Grazie di cuore al popolo Greco per l'immensa cultura e civiltà che a dato al mondo intero se no non fosse stato per la grande Grecia il mondo non sarebbe quello che è oggi
Bin wieder dabei, es macht glücklich, diese Lieder zu hören und wieder jung zu werden!Efharisto pfara,para poli von einer Österreicherin mit griechischem Herzen!🇦🇹👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖💖🇬🇷
@@nurullahcsgn2779 According to the sources, Kurdistan is a regional area that spans across several Middle Eastern countries. It's not a country but is supposed to describe the area because of the people living in it.
superba melodie! Grecii stiu sa se distreze, muzica lor este plina de energie pozitiva, iti transmite o stare de spirit de bine si de buna dispozitie. Ii iubesc pentru libertatea lor si pentru modul lor de a trai si de a se distra. BRAVO ELADA!
Ich liebe das fröhlich Volk und die Kultur ❤sehr . Eine wunderschöne Sprache . Das Essen und die Musik liebe ich sehr. Liebe Griechen ihr macht uns glücklich mit eure Musik und Kultur. Wunderbare Menschen. I love Griechenland ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
LA MULTI ANI tuturor MARIILOR din tara și din lume,azi la SFANTA Sărbătoare! TATAL CERESC sa va aibă în paza și numai bine sa va dea în viata! Numele SFANT sa va dea viata lunga și frumoasa!
Πώς γίνεται όλοι οι άνθρωποι από το εξωτερικό να έχουν να λένε κάτι όμορφο για τους Έλληνες και την Ελλάδα και κάποιοι ντόπιοι να είναι φαρμακογλωσσοι δεν μπορώ να το καταλάβω αυτό ρε παιδί μου....Μπράβο στα παιδιά που χορεύουν με την ψυχή τους και την καρδιά τους και μπράβο στους τραγουδιστές που γουστάρουν και χαίρονται να τραγουδούν τα όμορφα αυτά τραγούδια 👏🏻💙🇬🇷 Είμαστε καλοί οι Έλληνες, όμως πολλή γκρίνια ρε γμτ
Έχουμε της αντεφέσεις , αυτό είναι μεγάλη συζήτηση , αλλά κατά βάθος μια χαρά λαός είμαστε . Κρατάμε αρκετά και από την Αρχαία Ελλάδα και αυτό έρχεται δε αντίθεση με την χριστιανική Ελλάδα η οποία είχε επιβληθεί διά πυρός και σιδήρου στην αρχή . Πολύ χοντρικά αυτί είναι η εξήγηση .
God loved love the Greek so much. For when he made the earth he gave mostly other country soil. And left the rest of the rocks to create Greece as the old saying goes
Stupendi, meravigliosi, bravissimi, trasmettete tantissima allegria, gioia da vivere, complimenti, dal l'ITALIA con l'amore il popolo greco e fantastico, sarà sempre nel mio cuore ❤️
When my Dad Nikos was alive this was his favourite song to dance to , he would request it and dance with his full heart and soul. I had tears listening to it, Dance in Heaven Dad like the incredible dancer you were.
Anastasia, how nice you wrote about your dad Rip. Very nice of you. Ashishsingh There a few songs in sequence. Maybe Anastasia talking about the first song. The first song got 3 versions Greek, Turkiye and North MK.
I pre sam slušao grčku muziku, ali od kad imamo stan u Soluna, ta muzika mi dodje kao domaća☺ Slušajte grčku prelepu muziku I kupujte jevtine nekretnine u bratskoj Grčkoj!!!☺
Σας υπερευχαριστώ για τα τραγούδια γλυκές αναμνήσεις από τον χιλιό αγαπημένε μου ξαδελφούλη Στέλιο Καζαντζίδη που τώρα τραγουδάει στον Παράδεισο για τον Θεό μας 🙏 Σας στέλνω την αγάπη μου από την ξενιτιά της Αμερικής. 💞👼
Χαιρετισμούς από την Florida! I actually use this song and others like it to warm up before I exercise! Το χορό και μουσική μου δίνουνε μεγάλη χαρά! Και πριν ξεχάσω, Χριστός Ανέστη! ✝️ (5/9/22)
Angela Γεια σου καλή μου! Και εγώ στη Florida είμαι. Αυτά τα τραγούδια σ’ αγαπάω πολύ γιατί θα τραγούδαγε ο χιλιοαγαπημενος μου ξαδελφουλης Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης. Η ευλογία του Χριστούλη μας πάντα μαζί σου και τους αγαπημένους σου 🙏✝️💞🌹
