Hey! What would you say is the best Hannibal support build? I have an extremely strong Miya Swords build, so my theory is to build a Tanky Hannibal team who’s main goal is debuffing the enemy (taking away/lowering their attributes) so that my Miya team can do way more damage and take less damage at the same time. Basically, I don’t care how much damage it does, I just want the Hannibal build that takes away the most enemy stats and is tanky. Can you suggest a good line up for this? Thank you!!
J'adore tes vidéos ! Je me suis abonné dès la première que j'ai vu, à l'ouverture des serveurs classiques (Empire 008) il y a 2 semaines, quand j'ai constaté à quel point tu détailles et justifies tes choix de compo, c'est très clair et abordable pour quiconque se lance dans ce jeu, bravo pour ce travail ! J'attends impatiemment tes analyses sur chaque compo, plus je comprends les mécaniques et synergies entres les héros plus j'ai envie de construire ces équipes et plus je dois éloigner la CB 😆 Je souligne aussi ton calme et 'tonalité' de voix grave que je trouve reposante et agréable contrairement à d'autres vidéastes du même jeu (et je l'ai ressenti avant de savoir que t'es français, ce que j'ai découvert sur un de tes lives, et qui m'a fait plaisir c'est pourquoi je ne traduis pas 😅) Comme ça fait 2 semaines que je découvre ce jeu et que j'adore l'optimisation et la technicité j'ai beaucoup de questions que mon alliance ne peut satisfaire donc je t'en pose une : quelle est la différence entre la stratégie et la puissance, il y a t'il des avantages à construire des équipes de différentes 'bases' (strat ou might) ou on peut se passer de l'un ou de l'autre sans que ça impacte notre progression ? A priori les 'meilleures équipes' ont l'air orienté puissance pour le DPS ce qui présume une opti PvE et la stratégie tend vers du contrôle qui paraît plus PvP à haut niveau, à mon avis il faut diversifier mais dans quelles proportions et quels sont leurs avantages ..
@@WtfIThought pour ce que j’ai compris les héros stratégie vont taper dans le ventre mou des héros puissance puisqu’ils utilisent la valeur stratégie comme score d’attaque et de défense. Or, elle est basse chez les persos puissance. Donc ils vont en prendre plein la tronche. N’empêche qu’ils pourront t’en mettre aussi. Mais en principe a niveau égal un tacticien gagne. Enfin ce n’est que mon raisonnement.
@@romaric9874 Hmm je ne suis pas convaincu, ça voudrait dire que les héros tapent plus ou moins fort selon les stats d'attaque des adversaires, dans ce cas pourquoi s'embêter avec des stats de défense ou de vie ? Edit : remarque ce n'est pas incompatible, t'as peut être raison et dans ce cas les héros 'équilibrés' entre stratégie et puissance sont les meilleurs mais mon intuition tend ailleurs
@@WtfIThought Pour le moment pas mal de héros stratégie s'orientent vers le contrôle (Suleiman) ou le debuff (Hannibal, mais il est hybride might). Cela dit Sun Tzu est purement burst sans aucune mécanique de contrôle ou autre. Faut attendre de voir ce qu'ils feront pour d'autres armées. Pour l'instant je constate plus que certains héros ont leur spécialité et en counter d'autres, plutôt que d'être lié à un type de spécialité militaire spécifiquement. Mais à voir à l'avenir. Merci pour ton retour en tout cas ça fait très plaisir à lire. Effectivement pour les francophones n'hésitez pas à parler français
La stratégie est simplement une autre forme de DPS, l'avantage de la stratégie c'est que cette stat buff tes dégâts et buff ta défense contre la stratégie en 1 seule et même statistiques alors que La puissance ne buff que tes dégâts puissance et tu as besoin de l'armure pour te protéger des dégâts puissance. Les arbres de talents stratégie sont donc moins chère en point de talent pour les optimisé
Excellent as always! I am glad you included my request to explain where skill scrolls are most useful! What are your favourite skills from your other line-ups? Unfortunately, I did not roll for Hannibal. I thought about it as you mentioned he is S+. But I was thinking of the guides you had released back then, hoping for a chance to get Lü Bu soon :D
Hi Sigarme, MrSneaky just came out with a testing video, which makes it appear that Cleo does terribly compared to Ahsoka? Do you agree? I was under the impression that Cleo was an acceptable substitute for f2p, but it doesn't seem that way based on his test. What do you think? Thanks!
