So I’m not sure if someone pointed it out. It means now whenever Viking is played it’ll drain the block guaranteed instead of needing to hope it can get a hit before dying
The idea of regifting zombie conjuring a plant with 0 attack or 0 health is very funny tbh. Like "here's a your free card with no health or damage. Enjoy ^_^"
Why do you call changing draw for conjure buffs? You rather have a card you own in your deck than a random card you don't know what is gonna be. Terrify now is worse because mayority of monsters suck
Honestly, I'm disapointed with the video, I would have rather seen more of the creator's opinion about the cards and less "I can't", "Now it has 1 more health *passes to the next card*" and stuff like "it deals 3 damage now, so it destroyes 3 health plants"; and more "I think this change is good/bad", "I would have changed this card like this instead", "I think this card is now unbalanced because...". Like, you know? I came to this video because I wanted to see some opinion on the cards, if I just wanted to know what the changes were I would have gone to the original video.
I'm a huge fan of using Crazy cards to hit the plant hero's face. So seeing all my crazy cards lose the ability to hit face really hurts. Its my favorite budget deck. Just....tears in my eyes.
Cat lady gonna be wild 1 extra health plus now lunch box gives her 5 dmg intsead of 4 and the improved pets yea pets and gargs seems fine, maybe smash is not gonna be the lamest hero now, and inmorticia is going to be a thing for sure
8:05 I wonder what happens when regifting gives the plant hero a card with only 1 hp like a little buddy When you place it... does it just die instantly because its health is 0?
@@Fnafan97 that probably makes the most sense, so if your unlucky and they draw like a peashooter it will still be a 1/1, although drawing a peashooter would be highly unlucky 💀
@@MuffinTheStudent Though I just realized, this change would mean you could just give your opponent a Dragonfruit. That may be why PopCap would add the 1 health feature
@@Fnafan97 yeah, thats the issue with such a card you could give them a god damn shitty 1/1 peashooter, or a 5/5 Dragonfruit (just because its -1/-1 doesnt mean jack shit, its still dragonfruit 💀)
gargantuar mime is going to be so annoying if you pair him with octo zombie especially with no teleport nerf and then the fact that he's untrickable. So you can keep cycling octo zombie and then gargantuar mime can just deal more damage altogether especially with the new pirates booty card rework
Can't believe I'm about to do this but I'll give my takes on all these proposed changes. I will separate these in the replies to break up the space. Alien Ooze is fine. Now it's on curve removal even if you can't meet the condition. B-Flat is technically buffed but it doesn't solve the issue of its consistency. Make it target the weakest plant or something like that and it would be okay. It'd be really good against the opponent playing 1 big plant, but weak against swarm decks. Cat lady is also technically a buff. It's okay, but I would rather make it cost more but give it frenzy and potentially lower the buff to compensate, just so you can go face more reliably. Deep sea is an interesting rework. I think it would be fine, especially in hunt decks. The only concern is how much it buffs things, meaning it could snowball too hard, but the concept is a decent attempt to make the card unique. Bounty hunter is an undeserved buff, and frankly I believe does too much. The game needs better draw, but IBH was already decent. Honestly, I think this could be nerfed to draw 1 card max per turn and still be a good card (maybe with that restriction this could extend to every hunt card, so you have more opportunities to get your 1 card, but is probably unnecessary even then). Kangaroo is whatever. It's a buff, but doesn't solve the tempo problem. Sure, you keep card advantage, but you still have to pay 4 brains every time. It might be okay at 3 cost 4,3. A slight overstat compensated by the weakness of replaying it. King of the grill change doesn't do much of anything. It's still unreliable conjure. Just let it draw or something, or rework it into an actual gourmet synergy card. Nibble is not what I meant by gourmet synergy. This is a big nerf. I'd rather keep the heal, especially because I don't have to kill something to get my health. I could maybe see letting it draw instead of conjure here, but conjure is not good here. Nurse Garg is now just win more. If you have a lot of gargs in play, you're probably already winning. If you're losing and have no other gargs, this doesn't do much. I would make this cheaper and lower the stats, like say a 6 cost 5,5 or 4,6, and let it either heal the zombie hero or other zombies when played (giving a choice between the 2 options would give some versatility as well). The Octo change is okay. You get some extra board presence now I suppose. I am not sure if this helps the card enough, but it widens your board and stalls. It also feels a bit better to replay, given you get an extra zombie. The change to the Octo Pet though is way too good if Neptuna's power is affected as well though, which I believe it is. In that case make the pet spawned by octopus zombie get buffed, and keep Neptune's version a 3,2 as is. Overstuffed is a decent rework. It's also a bit less frustrating to deal with given it doesn't get bonus health now. Cheese shover is an okay buff. The timing of the evolution is still really clunky though, but the buff is okay with that downside in mind. Vengeful Borg is fine on paper, but this is just a silent buff to the 2 cost cyborg, which I think deserves a slight nerf regardless. I think the 2 cost cyborg should either make the vengeful Borg on the top of your deck, so you have to waste a draw, or make it a 3 cost card and keep the "draw" on death. The lunchbox buff does nothing for the card outside of pet decks. Now I'm not against this being a pet deck card, but the buff is too good here I think, especially with cat lady. I'd say either make the extra 1 attack last 1 turn (although that could also be very good, it depends I suppose), or have it draw a card on top of the 1,1 buff. Usually +1,1 is low value, especially when it takes up a card slot in your deck. Yeti would need a change with that in mind though to compensate, maybe like a 1,3 yeti. Zombot is definitely buffed here. Obviously it dies to grave removal now, but that's silver bullet and should be somewhat changed somehow anyway. I'm not sure if the buff is too much here, given it's very likely to deal 9 to face. But at this stage of the game you want to be winning. Maybe you could limit it to destroying 1 lane, but you get to choose where. You could also restrict it further to not be able to choose its own lane, but I think it would be okay for a 9 cost. Also tomb raiser lololol. I'll get to that one. Zookeeper is fine. You can also take the path of it being a 2,3 but the buff only lasts one turn. I think this would be healthier change overall.
