It makes me so happy to see the glee on kripps face when he says "i'll see you guys tomorrow" in every video. It makes me realize how good of a game hearthstone is and it really shows how he loves the game.
One thing that i'd love to be introduced into hearthstone would be something that's alot like arena mode. It's random. You get a random class, with 30 random cards, no matter if they're class specific or not. You only play one game with it, so if you got lucky and got a really good deck, you wouldn't just stomp everyone else. I know, RNG is still huge in hearthstone already, but it would make for some insane moments were lets say you get unleash the hounds into a full board, then you follow it up with a volcanic lumberer. That would be awesome! Any ideas or improvements are welcome!
Starcaller Quickfix I'm all for this except for the one-and-done model, just have it match players based on their win-loss record for the deck. If someone lucks into Hunter with Mechwarper x 25, Bloodlust x 5 I say them play that all they want, then the overpowered god decks can duel it out while the people that got garbage can have fun at the bottom of the totem pole. Give everyone up to 3 deck slots (purchasable with gold and money, so Blizzard gets something out of this) for the mode and call it a day. While we're wishing for cool new toys I'd like some way to implement tournaments officially within the game. You could set a variety of factors (like time limit, banned cards/expansions and a limited set of special factors like starting hand size, starting mana, whether you gain mana and having whoever dies first win), set it as either a public or invitation event and have the interface take care of the rest. Some friends and I do custom tournaments like this from time to time and giving the interface more power to manage the "house rule"-y details would be amazing. Plus it would be fun to set up weird events for the public and see how it goes, the goofier tournaments would be a great way to weed out the tryhards and just play with cool strangers for a change.
The Message's Movies yeah, i like this, if u win u keep playing, oh and they should let u choose from the random cards, maybe 1 out of 3?...aaaah and maybe some rewards for winning!! like the more wins u get the more rewards!!... yeah this sounds great! make the entrance fee like 150 golds or something
Cala Piet haha man thats awesome! but we definintly a card that is jesus that'll prevent that card being played :) Satan has returned to hearthstone!! anyway man Thats cool! :D
GujinGod It's so casual i can play it on my phone in class all while paying attention to what the professor is saying and doing stuff on Photoshop. Doesn't mean it isn't fun, not everything has to be hardcore parkour. I have a few Devil May Cry videos on my channel and i am a huge Souls fan but it doesn't mean i shun ''casual'' games.
Casual Kripp expecting perfection out of Bot AI in Hearthstone like it's chess and the players are the greatest chess masters the world has to offer. Classic. Realize that most HS players don't have all the cards and don't play "ideally" every game. Even the Kripp makes mistakes.
Didums222 I've literally seen bosses mortal coil a leper gnome with less than 3 hp left. The AI is straight up retarded sometimes and just completely throws. Takes the fun out of beating a tough boss
Didums222 no, I think you're just mad you lost to a boss. The AI really is retarded, and if you can't see that then you must be playing just as bad as it, which is kinda sad. When an AI uses damaging spells to kill minions when they could have killed you, I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with whether "you have better cards", it's just terrible programming.
Didums222 If Hearthstone was a more complex card game it would be understandable but its honestly one of the most simple out there and it has worse AI than any of the other card games ive played like MtG and Yugioh
WhopperCheeseDota the thing that makes AI hard to make for hearthstone is it has no turn phases. you have to have the ai be able to make out the order of how cards should be played along with having all the other normal ai card game things.
3:20 not a screw up.. they want the new players to get new cards and realize they own (especially emperor) Same reason why the last wing also has the other best cards so now you have to purchase the whole thing to get all the best cards
How was Blackrock? I payed 20$, because no one has 3500 gold to spare, then on every friday i needed 10 minutes to finish all bosses and that was it. So for 20$ i got an hour of play time. Pretty shitty value if you ask me.
I paid for both Naxx and Blackrock with gold. Saved for weeks and in the end I got 70 packs behind everyone I knew that paid with real bucks... But it is very nice of Blizzard to have the mechanic to be able to use the in-game currency instead of being forced to pay using real money :)
Depends on if you like him.. I mean he can best the best legendary in the game but also of the worst. For example when the enemy has a full board and it looks like the game is over then you play deathwing but keep in mind that if your opponent has an answer to him you must pretty much lose as you just lost your hand... Thus he is a great hunter legendary. But he is in the end the ultimate YOLO card
Pause at 9:13 to have kripp stare at you for all eternity.