Hi, yes Ashoka is better but Cleopatra will nonetheless provide a decent subsistute for F2Ps. I only recently swapped to Ashoka and while the difference is clear, I never suffered intensely from having Cleo.
I participated in the event, completed all tasks, but did not receive a hero Justinian? I use Hannibal, Clyde (Sowing discord & Suppression), Cleopatra 180% bonus. Event hero reset will there be a second time?
Hey! What would you say is the best Hannibal support build? I have an extremely strong Miya Swords build, so my theory is to build a Tanky Hannibal team who’s main goal is debuffing the enemy (taking away/lowering their attributes) so that my Miya team can do way more damage and take less damage at the same time. Basically, I don’t care how much damage it does, I just want the Hannibal build that takes away the most enemy stats and is tanky. Can you suggest a good line up for this? Thank you!
@@DcTrimwb6bc Hi. You could then take crushing impact on hannibal himself with weak spot attack (assuming you have radiant guardian ring) to ensure might reduction or at least make it easier. You can also take swing discord on justinian instead of war tactics. For pure tankiness, you can use ring of falcon on justinian and use ring of clover on ashoka, I like doing that for openfield fights vs strong opponents
@ thanks, these MGE are wallet battle, perhaps it was the first and the others will be easier. I think a good five stars cléo could be enough. The only trouble is to change skill if she harvest or fight.
Great video. I must've passed on Hannibal previously? Wow. Regretting it if I did, though truth be told, I don't have the bandwidth to properly build him up at this point. I'm just struggling to get my Warrior units up and going. But like you pointed out earlier Warrior Cav is so very weak early game and this would be killer. I'm really avoiding anything more than minimal investment in Guan, Harald and Rani. That said, Sun Tzu is on the wheel so I'm hoping for a Tactician Infantry video soon. I think I have the hang of putting appropriate skills onto heroes now, but I'm curious about your choices, specifically Phillip IV. Is Cid worth picking up from the Wheel at all, even for a long-term project?
@@TwelveinchChewbacca Cid is kind of underwhelming mostly because marshal cav heroes dont have a lot of synergy between them. As for Sun Tzu, he is pretty interesting and the logic behind his skills will be the same as the Suleiman video. I will work on this one next while I run some tests for marshal swordsmen
They are both excellent, but I personally prefer Hannibal for the team support perspective. If you like big damage, and I mean BIG damage, go for Lu Bu!
@@Sigarme thanks brother but if you have played rok you know that in such games battle points always count and that the opponent dies as quickly as possible. anything else causes unnecessarily high hospital costs. in kvk or open field battles a lubu with atilla is a better choice. but if you like arena or island then hanibal is perfect.
@@ProferHarbach It's true yep. In late game, I believe Hannibal acts like a "suicide squad", sacrificing himself to make others do the job, and they'll do it with more ease. It's kind of like playing support in LoL or OW, not everyone likes it, but it's necessary to take down some whales or krakens
Thanks for the impactful guide for Hannibal. Question: for players who can’t get Justinian (mostly low spenders who cannot win in mge), could u suggest a replacement for him? I’ll probably get Diao Chan later just to get the troop boost but is it worth getting hannbil or should i focus on getting Tribhu on the Advent wheel first? I do have Tribhu for Miyamoto’s support right now. I’m lacking a good cavalry troop 😅
@@SocietyRice Justinian is also unlockable through the battle pass and daily bundles at some point, when your server is old enough. A top 100 mge is achievable with a bit of preparation and resource hoarding
hello sig, i dont have ashoka sig but i want to know your opinion which is better for the line up cavalry hannibal-justianus-cleaoparta or lu bu-guanyu-atilla thank you
hi there it has been 28 days and lost borderland is nowhere to be found, I am at server 60. other expeditions are there, but no lost borderlands. when does it open?
I took out anibal, and I have diaochan, now I have anibal with cleopatras, I don’t know what collection team forms with diaochan, which team do you recommend?
