@Ian Nicolas Stanley Rolon you fools makes sure to max twigod to lvl 80 and 6* him and fuse UR gear idc how much you need to spend $$$ he is the meta for ALLL!!!
@@JordanPVG453 no need yet just save your resources when you actually need them. I think better focus on awakening your mains then their association partner for boost. that's a really must for now. boosts CC more stats gain for the mains then your good in PvP and pve
Personally, I wouldn't put red Dreyfus in the NAH tier, because his ability's pretty good. "Increases Strength attribute allies' Defense by 60%." 60% is a pretty big number if you ask me
That's defense tho so it would mainly just be there to tank cause blue gilthunder does the same 60% defense for speed allies but his attack is pretty bad as well as his cards
Most of this vid is a very solid and informative thing only 2 things id suggest. Next time try to keep in mind the units that can be amazing associate units and green Elihawk rn is a pretty solid farmer if not the 2nd best
@@Kaywhox that's not what i meant , I do agree that she's not that really must be maxed out but she's a better combination with jericho and most of the players do have her and not using the 30 gold coin and wasted it to get her 😅 the blue one is easy to get and that's why casual put the blue one on nah and I do know that not many f2p had the red one but yeah that's the point .
- well, i use guilla for jericho, bcuzag that time, i have ssr jericho but dont have ssr guilla.. - gowther, diane, ban is for story, its a must rank if i recall correctly? - arthur is for merlin if you already have the ssr arthur on play -meanwhile, the others are just there to get their uniform, ie. gil, howzer, jericho, griamore
What units would be best for subslots though not taking into account ult level? I ask because I just watched a DarkSkin video - same team, he's 90kcc and I'm 87k. I also saw his box in the same video and the only difference would be an extra star on sub characters. His were 6 mine are 5 but some of mine are 70 and his are 60. 3 of my ult levels on subs are max for 10% boost. I have some cosmestics on characters.... what am I missing for 3k ungeared cc?? Thats a huge amount!
WTF? Green Eli on nah? on farming, history even in pierce pvp teams shes a beast, her pasive keep alive your party when farming, not everyone can grind or get a full equipment for farming team even at this point, you are trolling us new players
@@dabeast2499 nope, green eli gives 10% hp related stats to all allies (no pvp no raid), meaning survabilty for farming (more hp, life steal) red eli passive is for raids mostly
If I dont have jericho for guild boss, I was thinking of using the reverse Elizabeth with red gowther and buffers. How high do I have to get Elizabeth to use her? I really don't want to spend resources on getting her to 70 but I dont know what kind of team to build for this .
I have a Question; Guilla SR, has an hab like King, he puts burn to all (now with new Monspeet can work) and the passive is not that bad.. Also she is link to Jericho Can i use her?
its pretty good i have it on my farm team Red Howzer , Blue Guila , Blue King. i farm everything with it , all equiped in att def , except king def hp , i dont maxed it to 70 , only 65 its good alrd
I know you put blue Gilthunder as Nah but I use him in pvp for his passive of giving +60% defenses to all speed related allies and I use a all blue team
Green Eli Hawk is a farming god...that's not a good call on her. She should be in the second tier. Blue Meli might as well, the game makes you level him anyways.
thumbs down for this, this list is for training cave, so better change your caption. it misleads the new players specially for f2p. some of the nah char are a must. so not really helpful
KLev it’s not true even for training cave i’ve maxed the fuck of blue arthur for example and he’s clearly one of the strongest unit of the game but ppl don’t know his ass. Blue guila is strong af too and blue and red jericho aren’t there only for the boost.
hey now, blue Guila for green Jericho association is better than the SSR one right now on global because we do not have enough pendants to put into SSR red Guila. Just saying...
