Just a little bit of added info, they actually cut off the legs on the crabs so that it triggers their hormones to force them to molt sooner. The legs grow back to full size on the next molt. The farmers ideally like to leave the pincers on since it would take 2 or 3 molts to get the pincers back to original size if they cut those off too (which directly affects harvest weight and quality parameters).
the overall operation of production is very impressive and scientific but also a very nicely made video with beautiful background music... a pleasure to watch.
- No, blue crab has a soft shell season as well. I've never heard of people eating soft shell mud crab though. I'm willing to bet it's no where NEAR as good as blue soft shell crabs though. 💯
Oh my, those tiny crabs vary greatly in size. Do you know what that means? Selective breeding should work, and one could raise giant crabs! Unless they’re like some really big human babies that grow up to be small. Maybe they catch up in size. But, if those variations hold true to adulthood, one could select the biggest of all, grow them to maturity, breed them, then select the largest, and so on, and so forth. You could raise some giant mud crabs. Yum! Through selective breeding, you could have your own new breed of giant mud crabs!
- 6:44 omg it looks like DNA lolll. Great video though && I could live off of Crabs, lobster && Chinese food. Those are all my faves. Oh well, I love pineapple too 🍍 🦀🦞
can we attend or observe or learn from your farm. what time or month that you receive visitors or attendees? What''s the cost of the seminar and the staycation if ever? I'm from Cebu city, Philippines. My name is Mr. Francisco V. Kho Jr.
When I was a kid soft shelled crabs costed 20 bucks a Bushel or 90+ crabs but today because the Chesapeake Bay is overfished 2 dozen cost almost 100 bucks. This way of farming is much better but they must need a bunch of males to harvest so many babies. The females have thousands of eggs. It’s a brilliant idea but like the majority of seafood coming from Asia it’s belastet with chemicals. Because the water is stagnant they move them to generate oxygen. If not they would die from the chemicals and waste from rotten leftover fish pieces. The system has pros and cons but it’s better than depleting the Wild reserve and they tast great. You can eat the whole thing because the crab needs all its energy to produce a new shell that the poisonous organs are week.
These look like the blue crabs that live in the Chesapeake Bay on the east coast of Virginia and Maryland; they just are not blue. Are there dangerous levels of toxins in farmed crabs like in farmed salmon?
All the muddys Ive caught and eaten ar at least 3 times the size of the ones they are packaging and if you not careful and let their claw get to your thumb or fingers they will take them off
I can only eat, not really raised them as food because I will feel pity for them and cannot have heart to eat them afterwards, especially after seeing this video. Perhaps the same reason why my mother used to raised lots of chicken but never once ate any of them. I told my mother I want to raise some for our food few years back but she do not like it and I think at the end, I'll be just the same like her 😅, can only raise them but not eat any. So I cancelled the plan. That's why I just raise cats cause I never plan to eat them. But I'm wondering what kind of plant that can temporarily substitutes chicken as alternative because I don't want to be too dependent on them. The kind that can satisfy the craving like eating chicken. I don't plan to be a vegeration because animal protein source is very important, I just plan to reduce them in my daily diet. It's good in cost saving too for a long term if I can self sustain the plant farming myself.
If just at border ( like that /, then they cant climb up, to just walk around in water? If like this is painful it looks like that. Crab can swim and walk on land so they are restricted like that looks bad. Is it usually alot of orders to buy? If leave a door open type of pulling, that they will come to anyway for food(hanged) then pull up?
Just a little bit of added info, they actually cut off the legs on the crabs so that it triggers their hormones to force them to molt sooner. The legs grow back to full size on the next molt. The farmers ideally like to leave the pincers on since it would take 2 or 3 molts to get the pincers back to original size if they cut those off too (which directly affects harvest weight and quality parameters).
Thank you for clarification.👍😀
I like soft shell crabs very much! I didn't know they were being farmed. Thank you for this excellent video!
