የመጽሀፉ ርእስ፡“ሁሉም ነገር ወደ ሰሜን ጦር ግንባር”||ክፍል 24|የሞት ሽረት ውጊያ በናቅፋ|ጸሀፊ፡ብ/ጄነራል ውበቱ ፀጋዬ
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- ለአስተያየቶ:- +251975474860
የኢትዮ ሜዳ ምርጥ ቤተሰብ ለመሆን ተከታዩን ሊንክ በመክፈት እና Join የሚለውን በመጫን ይቀላቀሉ፤ ስራችን ቀጣይነትና የበለጠ ጥራት እንዲኖረው ያበረታቱን፡፡
/ @ethiomeda
በመጽሀፉ ላይ ያልዎትን አስተያትና ሀሳብ ለጸሀፊው ብ/ጄ ውበቱ ፀጋዬ በኢሜይል woubetu@gmail.com በጽሁፍ መግለጽ ይችላሉ፡፡
#ethiomeda #አሰብ #assab #aseb #fikresilassie_wogderes #ፍቅረስላሴ_ወግደረስ #ኢትዮ_ሜዳ #EPRP_Derg #Fisseha_Desta #aymitswa #Mengistu_Hilemarim #fasika_sidelil #ኢህአፓ #Fikreselassie_Wogderess #amharic_audiobook #ትረካ #Eritrea #asmara #ኤርትራ #አስመራ #ምፅዋ #gebru_asrat #webetu_tsegaye
#EthioMeda #ኢትዮ_ሜዳ #ethiopianhistory #mekoya #shegerfm102 #mengistu_hilemarim #mengistu_hilemarim #addisabeba #esheteassefa #fetadaily #fetadaily #shegerwerewoch #ethiopianews #ebstv #seyfushow #seyfuonebs #mesay #esat #husenahmed
Ethiopia|Ethiopian News |Ethio Meda| Abiy Ahmed | TPLF |GERD | Amhara | Feta daily| Zena tube| Zehabesha| Mereja|Mengistu_Hilemarim| Derg| Ethiopoian_politics| Behind_Ethiopian_Poletics| አብዮታዊ_ሰራዊት| የቀድሞ_ሰራዊት| ደርግ |የኢትዮጵያ_ወታደር |ህወሀት|የኢትዮጵያ_ፖለቲካ
ዉበቱ ከ ወየነ ረዲዮ በላይ ይዋሽል
ከፍቅር እሰከ መቃብር በቀጥታ ወደ ሁሉም ነገር ወደ ሰሜን ጦር ግምባር
Wubetu mnew rega bel enji abezahow ahuns
Tsenat na wene new afer dime yasebelachew
Ena Eritrawyan tornet ygebanal kknyatum edmie yederese hulu wede tornet ydewal . Tornet malet mnm tkm yelelew afrash bzu gosemsoch be enat tenkebakba yasedegachew ljoch ymotalu .
Egziabhier selam le Ethiopia ena Eritrea
Yemigermen kale ye Ethiopia meriwoch ahunm yalefe tornet altemarem
ውቤ: ይህን ያህል ውሸት እንደተወለድክ ነው የተማርከው??
ሻዕቢያ በማዕበል የሚያጠቃ ምን ያህል ቁጥር ያለው ነበር? የኢትዮጵያ ወታደር በማዕበል ሲመጣ ነው የተመለከትነው እንጂ የኛ በጣም አነስተኛ ቁጥር ነበርን:: ሻዕቢያ 1 እናንተ 10:: 1ለ10::
ይህ መጽሃፍ በመደምሰስ ጀምሮ እስከ መደምሰስ ተደመደመ:: ግን የተደመሰሰው ሚስኪኑ የኢትዮጵያ ወዛደር ነው::
Stopped your brainwashed propaganda! Shabia was supported by Arabic countries like Egypt and Sudan and the western. You do not know this because you born yesterday and you do not know anything. But listen the History with carful what some hero of formers Ethiopian generals written the book very well. Ok . Do not listen shabia false propaganda that they said, they won , but never ever true.
