都是世界公民,所以沒有什麼應該是怎樣的,多元才是引領人類文明前進的全球趨勢。所以我希望更多的移民家庭可以注重培養小朋友的多語種能力,對自己的祖先文明保有好奇心,願意探索和尊重。
@@vajrachou408 wow你的自卑感太嚴重了,不知道你經歷過怎樣的創傷才會有對自己的文化這麼扭曲的理解,我覺得你很可憐。中華文明是世界上四大古文明之一,任何文明都有精華糟粕,作為家長教育者的責任當然是取其精華去其糟粕,如果只是因為某些糟粕就完全否定的話,it’s your loss
@@oh-teanac 只要你經常有意識講的話就好了,比那種完全不說的好多了
Love your video, it is so nice to see you sharing your experience as second generation immigrants kids. It breaks my heart that you have to suffer the discrimination in your own country yet you are so strong and turn out to be wonderful young adults. As a first generation immigrant, I don't have the cultural identity issues but I can totally sympathise with you. Keep up the great work!!!😍😍💞💕
2005年我在美國某大學的博班報到後,剛認識的老美同學邀我一起去辦學生證,排隊的學生很多。同學好奇地問我「你會說幾種語言?」我很自然地回答「Only three」,他脫口而出「Only three?!?! Wow~~~」因為除了英語,他只學過一點點西班牙語,我以為他是自謙,回應能說三種語言也很普通啊,新加坡人常會說五種語言以上,場面有點尷尬。
我也只會說三種語言,國語(中文)、台語、台灣國語 😆😅😂
@@imrobinlo 台湾国语是什么语言?
我在紐約碩班時, 室友是美國人, 會法文 西語,英語。
wow! 這集節目真的是蠻⋯沈重的! 看的出來克莉絲蒂納有盡力讓這個主題比較柔和一點,辛苦了~
我的外甥女也是從小在美國出生長大,偶爾回來台灣而已,小時候的確她不太講中文,印象比較深刻是我姐跟她講中文然後她用英語answer back
久而久之其實也就不會講 頂多會聽而已
只是國語不是 Mandarin 而是 英文
Christina 加油! 最喜歡你們的影片
台語是不必要的語言 用不到
@@Savage.66666 我覺得你再故意引起爭議
@@w320313 不用理會某些人XD
@@茶碩士 客家话是中国话一个方言,你为啥要说
I’m ABT who grew up mostly in Taiwan! Love your videos❤️
completely agree ♥️♥️♥️♥️
he is right! we need Chipotle in Taiwan!!!
love watching this type of topic cause my children has been through three different culture backgrounds.
@@sosoable 台語指台灣人講的閩南語,很難理解嗎?你講的是中國大陸的閩南語,不要混為一談
@@悲鳴奴隸ラフタリア 不要偷别人的文化
@@sosoable 你是在講三小? 那你名字是不是在偷英國人的文字? 有哪個國家會禁止別人使用自己的文字的?
@@悲鳴奴隸ラフタリア 英文是英文,但不会说是台语。闽南话也不是台语。请不要偷别人的文化。
She is so pretty, natural and cute😍 I love the way she speaks. That guy looks, speaks weird, unnatural and shows or act strange. Specially that accent😂
我記得以前在美國的台灣家庭通常都堅持讓孩子在家裡一定要講中文耶!然後在外面想講什麼 父母就不會限制你了!
Love Tim’s sharing!
有一句話說得好:環境造就一個人 Environment makes a person,
說出這種「不要忘了自已的根」表示你很愚蠢無知 世界不是你說了算 小鼻子小眼睛 奈微米尺寸眼界的人才說得出這種謬論 就是眼界低 井底蛙很可悲 才會這麼傲謾自已為是還不自知 哎~不要用封閉狹隘沒長進的視野看待世界 別被台灣的高牆掩蓋了你的視野
@@張哲誌-c7v 菜根😂
@@cpyeh6454 認同...那是父母來的地方..而他是美國人....
華人移民美國, 怕小孩英文不好 ,所以與小孩全程講英文, 其實小孩學習能力很強, 不用過於擔心 ,就好像在台灣, 不用擔心小孩中文不好, 因為到處都講中文 .
I find this is more a North American born Chinese problem. Kids born elsewhere have a higher percentage of still able to speak the language. I admire folks that are polyglots. Knowing a different language also provides a different perspective. Views and perspectives are so important in this divided yet global world.