Cell phone is such a big nerf. Literally just make it a 2 cost 2,1 draw a card when played. It's the most obvious buff in the history of PVZ Heroes. When will the conjure bandwagon end? Duckstache has been buffed without really understanding the card. This is like the original buffs to deep sea garg way back when. They just kept buffing the stats but never solved the issue of the concept. This is just a predatory buff. Play this on mustache waxer and its a 2 cost 6,5? What? And actually seeing the mustache waxer buff, it's now a possible 1 cost 6,5. Please send help. Make it draw a mustache in some way, and then make the evolution do a bonus attack or something. Another interesting idea I have for this is that this could draw a zombie without a mustache, and give it one. This could make it an interesting tutor for a non mustache card. Electrician is fine. Buffing the health here is healthier than buffing the attack, as buffing the attack means you would target the electrician every time. You could make this a 4 cost 3,2 though and that would be okay (2 cost stats + 2 cost bonus attack). Gadget buff is unnecessary here. It's okay as it is. It might not break the card but I still think it's unwarranted. Trick or Treater is a bit of an undeserved buff. The treats being consistent actually makes this a unique and balanced "conjure" card. It's a bit of an out of class card though given the buffs on the cards it gives, but that's my main gripe with it. 4 health makes this extra annoying to deal with. Wizard Garg rng time. It's an interesting concept, just make the transformation be reliable and in class for your hero. Say it with me once again. Conjure bandwagon. Pretty soon, I'm going to need a mutant hand to count all this draw hate on one hand. Please just let me play cards from my deck. Gatekeeper was fine, there was no need for this change. zomblob change is probably unnecessary. Sure, it's weak on its own, but it makes up for it with the evolution, and that's the point. No need to make OTK's more reliable this way. Mechasaur moment. Make the zombies it makes be reliable and from your classes/deck, and it is fine. No need to change the stats. Mime is well, something. Untrickable is an okay keyword to give a card I guess. However this card should have less health to compensate for this, and maybe even less attack, say a 5,6 or 4,6. Gentleman is fine. It was technically balanced as a 1 cost 2,2 with an extra 2 mana on the trick phase for an upfront cost of 3. This change keeps that same concept though which is fine, and making it have more health means you are likely to get an additional turn with the buff. Mad chemist be on the conjure bandwagon. So, it wasn't reliable enough, so the solution is make the conjure cheaper? No. Make it draw a trick and it's okay, maybe have 3,4 stats in that case. I know I'm trashing on conjure here, but I'd rather have my decks be consistent. I think the way to endorse conjure is to keep it within your classes, so you can get cards that aren't in your deck, but you can always theoretically have put them there to begin with. This still lets players do crazy things and have access to cards they don't own, but it makes the game way healthier in the long run. Mustache waxer is now very abusable, and the health nerf is not enough compensation. The card was fine as it was, the archetype just needed some better cards. The Pirate's Booty rework is an interesting attempt to make this a better card. The issue here is that you are essentially paying extra for something you don't have to pay extra for. It would just be better to play your 2 cost lurch on a zombie with 4 attack. On top of that, Lurch won't nerf stronger zombies. Quarterly bonus actively nerfs a zombie like smashing garg for example, and makes you pay more for that. Even using this on like a 1 cost 2,2 is still a 4 cost investment. I would say make this 1 cost, but make the strength it assigns be 3. This could also revert the strength change after the zombie attacks, so say you used it on a smashing garg. It would do 3 damage, then be set back to 5 attack. This would be an interesting way to open up a lane for cheaper. Portal Tech is now much more highroll, and thus very unhealthy for the game. Just make it make a zombie from your deck with some sort of cost restriction on it or something, like a 3 cost zombie. Say it with me, it's the conjure bandwagon once again. So with regifter here, I'd say make it a 2 cost 3,2 but both players only draw 1 card. It was nerfed to 3 cost because it drew 2 cards, so I am just removing 1 card it draws to compensate. You could also make it a 3 cost 3,3 with 1 card just so it doesn't directly compete with cell phone I guess. Rocket science nerf is undeserved. It's fine at 3 cost. Viking is fine I suppose. It sort of outclasses other 5 drops with the stats and bullseye though, so maybe make it a 5,6 or something like that to compensate. Leap station is okay. I would just make this leap into a card from your deck to be more consistent, or at the very least from your classes. Trick or Treater is a bit of an undeserved buff. The treats being consistent actually makes this a unique and balanced "conjure" card. It's a bit of an out of class card though given the buffs on the cards it gives, but that's my main gripe with it. 4 health makes this extra annoying to deal with. Wizard Garg rng time. It's an interesting concept, just make the transformation be reliable and in class for your hero. Say it with me once again. Conjure bandwagon. Pretty soon, I'm going to need a mutant hand to count all this draw hate on one hand. Please just let me play cards from my deck. Gatekeeper was fine, there was no need for this change. zomblob change is probably unnecessary. Sure, it's weak on its own, but it makes up for it with the evolution, and that's the point. No need to make OTK's more reliable this way. Mechasaur moment. Make the zombies it makes be reliable and from your classes/deck, and it is fine. No need to change the stats.