@@feanaro2224 If you want to gather you can use any gathering heroes together, their military specialty dont matter. YSS, Darius, Derrick, Cleopatra, Diao chan, epic heroes, etc
Could be interesting, sadly there isn't much to say about gems for now, until they release (perhaps) an event to get some, like the Treasure Hunt for gear upgrade material
Do you have an exact number of times MGE has had Justin and Asoka as prizes? I counted that in KD8 there were 5 MGE events with Ram and Julius as prizes. Is that the maximum number before they changed it?
Lovely guide - question though…what if you suck and can’t get Justinian early game? Can you run with Hannibal, Cleopatria, and…Diao Chan Also did you make the ending song?
@@HoangPeterTran Lyrics are mine, song and voice are AI. Justinian is sadly one of the core heroes I believe. But he should be available in the battle pass later on if you are low spender
i wouldn't say not worth it but combined it with cleo and attila as last commander and slap each hero double attack and Attila's own skill you'll get absolute machine killer against archer, which has a tons of strong heroes to combine. this is my strategy in server 10 against whales alliance when they push archer to t5 in early to mid games for battles (around 1-2 months)
I got Hannibal on a free lucky spin and didn't got Justinian in time, So I have Hannibal and Cleo, any chance to make this work ? I have DIAO CHAN but she is like gettering only so if you have insight about what is possible to do, I will be happy
Quick question i saw you choose skill such as war tactic which has 25 % chance , but protracted battle has 100 % recovery which increase marches tankiness if you have peaceful haven, about these skills why should we pick 25%chance skills when we have 100% activation ones, i know there are commanders who increase activation chance of secondaty skills but i am not sure that it only applies to the hero itself or all 3 heroes
Hi. Justinian's signature skill itself is enough to activate Peaceful Haven mostly 100% of the times, on cooldown. War tactic, throughout most of the tests I've ran, healed more than Protracted battle (almost twice as much) because Protracted battle scales off might. War tactic isn't the best spell (thats why with Ashoka you can take crushing impact) and isn't necessary for peaceful haven here, but the heal is "better" and the ring of falcon boosts it a bit more too
@@Sigarme okay thanks, i checked its 25% chance of strategy dmg which will be scaled and buffed by all 3 heroes, might dmg is low so heal will be low even though 100%. I have big confusion regarding some of the heroes skill description like they are giving some buff and skill's text says hero's, heroes, and sometimes explicitly mention any hero in your troop, who get's buff. example- sejong signature reduce hero's damage but reduced troops dmg taken but sejong does no dmg at all(this is the reason for confusion) so is this reducing all 3 heroes dmg or just sejong, i like to believe its sejong Tariq signature skill says increase dmg of hero's secondary strike skill so only tariqs or all your troops in case of justinian dmg reduction it says any hero in troop
@@ashulivechess Yes, some skills are very confusing and they need to work towards making their descriptions better. A better battle report (turn by turn for instance) would help with that. I will forward some suggestions to the team when I have some time and your insight is appreciated, you seem to like diving into lineups a lot from all your comments haha.
Can anyone answer some questions i have. I randomly started playing like 4-5 days ago and I got made the alliance leader of a active alliance of about 60 people. I've figured out most of what to do as leader but we are preparing to take our first town tomorrow. Can you give me any advice on how to go about taking a town? the previous alliance leader built our stronghold like 6-7 grids away from the town so it takes about a 7min march to get there. I am running low on alliance funds to build alliance flags, how can i get more alliance funds? we have all the other resources just not the funds. the only way ive seen is by defeating the random tribes on the map but im sure theres other ways i dont know of. and what kind of tech should i be focusing on to research for alliance? I was wanting to get the trechbucket ammo and range upgraded then i guess try to get all the basic tech. And when i hit "declare war" it makes us wait 5min then we just attack? how do i form a rally for this? Would I have to "rally reinforcement" on one of our alliance flags next to the town? (we dont have one next to it but kinda close by) so many specific things i need answers to and theres just no fucking information what so ever about any of this anywhere. ive watched dozens of vids and they're all useless info. also if i demolish my alliance stronghold do i get refunded any resources? does it take any to make? My old alliance leader placed it in a horrible spot but we already have flags around it. i dont know what happens if i demolish it so im waiting to try to find out first. also when taking a level 3 town Should I make the rally pikemen only to deal with the garrison? and then just "swarm" with singular units? so many questions and no answers lol
In my opinion you should max the political tech tree of your alliance to get more flags and recruits, also the rally option is always a better option than go solo because you'll spare a lot of army by healing them back in your base, if you don't rally damages on your troop will be more important and you may loose some of them
Good comments here. You also need to play the diplomacy angle. Will there be competition for the town from other alliances? You need to scout and reach out and see what the chances are for a PvP fight. If you're facing a greater enemy, maybe you can reach an alternating arrangement to hold the town in turns? A big fight early in an alliance while people (even spenders) are still trying to grow can destroy an alliance. For the early- to mid-game, look at the map, see where the next stage is (docks and river crossings), see what you need to get there and identify allies and rivals.