One of the best if not the best farming unit and somewhat fallen of from pvp but is usable. I suggest pairing him with green sr gilthunder as you can use him in multiple ways and a good sr to pick up
Hey dude what happened to Green Merlin?!? Is there anyway to get her??? I want her so so so bad I’ve been really lucky with the pulls Pulled both galland and gowther together in my 3rd or 4th 11x pull Failed to pull red merlin Failed to pull red merlin Pulled red helbram in 2nd 11x pull lmao 😆 I really just want the green king for extreme grey demon
@@miaki6299 yes he can sound normal if he doesn't add all that extra stuff he won't sound dumb, all I'm saying is adding the unnecessary information makes you sound cringe.
@@rishiy6183 Well I know that but I am talking on like later on the story where your CC is like 120,000. I was wondering who else should I have other then green meliodas
lemme get this straight, he forgot the name of the god of gods, twigo?
you dont deserve a banner anymore
thats it, im done.
Armius Pog lmfao
Don’t laugh but i maxed my twigs to UR
Are you forget god alioni XD
@Ian Nicolas Stanley Rolon you fools makes sure to max twigod to lvl 80 and 6* him and fuse UR gear idc how much you need to spend $$$ he is the meta for ALLL!!!
Lemme get this straight
I messed up with my character’s
Same but i fixed it
Same I didn’t awaken Hendrickson or Vivian yet
Bob Thegardener lmao
Duh put lord twigo as your main he claps everyone
@@JordanPVG453 no need yet just save your resources when you actually need them. I think better focus on awakening your mains then their association partner for boost. that's a really must for now. boosts CC more stats gain for the mains then your good in PvP and pve
Lord twigo best unit in the game
U mean twigod
Come on Nag where's the damn "Run! Hawk" guide?? been waiting for damn weeks
For rimaru you dont need to tell me to level him up or not
I would have done it anyway
Personally, I wouldn't put red Dreyfus in the NAH tier, because his ability's pretty good. "Increases Strength attribute allies' Defense by 60%." 60% is a pretty big number if you ask me
True but its defense alone. If it was defense related stats then defiantly
Def kinda sucks tho bcuz of pierce
That's defense tho so it would mainly just be there to tank cause blue gilthunder does the same 60% defense for speed allies but his attack is pretty bad as well as his cards
Same with blue Gil he does the same but for speed allies
Most of this vid is a very solid and informative thing only 2 things id suggest. Next time try to keep in mind the units that can be amazing associate units and green Elihawk rn is a pretty solid farmer if not the 2nd best
I miss a tier for only cards that you level up cuz the are fate combos, like arthur for merlin or guila for jericho
True, there should be a Tier for Fate Combos!
@@keiserk230 ya exactly. Simon is good for Slater. Arthur for merlin. Guila for Jericho. I mean there is so many that he rated low. That shouldn't be.
@@andrewhaydock5557 i mean there's a better guila so that guila is nah for him that's why
@@jayvence but you never wanna waste 5 ssr coins or srr pendants for a fate for a unit that is really bad, even on jp i don't think this is recomended
@@Kaywhox that's not what i meant , I do agree that she's not that really must be maxed out but she's a better combination with jericho and most of the players do have her and not using the 30 gold coin and wasted it to get her 😅 the blue one is easy to get and that's why casual put the blue one on nah and I do know that not many f2p had the red one but yeah that's the point .
Green hendrickson boosts allies pierce rate by 200% when he has full ult gauge so u rush ult him, don't use his ult and let howzer do all the damage
MetallicReg enlighten me on how I should maximize my howzer’s damage
He doesn't at all, he increases his own pierce rate everytime an ally uses a skill
@@MetallicReg it doesn't pierce defense. It just makes more damage. So pierce all the way
Very enlightening. BTW got to know your channel by Cynicalex.
Thank you! This is exactly what I've been trying to find. Throw this up on reddit for guaranteed meta data 🤜🤛
this vid not really helpful. he didn't even mentioned their use in associations so he just nah some characters that is a really must.
@@klev3272 he made so much tierlist and every single one of them is inaccurate lmfao and calling gilthunder broken lol..
@@yujiro5677 true that, i agree.
When you think properly and don't just follow Nagatos words blind a lot of his lists are hardly debatable.
