There is something really bad going on at Gobekli Tepe.They have only excavated five percent of the site and the WEF has taken over the site,turned it into a tourist spot while pouring concrete over actual parts of the structure to make their stupid walkways.Then they planted olive trees all over around the site.There is a very strict law in Turkey that you are not allowed to cut down any olive trees and the turkish authorities are claiming they are doing it to preserve the site for future archeologists to study 100 years from now.The problem is the roots of those trees will damage what they claim they are trying to protect.The WEF has been doing this at many ancient sites that don't fit in with "approved" history.There is absolutely no reason for the World Economic Forum to be involved with anything to do with historical sites.What are they hiding? What are they covering up?
Did you see the video on Bright Insights channel? The guy Jimmy is asking the same question. The only possible reason they would do this is to cover something up. They have been doing the same thing in Egypt for years. Hawass has been lying, prohibiting archeologists from studying certain areas, and hiding the truth about our past for years now. Hopefully sometime in the near future we will learn the truth about our ancient past.
türkler sizin bilmenizi isteseydi bilirdiniz. kaldıramayacağınız şeyleri bilmemeniz daha sağlıklı sizin için. inandığınız ve bildiğiniz her şeyin yalan olduğunu öğrenmenizin daha ağır yıkımı olacaktır. türkler dünya milletlerini kendilerinden koruyor. bu yüzden teşekkür etmelisiniz. fazla merak iyi değildir. komplo teorileriyle gününüzü şenlendirebilirsiniz. fakat saçma sapan teoriler üretip kendinizi mahvetmeyin :)
@@solleytara göbekli tepeyi bugün kapattıranlar 2028 bile göremeden gidicek gizlenmeyecek çünkü insan oglunu kontrol ederek hülüm etmek isteyen o ırklar insanların uyanmasını ve gerçegi ögrenmesini engelleyemeyecekler
@@panzamartin Este es uno de los millones de bots generando tráfico, comentarios y likes en las redes sociales. Mira su fecha de registro en TH-cam. Este mismo bot aquí en dos semanas va a empezar a escribir comentarios de publicidad.
official history needs to be completely rewritten, there are many, too many, O.O.P.A.R.T. (Out of place artifact). Archaeologists, not knowing how to explain them, often ignore them or say that they are fakes and do not even accept scientific analyses
@s.yago.f some of the skulls were made to look like that on purpose but there are other skulls that do not have a cranial suture that humans have. I believe these were found in Caracas. Brian Forrester has several videos on his channel with a lot of info on these skulls
Piri Reis was Ameer ul Beher (Admiral) in Ottoman Navy and a Skilled Cartographer. I personally have his entire works in my possession. A great man and a brave soul was he.
Quantos mistérios e maravilhas em nosso planetinha azul. Obrigado por nos trazer essas relíquias de forma honesta e com um trabalho minucioso, belo e com tanta qualidade 💜💥🌻
شكراً لكم على المجهود الذي تبذلونه. وعندي ملاحظة مهمة وهي: لاتوجد لغة اسمها (اللغة المسمارية) لأن المسمارية أبجدية وحروف استعملتها حضارات مختلفة، أوَّلهم السومريون. 31:05
It just goes to show you that not only can you be forgotten in just a couple generations but if enough time passes the languages spoken and written can also become forgotten. Even if you write it in stone
really enjoyed the exploration of these artifacts, very intriguing stuff! but honestly, some of them seem a bit far-fetched to me. like, how can we be sure they aren't just clever hoaxes? curious to hear what others think!
1:41:25 (Magna Fuente) If those are indeed cuneiform writings on the bowl, then they should be even partially translatable in to logical ancient ideas, religion, teachings, etc.
1:22:22 Wie unbefridiegend, wenn man die Lösung findet und nicht selbst das Problem löst 😂 Das ist ja quasi so, als wenn sich das Auto selbst repariert 😂 Ich kann damit nicht so wirklich gut umgehen 😢
Piri reis haritasını koymasan çok daha iyi olurdu. Çünki harita çok normal o zamanda ki bilenen gerçeklere göre çizilmiştir. Doğa üstü yada inanılmaz gerçek üstü herhangi birşey yoktur.