Hie he. Happy when bring new for u
They are arranged so perfectly and nicely
Didn't knew they are raised and farmed like this, pretty cool to see the process!
such a journey. this strangely reminds me of life, going through schooling and college, then the corporate world 👍
What’s a wonderful journey of life which normal people would be happy to be in.
they cannot see outside the pond/cage@@maily8388
bro XD
the overall operation of production is very impressive and scientific but
also a very nicely made video with beautiful background music... a pleasure to watch.
I like noal farm videos on TH-cam from the imperial county California 👍👍🇺🇲
❤Love from india ,Tamil Nadu, Tiruppur... We love noal farm❤
Is this a brackish water. They are raised in?
How do they deal with salt build up?
Thank you ❤❤❤Latvia ❤very interest information ❤
Love you noal farm
I thought soft shell crab is a species, oh boy was i terribly wrong! Thank you noal farm for this info!
And I thought they were cannibal ! It turn out they ear their own shell ! ( And yes they actually are cannibal)
@@pan2aja that is the reason of one crab per box. In the wild they bury under the sand and only come out to eat.
- No, blue crab has a soft shell season as well. I've never heard of people eating soft shell mud crab though. I'm willing to bet it's no where NEAR as good as blue soft shell crabs though. 💯
باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ما شاء الله ❤
*i like it and I just to build Soft Shell Mud Crab Farming at home*
Thanks for mentioning my country🇧🇩❤️
Oh my, those tiny crabs vary greatly in size. Do you know what that means? Selective breeding should work, and one could raise giant crabs! Unless they’re like some really big human babies that grow up to be small. Maybe they catch up in size.
But, if those variations hold true to adulthood, one could select the biggest of all, grow them to maturity, breed them, then select the largest, and so on, and so forth. You could raise some giant mud crabs. Yum! Through selective breeding, you could have your own new breed of giant mud crabs!
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
- 6:44 omg it looks like DNA lolll.
Great video though && I could live off of Crabs, lobster && Chinese food. Those are all my faves. Oh well, I love pineapple too 🍍 🦀🦞
아.. 게라면 어떤 거라도 좋아~~ 이것도 맛있어 보인다.
Hunting a farm is really fun, the scale is huge, it's the first time I've seen a farm that big, it's terrifying.
can we attend or observe or learn from your farm. what time or month that you receive visitors or attendees? What''s the cost of the seminar and the staycation if ever? I'm from Cebu city, Philippines. My name is Mr. Francisco V. Kho Jr.
I want to learn crab farming model from you, can you share it with me. I’m from Viet Nam
Awsome video!
Can we make hard shell crabs farming out of this one? Variations are good for business sustainment.
that's very good practice - sustainable food source, otherwise wild caught will be wiped out due to illegal and over fishing.
탈피직전까지 키우는 정성 대단하네 ㄷㄷ
Very nice video like 👍🔔❤️
0:57 nice
Wow sangat keren cara budidaya kepiting
Good ❤🎉
Thank u
I am so proud of Asian people they are so smart not like other people
Wow Amazing great idea
xin công thức nuôi và lớp học nuôi cua ạ. Học nhanh về làm giàu cho quê nhà
These videos are so relaxing to watch
@11:55 That crab put his claw on his friend and said, it's ok buddy we'll see each other in the next life!
Interesting! was that mischievous thumbnail necessary though ?
When I was a kid soft shelled crabs costed 20 bucks a Bushel or 90+ crabs but today because the Chesapeake Bay is overfished 2 dozen cost almost 100 bucks. This way of farming is much better but they must need a bunch of males to harvest so many babies. The females have thousands of eggs. It’s a brilliant idea but like the majority of seafood coming from Asia it’s belastet with chemicals. Because the water is stagnant they move them to generate oxygen. If not they would die from the chemicals and waste from rotten leftover fish pieces. The system has pros and cons but it’s better than depleting the Wild reserve and they tast great. You can eat the whole thing because the crab needs all its energy to produce a new shell that the poisonous organs are week.
Tiniest mud crabs I've ever seen😂
Waw.. amazing crab
Tuyệt vời❤ Tôi cũng thích nuôi cua và những món ăn liên quan đến cua.
Mantaap seafood 🤣😋💪
Nice video
Sick crabs?!?! How would you know? 5:05 👀
very nice. Where can I get the procedure or buy it?