amazing videos as always !😍
Hey! What would you say is the best Hannibal support build? I have an extremely strong Miya Swords build, so my theory is to build a Tanky Hannibal team who’s main goal is debuffing the enemy (taking away/lowering their attributes) so that my Miya team can do way more damage and take less damage at the same time. Basically, I don’t care how much damage it does, I just want the Hannibal build that takes away the most enemy stats and is tanky. Can you suggest a good line up for this? Thank you!!
Great guide as always. Would love to see your take on marshal cavalry, as I just got Bushra, Cid, Tariq, etc.
Once again another excellent team building video with tons of information. Loved it
Thank you Sigar! Always making the best guides
Another informative video. You have been very helpful. Thank you.
Thanks, jus started working on my Cav march. 👍
Hands down the best guide maker in the game. Your best supporter Sala7yt ❤
Naaaa his best supporter it's MEEE Falco hahaha❤
Great guide and music as well.
Thanks for this amazing video!
Un excelente trabajo como siempre, Hi from Spain
@@iadasantacompanha9845 Gracias ❤
I enjoy watching the videos. Please don't forget to add Turkish subtitle option
You made best content bro keep it up
Need that 5 stars Ashoka 👀 , Anyway Great Vid Buddy!
J'adore tes vidéos ! Je me suis abonné dès la première que j'ai vu, à l'ouverture des serveurs classiques (Empire 008) il y a 2 semaines, quand j'ai constaté à quel point tu détailles et justifies tes choix de compo, c'est très clair et abordable pour quiconque se lance dans ce jeu, bravo pour ce travail !
J'attends impatiemment tes analyses sur chaque compo, plus je comprends les mécaniques et synergies entres les héros plus j'ai envie de construire ces équipes et plus je dois éloigner la CB 😆
Je souligne aussi ton calme et 'tonalité' de voix grave que je trouve reposante et agréable contrairement à d'autres vidéastes du même jeu (et je l'ai ressenti avant de savoir que t'es français, ce que j'ai découvert sur un de tes lives, et qui m'a fait plaisir c'est pourquoi je ne traduis pas 😅)
Comme ça fait 2 semaines que je découvre ce jeu et que j'adore l'optimisation et la technicité j'ai beaucoup de questions que mon alliance ne peut satisfaire donc je t'en pose une : quelle est la différence entre la stratégie et la puissance, il y a t'il des avantages à construire des équipes de différentes 'bases' (strat ou might) ou on peut se passer de l'un ou de l'autre sans que ça impacte notre progression ? A priori les 'meilleures équipes' ont l'air orienté puissance pour le DPS ce qui présume une opti PvE et la stratégie tend vers du contrôle qui paraît plus PvP à haut niveau, à mon avis il faut diversifier mais dans quelles proportions et quels sont leurs avantages ..
@@WtfIThought pour ce que j’ai compris les héros stratégie vont taper dans le ventre mou des héros puissance puisqu’ils utilisent la valeur stratégie comme score d’attaque et de défense. Or, elle est basse chez les persos puissance. Donc ils vont en prendre plein la tronche. N’empêche qu’ils pourront t’en mettre aussi. Mais en principe a niveau égal un tacticien gagne. Enfin ce n’est que mon raisonnement.