9 ปีที่แล้ว
First try at beating all 30 legendaries with the Unstable Portals: got crushed when he had only 2 cards left in his deck and 2 creatures on the board. Fun thing was I got 3 coldlight oracles, so I managed to burn some cards out of him and get a really good Deathwing with 9 discarded cards. But I'm sad, I couldn't survive enough...
I gave one of the bosses shadowbomber via hungry dragon, which it then cloned with duplicate. Later down the line it had 9 health, I had 6, and it still hadn't played either shadowbomber. Needless to say, it then passed the turn.
hey kripp do you think the card rewards on PVE should be given on heroic? and the card back rewards should be given at rank 10? what are your thoughts?
i think that the class challenge goal is not really to be a challenge but more to propose ideas of deck to those huntards player to shift the meta a bit.
What do you guys think of letting people play as bosses against other people who are playing normal classes? Sure the boss player is super OP (especially on HC) but the normal player can make a super-counter deck (since the boss guy has a fixed deck) so it may balance itself out and would be very fun imo. It would probably be only a fun thing for friends (who also have to own the bosses used so money incentive to blizz) but could also make for a new mode (with or without gold incentives). At the very least make it an April's fools next year, where people become random bosses in casual
There were several epic bosses, including the one turn kill second nefarian, that could beaten by simple noob priest combos - Divine Spirit Inner Fire FTW - and yes I did it... and yes I feel like a cheap lady of the night
kripp should upload the mage challenge when he was on the verge of winning, but the iron dwarf played that wind master Al'Akir card and rekt him. Kripp was so lost and surprised lol
MrGruxLike Inside youtube everything exists, everything is a thing. It's like an alternative universe! Even pokemon that youtubers catched. Like squshy, from RageGaming. Is that even how you spell it? Probably not XD
***** Arena and ladder are wildly different so you can't really translate things like that (even putting aside that arena doesn't seem any slower so far). After two expansions 30 cards isn't going to change constructed enough to mark a significant shift in the meta and that seems reflected in my experience so far. It basically added combo warrior, gang up rogue and the dragon decks as the main changes so far. The first will slow things down slightly, the second makes games very fast and the third is generally slower but doesn't seem to be seeing a lot of play, likely because everyone is still thinking "dragons are too slow" and playing mechmage. On a general note, midrange decks of all kinds got a huge boost in the expansion. It probably won't be enough to get mass quantities of players to start playing midrange but it is nice that those archetypes are more competitive than previously (where the meta was almost always either aggro-biased or control-biased). More than the addition of a few new netdecks I think that will be the biggest legacy of this expansion moving forward. Oh yeah, and everybody is making room for Thaurissan now. Maybe that's a slight speed drop?
Could you give some tips for "free players" ( I mean for those who dont pay to get some decks or other stuff)? Is it worth to pay 150g to play in arena , getting that GvG deck as a reward or just pay 100g for classic decks? Great vids btw, it really helps me a lot into understanding how this game works ( since I didn`t start to play for a long time)
arena is the best man u get lots of gold and you can get lagendary in reward. Also i feel like arena packs are buffed coz they are always above average for me
I decided to play the expansion with my favorite warlock ranked deck just to see how strong it was - i had some difficulties but it was very fun - if not i could of just cheese-built a deck to just counter every move of the boss, seemed boring. I enjoyed the Expansion and the little surprises in the flow of the encounters and the ragnaros moment was hilariously fun.
Anyone know when Hearthstone's afk timer goes on its been 10 minutes and this druid who just brew mastered a force of nature treant has been afk and not done anything and the timer is nowhere to be seen.......
I think Blizzard has not delivered yet a good "adventure" mode for this game, I think. Does not feel anything like an adventure instead like a Mortal Kombat 90s tower. Are you going to do a video on the cards?