Yea. English as a language is considered to be a vehicle of an advanced culture especially in the States. The power struggle of the two regions since war world II is so evident when it comes to immigration inclination of people. The tide is changing. Maybe in another 20 years, we will see the issue totally differently than how we do today.
我 等了這個影片很久... 也不知道為什麼 ... 看完了就知道為什麼 ! 有趣的題目
very interesting. you guys can definitely have the best of both worlds. don't worry~
Thanks for sharing this fun interview😊 To me, we’re all humans and living in this blue planet 🌏🌍🌎 Cheers😊 Keep up the good work, dear 黃小姐🌻
雖然在世代交替時期還會有些讓人尷尬 無奈的問題
@@IwasUnknownUser : 放輕鬆~ 每個人都有選擇的權利,又不是什麼殺父之仇,不用那麼凶啦~ 😅
@@IwasUnknownUser 中國人因為自卑感太重 別人不說中文就覺得看不起中文 其實是自己看不起自己
@@keyeliu 事实是华人不太care自己的文化,很容易被同化,其他亚裔群体,韩国人,日本人,大多数都会说自己民族的语言
(2:55) 這樣真的有趣啊!大家都會說中文,卻用英文對話!哈哈哈!!!
Now it is an interesting video/topic I have never thought about.
No matter where you are from, not just language, it is a wise choice to adapt a life, where you are passionate with.
We live in California and my son is "ABC" haha. But he is trilingual, speaks English, Cantonese and French.
I was born in Beijing, but I have been living in Spain the most of my life , actually I don`t feel like a chineses, nor a spanish, just like a kind of mixture, and I love this, but people usually consider me like a asian than a local, just because my appearance, they usualy don`t understand people with 2 cultural background, they see you with your asian face and they will say: oh, you chinese people are this or that... well it`s ok for me :)
我超喜歡abc 講話超可愛 表情也是 好想馬上騎上去❤❤❤
@@chrismomma While you can do whatever you want to with your own body., I would love to see how Kim and George would react when they see you or Raymond putting on a nose ring or tattoo sorts of. :))
可能是要融入白人的社會,需要迎合他們的語言優越感吧?這不是ABC的問題,是社會的壓力。It“s not difficult for the ABC to speak their mother language ,it's because the American are too proud of American English they don't want other language to be heard 。
我是覺得 拿什麼護照就是什麼人,而且不需要人認同,特別那些強逼你認Chinese的中國人,我就外國護照
Yeah man. I'm from Maryland. Born in China...
I'd like to see more of Tim and your mom in your videos. Both of them are hilarious. : )
沒錯!通常愛用異樣眼光跟懷疑心態的旁人 通常是愚蠢的傲慢笨蛋還不自知 所以直接忽略省得自己心很累
(4:10) Tim, your look hasn't changed . HaHaHa!!
Hmm I grew up in Hong Kong using the term ABC, but having worked in an Asian American company in the States, I'll now use the term AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) instead, coz it's true, the term "American-born Chinese" is very sinocentric
我在航空公司上班 看到太多太多乘客是大陸人然後跟小孩子講英文 他們夫妻之間講中文 拿自己小孩來練英文的例子 真的是講都講不完。他們認為來到國外就是要讓自己的小孩只會講英文 這樣就可以脫離中國 這樣我們的小孩就是美國人 可是他們有沒有想過小孩子未來的競爭力?然後三不五時的 張口閉口就要跟其他人講英文 所以這是(自卑)?
@@nininanashow 那種的通常就是想說 我都定居這裡了 我的小孩應該也不會再去台灣了 會不會講國語 也沒差了
請先不要有這刻版印象,或許背後有你沒有想過的原因。例如我和先生是移民美國多年的台灣人,可是和孩子大多講英語混一點中文,因為我兩個孩子有自閉症(外表看不出來),已經語言發展遲緩了,用兩種甚至三種語言怕他們更混淆而已。雖然記憶力超強的他們自己學會中文甚至會用注音打字,也都聽得懂,但對他們似乎是娛樂性質? 生活中大人下指令仍然用英語比較有效,畢竟學校老師和治療師都是講英語,在飛機上,大概只聽得到我們講英文而已。
@@Sleepyhappygrumpy 同意,在學校看過很多語言發展遲緩的小孩,父母都被治療師勸說只跟小孩說英語,父母也是能無奈接受,那些都是表面看不出來的。
Once again interesting content in conversation with friends...