@@romaric9874 Hmm je ne suis pas convaincu, ça voudrait dire que les héros tapent plus ou moins fort selon les stats d'attaque des adversaires, dans ce cas pourquoi s'embêter avec des stats de défense ou de vie ?
Edit : remarque ce n'est pas incompatible, t'as peut être raison et dans ce cas les héros 'équilibrés' entre stratégie et puissance sont les meilleurs mais mon intuition tend ailleurs
@@WtfIThought Pour le moment pas mal de héros stratégie s'orientent vers le contrôle (Suleiman) ou le debuff (Hannibal, mais il est hybride might). Cela dit Sun Tzu est purement burst sans aucune mécanique de contrôle ou autre. Faut attendre de voir ce qu'ils feront pour d'autres armées. Pour l'instant je constate plus que certains héros ont leur spécialité et en counter d'autres, plutôt que d'être lié à un type de spécialité militaire spécifiquement. Mais à voir à l'avenir.
Merci pour ton retour en tout cas ça fait très plaisir à lire. Effectivement pour les francophones n'hésitez pas à parler français
La stratégie est simplement une autre forme de DPS, l'avantage de la stratégie c'est que cette stat buff tes dégâts et buff ta défense contre la stratégie en 1 seule et même statistiques alors que La puissance ne buff que tes dégâts puissance et tu as besoin de l'armure pour te protéger des dégâts puissance. Les arbres de talents stratégie sont donc moins chère en point de talent pour les optimisé
Excellent as always!
I am glad you included my request to explain where skill scrolls are most useful! What are your favourite skills from your other line-ups?
Unfortunately, I did not roll for Hannibal. I thought about it as you mentioned he is S+. But I was thinking of the guides you had released back then, hoping for a chance to get Lü Bu soon :D
Do you have any tutorial videos on how to upgrade each hero's talent?
Finally. Been waiting for this
Hi Sigarme, MrSneaky just came out with a testing video, which makes it appear that Cleo does terribly compared to Ahsoka? Do you agree? I was under the impression that Cleo was an acceptable substitute for f2p, but it doesn't seem that way based on his test. What do you think? Thanks!
Hi, yes Ashoka is better but Cleopatra will nonetheless provide a decent subsistute for F2Ps. I only recently swapped to Ashoka and while the difference is clear, I never suffered intensely from having Cleo.
@@Sigarme Great, thanks!
Finally a new video! 🤝🏻
Subscribed :) please do miyamoto tribuwara and yodit in depth tutorial please including recommend skills and rings
@@markoblea7056 Hi, its actually the first guide I did! You will find it on my channel
Hi! thanks for this kind of content. I've a question: Is it matter the order of the skills?
Yup, gonna stick to Cleopatra, no way I can ever get Ashoka, I'm already lucky to have gotten Justinian as a F2P, let's not push it further xD
@@poklours4257 Cleo works just fine too
Nice guide, thx
I participated in the event, completed all tasks, but did not receive a hero Justinian? I use Hannibal, Clyde (Sowing discord & Suppression), Cleopatra 180% bonus. Event hero reset will there be a second time?
Is it workimg?
Hey! What would you say is the best Hannibal support build? I have an extremely strong Miya Swords build, so my theory is to build a Tanky Hannibal team who’s main goal is debuffing the enemy (taking away/lowering their attributes) so that my Miya team can do way more damage and take less damage at the same time. Basically, I don’t care how much damage it does, I just want the Hannibal build that takes away the most enemy stats and is tanky. Can you suggest a good line up for this? Thank you!
@@DcTrimwb6bc Hi. You could then take crushing impact on hannibal himself with weak spot attack (assuming you have radiant guardian ring) to ensure might reduction or at least make it easier. You can also take swing discord on justinian instead of war tactics.
For pure tankiness, you can use ring of falcon on justinian and use ring of clover on ashoka, I like doing that for openfield fights vs strong opponents
@ thank you!!
hey how to activate skill effect like in the beginning of your video when the troops attack please reply 😮😮😮
Thanks for this video! Do you suggest I switch Cleopatra for Attila the Hun instead?
@@bernie4689 I personally prefer Cleopatra for the buffs she gives to Hannibal
@ many thanks for reply! You’re so popular amongst the player’s community. A lot of players talking about your channel. Well done mate 👍🌟
Another spicy video!