You mentioned it's a fail that the most powerful cards are unlocked in the first wing. Maybe they wanted people to think "goddayum those cards man, better unlock all other wings instantly"
I don't think bosses not responding to your moves is necesarrily a bad thing. I mean, in WoW, the only thing bosses respond to are taunts. They don't change their tactics, they don't adapt. They progress through phases and they do the same stuff every time. Now, granted that Hearthstone's gameplay is inherently different to WoW's, but if you're trying to mimick it, making just super tough bosses that are predictable irresponsive is one way to go.
this not wow mate this is hearthstone. Just coz wow doesn't has it doesn't mean hearthstone shouldn't have it as well. Wow was a really old game they couldn't do that back in the days
DEAR KRIPP: around min 24:00 when he plays Onyxia and you draw Hemet, hope when Blizzard watches this video they will remember your Hemet video telling it would be great to make him kill Dragons as well (...because it was also going with the lore...) .. Ohhh Kripp, I feel Blizzard is like a girl, we keep going after them even if they don't deliver because when they deliver our eyes get sparkly emotioned and HOPE revives its flame.. I wish someday Blizzard will change their politics and make this game (all games really) much more competitive (and fun...!!!!!!!) by patching little buffs/nerfs monthly (I say little because i don't wanna see more like Starving Buzzard, that was too much..). Let's not even start talking about the meta... g fcking g, i surrender Blizzard!
honestly, I like the GvG expansions much more than the expansions like BRM, just because I don't really like spending money on hearthstone and I've never gone into the expansions saying "oh boy, I can't wait to see what the bosses do." It's always been more that i'm excited to go get the cards and I feel like i'm trudging through the boss fights in order to get them.
A lot of the Blackrock cards are pretty underwhelming too. and I realize you can buy Blackrock with gold. My point is that I find building decks just for the boss fights really really tedious, where as with GvG style expansions I don't have to deal with that nonsense and I can just get my cards.
666MaRius9991 Lol are you mad that Kripp makes his money off of something you call fun? Not everything you find fun is necessarily fun when you dedicate like 10 hours a day to it.
First time i played the mage class challenge i turn 2 unstable portal, got a gadgetzan auctioneer, turn 3 put gadgetzan auctioneer on board then on his turn he put down millhouse manastorm. by turn 4 i had full board + full hand. so yeah was fun 10/10
Naxx felt more special to me because I had done the raid previously and knew all the bosses by heart. I never did BRM, so I really have no connection to it. I'd love to see a Burning Crusade themed one, like maybe against Kael'thas, Lady V and Illidan. :)
Don't see illadin being a thing since his a card, a really really bad card. Ya i enjoyed naxx more to ( not that i play WOW) but it was quite challenging unlike BRM
cleared naxramas on normal dificulty on 1-2 months and inm still missing the paladin class challenge. cleasred blackrockmautain in 1 week on normal dificulty and all class schellenges cleared nax is so much harder than brm to me atleast.
They made cromaggus,drakkisath and nefarian ridiculously hard for players who dont have every single broken card. Took around 100 trys or more to beat cromaggus.
What if the class challenges were 'fully scripted' (no mulligan phase, both players draw the ecsactly sama cards every time) instead of normal games? That would give blizzard a chance to make those encounters truly challenging by forcing the player to make no missplays and to utilize everything at their disposal, like making weird pyro plays with priest etc.
I love the Mage class challenge. They need to let us play the 30 Unstable Portals against friends.
Corsair Joshua indeed so much fun stuff
Or just custom battles in gerneral. Where you can try cards you don't have and just make fun decks with friends.
nhavasis Like having 45 cards per deck and +20 armor (warrior would need special armor ofc otherwise would be OP)
Woah there, we aren't even in GX, yet.
Corsair Joshua Custom mode battles with friends would be a sick idea. Much more fun in the game that way :)
To skipperino kripperino just sliderino your mouserino to 9:21orino. Good luckerino fellow humanerino
its going very fine kripparrian ... thx for asking again
It makes me so happy to see the glee on kripps face when he says "i'll see you guys tomorrow" in every video. It makes me realize how good of a game hearthstone is and it really shows how he loves the game.
Thaurissian shot his Flip at Kel'Thu freaking Zad as he fought me lol.
Wtf you talkin bout nigga
Techno Lion Emperror thaurissan used his deal 30 dmg at Kel'thuzad instead of him
Techno Lion Yeah man look at this nigga!
Guess he doesn't likes kel'thuzard
Kripp: the only youtuber who can record 9 minutes of a video in one take and not do any mistakes :D
9:20 to skipperino kripperino never misserino
0:00 to watch the viderino
SimpleKnock alt + f4 to skiperino your picturerino too spooksyrino pasterino granola my story
Jakob Piil Maolcatha What the fuckerino.
One thing that i'd love to be introduced into hearthstone would be something that's alot like arena mode. It's random.