Gracias por su labor,Nosotros somos robots ULTRA tecnologicos y nuestro cerebro y cuerpo funciona con microvoltios...Nos crearon seres Mucho Mas Inteligentes........sds
official history needs to be completely rewritten, there are many, too many, O.O.P.A.R.T. (Out of place artifact). Archaeologists, not knowing how to explain them, often ignore them or say that they are fakes and do not even accept scientific analyses
Nefertiti and Akhenaten as well as their children all had elongated heads because THEY WERE part of the PRE FLOOD civilizations, also found in Peru. The parkas skulls all these Elongated Heads were sent to a lab and the mitochondrial DNA tracked origins to the middle East, with crimson red hair.
.... ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Sin duda estas civilizaciones Como otras tantas tuvieron contacto extraterrestre. Pues los arquictectos de dichas costrucciones antiguas provinieron de las estrellas. ,💫 Saludos de Australia amigo. 👽✌️
It didn't look like a Jaguar to me it looked like ears at the side of it's head, cats ears are at the top of the head, like the vast majority of their little cousins on our laps. Or maybe it's ears are flat to its head? I see that too. ❤
This is a very good video, of course I already knew most of the artifacts, this is why I congratulate whoever did the discerning choice of them. Besides, I really appreciate the short but poignant comments of the speaker. If I should make a comment on the negative side is about the length of the video: wasn't better divided in 3 or 4 episodes? Anyway you made a worthy job of it...
Mistero è la vita e le sue creazioni con il progresso,la base è il fuso orario meridiana per ogni strato terrestre con le comunità viventi che sviluppavano sincronia le stesse idee creative con le firme diverse distintivi attraverso l' energia astrale che alcuni cervelli ricevevano come i suggerimenti, visioni e le visualizzazioni di alcuni che usavano l' erba come pianta curativa dell' anima e del corpo,l' infuso di questi piante era un liquido balsamico e dei sognatori visionari ,il thè è usato ancora in Inghilterra e non soltanto,anche l' uomo verde ha lo stesso significato ed oltre,l' uomo è la natura verde ,l' uomo è la struttura vegetale chimico e biologico con le radici profondi terrestre che si dirama attraverso le forme dei fogli della stessa famiglia di pianta che si clonano in maniera naturale per diversi processi che diventano i suoi parenti vegetali,lo sviluppo del essere umano,l' idee creative sono stati suggeriti dal cosmo e la visione della creazione in base del culto religioso e dell' anima di ciascuno scelto scienziato in parte e divisi le cellule nel mondo che suggeriscono le sfere.
Послушал на сон грядущий в наушниках,благо я полиглот, владею шестнадцатью языками,спасибо автору канала,не плохо было бы на суахили пару фильмов залить ,а то начал забывать😂
No son los cráneos alargados hechos con tablas, son otra especie humanoide al menos exteriormente que ha existido y según algunas personas de quienes no tengo ningún motivo para dudar, siguen existiendo.
Totalement faux , ce sont bien des homos sapiens , le crâne allongé permettait d englober le chakra sahasrara favorisant la méditation , la decorporation mystique. Turyia Samadhi.
I assumed this info suggesting the only reason for these odd skulls was head boarding was dated but lo and behold just released. DNA has proven these skulls are not exactly human. The work of Brian Forrester is omitted here. The DNA tests prove these are not totally human as well as the actual skull is different. The skull sutures and connecting ligaments are not subject to parental egoic tendancies. Nor can bone be added as those skulls have more actual bone. The spinal column also connects to their bodies much different than ours.
@@khemcloudz6151 Quindi essendo che non sono totalmente umani potremmo pensare che gli esseri umani siano il risultato di una ibridazione.... Da questo molti racconti antichi come anche l' antico testamento biblico darebbero forza a questa teoria.
Caro Omega, ho solo da fare una affermazione; quello che ho sentito, mi conferma che non possiamo muoverci dalla nostra atmosfera se non con la robotica e sicuramente ci andremo e saranno sicuramente tempo e soldi spesi bene, ma la verità la riveleranno mai???🙊🙈🙉 👋🏻 Buon lavoro, ottimo come da sempre 💕
We are not the first technically advanced people to enhabit this planet, probably not the second either. The earth has lots of buildings and artifacts that seem to displace the history that we have been taught by academics and history books. The evidence is there for everyone to see
💯 doch daraus gelernt wird niemals, dazu ist das menschliche Gehirn verdammt immer und immer wieder alles neu zu erleben ohne den geistigen Frieden jemals zu erreichen. Ein Experiment das mich gruselt. Es wird immer Führer und Folgende geben = NO freie friedliche Evolution des Geistes allen seins. Es ist ein risiges Schachspiel und alle Figuren werden auf trapp gehalten. Es gibt kein entkommen physisch.