@@sophiapapadopoulos322 Yunanca bilmiyorum.Ama size internetten çevirerek yazacağım.Kazancakis bir çok Türk şarkısını,Türkçe olarak söylemiştir.1935 den sonra Yunannistanda Türkçe yasaklanmıştı.30 ocak 1923 de Llyod George,Lord Curzon ve Venizalos 'ın ısrarı ile zorunlu göç antlaşmasını imzaladık.1.500.000 Ortodoks Türkiyeden Yunanistan'a alındı.Bunlardan 300.000 i Yunanca bimeyen yalnız Türkçe bilen Hrisitiyan Türklerdi.Diğerleri ise Türkçe bilmeyen yalnız Yunanca bilen ortodokslardı. Ελληνικά Δεν ξέρω.Αλλά θα σας γράψω μεταφράζοντάς το στο Διαδίκτυο.Ο καζανκάκης έχει τραγουδήσει πολλά τουρκικά τραγούδια στα Τουρκικά.μετά το 1935, τα τουρκικά απαγορεύτηκαν στην Ελλάδα.στις 30 Ιανουαρίου 1923, με την επιμονή του Λόιντ Τζορτζ, του Λόρδου Κέρζον και του Βενιζέλου, υπογράψαμε τη Συνθήκη αναγκαστικής μετανάστευσης.1.500.000 Ορθόδοξοι μεταφέρθηκαν από την Τουρκία στην Ελλάδα.Τα ελληνικά τουρκικά ήταν η μόνη γλώσσα που μιλούσαν 300.000 από αυτούς.Οι Τούρκοι Έλληνες ήταν οι μόνοι που δεν μιλούσαν τουρκικά και οι άλλοι ήταν ορθόδοξοι που μιλούσαν ελληνικά. Türkiye Yunanca bilmeyen 300.000 Ortodoks Türkü vermek istemiyor ama 1.200.000 Ortodoksun da gitmesini istiyordu.Ama Norveçli Nansen ile bu 300.000 Ortodoks Türk de Yunanistan'a alındı.Komisyonlar,kilise kayıtları ile Türkiyenin doğusundan,batısından her yerinden bu ortodoskları aldı.Bunlar Yunanca bilmiyorlardı.Türkçe bilenleri İstanbul'a gönderdiler.Türk müzisyenler müzik aletlerini çalıp,bu Yunanlı şakıcılar söylediler.Yapılan kayıtlar Londra da plak haline getirilip Yunanistan da satıldı.Ortodoks Türkler bu şarkılar ile teselli oldular. Η Τουρκία δεν θέλει να δώσει 300.000 Ορθόδοξα δημοτικά τραγούδια που δεν μιλούν ελληνικά, αλλά ήθελε να πάνε και 1.200.000 Ορθόδοξοι.Αλλά με το νορβηγικό Νάνσεν, αυτοί οι 300.000 Ορθόδοξοι Τούρκοι μεταφέρθηκαν επίσης στην Ελλάδα.Οι επιτροπές έλαβαν αυτές τις ορθόδοξες εκκλησίες από όλη την Τουρκία από την Ανατολή και τη δύση με εκκλησιαστικά αρχεία.Δεν μιλούσαν ελληνικά.Έστειλαν Τούρκους ομιλητές στην Κωνσταντινούπολη.Τούρκοι μουσικοί έπαιζαν μουσικά όργανα και τραγουδούσαν αυτούς τους Έλληνες τζόκερ.Οι ηχογραφήσεις έγιναν σε δίσκους στο Λονδίνο και πωλήθηκαν στην Ελλάδα.Οι Ορθόδοξοι Τούρκοι παρηγορήθηκαν από αυτά τα τραγούδια. Kazancakis'in ebeveynleri Türkiye'nin ORDU şehrinden bu zorunlu göç ile Yunanistan'a gitmişlerdi.ORDU şehri 1882 de köy gibi,yolları çamurlu ve bir çok insanın ÇAMBAŞI denilen yerde oturduğu bir yerdi.Yangın Ermeni mahallesinden çıktı.Türk ve Ermeni mahalleleri yandı. Türk ve Ermeniler den ölenler oldu.Rumların oturduğu mahalle yanmadı.Yalnız 3 Rum yaralanmıştı.Ama şarkıyı Rumlar besteledi.Kazancakis'in sesinden dinleyelim.İçinde çok Türkçe kelime de var.Olayı anlatıyor. Οι γονείς του καζανκάκη είχαν πάει στην Ελλάδα με αυτή την αναγκαστική μετανάστευση από το Ορντού της Τουρκίας.Η πόλη ORDU ήταν ένα μέρος όπου πολλοί άνθρωποι ζούσαν σε ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ÇAMBAŞI, όπως ένα χωριό το 1882, οι δρόμοι του ήταν λασπωμένοι και πολλοί άνθρωποι ζούσαν σε ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ÇAMBAŞI.Η πυρκαγιά ξέσπασε στην Αρμενική συνοικία.Οι τουρκικές και αρμενικές γειτονιές κάηκαν. Υπήρξαν θάνατοι από Τούρκους και Αρμένιους.Η γειτονιά όπου ζούσαν οι Έλληνες δεν κάηκε.Μόνο 3 Έλληνες τραυματίστηκαν.Αλλά το τραγούδι συντάχθηκε από τους Έλληνες.Ας ακούσουμε τη φωνή του Καζανκάκη.Υπάρχουν επίσης πολλές τουρκικές λέξεις σε αυτό.Λέει για το περιστατικό. Size sağlıklı,mutlu günler diliyorum.Kazancakis'in söylediği şarkıları hepsini dinledim.Teşekkürler Kazancakis Σας εύχομαι μια υγιή, ευτυχισμένη μέρα.Άκουσα όλα τα τραγούδια που τραγούδησε ο Καζανκάκης.Σας Ευχαριστούμε Για Τη Βαθμολογία Σας
A pesar de que no se Griego me encanta esta música... Tengo muchas canciones... Este tipo de fiestas en que consisten? es de fin de año ?? o cumpleaños que celebraciones son ?? si alguien sabe español me responda, se lo agradecería. saludos a los Griego y su música
My Dad Dimitrios Moraitis was one of the best bouzouki players in South Africa he was one of the first to come to SA. WE WERE so blessed to grow up having this music everyday and learn all the songs as well. My uncle Jianni Moraitis lives on....
