I am ABC with Guangxi roots. It's amazing that we were able to keep these dialect for thousands of years and only until recently did the new generation not learn this. It's bitter sweet, it helps unify the country not only in writing but, also spoken. Mandarin should adopt some middle chinese tones. Cantonese is closer to what Chinese people used to speak.
@georgechow516 I traveled through Guangxi before, there's alot of different dialects there besides Cantonese. Even my father's village have their own dialect. They didn't bother to pass it on because it's not useful outside the small area.
I am ABC with Guangxi roots. It's amazing that we were able to keep these dialect for thousands of years and only until recently did the new generation not learn this.
It's bitter sweet, it helps unify the country not only in writing but, also spoken.
Mandarin should adopt some middle chinese tones. Cantonese is closer to what Chinese people used to speak.
大佬,你就同細路傾偈就得,唔使强調係白話。因為你唔係講普通話,就問人係唔係食飯。人地除咗答”係呀” 都唔知點答你,你又唔講其他嘢。你問下小朋友鐘意乜嘢科目,鐘意乜嘢手機遊戲,盡量帶開啲題目嚟啟發佢講吖嘛。
Bu hui Jiang bái hua.
只有,心懐不軌的外來人 才會想方設法消滅本地人的語言
同一個方言 白話就是粵語一個分支@@indeficit2
@@唯安千歧 是广西的白话
如果90後唔講 唔教
只有,心懐不軌的外來人 才會想方設法消滅本地人的語言
@georgechow516 I traveled through Guangxi before, there's alot of different dialects there besides Cantonese. Even my father's village have their own dialect. They didn't bother to pass it on because it's not useful outside the small area.