J'explique ca sur ma chaîne car moi-même je suis non Terrien mais je suis venu vous aidé a retrouvé la mémoire. Laramie votre Serviteur Abgal PAIX, AMOUR, HARMONIE, UNITÉ
La prima grande menzogna fu su chi veramente abbia inventato la prima pizza pomodoro mozzarella alici e soprattutto con basilico (da mettere dopo la cottura) dei più grandi enigmi dell'intera storia dell'umanità ancora senza una autentica risposta certa e veritiera
Los incas no pusieron esas piedras en Cuzco y demas sitios ellos mismos han dicho que estaban ya puestas y se nota lo que hicieron ellos posteriormente , de un estilo mucho más basto ..
You ever think of people wears ng animal masks? Like we still do today? No way, right? Has to be a whole other species of intelligent creatures living on earth, successfully hiding from the rest of us for thousands of years, while also controlling our societies, right? Yeah, that makes more sense.
The box bed furniture was to keep warm during cold medieval winter ( climate was colder than it is now, winter were very cold) when houses were not heat insulated. By sleeping in a wood boxed bed they could keep the cold from freezing their sheets during the night.
Bueno todo lo explicando, en este gran documental. Está muy extraño xq como se puede explicar que nuestros antepasados realizarán tanta arquitectura y artesanías sin herramientas civilizadas. ?algo me deja, con muchas interrogantes. 😮😮
Bei einer richtigen, sowie ordnungsgemäßen Radiokarbon-Datierung würde man evtl. das exakte Alter, plus minus 3 bis 5 Hundert Jahre feststellen können. Doch bei Stein Skulpturen, Ikonen sowie Götterfigürchen die man hier sieht, kann lediglich die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit datiert werden. Stein selbst, lässt sich nicht datieren. Ps. Einige dieser prachtvollen Kunstwerke stammen aus vormenschlichen Epochen.
Seit meiner Revolution vor 29 Jahren werde ich von den sogenannten Eliten gefoltert. Ich nenne es Folter, außer Häme und ungeheuerlichen Beleidigungen habe ich nichts erhalten. Seit dem 17.01.95 habe ich ein Recht auf eine Antwort. Entdecker Außerirdische J.Z.
Akhenaten and Nefertitis offspring had naturally elongated skulls, not manually deformed.. why u think Nefertiti wears that big ol hat? edit: either way, this is an awesome video! great examples, great imagery, actually some things I haven't seen before!
You needcto include the most incredible crystal skull ever found. "Compassion " is her name. Every geologist around the world has researched it and studied it, and it is completely impossible to be made even today. It is a perfect depiction with movable teeth. In jaw, it is exactly a crystal skull, not all of the forgeries in the museums that are just garbage. I know, my father found it. I cant come within a mile of it without getting dizzy.
Dziękuję, przejście przez muzeum z wieloma eksponatami z wielu miejsc na świecie. Teraz można szukać dokładniejszych informacji wiedząc jak się nazywają.
Jeżeli film ten powstał miesiąc temu, dziwi, że manuskrypt Voynicha jest przedstawiony jako nie odczytany. Ponieważ już dawno jest odczytany. Jest napisany w języku staroczeskim. Mieszkanka Syberii Jelena Konowałowa, inżynier wydała o tym książkę w 2017 roku. O tej książce i o tłumaczeniu manuskryptu jest z niej wywiad na TH-cam, jego tytuł: "Манускрипт Войнича - техническое пособие на старочешском. Елена Коновалова Древняя рукопись"
There are 2 sorts of elongated skills-- 1) artificial--skulls are in 2 pieces. 2)’natural--skulls are 1 piece, natural Natural & artificial are found on all continents. 1 location, Peru, has both natural & artificial buried together. Artificial skulls probably are copies of real natural skulls.
Sono completamente d'accordo.