ውቤ: ውሸታም 😏
60,milliona 1 million new yetewagut
Why the ethiopian army lost the war if the DERG army hadde won this much on the battel. Stop laiying for the young generation
ውሸታቹ ሰለቸን እባካቹ በመጠኑ ዋሹ
ሰብኣይዶ ክንድዚ'ሕሱ!
ብከምኡ እንድዮም እሞ ዝነብሩ
ሐቂ እንተድአተዛሪቦም ኢካ ትድነቅ
ኣቦ ጀነራል ውበቱ ስትዋሽ ትንሽ ጨው ኣርከፍክፍበት ስለ ትረካው ትንሽ ለታዛቢው ሻብያ ወደ በርሃ ስወጣ ዱላ ይዞ ነው የወጣው እድሜ ለናንተና ለልእለ ሃያላንዋ የድሮ ሶቭየት ህብረት ከክላሽኮቭ እስከ መድፍና ሚሳኤል ኣየር ሃይሉ ባህር ሃይሉ እስከ ኣፍንጫቹ ታጥቃቹ ነበር እናንተ ከታጠቃቹ ለሻብያ ማስታጠቅ ማለትነው ምክንያቱ ሻብያ ተዋጊ ብቻ ሳይሆን ስትራተጂስትም ነውና በጦር ሜዳ ፍልምያ ከናንተ ነጥቆ ስለሚጠቀምበት ጓድ መንግስቱ እሚመኩበት ናደው ሲደመሰስ ብታምኑም ባታምኑም በቁም ሞተናል ብሎ ነበር ያሁሉ እሚመካበት ናደው ተደመሰሰ በሞቶ ሚቆጠሩ ታንኮች መድፎች ዙ23 ሚሳኤል በጦሩነቱ ተማርከዋል ከዛ ቦሃላ ጦሩኖቱ ወድአ ማሃል ሃገር ሻብያ ያንጫጫቸው ብቹሎች ሰንዝሮ እርስበርሳቹ እንደትባሉ ኣደረጋ ቹ ለዛው ነኝ ሻብያ ተዋጊ ብቻ ሳይሆን ስትራየጂስተም ነው ያልኩት ኣሁን ደግሞ ኩዋስዋ በሻብያ እጅ ናት ያለቹ ካስዋን ወደናንተ መጣልዋን ኣያቅተንም ።
@@GhebreyesusAendemicael western, European,Sudan put shabia on the bed. They were helping Shabia with everything because Ethiopia was Socialist Riots and this made angry those countries. Moreover, the Banda in the Ethiopian army generals and personnel were supported shabia because, those generals and personnel were angry at him as Darge killed many of them without anything. As Consequences, Ethiopian army lost many educated and experienced Generals. This was biggest mistake for Colonel Mangistu and biggest advantage for shabia and Wayne to get victory!! All those terrible terrible and misleading the Ethiopian army gave biggest chances to won !! It is Not Shabia fighting only . Moreover, the dead mountains,lands and Ertrian Desert had have biggest influence on the Ethiopian army and the long terms of the war for 17 years!!
ያ ሁሉ የሆነው ቢሆንም የቀድሞ የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት አባላት ክብር ይገባቸዋል! ሰራዊቱ የተሸነፈው በሻቢያ ሳይሆን አግባብ ባልሆነው የደርግ መንግስት አስተዳደር እና አንዳንድ ኤርትራዊ ተወላጆች በመንግስት ውስጥ ከፍተኛ የኃላፊነት ቦታ የነበራቸው ለሻቢያ መረጃ ያደረሱ በመሆናቸው ነው።
ቆንዳፍ ዓጋመ
ክክክክክ ጭቃ ኢትዮጵያ አቅም የላትም
መንጌን ጠይቅ ሻዕብያ እንዴት እንደ ጀመረ እና ማን እንዳስታጠቀው በደንብ ይነግርሃል
ፈሪ ሰራዊት ደካማ ሰራዊት ምንም ሊያደርግ አይችልም ድክሞ
@@tesfagabirteame9607 ሽንፈት ተከናንበው እንደወጡ ዋጠው:: የኤርትራ ተወላጆች በተለያየ መንገድ ቢሳተፉ ሽንፈቱ ዋጠው ዕጎ😊
ስለ EPLF መሪዎችና ተዋጊዎች ጀግንነት ለኣንዳችም ያህል ኣለመጥቀስህ በሽንፈትህ ምን ያህል እንደምትጸጸት ያሳያል።
Teeth teret
Very very heartbroken that millions of Ethiopian young people died from both sides (Ethiopian army+ Ertrian Gurrell fighters). Isayas Afawsrki took the missions from forgin countries to do this dirty and dangerous plan
Because the forgin countries used weakest mind people to create conflicts in Africa, specially in Ethiopia this was happened exactly!! The main reasons was : Colonel Mangistu was followed Socialism which was not the USA do not like same as Russia. The former Ethiopia army was fighting with forgin countries indirectly Not only Shabia. As result, shabia and Wayne were supported by many Muslim countries like Egypt,Sudan and many other's The main failure for that strongest army was ,Darge by itself. The fighting took a long 17 years and this frustrated many soldiers and generals.