Καλύτερη μουσική στον κόσμο ! Δεν μπορείτε να σταματήσετε ακοής, Σ 'αγαπώ πολύ θερμούς χαιρετισμούς από το Ισραήλ, The Best music in the world !!! professional musicians,Very exciting, We love you !!! Warm greetings from Israel, Joseph
Omg I deeply love Greek. I love your dance your amaxing culture and unique dance . Wish i could live there and smell the aroma of unique Greek culture. Live your gentle words amd behaviors. With love from Persia
You, greek people with all your cultural treasures that are the foundation of european civilisation. This gracious dance seems the one painted from an antique precious vase, I see in it all the mythological nymphs dance with their arms up in the air and their legs slightly touching the ground.A metaphora to the human existence that is only a glimpse of an eye on this earth.The sound of the instruments with oriental and also anatolian harmony guarantee once and for all the liaisons between Europe and Asia Minor.
Indeed, the dance that you find painted on antique vases, the Ancient Greeks called 'Pyrichios' dance because it was danced around the fire in a circle and holding hands at shoulder level in the 'W' position. 'Pyr' means 'fire' as in pyrotechnics or pyromaniac etc. Also, holding hands above head-level in the so called 'Eagle position' is a form of training young man for war, It is not a war dance it is a training for war dance. Hitting or touching the ground (soil) with the right hand has very deep symbolic meaning ! It states that: 'I am alive to fignt for another day' or 'I am not dead yet', or 'I an not 2 meters under the soil yet? The liaisons are between Europe and Asia (both Greek goddeses !) and NOT Asia Minor, namely Persia, Armenia, Asyria and India and NOT Turkey as many tend to believe.
Unfortunately the Globalist has his evil claws in Greece and corrupted a lot of the politicians in an attempt to destroy Greece and culture. Enjoy this while you can as even in the last 20 years it's becoming much more rare. We are in the dark ages unfortunately!
Τα ωρεοτερα χρονια του 50 60 τα ωρεοτερα τραγουδια βγαλμενα απο την ζωη μας μας πανε πολυ πισω μας κρατανε συντροφια την αγαπη μου να εισται καλα απο Αυστραλια
The ancient Greeks used to say: Today we dance and tomorrow we celabrate, This is because dance was a Ceremony to honour the GREEK GODS for providing a good harvest for example, And each year they came with nicer dances to honour the GODS and slowly over tome the dance became the celebration as we know it today. However, because you are Greek, or have Greek origins, you should be able to dance to these dances. The dance is called Kalamatianos (From the city of Kalamata and the great olives sold all over the world !). There are 5 songs with the same tune put together in a medley. Is the easiest dance to learn as you step 3 times forward and 2 times back (in reverse), therefore, the net movement is forward by one step. The first step is the one backwards. You also hold hands high above the shoulders ... and jump a bit ... but not very high and keep 'on your toes' or 'to your toes' just like in ballet dancing... in order to give some elegance to the dance (ornament or ornaments or decoration is called in dancing terminology! which includes the turns of 360°) The listing of the five (5) songs : 00:26 - Siko Chorepse Koukli me - Get up and dance my little doll - (Σήκω χόρεψε κουκλί μου - 1960) 03:04 - Eise E Zoe Mou - You are my life - (Είσαι η ζωή μου) - 1967 04:17 - Meine Agapi Mou Konta Mou - My love /my dear stay near me - (Μείνε αγάπη μου κοντά μου) 05:06 - E Kardia tis manas - The heart of my mother or Mother's heart - (Η καρdiα της μάνας) - 2003 07:51 - E Kardia mou as opsete - My Heart is on desplay - (Η καρδιά μου ας όψεται) - 1972 07:51 - The song is also called: 'Dakrismeni' or 'In-tears' or 'crying'.
@@KataDaemonaEaftou "Moreno Cocchietto на "музиката" е турски. Традиционната ни музика няма нищо общо с тази ориенталска мръсотия." Не може толкова години да са били по тези земи и да не са оставили някаква следа. Има и друг момент, музиката прониква навсякъде, с тези, които я изпълняват и чрез тези, които заимстват мотиви. Да не забравяме, кога тези земи са освободени и с кого са изкуствено заселвани, за да доказват, че са техни.
izvrsan duet .pravi profesionalci.pozdrav iz Beograda.Braca zauvek Srbija Grecija
Grazie di cuore al popolo Greco per l'immensa cultura e civiltà che a dato al mondo intero se no non fosse stato per la grande Grecia il mondo non sarebbe quello che è oggi
Esatto! Grande Grecia! Sono stato un anno in Atena e questa anno era un anno INCREDIBILE!