Abra is fine I guess. Honestly the ability just needs to be reliable. At that point the stats should stay as they are. With the crazy changes, basically, every card that cannot go face anymore is undeserved. Bungee nerf was unwarranted. Cakesplosion is a fine buff. This makes sense to not go face, not that it did originally, but anyway. Conga change is just why though, so barrel of barrels can conjure it? lol. Give conga bullseye, and maybe give it 1 health to compensate. NOOOOOOOOOO! My clock synergy! Let cuckoo deal 1 to face when destroyed and it would be okay. Easy to front, but still gives a bit of value. Disco floor is a great card in aggro/burn decks. Dealing 3 to face every turn is great value. The nerf here is probably deserved, although maybe you could make this have 2 health instead and keep the 3 damage, incentivizing a fusion. Disco tron is fine. I think backup dancer should be a 2,2 though, so it buffs this and disco zombie as well. Just make dance off still make 1,1 dancers though. Fruitcake nerf is definitely deserved. Arguably it is still too strong. I think it should at least draw a card for the plants. That would be an amazing downside for zombies. Final mission nerf is a bit overkill. Maybe slightly deserved, but not really. This card is really good when combined with Barrel of Deadbeards, but that's the main combo. I could maybe see letting it only do 3 to the opposing hero but still do 4 to a plant. Flamenco nerf does nothing. Undeserved and frankly useless change. Splash damage on zombies lol. Of course the question is, how does this work with team-ups? Does it only splash the front cards, or everything in those lanes? It's hard to judge this without that knowledge, but even then, still too good of a buff. I think this card could be interesting if it did damage to your zombies, to activate cards like BOD and Jester. It would need some other changed to go along with it but it could be interesting that way. Garg throwing imp is maybe fine? You get your garg earlier which could be too good, especially if you abuse team-ups. I think the card just needs to make garages from your classes that cost 5 so it's reliable. Gizzard Lizard, like cheese shover, misses the right timing of the ability. I think 3 damage is a bit too much here either way, especially with teleports in mind. The card should just have a different ability, or time the damage better, like on evolution, deal damage to some stuff at the start of tricks that turn or something. Grave robber probably deserved. Where's conman nerfs though? I guess it got changed to no longer be a pirate, which is fine, it only matters for one hero, but doesn't do enough. I would make conman deal 1 at the start of the turn only. That might still be really good, but it doesn't punish draw anymore. Stats could also be changed to 2 cost 1,4 if you want to slow it down further. Headhunter to Bobblehead be like. Were people seriously this confused? I think not. It's whatever I guess. The stat change is probably undeserved though, no one really plays this card. I wouldn't buff it though. At best a slight rework could be done. Hippity giving an egg when played is different from before. I think it's undeserved, the stats on this card are great, it doesn't need an extra free minion attacked to it, especially given the egg would hatch that turn. Also of course make egg consistent, making zombies from your classes. Moon base barrel change is whatever, just another BOB buff I guess. Just make barrel of barrels draw a card instead while we are at it. Zombot's wrath got gutted here. I swear these changes were all proposed with no consideration for any other card. So, this no longer goes face, and does less damage than the buff to cakesplosion. On top of that, if you meet the condition, you are doing the same thing as cakesplosion. I will hand it to them here, they made an uncommon card better than a rare. Impossible, we all know rarer cards need to outclass more common ones so people spend their money. The only informed part of this change was that the condition only needs 4 zombies, meaning you don't need an amphibious zombie anymore, which matters given the crazy class does not have access to amphibious. I would say maybe keep the card the same as it was originally, but implement the change to the condition. Maybe you could lower the damage it does to face to 4 or something, but that's what should have been done.
All star is maybe fine, although it should be a 4,5 with armor in this case. I also think you could remove the untraceable from this change and make it a 5,5 armor frenzy. Bonus track is maybe an okay buff, being a 4 cost 4,5 with a silver bullet ability. It definitely should get a reworked ability, as it only blocks 1 class, being mega grow. One thing to note is that normal buckethead got no change, making bonus track blatantly better. Again, they seemed to have no concern for other cards, but they remembered their memo on rarer cards being better I see, but it doesn't matter if they can't be consistent lol. Obviously I don't believe this should be the case, it's just hilariously blatant, especially when you compare cards like bell flower and morning glory. Custodian is actually a good buff. Coffee Zombie too. Bucket Bay being a professional! Yay, now middle manager is less consistent! I would let Cone zone give 2 health and armor, instead of just 3 health. Flag zombie buff is hard to consider. Flag is only good when you can spam free zombies on turn 2, otherwise it is really slow. If cards could not cost 0, this would be an okay buff I think. The knockout buff is overkill (they buff this but nerf rocket science? Again, ignoring other cards' existence). The card was fine where it was, given you could remove 2 cards. Landscaper is fine, could have been a 3,2 as well. So yes, leftovers is blatantly better than lunch box, again, ignoring other cards I see. There are just so many AoE buffs in hearty that it's hard to justify this card existing. It probably should just stay a token for turkey rider, keep leftovers at 2 cost, and make turkey rider a 3 cost 3,2 or something. Lost colosseum could be a bit problematic. You could make it a 3 cost 2,4, evolution buff still a +2,3, or make it a 2 cost 1,3, evolution buff to 1,3. Ra is a bit better now. I think it would be a much better stall tool as a 3 cost 2,2, though. With terrify we have conjure again. If only we had [OST: 053 - Stronger Monsters] in this game. Just make terrify 1 cost and draw a card. Turquoise Skull is overkill now. It was okay as it was. Now it just snowballs too hard and saps too much sun. Undying Pharaoh is just an uninteractive card. Basically just being, kill this or lose. Make it give your hero's health armor, and this could be a fair card. You can still win, but you still want to remove it. The wannabe is an interesting rework. At least this now isn't as sad of a card if you are low on health, and even if they remove it, you got a heal. It may not fix the card entirely, but it is a decent start. And hey, they remembered that hearty can heal the hero. Finally medic isn't alone. Zombie king is a bit much. It might not be too strong, given you need to keep 2 zombies in play. If the knight was reworked in some way to be a bit weaker, but maybe also get frenzy, this could be a workable change. Also remove the knight's armor-2 and reduce it to 1. Armor 2 is just really annoying. Battlecruiser change is fine.