Show Belo vídeo tamo juntos Teresina Piauí Brasil parabéns 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷👍🏼👏🏿🤝🏽
My favorite food
крутые крабы😁!)
이거 중국에서 많이 먹는건데. 알만 쏙 파먹고 나머진 버리기 때문에 크기보고 하찮게 볼게 아님. 리얼 알이 참 많아서 핵존맛임
Well done . Informative 👍👍👍. Thank you for sharing, be safe, 🇨🇦
Wueeee bagus ya ini Thailand??
Thank you for sharing ❤❤❤
Hi. Welcome to my giant snail farm❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉
0:29 Is This Farm Crab "Eating Its Cage Mate?
The music is great! Thanks.
Crab yummy yummy. 😋
Mmmm, fried soft shell crab is the best way to eat them.
게눈 껌뻑거리는거보니, 왜 엄청 빨리 먹는사람들을 게눈감추듯이 먹는다라고 하는지 알겠네 ㅋㅋㅋ 맛있게 태어난 죄로 양식당하는 녀석.. 입에서 눈물이 흐른다
What species of crab is that? Is that fresh water ?
those things are tiny... These crabs can get so big!
qanchalik jirkanch va vaxshiylik,
Saya suka sekali cara budidaya nya kepitung bakau
cua ở VN vẫn còn khá đắt đỏ, nhưng ghẹ thì rẻ hơn nhiều rồi
quy mô nuôi cua thật sự rất ấn tượng
How to say soft shell crab in thai?
freshwater or seawater?
Nhiều cua quá món ngon tuyệt vời
Why need to cut legs?
It's that necessary?
it doesnt look like a seafood.looks like fishponds by the river
These crab farms are banned in my country because the crabs have a pinch that hurts. 😢
These look like the blue crabs that live in the Chesapeake Bay on the east coast of Virginia and Maryland; they just are not blue. Are there dangerous levels of toxins in farmed crabs like in farmed salmon?
yep shore is that's y a lot over is banned in europe and produce is test before it enters Australia
Очень полезное видео.Никогда это есть не стану.
going through schooling and college, then the corporate world
All the muddys Ive caught and eaten ar at least 3 times the size of the ones they are packaging and if you not careful and let their claw get to your thumb or fingers they will take them off
Skyrim mudcrabs gone wild!
If brought locally, can it be rear as pets? 😅
I can only eat, not really raised them as food because I will feel pity for them and cannot have heart to eat them afterwards, especially after seeing this video. Perhaps the same reason why my mother used to raised lots of chicken but never once ate any of them. I told my mother I want to raise some for our food few years back but she do not like it and I think at the end, I'll be just the same like her 😅, can only raise them but not eat any. So I cancelled the plan.
That's why I just raise cats cause I never plan to eat them.
But I'm wondering what kind of plant that can temporarily substitutes chicken as alternative because I don't want to be too dependent on them. The kind that can satisfy the craving like eating chicken. I don't plan to be a vegeration because animal protein source is very important, I just plan to reduce them in my daily diet. It's good in cost saving too for a long term if I can self sustain the plant farming myself.
Only in. Foreign countries. Come to the US of A and it is not the same.
Would like to know the market price if possible?
14$ to 18$
mau secangih apa teknologi manusia.
tetap yg alami lh yg paling enak.
leaving their cut off legs in their cages to eat is a Saw king of choice.
Waiting for vegan clan comments.... 😂😂😂
Quando cortam as patinhas deles volta a crescer de novo?
Is this Humane?
its super duper delicious ,, too bad its little hard to find and pricey
참 얌전한 게다
탈피후에는 껍질이 약해서 움직이질 못해요
If just at border ( like that /, then they cant climb up, to just walk around in water? If like this is painful it looks like that. Crab can swim and walk on land so they are restricted like that looks bad. Is it usually alot of orders to buy? If leave a door open type of pulling, that they will come to anyway for food(hanged) then pull up?
Another is maybe a lump food net, then the crab will gather at, a pulley system they will surround and climb it, easy to pick.