There is something really bad going on at Gobekli Tepe.They have only excavated five percent of the site and the WEF has taken over the site,turned it into a tourist spot while pouring concrete over actual parts of the structure to make their stupid walkways.Then they planted olive trees all over around the site.There is a very strict law in Turkey that you are not allowed to cut down any olive trees and the turkish authorities are claiming they are doing it to preserve the site for future archeologists to study 100 years from now.The problem is the roots of those trees will damage what they claim they are trying to protect.The WEF has been doing this at many ancient sites that don't fit in with "approved" history.There is absolutely no reason for the World Economic Forum to be involved with anything to do with historical sites.What are they hiding? What are they covering up?
strange indeed .."why" is the question. what are they hiding
Did you see the video on Bright Insights channel? The guy Jimmy is asking the same question. The only possible reason they would do this is to cover something up. They have been doing the same thing in Egypt for years. Hawass has been lying, prohibiting archeologists from studying certain areas, and hiding the truth about our past for years now. Hopefully sometime in the near future we will learn the truth about our ancient past.
türkler sizin bilmenizi isteseydi bilirdiniz. kaldıramayacağınız şeyleri bilmemeniz daha sağlıklı sizin için. inandığınız ve bildiğiniz her şeyin yalan olduğunu öğrenmenizin daha ağır yıkımı olacaktır. türkler dünya milletlerini kendilerinden koruyor. bu yüzden teşekkür etmelisiniz. fazla merak iyi değildir. komplo teorileriyle gününüzü şenlendirebilirsiniz. fakat saçma sapan teoriler üretip kendinizi mahvetmeyin :)
@@solleytara göbekli tepeyi bugün kapattıranlar 2028 bile göremeden gidicek gizlenmeyecek çünkü insan oglunu kontrol ederek hülüm etmek isteyen o ırklar insanların uyanmasını ve gerçegi ögrenmesini engelleyemeyecekler
I'm really surprised President Erdogan would let some upstart eurotrash NWO group tell _him_ what to do.
10:54 I love how you connect ancient mysteries with modern science 🗿🔭 Keep it coming!
Hier ist doch nichts konekted!
Este es uno de los millones de bots generando tráfico, comentarios y likes en las redes sociales.
Mira su fecha de registro en TH-cam.
Este mismo bot aquí en dos semanas va a empezar a escribir comentarios de publicidad.
Muito interessante , que facilidade para narrar as histórias , melhor que muitas jornalistas,que bela voz suave.parabens.❤
Gran documental ...muy bueno ❤
Nomero Uno 🎉
Being fascinated isn’t the word. As a kid I always found history interesting. We need more.! This is a great documentary!!
Thank you!
official history needs to be completely rewritten, there are many, too many, O.O.P.A.R.T. (Out of place artifact). Archaeologists, not knowing how to explain them, often ignore them or say that they are fakes and do not even accept scientific analyses
Not to mention- but they also just discovered new pyramids and a giant city in Mexico.
Es sind die Langschädel, das weiss man doch!!
@s.yago.f some of the skulls were made to look like that on purpose but there are other skulls that do not have a cranial suture that humans have. I believe these were found in Caracas. Brian Forrester has several videos on his channel with a lot of info on these skulls
Gracias muy interesante 😅
Piri Reis was Ameer ul Beher (Admiral) in Ottoman Navy and a Skilled Cartographer.
I personally have his entire works in my possession. A great man and a brave soul was he.
Ναι ηταν Ελληνας απο τη Λέσβο, η Μυτιλήνη.
유투브라는 거대한 갯벌속의 보석같은 채널.다국어음성,자막 정성어린 작품에 감사드립니다.고대사,과학 관련 작품 많이,많이 올려주세요.
Chinese lil' penis, dirty dirty ppl
Quantos mistérios e maravilhas em nosso planetinha azul. Obrigado por nos trazer essas relíquias de forma honesta e com um trabalho minucioso, belo e com tanta qualidade 💜💥🌻
Me gustó, buena la narración
شكراً لكم على المجهود الذي تبذلونه.
وعندي ملاحظة مهمة وهي: لاتوجد لغة اسمها (اللغة المسمارية) لأن المسمارية أبجدية وحروف استعملتها حضارات مختلفة، أوَّلهم السومريون. 31:05
Amazing!!! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Stupendo documentario, grazie!
It just goes to show you that not only can you be forgotten in just a couple generations but if enough time passes the languages spoken and written can also become forgotten. Even if you write it in stone
Merci beaucoup pour ce partage très précieux et apprécié, gratitude pour votre générosité.❤❤❤❤
ขอบคุณ ขอบคุณ😮🎉❤
Merci pour toutes ces informations concernant ces reliques 🙏
un apprezzabile trattato che ben spiega come artefare e nascondere buona parte della realtà, i miei complimenti 👋👋👋👋👋👋
Enfin du sérieux de l histoire humaine ❤
คลิปดีมาก บางคลิปที่เฉลย ก็มีการบอก ให้คนดูไม่เชื่อไรผิดๆ ติดตามแล้วจ่อย
Karahan Dendera Zodiac
Ect. Very Interresting. Thanks for sharing. Peace
Muchas gracias por agregar el sonido del idioma tailandés. 🙏
thank you very much ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you ❤️
Adorei o vídeo
Tantas obras de arte esta hermosas así que solo dire que el ser humano es inteligente
Muito muito legal!