De acord cu tine,Doina!!! Mulțumesc, Grecia!♥️
Love from an Italian. Una facia una razza ❤❤😊🇬🇷🇮🇹
Una fatsa una raza αδερφέ 🇬🇷❤️🇮🇹
Bin wieder dabei, es macht glücklich, diese Lieder zu hören und wieder jung zu werden!Efharisto pfara,para poli von einer Österreicherin mit griechischem Herzen!🇦🇹👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖💖🇬🇷
Δεν υπάρχουν λόγια ,με αυτά τα τραγούδια μεγαλώσαμε αγαπήσαμε, αυτά δεν ξαναγραφονται, χαίρομαι που τα ακουω
I love Greek music, love Greek people. From kurdstan 🙏♥️💖💝
where is kurdistan?
@@nurullahcsgn2779 According to the sources, Kurdistan is a regional area that spans across several Middle Eastern countries. It's not a country but is supposed to describe the area because of the people living in it.
We love you too
Si asi se viva la vida yo quiero ser griego.❤ desde Mexico. Por siempre. Helladas.
superba melodie! Grecii stiu sa se distreze, muzica lor este plina de energie pozitiva, iti transmite o stare de spirit de bine si de buna dispozitie. Ii iubesc pentru libertatea lor si pentru modul lor de a trai si de a se distra. BRAVO ELADA!
,, Bravo Elada,,!!!!!
MULCUMESK DOMNa Domnezeou Romania multi Ani
Τέλειο τραγούδι 🎶 και τέλειοι τραγουδιστές 🎤. Όπας 🕺💃. Φιλιά 😘 από Κύπρο 🇨🇾.
Musica greca e parapoli oreia e bellissima, e stupenda muaresi para para poli e e mi piacce tantissimo. Grazie mille con affetto ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Grazzie ,bellissima tragudia 🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🌺Agappo muzichi Elenica epharisto parrapolli!!!🌹🥀🌺🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌺🥀🌹🌹
Ich liebe das fröhlich Volk und die Kultur ❤sehr .
Eine wunderschöne Sprache .
Das Essen und die Musik liebe ich sehr.
Liebe Griechen ihr macht uns glücklich mit eure Musik und Kultur.
Wunderbare Menschen.
I love Griechenland ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
LA MULTI ANI tuturor MARIILOR din tara și din lume,azi la SFANTA Sărbătoare! TATAL CERESC sa va aibă în paza și numai bine sa va dea în viata! Numele SFANT sa va dea viata lunga și frumoasa!
Amo molto la musica Grecia,e bellissima,vai avanti così come sei ,ti ama tutto l'mondo..
Πώς γίνεται όλοι οι άνθρωποι από το εξωτερικό να έχουν να λένε κάτι όμορφο για τους Έλληνες και την Ελλάδα και κάποιοι ντόπιοι να είναι φαρμακογλωσσοι δεν μπορώ να το καταλάβω αυτό ρε παιδί μου....Μπράβο στα παιδιά που χορεύουν με την ψυχή τους και την καρδιά τους και μπράβο στους τραγουδιστές που γουστάρουν και χαίρονται να τραγουδούν τα όμορφα αυτά τραγούδια 👏🏻💙🇬🇷 Είμαστε καλοί οι Έλληνες, όμως πολλή γκρίνια ρε γμτ
Έχουμε της αντεφέσεις , αυτό είναι μεγάλη συζήτηση , αλλά κατά βάθος μια χαρά λαός είμαστε . Κρατάμε αρκετά και από την Αρχαία Ελλάδα και αυτό έρχεται δε αντίθεση με την χριστιανική Ελλάδα η οποία είχε επιβληθεί διά πυρός και σιδήρου στην αρχή . Πολύ χοντρικά αυτί είναι η εξήγηση .
Какие красивые песни, браво греки, наверное у вас нет продажного шоу бизнеса . Слушаю и получаю эстетическое удовольствие!
Привет из России,наслаждаюсь вашим исполнением,браво.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Mommy,oliookikk8k'8limmii ilioimiooio8lllil🏀🏀🩻🎂🚙😄📜
Complimenti è un grande PIACERE a sentire la musica Greca.Bellissima Musica ritmica e allegria.
Nu exista muzica si dansuri mai frumoase ca ale grecilor.GRECIA este o tara binecuvantata de DUMNEZEU!
We LOVE Romania !!!!!
We are Brother Nations! 🇬🇷❤️🇷🇴
God loved love the Greek so much. For when he made the earth he gave mostly other country soil. And left the rest of the rocks to create Greece as the old saying goes
You got to remember thou Greeks and Persians were war they also shared a lot of the sciences which benefited both cultures the benefited the world
Very beautiful music I
I love Greek music.!!!
Stupendi, meravigliosi, bravissimi, trasmettete tantissima allegria, gioia da vivere, complimenti, dal l'ITALIA con l'amore il popolo greco e fantastico, sarà sempre nel mio cuore ❤️
multumim Doinuta draga....
