The video about your hunting rifle shot reminded me of a good time in season 5 when I no scoped my friend for 317 meters across tilted. He was not happy lmaooo😂
In the dim light of the school computer lab, I find solace in Fortnite, my only escape from the weight of my financial struggles. Each match is a fleeting moment of joy, a stark contrast to the reality that I can't afford a gaming system of my own. I often dream of asking a friend for help, hoping they might understand my longing and consider buying me one, but the thought of burdening them with my troubles only deepens my sadness, so i was hoping that you could buy me one if not i understand
yo i went to a montessori school its straite fun like i had recces in middle school and i also got 1 hour of art and two recceses in elemntary it was great
One thing's for sure: We love your commitment to the game Martin! Thanks for all the entertainment you have provided throughout these years!
9:45 Poland mentioned 🗣️
You’re the goat Savage. I hope you and Mongraal win it all with whoever your third is
7:08 Bro memorised his own clip
He was a kid. That probably brought him so much joy watching. i would too
Brooo the missed dap was💀
Joking Mr savage love u ❤️
The video about your hunting rifle shot reminded me of a good time in season 5 when I no scoped my friend for 317 meters across tilted. He was not happy lmaooo😂
Plsssss can you and Mongraal adopt me MrSavage???
Chill out bro
Why ar u so wired?!
Grew up
@@Only-Plays-F2Pdo you know what sarcasm is💀
Speed x or sped x learn how to spell
Old stretch Rez and how he used to play good old days watching his old videos 🙏💪
savage a lot of players learned from you because your the goat and you still are.
mrsavage : one of the greatest player of fortnite history
the montessori school is actually very good I learn a lot and get to do the things i like
Bro gave mr savage the holy shmoly gawk gawk for 27 mins
10:05 BARSS 🔥😂
Imagine MrSavage beeing the first person to have The Axe of Champions 3.0
This is actually good tbh
MrSavage is my GOAT, nobody does it like Savage
FNCS Win Is For Sure Loading
Bro no way me and Mr savage share the same birthday that's crazy
2:58 you what 88 means right?
Yeah he def knew what it meant lol
"If snipers werent in the game", BUGHA migh not have won it
The media tells twisted truths all the time. Stay true to yourself. Know you have the motivation. Know your worth. And you will win a title.
We love you Mr. Savage
bro mongraal had such a hype with him that savage got hyped again thats so crazy
I remember watching the world cup of you doing that crazy ass shit shadow bomb play.
hes still going at it 5 yrs later
20:30that WHAT got me on the floor 😂😂😂
that "WHAAT!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
savage start checking if he talking about him 😂😂😂😂
ey mr savage i wanne see u win fncs bro i been watching the entire time ur my idol in the game man
Facts I used to go to a Waldorf school and there was this kid who would be acoustic and through desks
3:21 why he kinda look like de Bruyne
Yo the Clip at the World cup with the shadow bomb Was fck insane.
In the dim light of the school computer lab, I find solace in Fortnite, my only escape from the weight of my financial struggles. Each match is a fleeting moment of joy, a stark contrast to the reality that I can't afford a gaming system of my own. I often dream of asking a friend for help, hoping they might understand my longing and consider buying me one, but the thought of burdening them with my troubles only deepens my sadness, so i was hoping that you could buy me one if not i understand
on his thumbnail he saw a ghost
React to that jaw line bro lol
3:56 “vent hva?”
This is a great vid
4:55 -3 points, what!!
i love ur contenet bro
I swear I already watched this video like 4 day ago
10:52 - 10:57 nah bro💀
yo i went to a montessori school its straite fun like i had recces in middle school and i also got 1 hour of art and two recceses in elemntary it was great
Savage remember ace Gronk?
I love MrSavage ❤❤❤
The self glaze in the thumbnail💀
Bro its just the videos thumnail he is reacting to💀
9:50 my country 😎
Can someone please tell me who the Scottish pro was?
Looks like you are sitting outside on a balcony or something.
Next year I am going to win the FNCS
Tbh you wont
Savage i love u
Can I play ranked match with y’all I’ve killed veno and clix
No way bros doing react vids now
Bro i think u and pollo should duo
No he already has mongraal and mongraal is waaaaaaaay better than pollo
Best player
When I mean clicked, I mean clicked 💀
When my parents tell me that I can’t game longer than like 2 hours😭
I went to a Montessori school as well
You the best
martoz enters the chat
Bruh I wish I was successful as savage at yt.
i used to go to a monetsorri school and instanly hated all the weirdo speds so i swapped schools after like 2 years
Think there’s a different reason he chose the number 88 in his name😅
savage i once saw u in battle royal in a house in tilted in bed with chun-li
Jr. get off the Ipad
@@thebikinibottompress4321 ok bikini bottom
come on skandinavien
"Alongside" doesn't mean "by" Savage, c'mon.
Wtf is benjipee-peee 4:25
I watched the vid right before this
w vid
How mongrel to do shing shing meme again
For the algorithim ❤❤
damn maybe skip the 88 next time xd
I just watched this video
Hi Im a fan
Bring back savageboi88
Dude his is making 1 mil only from adds. This guy is rich
For the algorithim ❤❤🎉
You have the same birthday as me I’m not ur age tho
how is he fn?
I had seen it 3 days ago
You lost to Croatia pro Jur3ky my country 🤣🤣
88 in the old username lol
Can I get cyan t can I get signed to NRG?
bro they disbanded nrg 3 years ago
i watched that now this
MrSavage 1v1 me for a New PC
@martoz is way smarter tho
Hi savage
For the algorithim ❤❤ For the algorithim ❤❤
1 like = 1 FNCS Win for Mrsausage 🐐🏆
stojkaFN is beather of you
Under 5 sec gang
Hei jeg er fra Norge
Im from norway
😊For the algorithim ❤❤
For the algorithim ❤❤ ❤For the algorithim ❤
So 88 huh 🤔
For the algorithim ❤❤For the algorithim ❤❤For the algorithim ❤❤For the algorithim ❤❤For the algorithim ❤❤For the algorithim ❤❤For the algorithim ❤❤
Hi, I’m from Saudi Arabia