How about marshal calvary? do you have recommendations? @Sigarme - Age of Empires Mobile?
Good Video bro!
S tier fucking content. Bravo
Tell me, does the equipment work only on the main commander or on all three?
@@Александр-в8б4д Hi, it works on all 3
How does Marshal Cavalry builds compare to the Warrior/Tactician ones?
I don't like marshal cav very much to be honest
Is Ashoka a very upgrade versus cleopatra or a good Cleo is enough to play this line as a main cavalry ?
You can definitely keep Cleopatra if you don't want to aim for a top 10 MGE. Ashoka is a good upgrade though
@ thanks, these MGE are wallet battle, perhaps it was the first and the others will be easier. I think a good five stars cléo could be enough. The only trouble is to change skill if she harvest or fight.
When he fights fights when he harvests harvest
This march is powerfull than the lu bu march? Thanks for the video
Great video. I must've passed on Hannibal previously? Wow. Regretting it if I did, though truth be told, I don't have the bandwidth to properly build him up at this point. I'm just struggling to get my Warrior units up and going. But like you pointed out earlier Warrior Cav is so very weak early game and this would be killer. I'm really avoiding anything more than minimal investment in Guan, Harald and Rani.
That said, Sun Tzu is on the wheel so I'm hoping for a Tactician Infantry video soon. I think I have the hang of putting appropriate skills onto heroes now, but I'm curious about your choices, specifically Phillip IV.
Is Cid worth picking up from the Wheel at all, even for a long-term project?
@@TwelveinchChewbacca Cid is kind of underwhelming mostly because marshal cav heroes dont have a lot of synergy between them.
As for Sun Tzu, he is pretty interesting and the logic behind his skills will be the same as the Suleiman video.
I will work on this one next while I run some tests for marshal swordsmen
off topic but do you know if we will be able to get ram in other places than just mge,
@@xlnkzz4229 I dont think so sadly, he might be exclusive to MGE
Hello Brother i need your help.. what is your fav cav march Lubu - Guan yu - Atilla or. Hannibal Yunestuis Cleopatra ?
They are both excellent, but I personally prefer Hannibal for the team support perspective. If you like big damage, and I mean BIG damage, go for Lu Bu!
I like big damagee@@Sigarme
@@Sigarme thanks brother but if you have played rok you know that in such games battle points always count and that the opponent dies as quickly as possible. anything else causes unnecessarily high hospital costs. in kvk or open field battles a lubu with atilla is a better choice. but if you like arena or island then hanibal is perfect.
@@ProferHarbach It's true yep. In late game, I believe Hannibal acts like a "suicide squad", sacrificing himself to make others do the job, and they'll do it with more ease. It's kind of like playing support in LoL or OW, not everyone likes it, but it's necessary to take down some whales or krakens
Nice video 🏹
Thanks for the impactful guide for Hannibal. Question: for players who can’t get Justinian (mostly low spenders who cannot win in mge), could u suggest a replacement for him? I’ll probably get Diao Chan later just to get the troop boost but is it worth getting hannbil or should i focus on getting Tribhu on the Advent wheel first? I do have Tribhu for Miyamoto’s support right now. I’m lacking a good cavalry troop 😅
@@SocietyRice Justinian is also unlockable through the battle pass and daily bundles at some point, when your server is old enough. A top 100 mge is achievable with a bit of preparation and resource hoarding
hello sig, i dont have ashoka sig but i want to know your opinion which is better for the line up cavalry hannibal-justianus-cleaoparta or lu bu-guanyu-atilla thank you
Do you think the warrior cavalry lineup with lu bu is better or worse?
Both are in top tier
@@Bosshogg1988 Both are good and best thing is you can play both
Is this marche (with cleo) tanky or glas canon?
Please make a video on tactician swordmans
hi there it has been 28 days and lost borderland is nowhere to be found, I am at server 60. other expeditions are there, but no lost borderlands. when does it open?
Hi, I am not sure. The team confirmed it was coming, but no ETA. Maybe season 2? Can't be sure sadly
Can Hannibal benefit from ring of crow if it's on Cleopatra? Or will it buff Cleopatra?