@@SimpleRick- yep and putting green eli hawk to nah is dumb lol coz she's a very good aoe unit for farming she's even viable in geared pvp
You forgot our Lord and Savior Twigo's name?
@Nagato - Grand Cross What is your opinion on Red Dreyfus as 4th on mono red team for his passive?
I was gonna ask on the reddit, RIGHT NOW, to know which SR I should have maxed. The timing is AMAZING dude.
I use Simon because his damage is pretty good and his ultimate deals more damage than Diane’s ultimate
Klbby I maxed him out today for slader ulti
blue diane max ult better than simon
Thanks nag, really useful rn in pvp! 😁
waited a long time for this video .. thank you
*My blue Hendrickson hits hard and worked in PvP for me ;-;*
Great video nagato ! If you can make one for SSRs and fate units that would be nice .
4:18 what exactly u said about a boss?Sry i cant clearly understand it my english arent that good.
Guild Boss
You should do guild boss every week because you can get various rewards such as sr pendants and anvils
@@draxerk and where do i spawn it?
@@strawhatking9977 in your knighthood
Yup, I need this! Thanks, Nag!
Great vid bro! Between Cain vs Golgius in support slot, which one provides the most dps increase?
Blue howzer is actually good because there's a lot player using Jericho..so he help decreasing Jericho critical chance.
you need to work on prisoner ban and sr counter meliodas either way cuz u need to do them to progress in story , its a required mission
Keep in mind that Red Ban and Blue meli are must ranked up unit for the story to progress so, might as well!?
A question: is it better g elihawk or b guila for farming team (other than howser and robin hood)?
O wish this tier list came out soon kinda regretted turning those for CS...
My life as a human slime is a dope anime I'm glad they added them in 7DS
- well, i use guilla for jericho, bcuzag that time, i have ssr jericho but dont have ssr guilla..
- gowther, diane, ban is for story, its a must rank if i recall correctly?
- arthur is for merlin if you already have the ssr arthur on play
-meanwhile, the others are just there to get their uniform, ie. gil, howzer, jericho, griamore
Yo I've never been this early! Haven't finished the video but im sure it'll be great!
i think green eli hawk is good tho. she has good unique, her area damage is pretty good(if u use weinheidt passive)
So let me get this str8. I should ur tavern Elizabeth over hawk & Elizabeth?
Green Eli hawk is a must if you want a good farmer for farming stages
great vid! quick question, when you say max these units do you also mean 6/6 them?
Jeremy Lee yea, I’d suggest it.
What units would be best for subslots though not taking into account ult level? I ask because I just watched a DarkSkin video - same team, he's 90kcc and I'm 87k. I also saw his box in the same video and the only difference would be an extra star on sub characters. His were 6 mine are 5 but some of mine are 70 and his are 60. 3 of my ult levels on subs are max for 10% boost. I have some cosmestics on characters.... what am I missing for 3k ungeared cc?? Thats a huge amount!
Ultimate lvl , for ssr hero its increase 400 cc per lvl
I feel like you forgot to consider their use as Association unit like B Arthur and Simon.
I tried to reroll for Counter Meli but after a couple tries I just said fuck it and stay with the next SSR I got, which was green King
Hugo got done dirty
you should have had a section for the support links, as an example Simon R links to later and easy to ult max. same for Arthur to be merlins link.
You really saved me- thank you :)
Ya' don' goofed.
WTF? Green Eli on nah? on farming, history even in pierce pvp teams shes a beast, her pasive keep alive your party when farming, not everyone can grind or get a full equipment for farming team even at this point, you are trolling us new players
Victor Fossati I think that red Eli your talking about her passive is that she recovers 10 percent of max HP when hit
@@dabeast2499 nope, green eli gives 10% hp related stats to all allies (no pvp no raid), meaning survabilty for farming (more hp, life steal) red eli passive is for raids mostly
exactly mate i use green eli hawk paired with howzer and robin hood guy( dont know what his name is) and it makes farming faster and better
Ban , gowther , howzer , arthur farming team is much better
@@stealthyassassin2547 Ban and howser yes. Gowther tho sucksat farming
*Nagato puts twigod in good tier*
kabuki:so you decided death
the rimuru grants debuff immunity and heal for 2 turns on all allies on the gold card tho. i think he deserves a higher place ahahaha
Bruh sleeping on Green Lizhawk's grinding abilities is just wrong
Does their passive work while they're in the 4th slot?