So there is a 5 cost 3,4 with strikethrough, deadly, and bounce a plant on evolution. I still have no idea why this card has no name or art. I can't see anything on it at all. Pop Cap needs to fix their game. I play this thing, and it's just an image of attack and health, there's never a zombie there. Again, this abomination needs some sort of rework on that evolution. It just happens at the wrong time. Deserved flame face nerf, but I don;'t think it is enough. I would personally keep the gravestone, but remove flameface's natural strikethrough and instead make the ability "When revealed, all pirates get strikethrough this turn." Decent buff to gargolith. It probably would be fine and not too strong. Maybe it could go to 6,6 stats. Ducky tube can snowball very quickly here. I would personally make it a 1,3, but it only gets 1 attack each time it hits the plant hero. Firefighter buff is fine I guess. It still has a very poorly timed ability. Maybe if the stats were reduced, it could bounce the first non firefighter zombie that would otherwise die, so instead of losing a pogo, you would get it back in hand. Imp Commander doesn't really need the gravestone. I guess it's fine, but random. Mini ninja buff is good. The video is wrong here, mini ninja is meant to be a 2,1 with anti-hero-2, so it's the same when unfronted, but makes better trades. Monkey now only steals 1 section out of 8. So, they nerfed this guy's animation. Now, only his 1 meter steal animation will play. Bad change. Honestly probably undeserved. Pogo change barely does anything. It didn't really need a change anyway. Tomb raiser is too good now. It makes good trades and does way more damage to face, and can make zombots. Just make this card make gravestones from your deck/classes with a cost specification, like 2 or 3. Unthawed viking is just more poorly timed abilities. With the poor timing though the buff is probably fair. Make the freeze come at a better time, then tone down the mega freeze to compensate. High diver had different stats in the leaked dev server changes found recently. It was a 3,2 with the same ability. That is technically more aggressive, but it still has the clogged lanes problem. The change shown here would be way too good though, and is Dolphin Rider Slander. Zombot stomp is fine. It could be made into a bouncy any 2 plants of your choice so you get better reach on the board, but the ground restriction is fine. Of course the main concern would be bouncing 6 plants with this. Carried away buff is overkill. It is already a good power, being a 1 cost bonus attack plus board interaction. Dance Off change is good. You get to block a lane of choice which can really matter. Dolphinado is close to being good, it just needs to bounce the strongest plant. The weakest plant can just end up being a wall nut, which won't matter when you're trying not to die. Frozen Tundra is way too good. It was fine as it was. Circling back to Neptune, like I said near the beginning, this is too good for her power. Keep her power as it was. HG still has a major rng problem. At least you can't cheat out zombies as easily, but this guy needs a full rework. Zombats is fine. And that is my essay on these proposed changes by Pop Cap.
Sry but 🤡 Zombot got destroyed And that he would be toxic for non guardian enemys doesnt make him any better because he will be played way too late. And against the heroes he used to be good hes trash. Also you could allways put zombot in a graveyard or teleport him. Now they killed him because you have zero choice. +The nerf in destroy all plants is garbage,
i can't stand seeing EA buffing zombie while simultaneously nerf plant to the ground, At least i heard that it was before the game stop the update which is good since it make the game pretty balance (Even tho Teleport and Teacher should get a nerf)
I’m scared of octo zombie now, LIKE POP CAP OCTO ZOMBIE DID NOT NEED TO BE BUFFED, and zombot, they nerfed him into the ground, I don’t play hero’s that often, but now, I will get cooked so hard I’ll melt, this is so insane…
@@nithraliabrawlstars6541 It literally was. Before, it was only playable if you did some Gravestone/teleport combo to get it to appear during the tricks phase, now it can be simply played on turn 9, no setup required. That's almost guaranteed 9 damage plus removal plus, depending on how the plants play and the current board, destroying any plant they play on that turn. Now you can't teleport him in, but now you don't need to, you can just put him in a control beastly deck and simply use him as a finisher. It's a buff for the most part.
@@erbinha_1234 nope. A dry zombot can be very good if you have enough heal in your deck or if the enemy runs out of cards. Removing this possibility is a huge nerf and also makes him useless as control, enemys with bonus attacks will just be able to do them before. Simpler to play≠better. Zombot became garbage now. Hes no Control anymore just a bad finisher compareable to Octo Zombie
The zombot change makes him worse and better, as dry zombot is the worst card in the game, but teleport zombot is really good and is getting nerfed, octopus zomb still is trash but he at least can do somethin
Octo zombie will finally have a use besides just dropping him in the amphibious lane to scare the opponent. Zombot is more balanced now because he can destroy entire pushes and with the gravestone plants will actually be able to counter it in a way. octo zombie might need a damage or health nerf or both because you can keep cycling him along with frenzy, AND amphibious, AND another passive which makes an octo pet...
Nah nibble got nerfed in this proposed change. Now instead of reliable healing, you get a random card that may or may not help, only if you kill something with it. If it drew a card instead it might be considerable, but the conjure makes it worse. I’d rather keep my healing, especially so I can use it and not be forced to kill something lest I lose value, whatever that’s worth.
@@swiftfan0418Nibble would be a very good card if it always conjured the card when used. Getting a card for free, even a random one, is always much better than healing 2 hp. Getting cards is always really good in this game. For example: a 5 cost cyborg is a very bad card, but getting it for free from 2 cost cyborg is very good
@@emeraldhamster Because it costs 8? Imagine that you play this card on turn 8, and your oponnet plays an astrocado for 5 and still has three suns left, or he just plays a shumrocket (Of course, you can play it on turn 9 again, but will you survive by this point? And even if yes, again, the opponent’s play will be better). This card is too slow, and if you draw octo too early it won't do anything until turn 8, meaning any other card from your deck would be better (because you can play it and control your oponnent)
Overstuffed, Wannabe Hero and Nurse Garg singlehandedly brought back healing for zombies 😭
So I’m not sure if someone pointed it out. It means now whenever Viking is played it’ll drain the block guaranteed instead of needing to hope it can get a hit before dying
14:31 actually it's 2 cost zombot wrath. In my original video i forgot to edit that card :)
8:15 funny thing about re-gifting, if the plant hero gets a card that has 1 strength or 1 health, its useless
The idea of regifting zombie conjuring a plant with 0 attack or 0 health is very funny tbh. Like "here's a your free card with no health or damage. Enjoy ^_^"
Why did they buff the Zombies so much yet nerf the Plants? It's so unfair for Plant players now
Why do you call changing draw for conjure buffs? You rather have a card you own in your deck than a random card you don't know what is gonna be. Terrify now is worse because mayority of monsters suck
Conjure is really bad…
its a good day for zombie mains
I never expected these type of cards-
I haven't watched your other videos yet but that OC You have is really eye-catching and cute
also secret swimmer nerf is definetely a game changer.
Honestly, I'm disapointed with the video, I would have rather seen more of the creator's opinion about the cards and less "I can't", "Now it has 1 more health *passes to the next card*" and stuff like "it deals 3 damage now, so it destroyes 3 health plants"; and more "I think this change is good/bad", "I would have changed this card like this instead", "I think this card is now unbalanced because...". Like, you know? I came to this video because I wanted to see some opinion on the cards, if I just wanted to know what the changes were I would have gone to the original video.