You get a random class, with 30 random cards, no matter if they're class specific or not. You only play one game with it, so if you got lucky and got a really good deck, you wouldn't just stomp everyone else. I know, RNG is still huge in hearthstone already, but it would make for some insane moments were lets say you get unleash the hounds into a full board, then you follow it up with a volcanic lumberer. That would be awesome!
Any ideas or improvements are welcome!
Starcaller Quickfix I'm all for this except for the one-and-done model, just have it match players based on their win-loss record for the deck. If someone lucks into Hunter with Mechwarper x 25, Bloodlust x 5 I say them play that all they want, then the overpowered god decks can duel it out while the people that got garbage can have fun at the bottom of the totem pole. Give everyone up to 3 deck slots (purchasable with gold and money, so Blizzard gets something out of this) for the mode and call it a day.
While we're wishing for cool new toys I'd like some way to implement tournaments officially within the game. You could set a variety of factors (like time limit, banned cards/expansions and a limited set of special factors like starting hand size, starting mana, whether you gain mana and having whoever dies first win), set it as either a public or invitation event and have the interface take care of the rest. Some friends and I do custom tournaments like this from time to time and giving the interface more power to manage the "house rule"-y details would be amazing. Plus it would be fun to set up weird events for the public and see how it goes, the goofier tournaments would be a great way to weed out the tryhards and just play with cool strangers for a change.
The Message's Movies I Approve of this. And as you mentioned, the idea of having god decks against eachother is a great idea!
The Message's Movies yeah, i like this, if u win u keep playing, oh and they should let u choose from the random cards, maybe 1 out of 3?...aaaah and maybe some rewards for winning!! like the more wins u get the more rewards!!... yeah this sounds great! make the entrance fee like 150 golds or something
gaby71190 Not sure if troll, or being genuine..
Oh yeah, I guess they did basically do this with arena. I thought it was odd that I had a druid with fireball and two Jaraxxusi today.
Hearthstone should be a card, battle cry escape real life.
Lars Norheim G[old]
Lars Norheim Made my day xDDDDD
Lars Norheim
Cala Piet haha man thats awesome! but we definintly a card that is jesus that'll prevent that card being played :) Satan has returned to hearthstone!! anyway man Thats cool! :D
next vid: how good is HS
No how good is blzerd
ALI 150 how good is being a casual?
Matija Tkalec how good is kripp
GujinGod It's so casual i can play it on my phone in class all while paying attention to what the professor is saying and doing stuff on Photoshop. Doesn't mean it isn't fun, not everything has to be hardcore parkour. I have a few Devil May Cry videos on my channel and i am a huge Souls fan but it doesn't mean i shun ''casual'' games.
Matija Tkalec How terrible is HS.
Casual Kripp expecting perfection out of Bot AI in Hearthstone like it's chess and the players are the greatest chess masters the world has to offer.
Realize that most HS players don't have all the cards and don't play "ideally" every game.
Even the Kripp makes mistakes.
Didums222 I've literally seen bosses mortal coil a leper gnome with less than 3 hp left. The AI is straight up retarded sometimes and just completely throws. Takes the fun out of beating a tough boss
Didums222 no, I think you're just mad you lost to a boss. The AI really is retarded, and if you can't see that then you must be playing just as bad as it, which is kinda sad. When an AI uses damaging spells to kill minions when they could have killed you, I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with whether "you have better cards", it's just terrible programming.
Didums222 If Hearthstone was a more complex card game it would be understandable but its honestly one of the most simple out there and it has worse AI than any of the other card games ive played like MtG and Yugioh
WhopperCheeseDota the thing that makes AI hard to make for hearthstone is it has no turn phases. you have to have the ai be able to make out the order of how cards should be played along with having all the other normal ai card game things.
Anyone else get a weird black screen for a second at around 27:30? It was when he got an axe Flinger from the the portal.
Hey Kripp, I sorta love it to fall asleep half-watching your videos. Best ASMR ever.
a rule against not attacking face in that mage class challenge is one of the best ideas i've ever heard, I actually want to try doing that now!
Loved your blackrock coverage so far kripp, keep it up! :)
I didn't even know that this mech minion with divine shield says when he dies "Error 37". Well played Blizz, well played.
hey kripp just played you this afternoon on my break from lunch. thanks for the game im a fan i learned that deck existed thanks to you. Have fun GG.
The first Card "High Justice Grimstone" played against me were mighty millhouse manastorm. So I enjoyed him too :D
brother skippers, where have you gone!!