When my Dad Nikos was alive this was his favourite song to dance to , he would request it and dance with his full heart and soul.
I had tears listening to it, Dance in Heaven Dad like the incredible dancer you were.
Lipame JA ton mpampasou KE O dikos mou ine sto paradiso To ONOMA tou itan Naoumis ITANE APO TIN KORISO
Den KSERIS elinika?
Sorry for your loss. Which song is this?
Anastasia, how nice you wrote about your dad Rip.
Very nice of you.
Ashishsingh There a few songs in sequence.
Maybe Anastasia talking about the first song.
The first song got 3 versions Greek, Turkiye and North MK.
Hay Greece 🇬🇷 💙 😍
With greetings from South Africa........GREEK music the BEST of the BEST......LOVE my country GREECE and the culture xxxxxxxx
In fact, this is NOT Greek but all TURKISH music...If U want, be AWARE...
@@tutkunkazanoglu Are you on drugs?
Shum e bukur potpuria
Με συγκινεί ιδιαίτερα.
Καλη σας μέρα συνχαρητηρια είναι τέλεια τα τραγουδια παντα επιτυχίες σας χερετω ευχαριστω
Bellissima canzone il 2005 sonno stata in Elada e ascoltavo questa canzone ,Complimenti 🥀🌺🌺🙏🌺🌺🌺
I pre sam slušao grčku muziku, ali od kad imamo stan u Soluna, ta muzika mi dodje kao domaća☺ Slušajte grčku prelepu muziku I kupujte jevtine nekretnine u bratskoj Grčkoj!!!☺
Used to play some of these songs in Armenian weddings back in the day... Hello from Armenia.
Σας υπερευχαριστώ για τα τραγούδια γλυκές αναμνήσεις από τον χιλιό αγαπημένε μου ξαδελφούλη Στέλιο Καζαντζίδη που τώρα τραγουδάει στον Παράδεισο για τον Θεό μας 🙏 Σας στέλνω την αγάπη μου από την ξενιτιά της Αμερικής. 💞👼
Χαιρετισμούς από την Florida! I actually use this song and others like it to warm up before I exercise! Το χορό και μουσική μου δίνουνε μεγάλη χαρά! Και πριν ξεχάσω, Χριστός Ανέστη! ✝️ (5/9/22)
Sagapoli Angela ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇹🇷🇹🇷❤️❤️🇹🇷
Angela Γεια σου καλή μου! Και εγώ στη Florida είμαι. Αυτά τα τραγούδια σ’ αγαπάω πολύ γιατί θα τραγούδαγε ο χιλιοαγαπημενος μου ξαδελφουλης Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης. Η ευλογία του Χριστούλη μας πάντα μαζί σου και τους αγαπημένους σου 🙏✝️💞🌹 Turkısh folk song
@@sophiapapadopoulos322 Yunanca bilmiyorum.Ama size internetten çevirerek yazacağım.Kazancakis bir çok Türk şarkısını,Türkçe olarak söylemiştir.1935 den sonra Yunannistanda Türkçe yasaklanmıştı.30 ocak 1923 de Llyod George,Lord Curzon ve Venizalos 'ın ısrarı ile zorunlu göç antlaşmasını imzaladık.1.500.000 Ortodoks Türkiyeden Yunanistan'a alındı.Bunlardan 300.000 i Yunanca bimeyen yalnız Türkçe bilen Hrisitiyan Türklerdi.Diğerleri ise Türkçe bilmeyen yalnız Yunanca bilen ortodokslardı.
Ελληνικά Δεν ξέρω.Αλλά θα σας γράψω μεταφράζοντάς το στο Διαδίκτυο.Ο καζανκάκης έχει τραγουδήσει πολλά τουρκικά τραγούδια στα Τουρκικά.μετά το 1935, τα τουρκικά απαγορεύτηκαν στην Ελλάδα.στις 30 Ιανουαρίου 1923, με την επιμονή του Λόιντ Τζορτζ, του Λόρδου Κέρζον και του Βενιζέλου, υπογράψαμε τη Συνθήκη αναγκαστικής μετανάστευσης.1.500.000 Ορθόδοξοι μεταφέρθηκαν από την Τουρκία στην Ελλάδα.Τα ελληνικά τουρκικά ήταν η μόνη γλώσσα που μιλούσαν 300.000 από αυτούς.Οι Τούρκοι Έλληνες ήταν οι μόνοι που δεν μιλούσαν τουρκικά και οι άλλοι ήταν ορθόδοξοι που μιλούσαν ελληνικά.
Türkiye Yunanca bilmeyen 300.000 Ortodoks Türkü vermek istemiyor ama 1.200.000 Ortodoksun da gitmesini istiyordu.Ama Norveçli Nansen ile bu 300.000 Ortodoks Türk de Yunanistan'a alındı.Komisyonlar,kilise kayıtları ile Türkiyenin doğusundan,batısından her yerinden bu ortodoskları aldı.Bunlar Yunanca bilmiyorlardı.Türkçe bilenleri İstanbul'a gönderdiler.Türk müzisyenler müzik aletlerini çalıp,bu Yunanlı şakıcılar söylediler.Yapılan kayıtlar Londra da plak haline getirilip Yunanistan da satıldı.Ortodoks Türkler bu şarkılar ile teselli oldular.