Well, the title of the video said that it is a reaction video so expect less or no opinion regarding the card changes. Despite that, I get your point.
@@lawton6700 That is true, I didn't see it that way but you do have a point.
1:10 it's not the Deep sea garg that gets the bonus, is THE zombie that gets in lane the one who gets the bonus
But doesn't deep sea also get a +1 bonus cuz it now has hunt and it says "any zombie" that enters a lane
I don’t think Nibble heals anymore but if it kills a plant it conjure a gourmet just like cheese cutter which is broken for 1
OTK cat lady gonna be S++ tier
2:15 a gengar
I'm a huge fan of using Crazy cards to hit the plant hero's face. So seeing all my crazy cards lose the ability to hit face really hurts. Its my favorite budget deck. Just....tears in my eyes.
Cat lady gonna be wild 1 extra health plus now lunch box gives her 5 dmg intsead of 4 and the improved pets yea pets and gargs seems fine, maybe smash is not gonna be the lamest hero now, and inmorticia is going to be a thing for sure
Nurse + zombot would be crazy
I wonder what happens when regifting gives the plant hero a card with only 1 hp like a little buddy
When you place it... does it just die instantly because its health is 0?
The pool might not have a card with 1 health
Maybe they just prevent a conjured card from going below 1 health.
@@Fnafan97 that probably makes the most sense, so if your unlucky and they draw like a peashooter it will still be a 1/1, although drawing a peashooter would be highly unlucky 💀
@@MuffinTheStudent Though I just realized, this change would mean you could just give your opponent a Dragonfruit. That may be why PopCap would add the 1 health feature
@@Fnafan97 yeah, thats the issue with such a card
you could give them a god damn shitty 1/1 peashooter, or a 5/5 Dragonfruit (just because its -1/-1 doesnt mean jack shit, its still dragonfruit 💀)
gargantuar mime is going to be so annoying if you pair him with octo zombie especially with no teleport nerf and then the fact that he's untrickable. So you can keep cycling octo zombie and then gargantuar mime can just deal more damage altogether especially with the new pirates booty card rework
Wait, this is real.
Holy shit.
Can't believe I'm about to do this but I'll give my takes on all these proposed changes. I will separate these in the replies to break up the space.
Alien Ooze is fine. Now it's on curve removal even if you can't meet the condition.
B-Flat is technically buffed but it doesn't solve the issue of its consistency. Make it target the weakest plant or something like that and it would be okay. It'd be really good against the opponent playing 1 big plant, but weak against swarm decks.
Cat lady is also technically a buff. It's okay, but I would rather make it cost more but give it frenzy and potentially lower the buff to compensate, just so you can go face more reliably.
Deep sea is an interesting rework. I think it would be fine, especially in hunt decks. The only concern is how much it buffs things, meaning it could snowball too hard, but the concept is a decent attempt to make the card unique.
Bounty hunter is an undeserved buff, and frankly I believe does too much. The game needs better draw, but IBH was already decent. Honestly, I think this could be nerfed to draw 1 card max per turn and still be a good card (maybe with that restriction this could extend to every hunt card, so you have more opportunities to get your 1 card, but is probably unnecessary even then).
Kangaroo is whatever. It's a buff, but doesn't solve the tempo problem. Sure, you keep card advantage, but you still have to pay 4 brains every time. It might be okay at 3 cost 4,3. A slight overstat compensated by the weakness of replaying it.
King of the grill change doesn't do much of anything. It's still unreliable conjure. Just let it draw or something, or rework it into an actual gourmet synergy card.
Nibble is not what I meant by gourmet synergy. This is a big nerf. I'd rather keep the heal, especially because I don't have to kill something to get my health. I could maybe see letting it draw instead of conjure here, but conjure is not good here.
Nurse Garg is now just win more. If you have a lot of gargs in play, you're probably already winning. If you're losing and have no other gargs, this doesn't do much. I would make this cheaper and lower the stats, like say a 6 cost 5,5 or 4,6, and let it either heal the zombie hero or other zombies when played (giving a choice between the 2 options would give some versatility as well).
The Octo change is okay. You get some extra board presence now I suppose. I am not sure if this helps the card enough, but it widens your board and stalls. It also feels a bit better to replay, given you get an extra zombie. The change to the Octo Pet though is way too good if Neptuna's power is affected as well though, which I believe it is. In that case make the pet spawned by octopus zombie get buffed, and keep Neptune's version a 3,2 as is.
Overstuffed is a decent rework. It's also a bit less frustrating to deal with given it doesn't get bonus health now.
Cheese shover is an okay buff. The timing of the evolution is still really clunky though, but the buff is okay with that downside in mind.
Vengeful Borg is fine on paper, but this is just a silent buff to the 2 cost cyborg, which I think deserves a slight nerf regardless. I think the 2 cost cyborg should either make the vengeful Borg on the top of your deck, so you have to waste a draw, or make it a 3 cost card and keep the "draw" on death.
The lunchbox buff does nothing for the card outside of pet decks. Now I'm not against this being a pet deck card, but the buff is too good here I think, especially with cat lady. I'd say either make the extra 1 attack last 1 turn (although that could also be very good, it depends I suppose), or have it draw a card on top of the 1,1 buff. Usually +1,1 is low value, especially when it takes up a card slot in your deck. Yeti would need a change with that in mind though to compensate, maybe like a 1,3 yeti.
Zombot is definitely buffed here. Obviously it dies to grave removal now, but that's silver bullet and should be somewhat changed somehow anyway. I'm not sure if the buff is too much here, given it's very likely to deal 9 to face. But at this stage of the game you want to be winning. Maybe you could limit it to destroying 1 lane, but you get to choose where. You could also restrict it further to not be able to choose its own lane, but I think it would be okay for a 9 cost. Also tomb raiser lololol. I'll get to that one.
Zookeeper is fine. You can also take the path of it being a 2,3 but the buff only lasts one turn. I think this would be healthier change overall.
Cell phone is such a big nerf. Literally just make it a 2 cost 2,1 draw a card when played. It's the most obvious buff in the history of PVZ Heroes. When will the conjure bandwagon end?