Gran documental gracias
What a gorgeous world we’ve lived in.
I whole-heartedly support your use of past tense in your syntax.
Great documentary.
C est impressionnant ! Merci bcp. ❤❤
Muito bom o video. Parabéns
Go out to sea and look at the constellations. Imagine No lights in the world! The sky musta looked so bright and close!
Its very nice...👍
Obrigado! 👍
nghe cuốn phết, không phải phim hành động nhưng cứ kiểu gay cấn ly kì sao sao sao ấy. Nhạc nền tuyệt vời, giọng độc thì mê hoặc. quá đã.
really enjoyed the exploration of these artifacts, very intriguing stuff! but honestly, some of them seem a bit far-fetched to me. like, how can we be sure they aren't just clever hoaxes? curious to hear what others think!
1:41:25 (Magna Fuente) If those are indeed cuneiform writings on the bowl, then they should be even partially translatable in to logical ancient ideas, religion, teachings, etc.
ดูเพลินดี ชอบครับ
Merci a vous pleins les yeux.😊
Wie unbefridiegend, wenn man die Lösung findet und nicht selbst das Problem löst 😂
Das ist ja quasi so, als wenn sich das Auto selbst repariert 😂 Ich kann damit nicht so wirklich gut umgehen 😢
Very very thanks sir.jay hind
1 M 🎉💪😍
Thank you! ❤️
Bart und Schnurbart! Cool! 😊
Piri reis haritasını koymasan çok daha iyi olurdu. Çünki harita çok normal o zamanda ki bilenen gerçeklere göre çizilmiştir. Doğa üstü yada inanılmaz gerçek üstü herhangi birşey yoktur.
Gracias por su labor,Nosotros somos robots ULTRA tecnologicos y nuestro cerebro y cuerpo funciona con microvoltios...Nos crearon seres Mucho Mas Inteligentes........sds
ผมเปญคนหนึ่งที่ไมเชื่อ ทางตะวัน ตก ผมจะเชื่อ ทางตะวันออกมากกว่า ครับ😮🎉❤
Gracias por descubrimos todas estas maravillas del 🌎 mundo. Nos da que pensar y reflexionar sobre nuestra historia.
official history needs to be completely rewritten, there are many, too many, O.O.P.A.R.T. (Out of place artifact). Archaeologists, not knowing how to explain them, often ignore them or say that they are fakes and do not even accept scientific analyses
I watched a documentary about a guy in Sardinia who found giant bones. His son said people turned up and took them.
Nefertiti and Akhenaten as well as their children all had elongated heads because THEY WERE part of the PRE FLOOD civilizations, also found in Peru.
The parkas skulls all these Elongated Heads were sent to a lab and the mitochondrial DNA tracked origins to the middle East, with crimson red hair.
Si supiera algo de algo, sabría q el ADN mitocondrial se puede rastrear hasta África. Deje de creer y difundir pava das
.... ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Sin duda estas civilizaciones Como otras tantas tuvieron contacto extraterrestre. Pues los arquictectos de dichas costrucciones antiguas provinieron de las estrellas. ,💫 Saludos de Australia amigo. 👽✌️
merci pour votre honnèteté, du coup, je me suis abonné
Güzel paylaşım
Objetos arqueológicos, e imensamente artísicos
It didn't look like a Jaguar to me it looked like ears at the side of it's head, cats ears are at the top of the head, like the vast majority of their little cousins on our laps.
Or maybe it's ears are flat to its head? I see that too. ❤
This is a very good video, of course I already knew most of the artifacts, this is why I congratulate whoever did the discerning choice of them. Besides, I really appreciate the short but poignant comments of the speaker. If I should make a comment on the negative side is about the length of the video: wasn't better divided in 3 or 4 episodes? Anyway you made a worthy job of it...