It will buff Cleopatra, but it will indirectly buff Hannibal if he procs his commander skill thanks to the stolen stats
Thanks for answering my question 🙌🙌
I took out anibal, and I have diaochan, now I have anibal with cleopatras, I don’t know what collection team forms with diaochan, which team do you recommend?
Thank you for considering the Lubu team because not much would have clarified that issue, I would have left a big doubt there
@@feanaro2224 If you want to gather you can use any gathering heroes together, their military specialty dont matter. YSS, Darius, Derrick, Cleopatra, Diao chan, epic heroes, etc
Hi Sigarme, is there any chance you could make a guide on gems?
Could be interesting, sadly there isn't much to say about gems for now, until they release (perhaps) an event to get some, like the Treasure Hunt for gear upgrade material
@@SigarmeIt’s better to do it when we have more information, it’s more convenient, for your video and for us the community.
Sir , can you do sun tzu build next?
@@naveenraj9007 yes
@Sigarme btw is sun tzu strong? because I don't know how to compare between strategy damage and might damage?
can you do tactician swordmen next
Could you do tactician swordsmen please?
thx u boss 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Is better go for hannibal or lubu?
Do you have an exact number of times MGE has had Justin and Asoka as prizes? I counted that in KD8 there were 5 MGE events with Ram and Julius as prizes. Is that the maximum number before they changed it?
oooh hot off the presses
Tactician swordsman next 🧐
Will Ashoka enter legendary advent like Hanibal?, it seems like I will never have a chance to enter the top 10 MGE 😅
Hi, sadly Ashoka seems to be MGE exclusive for now
Is there another way to get Hannibal? I missed the wheel
@@kantawatleepayakhun3558 Dont worry, the wheel will come back!
Can you please make a video of Marshal cavalry?
How many stars should I get each hero to in this march?
@@Steeezyy I would say to get at least 3 on Hannibal and Justinian, 5 on Cleo and 1 on Ashoka to really have a good feeling with this comp.
Videoları severek takip ediyorum lütfen Türkçe alt yazı eklemeyi unutma :)
Please do a marshall cav lineup, I'm only stuck with them and I'm lost
I need guidance master yoda
What are rotation of MGE heroes?
@@happyhippo8256 Only MGE heroes are Ashoka/Justinian and Ram/Caesar for now
@@Sigarme So RAM/Caesar will be next MGE or they will be return again for third times? Thank you!
@happyhippo8256 I am unsure what the MGE rotation schedule will be like in new servers sadly
Whi is better hannibal or lu bu?
THanks Doood
Lovely guide - question though…what if you suck and can’t get Justinian early game?
Can you run with Hannibal, Cleopatria, and…Diao Chan
Also did you make the ending song?
@@HoangPeterTran Lyrics are mine, song and voice are AI.
Justinian is sadly one of the core heroes I believe. But he should be available in the battle pass later on if you are low spender
@@Sigarme battle pass you mean kingdoms hoard?
@@rayhanalkautsar5421 Yes haha, sorry
Waiting for my boy lu bu
@@oouma6499 There is a guide on him if you want
so Hanibal is not worth if you are f2p player ??
i wouldn't say not worth it but combined it with cleo and attila as last commander and slap each hero double attack and Attila's own skill you'll get absolute machine killer against archer, which has a tons of strong heroes to combine. this is my strategy in server 10 against whales alliance when they push archer to t5 in early to mid games for battles (around 1-2 months)
@drianch.563 so u replace every skills with secondary attack type ?
i have atilla and Hanibal want to try cav team
I got Hannibal on a free lucky spin and didn't got Justinian in time, So I have Hannibal and Cleo, any chance to make this work ? I have DIAO CHAN but she is like gettering only so if you have insight about what is possible to do, I will be happy
can you please also compare warrior cavalry vs tactian cavalry?
Eres el mejor
Quick question i saw you choose skill such as war tactic which has 25 % chance , but protracted battle has 100 % recovery which increase marches tankiness if you have peaceful haven, about these skills why should we pick 25%chance skills when we have 100% activation ones, i know there are commanders who increase activation chance of secondaty skills but i am not sure that it only applies to the hero itself or all 3 heroes
Hi. Justinian's signature skill itself is enough to activate Peaceful Haven mostly 100% of the times, on cooldown. War tactic, throughout most of the tests I've ran, healed more than Protracted battle (almost twice as much) because Protracted battle scales off might.