DubstepSwag yup
If I dont have jericho for guild boss, I was thinking of using the reverse Elizabeth with red gowther and buffers. How high do I have to get Elizabeth to use her? I really don't want to spend resources on getting her to 70 but I dont know what kind of team to build for this .
nagato you should make a video about the new characters coming to global such as derieri, escanor, demon meli etc
Do i have to UR lvl 60 with complete gear the units i use for association for it to be more effective? Or just making it lvl 60 UR is enough
isnt green liz and hawk really good for pve farming?? especially for f2p???
so is cain or golgios guna give u more dps in death match?
I have questions if I have sr character in helper slot or whatever it called does it boost more if it's ssr ?
No if you evolve your sr to ssr it will give the same boost as the original ssr character.
Soo giving full dupe for sr char for faith link is super good
@@winningsonn Thank u agent I owe u one
Some of the units you put on nah are very good for their fate links, especially because their ults are easy to max 😀
Indeed. Arthur and Guila 6/6 :D
I have a Question; Guilla SR, has an hab like King, he puts burn to all (now with new Monspeet can work) and the passive is not that bad..
Also she is link to Jericho
Can i use her?
MetallicReg Okey, thanks!!!
its pretty good i have it on my farm team
Red Howzer , Blue Guila , Blue King. i farm everything with it , all equiped in att def , except king def hp , i dont maxed it to 70 , only 65 its good alrd
Blue Guila on NAH??????? Man she is like walmart blue king she aint even that bad ;(
plus u need her for jericho association cause aint no one putting rainbow tokens into the ssr one for 6/6 unless they uber whales
I know you put blue Gilthunder as Nah but I use him in pvp for his passive of giving +60% defenses to all speed related allies and I use a all blue team
Junk lol
I pretty much UR all the Rs that decent. Twigo, ailoni, Simon, taizoo.
Green Eli Hawk is a farming god...that's not a good call on her. She should be in the second tier. Blue Meli might as well, the game makes you level him anyways.
Thanks for the list but the SSR one? They are all must max? Thanks!
Not all, some are better to use in coin shop
9:48 he called TWIGOD in the name of Taizo lol
You have to boost Meli anyway for the SSR ticket
Could you please make a guide on association heroes ?
Noob question: are passives active in characters used as link partner? Does green gil passive work if I use him as link partner for howzer?
active when in 4th slot, but for link partner "no"
thumbs down for this, this list is for training cave, so better change your caption. it misleads the new players specially for f2p. some of the nah char are a must. so not really helpful
KLev it’s not true even for training cave i’ve maxed the fuck of blue arthur for example and he’s clearly one of the strongest unit of the game but ppl don’t know his ass. Blue guila is strong af too and blue and red jericho aren’t there only for the boost.
badis rabah blue Arthur? What are you smoking? Sure he’s good but not one of the best by a long shot.
hey now, blue Guila for green Jericho association is better than the SSR one right now on global because we do not have enough pendants to put into SSR red Guila. Just saying...
Wait what training cave is made for sr slader? I've completed every level im pretty sure and havent even ssrd him
Not in GL rn
@@joselinjoselan1 I'm on JP my dude
Damn! I was about search that. Nagato on my mind❤️
"Blue hendrickson sucks" i went all out on him Dx fml.
I really like howzer as a character in the anime so i UR his ssr variant, is he good overall? And what alies should i partner him with
One of the best if not the best farming unit and somewhat fallen of from pvp but is usable. I suggest pairing him with green sr gilthunder as you can use him in multiple ways and a good sr to pick up
@@xYondaime ok thank you 😊
Blue gilthunder increase defend by 60% for speed unit
Wouldn't vivian be good in pvp or alot of other stuff since she can disable ultimates and also ignite?