Vielen lieben Dank
Cok guzel tarih belgeseli spas ji ve ra MÉSOPOTAMIE KURD KULTURU💐🇬🇳💐🌟🦅🌟🦅
Mistero è la vita e le sue creazioni con il progresso,la base è il fuso orario meridiana per ogni strato terrestre con le comunità viventi che sviluppavano sincronia le stesse idee creative con le firme diverse distintivi attraverso l' energia astrale che alcuni cervelli ricevevano come i suggerimenti, visioni e le visualizzazioni di alcuni che usavano l' erba come pianta curativa dell' anima e del corpo,l' infuso di questi piante era un liquido balsamico e dei sognatori visionari ,il thè è usato ancora in Inghilterra e non soltanto,anche l' uomo verde ha lo stesso significato ed oltre,l' uomo è la natura verde ,l' uomo è la struttura vegetale chimico e biologico con le radici profondi terrestre che si dirama attraverso le forme dei fogli della stessa famiglia di pianta che si clonano in maniera naturale per diversi processi che diventano i suoi parenti vegetali,lo sviluppo del essere umano,l' idee creative sono stati suggeriti dal cosmo e la visione della creazione in base del culto religioso e dell' anima di ciascuno scelto scienziato in parte e divisi le cellule nel mondo che suggeriscono le sfere.
Послушал на сон грядущий в наушниках,благо я полиглот, владею шестнадцатью языками,спасибо автору канала,не плохо было бы на суахили пару фильмов залить ,а то начал забывать😂
başka bir arzun var mı ? bu da Türkçeydi :))
The Lady of Elche is amazing omigosh!!
No son los cráneos alargados hechos con tablas, son otra especie humanoide al menos exteriormente que ha existido y según algunas personas de quienes no tengo ningún motivo para dudar, siguen existiendo.
In peru?
Totalement faux , ce sont bien des homos sapiens , le crâne allongé permettait d englober le chakra sahasrara favorisant la méditation , la decorporation mystique.
Turyia Samadhi.
L' usanza di modificare alla nascita i teschi era per far assomigliare gli esseri umani agli dei venuti dalle stelle
I assumed this info suggesting the only reason for these odd skulls was head boarding was dated but lo and behold just released. DNA has proven these skulls are not exactly human. The work of Brian Forrester is omitted here. The DNA tests prove these are not totally human as well as the actual skull is different. The skull sutures and connecting ligaments are not subject to parental egoic tendancies. Nor can bone be added as those skulls have more actual bone. The spinal column also connects to their bodies much different than ours.
@@khemcloudz6151 Quindi essendo che non sono totalmente umani potremmo pensare che gli esseri umani siano il risultato di una ibridazione....
Da questo molti racconti antichi come anche l' antico testamento biblico darebbero forza a questa teoria.
Very good. Vrlo dobro
In the book in the page prior to the herb page was basically quantum physics. The way that they're laid out shows the different dimensions
Of course!
Caro Omega, ho solo da fare una affermazione; quello che ho sentito, mi conferma che non possiamo muoverci dalla nostra atmosfera se non con la robotica e sicuramente ci andremo e saranno sicuramente tempo e soldi spesi bene, ma la verità la riveleranno mai???🙊🙈🙉 👋🏻 Buon lavoro, ottimo come da sempre 💕
Mi sa che hai sbagliato canale, volevi inviare il commento al grande Omega Click, giusto? 😊
Un bonito documental. Las calaveras de cristal están desmentidas.
Good list
Nicht nur in Mesopotamien wurden diese Figuren mit den besonderen Augen ausgegraben. Sondern auch unter dem Stift Klosterneuburg!
We are not the first technically advanced people to enhabit this planet, probably not the second either. The earth has lots of buildings and artifacts that seem to displace the history that we have been taught by academics and history books. The evidence is there for everyone to see
Information overload
💯 doch daraus gelernt wird niemals, dazu ist das menschliche Gehirn verdammt immer und immer wieder alles neu zu erleben ohne den geistigen Frieden jemals zu erreichen. Ein Experiment das mich gruselt. Es wird immer Führer und Folgende geben = NO freie friedliche Evolution des Geistes allen seins. Es ist ein risiges Schachspiel und alle Figuren werden auf trapp gehalten. Es gibt kein entkommen physisch.
See Brian foresters elongated alien skulls with alien DNA.
Nunca se encontró ADN "alienígena" no difunda mentiras.
I love forgeries that nobody can recreate even with modern tools.