War tactic isn't the best spell (thats why with Ashoka you can take crushing impact) and isn't necessary for peaceful haven here, but the heal is "better" and the ring of falcon boosts it a bit more too
@@Sigarme okay thanks, i checked its 25% chance of strategy dmg which will be scaled and buffed by all 3 heroes, might dmg is low so heal will be low even though 100%.
I have big confusion regarding some of the heroes skill description like they are giving some buff and skill's text says hero's, heroes, and sometimes explicitly mention any hero in your troop, who get's buff.
example- sejong signature reduce hero's damage but reduced troops dmg taken but sejong does no dmg at all(this is the reason for confusion) so is this reducing all 3 heroes dmg or just sejong, i like to believe its sejong
Tariq signature skill says increase dmg of hero's secondary strike skill so only tariqs or all your troops
in case of justinian dmg reduction it says any hero in troop
@@ashulivechess Yes, some skills are very confusing and they need to work towards making their descriptions better. A better battle report (turn by turn for instance) would help with that.
I will forward some suggestions to the team when I have some time and your insight is appreciated, you seem to like diving into lineups a lot from all your comments haha.
How to get justintine?
Top 100 MGE, daily bundles or battle pass when your server is old enough
And if we don't have the great any alternative
eyyyy, matheus here
pls make tactician infantry i wanna know if i can do something with sun tzu theodora
Marshal Swordman tactical
why not tariq?
Tariq is Marshal
ashoka is imposibble for me to get as same as ram, since the battle of the wallet for mge is really tight 😢
@@Rabequista Do not worry, Cleopatra will do well if you dont have Ashoka 😁
@@Sigarme yes indeed, im gonna build that rather than to level up harald in order to fill up the slot for cavalry, harald "the great" hero lol :)
Clyde 3 stars very easy
Can anyone answer some questions i have.
I randomly started playing like 4-5 days ago and I got made the alliance leader of a active alliance of about 60 people.
I've figured out most of what to do as leader but we are preparing to take our first town tomorrow.
Can you give me any advice on how to go about taking a town?
the previous alliance leader built our stronghold like 6-7 grids away from the town so it takes about a 7min march to get there.
I am running low on alliance funds to build alliance flags, how can i get more alliance funds? we have all the other resources just not the funds.
the only way ive seen is by defeating the random tribes on the map but im sure theres other ways i dont know of.
and what kind of tech should i be focusing on to research for alliance? I was wanting to get the trechbucket ammo and range upgraded then i guess try to get all the basic tech.
And when i hit "declare war" it makes us wait 5min then we just attack?
how do i form a rally for this?
Would I have to "rally reinforcement" on one of our alliance flags next to the town? (we dont have one next to it but kinda close by)
so many specific things i need answers to and theres just no fucking information what so ever about any of this anywhere. ive watched dozens of vids and they're all useless info.
also if i demolish my alliance stronghold do i get refunded any resources? does it take any to make? My old alliance leader placed it in a horrible spot but we already have flags around it. i dont know what happens if i demolish it so im waiting to try to find out first.
also when taking a level 3 town Should I make the rally pikemen only to deal with the garrison? and then just "swarm" with singular units?
so many questions and no answers lol
In my opinion you should max the political tech tree of your alliance to get more flags and recruits, also the rally option is always a better option than go solo because you'll spare a lot of army by healing them back in your base, if you don't rally damages on your troop will be more important and you may loose some of them
Good comments here. You also need to play the diplomacy angle. Will there be competition for the town from other alliances? You need to scout and reach out and see what the chances are for a PvP fight. If you're facing a greater enemy, maybe you can reach an alternating arrangement to hold the town in turns? A big fight early in an alliance while people (even spenders) are still trying to grow can destroy an alliance. For the early- to mid-game, look at the map, see where the next stage is (docks and river crossings), see what you need to get there and identify allies and rivals.
Marshal swordsman tutorial please 🥲🥲 im already searching everywhere but no one talk about marshall swordsme 😭😭
It's coming in 15min!