Η Τουρκία δεν θέλει να δώσει 300.000 Ορθόδοξα δημοτικά τραγούδια που δεν μιλούν ελληνικά, αλλά ήθελε να πάνε και 1.200.000 Ορθόδοξοι.Αλλά με το νορβηγικό Νάνσεν, αυτοί οι 300.000 Ορθόδοξοι Τούρκοι μεταφέρθηκαν επίσης στην Ελλάδα.Οι επιτροπές έλαβαν αυτές τις ορθόδοξες εκκλησίες από όλη την Τουρκία από την Ανατολή και τη δύση με εκκλησιαστικά αρχεία.Δεν μιλούσαν ελληνικά.Έστειλαν Τούρκους ομιλητές στην Κωνσταντινούπολη.Τούρκοι μουσικοί έπαιζαν μουσικά όργανα και τραγουδούσαν αυτούς τους Έλληνες τζόκερ.Οι ηχογραφήσεις έγιναν σε δίσκους στο Λονδίνο και πωλήθηκαν στην Ελλάδα.Οι Ορθόδοξοι Τούρκοι παρηγορήθηκαν από αυτά τα τραγούδια.
Kazancakis'in ebeveynleri Türkiye'nin ORDU şehrinden bu zorunlu göç ile Yunanistan'a gitmişlerdi.ORDU şehri 1882 de köy gibi,yolları çamurlu ve bir çok insanın ÇAMBAŞI denilen yerde oturduğu bir yerdi.Yangın Ermeni mahallesinden çıktı.Türk ve Ermeni mahalleleri yandı. Türk ve Ermeniler den ölenler oldu.Rumların oturduğu mahalle yanmadı.Yalnız 3 Rum yaralanmıştı.Ama şarkıyı Rumlar besteledi.Kazancakis'in sesinden dinleyelim.İçinde çok Türkçe kelime de var.Olayı anlatıyor.
Οι γονείς του καζανκάκη είχαν πάει στην Ελλάδα με αυτή την αναγκαστική μετανάστευση από το Ορντού της Τουρκίας.Η πόλη ORDU ήταν ένα μέρος όπου πολλοί άνθρωποι ζούσαν σε ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ÇAMBAŞI, όπως ένα χωριό το 1882, οι δρόμοι του ήταν λασπωμένοι και πολλοί άνθρωποι ζούσαν σε ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται ÇAMBAŞI.Η πυρκαγιά ξέσπασε στην Αρμενική συνοικία.Οι τουρκικές και αρμενικές γειτονιές κάηκαν. Υπήρξαν θάνατοι από Τούρκους και Αρμένιους.Η γειτονιά όπου ζούσαν οι Έλληνες δεν κάηκε.Μόνο 3 Έλληνες τραυματίστηκαν.Αλλά το τραγούδι συντάχθηκε από τους Έλληνες.Ας ακούσουμε τη φωνή του Καζανκάκη.Υπάρχουν επίσης πολλές τουρκικές λέξεις σε αυτό.Λέει για το περιστατικό.
Size sağlıklı,mutlu günler diliyorum.Kazancakis'in söylediği şarkıları hepsini dinledim.Teşekkürler Kazancakis
Σας εύχομαι μια υγιή, ευτυχισμένη μέρα.Άκουσα όλα τα τραγούδια που τραγούδησε ο Καζανκάκης.Σας Ευχαριστούμε Για Τη Βαθμολογία Σας
A pesar de que no se Griego me encanta esta música... Tengo muchas canciones... Este tipo de fiestas en que consisten? es de fin de año ?? o cumpleaños que celebraciones son ??
si alguien sabe español me responda, se lo agradecería.
saludos a los Griego y su música
Love Greece and Love greeks! Wonderful song !!!!Sagapo Ellada
I love this! My parents were from the island Chios Greece!
❤❤❤❤❤❤ Good old days when people still had a heart
Gospodo Grci: Fenomenalno, Samo Veselo,Ziveli
!!! Mnogo Vas Voli i Ljubi,Ljubica.
Τι ωραίο πρόγραμμα!!!!Ανεπαναλυπτο!!!
all love to our Mediterranean greek friends,,,,all love from Egypt
I love greek music
o manolhs aggelopoylos gennithike sthn egypto
נוסטלגיה.טוב. מאוד.זכר.לימים.שמחים.יותר.ינעורים.יפים..אוהב.עג.מאוד....
@@גדעוןבראשי-ע3ז thanks for replying manolhs many times king. EGYPT AND GREECE. Before Christianity 🇪🇬 🇬🇷 🏛 👑 👑 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ενας ειναι ο Σπιρος εχει πολοι ωρεο προγραμα😁
NJERSEY USA 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Balkan line dancing seems like a tradition. I see in Greek, Albanian, Serbian and all over. It's very beautiful. And the music is relatable.
Okay, let me remind ourselves too 🇹🇷
This type of dancing is also very popular in Armenia & they call it (shurj bar) which means circular dance.