❤ nela se quer que eu lhe passe com mais informações !!! 😊😊😊
Se corta al final 😢 y estaba re interesante.
Bonito document
J'explique ca sur ma chaîne car moi-même je suis non Terrien mais je suis venu vous aidé a retrouvé la mémoire.
Laramie votre Serviteur Abgal
La prima grande menzogna fu su chi veramente abbia inventato la prima pizza pomodoro mozzarella alici e soprattutto con basilico (da mettere dopo la cottura) dei più grandi enigmi dell'intera storia dell'umanità ancora senza una autentica risposta certa e veritiera
Los incas no pusieron esas piedras en Cuzco y demas sitios ellos mismos han dicho que estaban ya puestas y se nota lo que hicieron ellos posteriormente , de un estilo mucho más basto ..
Those almond eye sculptures look like lizard ppl.
You ever think of people wears ng animal masks? Like we still do today?
No way, right? Has to be a whole other species of intelligent creatures living on earth, successfully hiding from the rest of us for thousands of years, while also controlling our societies, right? Yeah, that makes more sense.
The box bed furniture was to keep warm during cold medieval winter ( climate was colder than it is now, winter were very cold) when houses were not heat insulated. By sleeping in a wood boxed bed they could keep the cold from freezing their sheets during the night.
Bueno todo lo explicando, en este gran documental. Está muy extraño xq como se puede explicar que nuestros antepasados realizarán tanta arquitectura y artesanías sin herramientas civilizadas. ?algo me deja, con muchas interrogantes. 😮😮
Bei einer richtigen, sowie ordnungsgemäßen Radiokarbon-Datierung würde man evtl. das exakte Alter, plus minus 3 bis 5 Hundert Jahre feststellen können.
Doch bei Stein Skulpturen, Ikonen sowie Götterfigürchen die man hier sieht, kann lediglich die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit datiert werden.
Stein selbst, lässt sich nicht datieren.
Ps. Einige dieser prachtvollen Kunstwerke stammen aus vormenschlichen Epochen.
Seit meiner Revolution vor 29 Jahren werde ich von den sogenannten Eliten gefoltert. Ich nenne es Folter, außer Häme und ungeheuerlichen Beleidigungen habe ich nichts erhalten. Seit dem 17.01.95 habe ich ein Recht auf eine Antwort. Entdecker Außerirdische J.Z.
0:34 horned helmet gifted to King Henry VIII from 1514 AD
1:17:15 Brettspiel, Es gibt sogar einen Start und Endpunkt ^^ Dabei hat eine Seite einen Fehler oder andere Funktion als die andere.
0:36. That’s lil Wayne.
Akhenaten and Nefertitis offspring had naturally elongated skulls, not manually deformed.. why u think Nefertiti wears that big ol hat? edit: either way, this is an awesome video! great examples, great imagery, actually some things I haven't seen before!
You needcto include the most incredible crystal skull ever found. "Compassion " is her name. Every geologist around the world has researched it and studied it, and it is completely impossible to be made even today. It is a perfect depiction with movable teeth. In jaw, it is exactly a crystal skull, not all of the forgeries in the museums that are just garbage. I know, my father found it. I cant come within a mile of it without getting dizzy.
49:27 غريب انالدم لازال احمر في القماش😂😂😂😂😂😂
Dziękuję, przejście przez muzeum z wieloma eksponatami z wielu miejsc na świecie. Teraz można szukać dokładniejszych informacji wiedząc jak się nazywają.
Jeżeli film ten powstał miesiąc temu, dziwi, że manuskrypt Voynicha jest przedstawiony jako nie odczytany. Ponieważ już dawno jest odczytany. Jest napisany w języku staroczeskim. Mieszkanka Syberii Jelena Konowałowa, inżynier wydała o tym książkę w 2017 roku. O tej książce i o tłumaczeniu manuskryptu jest z niej wywiad na TH-cam, jego tytuł: "Манускрипт Войнича - техническое пособие на старочешском. Елена Коновалова Древняя рукопись"
There are 2 sorts of elongated skills--
1) artificial--skulls are in 2 pieces.
2)’natural--skulls are 1 piece, natural
Natural & artificial are found on all
1 location, Peru, has both natural & artificial buried together.
Artificial skulls probably are copies of real natural skulls.
Correct, glad someone else knows this. This suggests "another" race.
Sometimes it's just art man. I speak all over the world about ancient cultures. Sometimes it's just art
Estatueta de um reptiliano 4:14