I also don’t think there is anything wrong with people who mindlessly do math. In fact, their minds are probably the most active when doing math rather than “mindless”.
Talking about Pizza, I love Santarpio's Pizza a lot. It's on Chelsea Street.
We should have chipotle in TW! 健身人的福音啊~~~
几天看不到你出现了🤝 🤗💕💕💕
This channel is really what I want.
It is hard to motivate kids to learn Chinese and speak Mandarin at home. Even when parents speak to them exclusively in Mandarin at home, it is still basic level listening comprehension and daily nonsense, nothing close to college level. Parents who did so run the risk of not improving their English comprehension (seen that plenty among my generation and older generation). My ABC cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends, if they were motivated to learn Chinese, is mostly due to career choice (better promotional opportunities when Chinese is added bonus).
the reason is you including the male in the video from from family without cultural proud and confidence because China was demonized in the west for long time.
Actually, ABA (I don't think you are Chinese in any sense) is not welcome neither in US nor in China, because China is becoming better and better and Chinese like me don't like foreign-born Asians who are mostly stupid and problematic.
I live in Hong Kong and I used to have an ABC boss. Our ABC boss , we find him so useless, most of use are able to speak and write and read English and Mandarin very well, but our ABC boss need our help to read and write and translate Mandarin to English for him. I remember there were once we had 4A media agency from New York and Shanghai staff meetings , and he kept asking us oh I don't understand what the Chinese is .... blablabla ... we were like rolling our eyes , as he kept asking us stupid questions !!!! He got laid off during covid time, partially he is too expensive, partially we are more capable than him, all of us that speak more than 2 languages stayed in the company as we can read , write , speak English and Mandarin and we work more efficiently this way . ABC - add oil, English is not enough, most of us 20+ living in HK, Singapore, Taiwan and China are able to speak more than 2 languages, and we are able to communicate both in English and Mandarin better than an ABC.
@@annasanta9103 其实还有一个因素就是他们很多欧美出生的二代对中国大陆抱有恶意和轻视,但是他么拿高薪的机会却很多在大陆或者香港,本质而言很多还不如白人更明智,知道去学习汉语而不是找借口
@@IwasUnknownUser 沒錯。大部分ABC在自己的歐美國家遇到瓶頸或是職場上遇到天花板了,上不去了,就想到香港或是新加坡或是中國工作,沒想到的是他們ABC的優勢沒了。因為大部分在國際公司和大公司工作的華人,不但中文英文強,聽說讀寫都超好的而且更理解多國文化,而ABC離開自己美國之後,才終於發現在東西文化和語言上的理解力和競爭優勢上,我們這種兩種語言都流利的人,早已經遠遠超越了ABC。而外國人會學其他語言大部分不是父母逼出來的,而是想要多了解當地東方不同的文化,進而因為興趣而學習語言。
@@annasanta9103 而且我在西欧遇到所谓二代华人或者外籍华人很多并不友好,而且为了撇清和中国的关系,喜欢污蔑中国瞧不起中国人,忘记了歧视他们大部分都是从中国和中国人获益;在就是中国人应该不要优待任何外国人,没必要,再就是有些台湾人如果不认同中国还没事搞侮辱歧视,也应该滚蛋。
Most of my cousins who were born in or moved to America in their childhood don't speak Chinese. They're all successful in their career without having to speak Chinese. To me, they are Americans. There's no need to force an ABC to learn Chinese. They'll learn it if they want to. Funny enough though, children who were born or raised in Europe seem to speak Chinese more. They can at least speak, but not necessarily write or read Chinese. English is the dominant world language after all. However, being able to speak another language is always a plus, because that's how one learns about other cultures. Living in Europe, I automatically would want to learn more than one foreign language.
not surprised at all, cos ABC stands for America born cambodian
you should interview a CBC next xD (Canadian Born Chinese)
民族性不同,在美國我時時刻刻都是防禦狀態,在台灣很chill. 在美國騎腳踏車跌倒,經過的人說freak. 遠遠地就絕不是因為長相,是因為文化、教育、民族性,台灣就絕對不可能有人這時候罵freak.
我覺得台灣人都蠻善良的 路上發生什麼事都願意去幫助
Tim mo no need to care about “views” 我們也支持你~
thank you so much
Does ABC include Taiwan?
奶皇的CHANNEL就是在探討種族與文化間的差異 喜歡這樣的內容!