Thank you General Tsagayye Wubetu for you written the very important book about that hero formers Ethiopian army!!!
You have no clue what politics and war ..? Envadors never ever won wars..!! That's why ethiopia dergu was deafeted with his big power allies..
You need to wake up. this is not about ISAIAS or FOREIGN COUNTRIES. The Eritrean people have a cause to die for.
@@weldenegodguad4974 You love slave for Italian!! Who is your country where you grew up? Italia? Really really? Dump !! I'm proud of my country Ethiopia!!!
I knew my History and I'm not a Banda people like you and your Isayas Afawsrki who was Trojan hourse for western but he kicked out now and the Ertrian economy collapsed completely after 1991 separation. I'm happy to see he is crying by one eye for 30 years. We told that Ertrian people are like a fish without Ethiopia. Ok. That is the main points why millions of Ertrian left this failed State and her people are living with poorest economy.
We fought almost for 17 years bloody civil war and millions of poor Ertrian people died and similar from Ethiopia too! Just for for forgin country Interest not for both countries people! Open your eyes and think deeply my blind person?? Do not leade by forgin countries involvement because they need to keep their interests in East Africa! I do not know how I can tell to those Unthinkable people. those dead generations do not know anything but they brainwashed by Isayas Afawsrki hate propaganda. They reflected same things those narrow mind generation.
We killed each other's brother and brother because our enemies missions!! Very saddest History in Ethiopia.
This has nothing to do with brotherhood. What is saddening is that Ethiopians still do not get it.
Eritrean are Eritrean we have nathing with Ethiopians
@@tesfayrahel5963 Italian puppy! You do not History and you do not know your country!
Is Ertrian a part of Italian Or Ethiopian? Which is your families Dog Or Human beings? Dump?
How can I tell you? That is the main point why we said, this new Ertrian Generation are also dead walking people. Are Ertrian people living scarfired poorest life now ? Or happy life . The best answer is harsh and terrible terrible poorest life after they separated. Shit! If they were living together with Ethiopian people, they could share everything but Isayas Afawsrki and Meles made Dirty boundaries which is based on dividing our country and people. Then, everyone is scarfired with poorest life almost for 30 years
In Ertrian but Ethiopia is better even if we have conflict. This is also emerged OR rooted from Melee divided politics!
ውበቱ የውሸት አባት
ጀነራል ውበቱ ከኢላበርዒድ ናቅፋ ድረስ በኣገላልጽህ በናንተ እና በሃላ በመትርየስ ስንት ሺ ተገድለዋል
የሰው ሃይል በደንብ መጣቀም ከሻብያ ተምራቹ ቢሆን የውነት ወታደራዊ ጀብዱ እና ጀነራል ይገባቹ ነበር
እናንተ ውሸት ሪፖርት
እልቂት እየተፈጸመ ግዲ የለሽ
ታዚዚ መሆን ለሃለቃችሆ
ዕላማ የለሽ ውግያ ነው በሽንፈት የጨረሻቹ
ሻዕብያ ፈልጎ ለነጻነት የቆረጠ ታጋይ ስለ ነበረ ነው በትንሽ ሃይል ልደመሰሳቹ የቸላ
ይህ ማለት የኤርት