Duckstache has been buffed without really understanding the card. This is like the original buffs to deep sea garg way back when. They just kept buffing the stats but never solved the issue of the concept. This is just a predatory buff. Play this on mustache waxer and its a 2 cost 6,5? What? And actually seeing the mustache waxer buff, it's now a possible 1 cost 6,5. Please send help. Make it draw a mustache in some way, and then make the evolution do a bonus attack or something. Another interesting idea I have for this is that this could draw a zombie without a mustache, and give it one. This could make it an interesting tutor for a non mustache card.
Electrician is fine. Buffing the health here is healthier than buffing the attack, as buffing the attack means you would target the electrician every time. You could make this a 4 cost 3,2 though and that would be okay (2 cost stats + 2 cost bonus attack).
Gadget buff is unnecessary here. It's okay as it is. It might not break the card but I still think it's unwarranted.
Trick or Treater is a bit of an undeserved buff. The treats being consistent actually makes this a unique and balanced "conjure" card. It's a bit of an out of class card though given the buffs on the cards it gives, but that's my main gripe with it. 4 health makes this extra annoying to deal with.
Wizard Garg rng time. It's an interesting concept, just make the transformation be reliable and in class for your hero.
Say it with me once again. Conjure bandwagon. Pretty soon, I'm going to need a mutant hand to count all this draw hate on one hand. Please just let me play cards from my deck. Gatekeeper was fine, there was no need for this change.
zomblob change is probably unnecessary. Sure, it's weak on its own, but it makes up for it with the evolution, and that's the point. No need to make OTK's more reliable this way.
Mechasaur moment. Make the zombies it makes be reliable and from your classes/deck, and it is fine. No need to change the stats.
Mime is well, something. Untrickable is an okay keyword to give a card I guess. However this card should have less health to compensate for this, and maybe even less attack, say a 5,6 or 4,6.
Gentleman is fine. It was technically balanced as a 1 cost 2,2 with an extra 2 mana on the trick phase for an upfront cost of 3. This change keeps that same concept though which is fine, and making it have more health means you are likely to get an additional turn with the buff.
Mad chemist be on the conjure bandwagon. So, it wasn't reliable enough, so the solution is make the conjure cheaper? No. Make it draw a trick and it's okay, maybe have 3,4 stats in that case. I know I'm trashing on conjure here, but I'd rather have my decks be consistent. I think the way to endorse conjure is to keep it within your classes, so you can get cards that aren't in your deck, but you can always theoretically have put them there to begin with. This still lets players do crazy things and have access to cards they don't own, but it makes the game way healthier in the long run.
Mustache waxer is now very abusable, and the health nerf is not enough compensation. The card was fine as it was, the archetype just needed some better cards.
The Pirate's Booty rework is an interesting attempt to make this a better card. The issue here is that you are essentially paying extra for something you don't have to pay extra for. It would just be better to play your 2 cost lurch on a zombie with 4 attack. On top of that, Lurch won't nerf stronger zombies. Quarterly bonus actively nerfs a zombie like smashing garg for example, and makes you pay more for that. Even using this on like a 1 cost 2,2 is still a 4 cost investment. I would say make this 1 cost, but make the strength it assigns be 3. This could also revert the strength change after the zombie attacks, so say you used it on a smashing garg. It would do 3 damage, then be set back to 5 attack. This would be an interesting way to open up a lane for cheaper.
Portal Tech is now much more highroll, and thus very unhealthy for the game. Just make it make a zombie from your deck with some sort of cost restriction on it or something, like a 3 cost zombie.
Say it with me, it's the conjure bandwagon once again. So with regifter here, I'd say make it a 2 cost 3,2 but both players only draw 1 card. It was nerfed to 3 cost because it drew 2 cards, so I am just removing 1 card it draws to compensate. You could also make it a 3 cost 3,3 with 1 card just so it doesn't directly compete with cell phone I guess.
Rocket science nerf is undeserved. It's fine at 3 cost.
Viking is fine I suppose. It sort of outclasses other 5 drops with the stats and bullseye though, so maybe make it a 5,6 or something like that to compensate.
Leap station is okay. I would just make this leap into a card from your deck to be more consistent, or at the very least from your classes.
Trick or Treater is a bit of an undeserved buff. The treats being consistent actually makes this a unique and balanced "conjure" card. It's a bit of an out of class card though given the buffs on the cards it gives, but that's my main gripe with it. 4 health makes this extra annoying to deal with.
Wizard Garg rng time. It's an interesting concept, just make the transformation be reliable and in class for your hero.
Say it with me once again. Conjure bandwagon. Pretty soon, I'm going to need a mutant hand to count all this draw hate on one hand. Please just let me play cards from my deck. Gatekeeper was fine, there was no need for this change.
zomblob change is probably unnecessary. Sure, it's weak on its own, but it makes up for it with the evolution, and that's the point. No need to make OTK's more reliable this way.
Mechasaur moment. Make the zombies it makes be reliable and from your classes/deck, and it is fine. No need to change the stats.
Abra is fine I guess. Honestly the ability just needs to be reliable. At that point the stats should stay as they are.
With the crazy changes, basically, every card that cannot go face anymore is undeserved. Bungee nerf was unwarranted.
Cakesplosion is a fine buff. This makes sense to not go face, not that it did originally, but anyway.
Conga change is just why though, so barrel of barrels can conjure it? lol. Give conga bullseye, and maybe give it 1 health to compensate.
NOOOOOOOOOO! My clock synergy! Let cuckoo deal 1 to face when destroyed and it would be okay. Easy to front, but still gives a bit of value.
Disco floor is a great card in aggro/burn decks. Dealing 3 to face every turn is great value. The nerf here is probably deserved, although maybe you could make this have 2 health instead and keep the 3 damage, incentivizing a fusion.
Disco tron is fine. I think backup dancer should be a 2,2 though, so it buffs this and disco zombie as well. Just make dance off still make 1,1 dancers though.
Fruitcake nerf is definitely deserved. Arguably it is still too strong. I think it should at least draw a card for the plants. That would be an amazing downside for zombies.