This song is Greek
@@annezaxouzouri2349 Really? I didn't know that😂😂😂😂
The title itself already says that.😊
Line Dancing in this region comes from the Ancient Greeks!
HORO 🇬🇷👍 cHOReOgraphy !!!! 💙
Piekna muzyka i taniec 👏🤗
My Dad Dimitrios Moraitis was one of the best bouzouki players in South Africa he was one of the first to come to SA. WE WERE so blessed to grow up having this music everyday and learn all the songs as well. My uncle Jianni Moraitis lives on....
Neprolazna lepota grčkog melosa pre, sada i na mnoga leta!...Ευχαριστώ πολλή Ελλάδα!...♥️🇬🇷🇷🇸♥️☦️🙏
Legends songs forever❤️🎵🎶🎤
This show ‘Stin Agia Mas’ does a better job than almost any other media of showcasing the great music of Greece.
Muzik evrenseldir cok guzel begendim en yakin komsumuz Yunanistan efharisto poli
The first song was my childhood really, my hometown is Constanta, Romania and we have a lot of greeks there, we love this music...
Φώτης,θυμάμαι τα ωραία χρόνια του 1960 και έπειτα, Μενο στο πολλά χρόνια,στο Ουάσινγκτον,διασκεδάζω από εδώ! Ζήτω η Ελλάδα μας!!!
I love you Nikos, you are wonderful, you have a golden voice.
'Ελατε δεσποινίδες σηκωθείτε και χορέψτε ! 🙏🙏😊😊😊😊💖💖💖💖
Kazantzidis , Dallaras, Marinella, Theodorakis, Roussos, les autres . MERVEILLEUSE GRECE
Помогите,как первая песня называется в этом видео?
Piękna grecka muzyka! , profesjonalni muzycy.Po prostu uwielbiam sposób, w jaki Grecy tańczą do tych wspaniałych piosenek z taką powagą i godnością.
Greece 🇬🇷Cyprus 🇨🇾
From Italy! Bravo!
Una faccia una razza ❤️💙🇬🇷🇮🇹❤️💙
Καλύτερη μουσική στον κόσμο ! Δεν μπορείτε να σταματήσετε ακοής, Σ 'αγαπώ πολύ θερμούς χαιρετισμούς από το Ισραήλ, The Best music in the world !!! professional musicians,Very exciting, We love you !!! Warm greetings from Israel, Joseph
Greetings from palestine
koussay nashashibi 😂
Η,, να μη
Absolutely love ISRAEL !!!
I miss the Greek music thank you UTube for uploading these videos from Greece . I used to watch this program every time it was on .
Kako.vas je lijepo slusati pravi odmor za dusu svaka cast..... sarajevo,,
Hello from New York City USA
אני מאוד מאושר מאשירים שאני שומע יוונית זה מעודד אותי
Efxaristo Israël !
Omg I deeply love Greek. I love your dance your amaxing culture and unique dance . Wish i could live there and smell the aroma of unique Greek culture. Live your gentle words amd behaviors. With love from Persia
Ii Iii i 1:15
Lichess 9:17 9:17 9:17
Great!!! Bravo!!! Best regards from Venezuela. Opa!
This type of dancing is also very popular in Armenia & they call it (shurj bar) which means circular dance.
Compliments from Bulgaria !
Moja omiljena pesma i igra
GREAT MUSIC!! With love from Kingston Ontario Canada..
Mi piace molto che sapete divertirvi, complimenti ❤️🤩❤️
So lovely greek dance ang song !!
Love greeks from Armenia 💜
Don’t forget Turks guys we have common ground this song also Turkish version too. Shinay ❤️🎈🇹🇷👏
We love you guys ❤️💙🇬🇷🇦🇲❤️💙
We Love You! ❤️
Ενας απο τα ωραιωτατα τραγουδια του Στελάρα μας του θρύλου
Αχ βρε Καζαντζιδη Ποσο μας λειπης Αθάνατος
Viva. La. Musica. De. La. Republica. Hellenica. Yasou. !!
Brings back old memories from years gone by with my beloved parents & family back in Brooklyn, NY.
You, greek people with all your cultural treasures that are the foundation of european civilisation. This gracious dance seems the one painted from an antique precious vase, I see in it all the mythological nymphs dance with their arms up in the air and their legs slightly touching the ground.A metaphora to the human existence that is only a glimpse of an eye on this earth.The sound of the instruments with oriental and also anatolian harmony guarantee once and for all the liaisons between Europe and Asia Minor.
Indeed, the dance that you find painted on antique vases, the Ancient Greeks called 'Pyrichios' dance because it was danced around the fire in a circle and holding hands at shoulder level in the 'W' position. 'Pyr' means 'fire' as in pyrotechnics or pyromaniac etc.
Also, holding hands above head-level in the so called 'Eagle position' is a form of training young man for war, It is not a war dance it is a training for war dance.
Hitting or touching the ground (soil) with the right hand has very deep symbolic meaning !
It states that: 'I am alive to fignt for another day' or 'I am not dead yet', or 'I an not 2 meters under the soil yet?
The liaisons are between Europe and Asia (both Greek goddeses !) and NOT Asia Minor, namely Persia, Armenia, Asyria and India and NOT Turkey as many tend to believe.
