Natural passive Basic attacks deal additional magic damage, not effect on construction units. Ability 1 Taenia hits the ground in front of her with a hammer, inflicting physical damage to enemies, and slowing them by 25% for 1.5 seconds. Ability 2 Taenia activates the flying claws to fly in the specified direction. If it hits an enemy unit, Taenia will draw herself and the target together, stun the target for 0.6 seconds and cause physical damage, plus (8% target’s current HP) damage. The target hit by the hook will suffer more 100% the damage of Taenia’s natural passive, lasts 3 seconds or 3 attacks. Ultimate Jumping into the air, immune to the control effect and get 50% damage reduction, then uses a hammer to violently impact the designated area, causing physical damage, and knocking all enemy units within the range into the air for 1 second. The damage reduction effect will continue for 1.5 seconds after landing.
Natural passive
Basic attacks deal additional magic damage, not effect on construction units.
Ability 1
Taenia hits the ground in front of her with a hammer, inflicting physical damage to enemies, and slowing them by 25% for 1.5 seconds.
Ability 2
Taenia activates the flying claws to fly in the specified direction. If it hits an enemy unit, Taenia will draw herself and the target together, stun the target for 0.6 seconds and cause physical damage, plus (8% target’s current HP) damage. The target hit by the hook will suffer more 100% the damage of Taenia’s natural passive, lasts 3 seconds or 3 attacks.
Jumping into the air, immune to the control effect and get 50% damage reduction, then uses a hammer to violently impact the designated area, causing physical damage, and knocking all enemy units within the range into the air for 1 second. The damage reduction effect will continue for 1.5 seconds after landing.
This character looks very fun
Maybe this game will hook many player because many waifuuuuuuu hahshabsah
Hi wada
I'm finally recover and I'm back
Might be asking how about character skill effect when comes to skin😁
Excuse...when it release ????
A té agora a Igor foi minha favorita🤩
Um br também 🧐
@Brabu TV - Suspectsksksk
the reincarnated 02 xD
Is this available on android anf ios or on pc only?
Wada sir why tap tap is showing MSW already downloaded in my device it's not showing what should I do
you need to install it too, if it's not working try QooApp instead :D
Iam from another I'd wada thank you so much it really works and Iam so happy in my money in game thank you so much
Hello, WadaGames, can you show us the rune system of this game? Just to make sure its not a p2w
They like Wild Rift
@@elisemanman6703 really?
@@JoanNoArc yes
Android ?
why is it still not downloadable?
Cuz it still beta test
@@elisemanman6703 How can I participate in beta testing?
@@RAI-S you need a qualified account, but they have closed the application in 14/9
the ping ms so stabil, i love this game
Really? Dang. All the more reason to be hype.
Luh taenia daw 😂
is wada chines
Hey wanda ever tried Mobile Legends plss
Why bother?
Yay!! New loli
As much as I'm eager to try, it is but another copycat of existing mobile MOBA games. It was bound to fail outside China except Mobile Legends and WR.