Final mission nerf is a bit overkill. Maybe slightly deserved, but not really. This card is really good when combined with Barrel of Deadbeards, but that's the main combo. I could maybe see letting it only do 3 to the opposing hero but still do 4 to a plant.
Flamenco nerf does nothing. Undeserved and frankly useless change.
Splash damage on zombies lol. Of course the question is, how does this work with team-ups? Does it only splash the front cards, or everything in those lanes? It's hard to judge this without that knowledge, but even then, still too good of a buff. I think this card could be interesting if it did damage to your zombies, to activate cards like BOD and Jester. It would need some other changed to go along with it but it could be interesting that way.
Garg throwing imp is maybe fine? You get your garg earlier which could be too good, especially if you abuse team-ups. I think the card just needs to make garages from your classes that cost 5 so it's reliable.
Gizzard Lizard, like cheese shover, misses the right timing of the ability. I think 3 damage is a bit too much here either way, especially with teleports in mind. The card should just have a different ability, or time the damage better, like on evolution, deal damage to some stuff at the start of tricks that turn or something.
Grave robber probably deserved. Where's conman nerfs though? I guess it got changed to no longer be a pirate, which is fine, it only matters for one hero, but doesn't do enough. I would make conman deal 1 at the start of the turn only. That might still be really good, but it doesn't punish draw anymore. Stats could also be changed to 2 cost 1,4 if you want to slow it down further.
Headhunter to Bobblehead be like. Were people seriously this confused? I think not. It's whatever I guess. The stat change is probably undeserved though, no one really plays this card. I wouldn't buff it though. At best a slight rework could be done.
Hippity giving an egg when played is different from before. I think it's undeserved, the stats on this card are great, it doesn't need an extra free minion attacked to it, especially given the egg would hatch that turn. Also of course make egg consistent, making zombies from your classes.
Moon base barrel change is whatever, just another BOB buff I guess. Just make barrel of barrels draw a card instead while we are at it.
Zombot's wrath got gutted here. I swear these changes were all proposed with no consideration for any other card. So, this no longer goes face, and does less damage than the buff to cakesplosion. On top of that, if you meet the condition, you are doing the same thing as cakesplosion. I will hand it to them here, they made an uncommon card better than a rare. Impossible, we all know rarer cards need to outclass more common ones so people spend their money. The only informed part of this change was that the condition only needs 4 zombies, meaning you don't need an amphibious zombie anymore, which matters given the crazy class does not have access to amphibious. I would say maybe keep the card the same as it was originally, but implement the change to the condition. Maybe you could lower the damage it does to face to 4 or something, but that's what should have been done.
All star is maybe fine, although it should be a 4,5 with armor in this case. I also think you could remove the untraceable from this change and make it a 5,5 armor frenzy.
Bonus track is maybe an okay buff, being a 4 cost 4,5 with a silver bullet ability. It definitely should get a reworked ability, as it only blocks 1 class, being mega grow. One thing to note is that normal buckethead got no change, making bonus track blatantly better. Again, they seemed to have no concern for other cards, but they remembered their memo on rarer cards being better I see, but it doesn't matter if they can't be consistent lol. Obviously I don't believe this should be the case, it's just hilariously blatant, especially when you compare cards like bell flower and morning glory.
Custodian is actually a good buff.
Coffee Zombie too.
Bucket Bay being a professional! Yay, now middle manager is less consistent! I would let Cone zone give 2 health and armor, instead of just 3 health.
Flag zombie buff is hard to consider. Flag is only good when you can spam free zombies on turn 2, otherwise it is really slow. If cards could not cost 0, this would be an okay buff I think.
The knockout buff is overkill (they buff this but nerf rocket science? Again, ignoring other cards' existence). The card was fine where it was, given you could remove 2 cards.
Landscaper is fine, could have been a 3,2 as well.
So yes, leftovers is blatantly better than lunch box, again, ignoring other cards I see. There are just so many AoE buffs in hearty that it's hard to justify this card existing. It probably should just stay a token for turkey rider, keep leftovers at 2 cost, and make turkey rider a 3 cost 3,2 or something.
Lost colosseum could be a bit problematic. You could make it a 3 cost 2,4, evolution buff still a +2,3, or make it a 2 cost 1,3, evolution buff to 1,3.
Ra is a bit better now. I think it would be a much better stall tool as a 3 cost 2,2, though.
With terrify we have conjure again. If only we had [OST: 053 - Stronger Monsters] in this game. Just make terrify 1 cost and draw a card.
Turquoise Skull is overkill now. It was okay as it was. Now it just snowballs too hard and saps too much sun.
Undying Pharaoh is just an uninteractive card. Basically just being, kill this or lose. Make it give your hero's health armor, and this could be a fair card. You can still win, but you still want to remove it.
The wannabe is an interesting rework. At least this now isn't as sad of a card if you are low on health, and even if they remove it, you got a heal. It may not fix the card entirely, but it is a decent start. And hey, they remembered that hearty can heal the hero. Finally medic isn't alone.
Zombie king is a bit much. It might not be too strong, given you need to keep 2 zombies in play. If the knight was reworked in some way to be a bit weaker, but maybe also get frenzy, this could be a workable change. Also remove the knight's armor-2 and reduce it to 1. Armor 2 is just really annoying.
Battlecruiser change is fine.
So there is a 5 cost 3,4 with strikethrough, deadly, and bounce a plant on evolution. I still have no idea why this card has no name or art. I can't see anything on it at all. Pop Cap needs to fix their game. I play this thing, and it's just an image of attack and health, there's never a zombie there. Again, this abomination needs some sort of rework on that evolution. It just happens at the wrong time.
Deserved flame face nerf, but I don;'t think it is enough. I would personally keep the gravestone, but remove flameface's natural strikethrough and instead make the ability "When revealed, all pirates get strikethrough this turn."
Decent buff to gargolith. It probably would be fine and not too strong. Maybe it could go to 6,6 stats.
Ducky tube can snowball very quickly here. I would personally make it a 1,3, but it only gets 1 attack each time it hits the plant hero.
Firefighter buff is fine I guess. It still has a very poorly timed ability. Maybe if the stats were reduced, it could bounce the first non firefighter zombie that would otherwise die, so instead of losing a pogo, you would get it back in hand.