Nagato who's should I work on first princess Elizabeth or hostess Elizabeth??
host for passive and cause once u finish chapter 6 u get a quest from her directly asking to get her to UR anyways
i think you need a tier for the damage dealers characters
Lord twigo is a must already have him ur on global good farming unit alongside howzer
My life as a slime 😂😂😂
Should i max out green meli
I’m chapter 7
No you can used somebody else meli
Dogedo passive and the Blue Gil passive variant are different.
Hey dude what happened to Green Merlin?!? Is there anyway to get her??? I want her so so so bad
I’ve been really lucky with the pulls
Pulled both galland and gowther together in my 3rd or 4th 11x pull
Failed to pull red merlin
Failed to pull red merlin
Pulled red helbram in 2nd 11x pull lmao
I really just want the green king for extreme grey demon
When you say to max out a hero do you mean going to UR, limit break and 6 star?
Is demon Meli considered a Part 1 unit?
A video for SS'rs too pls!
Feel really bad that I have all my r pendants to Simon now, at least I did Hendrickson
still worth bro, association for slater then your slater will hit harder
@@klev3272 about slater, i just got a dupe of him from a ticket summon. My slater is pretty good
When nagato said “mono” green does he refer to the word in greek language?cause in greek “mono” means “only” in the greek language
Yes ofc
I think thats right. Mono green would mean only green colour team.
Bro you dont have to say all that stuff about how its Greek you do not sound smart and yes he means all greens
@@rishiy6183 well you didn't have to mention how he doesn't sound smart, right?
@@miaki6299 yes he can sound normal if he doesn't add all that extra stuff he won't sound dumb, all I'm saying is adding the unnecessary information makes you sound cringe.
Why the fuck does he call Cain King all the time?
Come on Nag where the fuck is the "Run! Hawk" guide?? been waiting for damn weeks
Twigo is awesome I am actually using twigo in pvp. Twigo is awesome
Thx for the review however I disagree with you on blue Guila which in some team is doing more than fine.
Plz do a video about ssr max first on glb ver
I only ranked simon so my slater can have a combined attack and the 6/6 boost tbh
I rerolled and I got escanor both red and green, red helbram, Arthur red ..should I proceed?? Will they be good?
no cause red escanor and red arthur are good comb cause escanors dmg bases on his buffs
@@flyingknuckles7836 proceed with them as a starter team ?
hello brother. just a tip for you. dont even invest on red helbram. thats it xd
@@estarossaoflove3308 I'm also a new player..can we chat in other platform to discuss more😂😂😂i really need tips like those
Isnt green eli hawk a REALLY good character for farming?
she's decent for farming
Weinhardt is probably the best SR for farming as he has double aoe attacks
@@JDUU2K yes, but theres a pierce farming team where shes op. Its howser, green eli hawk, weinhardt and Arthur
She is, this guy plays long ago on JP and he is a whale... obviosly he forgot green eli is very good at farm and pierce teams
Rimuru is a Must Max for the Flex
wait a minute, Hugo for guild boss? is he that bad?
Gilthunder broken unit? Idk about broken he's useful alright but broken no misinfo smh
what team should we use in the story mode?
Green meliodas for sure
@@rishiy6183 Well I know that but I am talking on like later on the story where your CC is like 120,000. I was wondering who else should I have other then green meliodas
Sdsgc= Eli hawk green is S tier, i dont have hauser, I want to build green eli to max level but I doubt now
Max out green eli, shes very good this guy is a whale
who is better for gray demon helbram or gilthunder?
Both, both partners should have one or the other. Gilthunder if your f2p since he's easy to do.
Ima prob just max some Rs i need my Sr pendants for now but R pendants i have over 150 so they all bout to get maxed lol
Wait those two at "Not In Global" are in global....so where would you put it if you will re-do this...Just sayin
You forgot grandmaster red Sr 60% defense for all red