@@JimmyTheGreek2000 I thank you for this information.
Unfortunately the Globalist has his evil claws in Greece and corrupted a lot of the politicians in an attempt to destroy Greece and culture. Enjoy this while you can as even in the last 20 years it's becoming much more rare. We are in the dark ages unfortunately!
@@Nikolak44_AJ_Epic the same is here too.We lose day after day a lot of traditions.
@@JimmyTheGreek2000 luck like a bulgarian "Daychovo horo"
Ah yavrum yavrum, şinanay yavrum şinanay vay. Love from Istanbul.
الله على جمال اللحن
تلحين الموسيقار محمد فوزى
يا مصطفى يامصطفى
Αυτά είναι τραγούδια μπράβο
Amooooo esa musica...bella💃💃
Τα ωρεοτερα χρονια του 50 60 τα ωρεοτερα τραγουδια βγαλμενα απο την ζωη μας μας πανε πολυ πισω μας κρατανε συντροφια την αγαπη μου να εισται καλα απο Αυστραλια
Sending love from Melbourne Australia
Que hermoso recuerdo con este tema chifteteli algo así si no está bien corrijame besos 🇦🇷❤️
This song and many others take me back when my dad was still alive, would play all these songs, (he was Greek) Love it
So you’re a bit a Greek also, keep it, listen to these songs man 💪🇬🇷💙❤️
I am sorry!
Браво 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
I just love the way Greeks dance to these wonderful songs with such poise and dignity.
When God made the Earth, He smiled upon Greece!
The ancient Greeks used to say: Today we dance and tomorrow we celabrate,
This is because dance was a Ceremony to honour the GREEK GODS for providing a good harvest for example,
And each year they came with nicer dances to honour the GODS and slowly over tome the dance became the celebration as we know it today.
However, because you are Greek, or have Greek origins, you should be able to dance to these dances.
The dance is called Kalamatianos (From the city of Kalamata and the great olives sold all over the world !).
There are 5 songs with the same tune put together in a medley.
Is the easiest dance to learn as you step 3 times forward and 2 times back (in reverse), therefore, the net movement is forward by one step.
The first step is the one backwards.
You also hold hands high above the shoulders ... and jump a bit ... but not very high and keep 'on your toes' or 'to your toes' just like in ballet dancing... in order to give some elegance to the dance (ornament or ornaments or decoration is called in dancing terminology! which includes the turns of 360°)
The listing of the five (5) songs :
00:26 - Siko Chorepse Koukli me - Get up and dance my little doll - (Σήκω χόρεψε κουκλί μου - 1960)
03:04 - Eise E Zoe Mou - You are my life - (Είσαι η ζωή μου) - 1967
04:17 - Meine Agapi Mou Konta Mou - My love /my dear stay near me - (Μείνε αγάπη μου κοντά μου)
05:06 - E Kardia tis manas - The heart of my mother or Mother's heart - (Η καρdiα της μάνας) - 2003
07:51 - E Kardia mou as opsete - My Heart is on desplay - (Η καρδιά μου ας όψεται) - 1972
07:51 - The song is also called: 'Dakrismeni' or 'In-tears' or 'crying'.
I love Greek music the best !,,greetings from Seattle Washington
Im amazed everyone is in step and noone is all over the place, unlike Aussies trying to dance Greek ..when they are drunk..not a good
so cute sagapu
Love from Armenia ❤
hello from Turkey. I love greek music 🧿🧿🧿🧿hopopopo
اغاني جميله ....وحضاره عريقه
Poliorrea iasass !!!Elada🎊🎊🎗✨🎍 Aggapao !!
Μπαμπά κα, ευχαριστώ για την,αφιέρωση.
Love the language and the dancing.
Love this culture!
Μια χαρά. Περνατε και εγώ
Τρόμαξα. Εντάξει όλα καλα
Geia sas to all the Greeks in Montreal our roots
Absolutely fantastic! Greeks are people with a great soul.
Moreno Cocchietto the "music" is turkish. Our traditional music has nothing to do with this orientalic filth.
Абсолютно фантастично! Гърците са хора с голяма душа... Дали? Гърците или погърчените българи...Песента е българска, изпята на гръцки ...
Read my comment above. The music is not Turkish, we coppied it from India,
@@KataDaemonaEaftou "Moreno Cocchietto на "музиката" е турски. Традиционната ни музика няма нищо общо с тази ориенталска мръсотия." Не може толкова години да са били по тези земи и да не са оставили някаква следа. Има и друг момент, музиката прониква навсякъде, с тези, които я изпълняват и чрез тези, които заимстват мотиви. Да не забравяме, кога тези земи са освободени и с кого са изкуствено заселвани, за да доказват, че са техни.
Absolutely true, we are just that all round.
Gabriela Andreias y
I ellines tous aressoune poli na horevoune ta ellinika tragoudia.To ehoune sto ema tttous.Bravo sas
@@sulagola1117 xxd#ßlp7, .
Long Live Pontos , Long Live The Pontic Greeks !!
Τραγουδάρες😘😘😘😁😁😁🙋🙋🙋Μπράβο στα παιδιά