Imp Commander doesn't really need the gravestone. I guess it's fine, but random.
Mini ninja buff is good. The video is wrong here, mini ninja is meant to be a 2,1 with anti-hero-2, so it's the same when unfronted, but makes better trades.
Monkey now only steals 1 section out of 8. So, they nerfed this guy's animation. Now, only his 1 meter steal animation will play. Bad change. Honestly probably undeserved.
Pogo change barely does anything. It didn't really need a change anyway.
Tomb raiser is too good now. It makes good trades and does way more damage to face, and can make zombots. Just make this card make gravestones from your deck/classes with a cost specification, like 2 or 3.
Unthawed viking is just more poorly timed abilities. With the poor timing though the buff is probably fair. Make the freeze come at a better time, then tone down the mega freeze to compensate.
High diver had different stats in the leaked dev server changes found recently. It was a 3,2 with the same ability. That is technically more aggressive, but it still has the clogged lanes problem. The change shown here would be way too good though, and is Dolphin Rider Slander.
Zombot stomp is fine. It could be made into a bouncy any 2 plants of your choice so you get better reach on the board, but the ground restriction is fine. Of course the main concern would be bouncing 6 plants with this.
Carried away buff is overkill. It is already a good power, being a 1 cost bonus attack plus board interaction.
Dance Off change is good. You get to block a lane of choice which can really matter.
Dolphinado is close to being good, it just needs to bounce the strongest plant. The weakest plant can just end up being a wall nut, which won't matter when you're trying not to die.
Frozen Tundra is way too good. It was fine as it was.
Circling back to Neptune, like I said near the beginning, this is too good for her power. Keep her power as it was.
HG still has a major rng problem. At least you can't cheat out zombies as easily, but this guy needs a full rework.
Zombats is fine.
And that is my essay on these proposed changes by Pop Cap.
Sry but 🤡
Zombot got destroyed And that he would be toxic for non guardian enemys doesnt make him any better because he will be played way too late.
And against the heroes he used to be good hes trash.
Also you could allways put zombot in a graveyard or teleport him. Now they killed him because you have zero choice.
+The nerf in destroy all plants is garbage,
They basically nerfed zombot's wrath into the ground because cake cost 3. It needed a small buff not a huge nerf😭🙏
That was an error in the video, the person who made the mockup cards forgot to change the fact that Wrath would cost 2 instead of 3
@Fnafan97 o so now it's a worse version of plumber. What a save😭🙏
9:39 gengar? pokemon mentioned aaaaaaaaa
All Star zombie op now where are cooked
This is real??? O_o
istg puff shroom nerf is sooooo annoying
When this incoming balance coming?
it may never come
I am him .
3:08 thats so op, and just like any pvz game. Zombies are stronger then plants
I heard these are from 2020
fix you bed or whatever is making that cricking sound
i can't stand seeing EA buffing zombie while simultaneously nerf plant to the ground, At least i heard that it was before the game stop the update which is good since it make the game pretty balance (Even tho Teleport and Teacher should get a nerf)
Bro it’s never coming to the game chill
I’m scared of octo zombie now, LIKE POP CAP OCTO ZOMBIE DID NOT NEED TO BE BUFFED, and zombot, they nerfed him into the ground, I don’t play hero’s that often, but now, I will get cooked so hard I’ll melt, this is so insane…
No one used octo-zombie.
Octo did need to be buffed and zombot was buffed for the most part, I don't know what you are talking about
@@erbinha_1234Zombot was buffed for the most part🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Get good kid.
@@nithraliabrawlstars6541 It literally was. Before, it was only playable if you did some Gravestone/teleport combo to get it to appear during the tricks phase, now it can be simply played on turn 9, no setup required. That's almost guaranteed 9 damage plus removal plus, depending on how the plants play and the current board, destroying any plant they play on that turn. Now you can't teleport him in, but now you don't need to, you can just put him in a control beastly deck and simply use him as a finisher. It's a buff for the most part.
@@erbinha_1234 nope. A dry zombot can be very good if you have enough heal in your deck or if the enemy runs out of cards. Removing this possibility is a huge nerf and also makes him useless as control, enemys with bonus attacks will just be able to do them before. Simpler to play≠better.
Zombot became garbage now. Hes no Control anymore just a bad finisher compareable to Octo Zombie
The zombot change makes him worse and better, as dry zombot is the worst card in the game, but teleport zombot is really good and is getting nerfed, octopus zomb still is trash but he at least can do somethin
A lot of these changes are dog shit ngl
I really hope this is a faked video… I saw different balance changes on fry em ups channel. I pray
It's not...
Octo zombie will finally have a use besides just dropping him in the amphibious lane to scare the opponent. Zombot is more balanced now because he can destroy entire pushes and with the gravestone plants will actually be able to counter it in a way. octo zombie might need a damage or health nerf or both because you can keep cycling him along with frenzy, AND amphibious, AND another passive which makes an octo pet...
Yeah plants will be unplayable
I think the nibble change was good and zombot sucks a bit but whatever, BUT WHY WOULD THEY BUFF OCTO ZOMBIE THAT'S LIKE THE WORST CARD TO BUFF
Nah nibble got nerfed in this proposed change. Now instead of reliable healing, you get a random card that may or may not help, only if you kill something with it. If it drew a card instead it might be considerable, but the conjure makes it worse. I’d rather keep my healing, especially so I can use it and not be forced to kill something lest I lose value, whatever that’s worth.
Octo zombie isnt a good card
@@swiftfan0418Nibble would be a very good card if it always conjured the card when used. Getting a card for free, even a random one, is always much better than healing 2 hp. Getting cards is always really good in this game. For example: a 5 cost cyborg is a very bad card, but getting it for free from 2 cost cyborg is very good
@@NOTaNaBC explain
@@emeraldhamster Because it costs 8? Imagine that you play this card on turn 8, and your oponnet plays an astrocado for 5 and still has three suns left, or he just plays a shumrocket (Of course, you can play it on turn 9 again, but will you survive by this point? And even if yes, again, the opponent’s play will be better). This card is too slow, and if you draw octo too early it won't do anything until turn 8, meaning any other card from your deck would be better (because you can play it and control your oponnent)
zombot sucks