3:20 not a screw up.. they want the new players to get new cards and realize they own (especially emperor)
Same reason why the last wing also has the other best cards
so now you have to purchase the whole thing to get all the best cards
Dat Nat Paglerino fishing for kripperino to winnerino the blackrock mountainerino.
How was Blackrock? I payed 20$, because no one has 3500 gold to spare, then on every friday i needed 10 minutes to finish all bosses and that was it.
So for 20$ i got an hour of play time. Pretty shitty value if you ask me.
smok3ybg "no one has 3500 gold to spare"
git gud
Trump bought it with gold
So you don't do heroic mode ? Then what's the point of playing to bm?
You seem to be ignoring the fact that you also got 30 new cards in your collection. But yeah, prob overpriced.
I paid for both Naxx and Blackrock with gold. Saved for weeks and in the end I got 70 packs behind everyone I knew that paid with real bucks... But it is very nice of Blizzard to have the mechanic to be able to use the in-game currency instead of being forced to pay using real money :)
I just opened deathwing! Should i keep him?
Depends on if you like him.. I mean he can best the best legendary in the game but also of the worst. For example when the enemy has a full board and it looks like the game is over then you play deathwing but keep in mind that if your opponent has an answer to him you must pretty much lose as you just lost your hand... Thus he is a great hunter legendary. But he is in the end the ultimate YOLO card
i would say no if you are a competitive player but keep home just for fun even tho he will be bgh 90% of the time, even in arena
Hannich Gaming ! Keeeeeeeeep
It's the Daddy of Onyxia and Nefarian. He has to be Op :D
All Lagendaries are amazing
Hannich Gaming ! If you disenchant it and have enough to make a better legend then no, but if you don't then keep it
Pause at 9:13 to have kripp stare at you for all eternity.
First try at beating all 30 legendaries with the Unstable Portals: got crushed when he had only 2 cards left in his deck and 2 creatures on the board.
Fun thing was I got 3 coldlight oracles, so I managed to burn some cards out of him and get a really good Deathwing with 9 discarded cards.
But I'm sad, I couldn't survive enough...
I gave one of the bosses shadowbomber via hungry dragon, which it then cloned with duplicate. Later down the line it had 9 health, I had 6, and it still hadn't played either shadowbomber.
Needless to say, it then passed the turn.
hey kripp do you think the card rewards on PVE should be given on heroic? and the card back rewards should be given at rank 10? what are your thoughts?
Naa that's a bit unfair it should be give golden card in heroic
I sat for half an hour refreshing and waiting for todays vid
I must say I will not accept any further late hand ins.
i think that the class challenge goal is not really to be a challenge but more to propose ideas of deck to those huntards player to shift the meta a bit.
The Druid class challenge actually took me like 6 tries LOL. I dunno why but it was by far the hardest part of BRM for me
What do you guys think of letting people play as bosses against other people who are playing normal classes? Sure the boss player is super OP (especially on HC) but the normal player can make a super-counter deck (since the boss guy has a fixed deck) so it may balance itself out and would be very fun imo.
It would probably be only a fun thing for friends (who also have to own the bosses used so money incentive to blizz) but could also make for a new mode (with or without gold incentives).
At the very least make it an April's fools next year, where people become random bosses in casual
There were several epic bosses, including the one turn kill second nefarian, that could beaten by simple noob priest combos - Divine Spirit Inner Fire FTW - and yes I did it... and yes I feel like a cheap lady of the night
When I played the mage challenge, they played Millhouse against me. It was pretty epic, wish I had a video
That happens to pretty much everyone lol wo we all know
Woah it is a New tense!!!
maximilian musterman i know. got pretty hype.
Hey Kripp
Maybe you hear it often but you have such a nice voice i can hear you all day long .
Go on with your videos you doin great!
9:20 to skipp. thank me later
***** skipp kripp=rip kripp?
***** You literally saved my organs. real mvp!!!
I might be in the minority here but I have never and will never skip kripp.
Abdulloh Yoldoshev kewl.
***** saved my life
Naxxramas was better.
Remember Kel'tu'zad?
He had many things to talk about.
And what we have here?
Dragon that only saying one thing.
Gordey Felnix the robot was funny
Carlos Pintor, yes.
Nefarian: Mortal minds... So easily manipulated...
Kell'Thuzad: indeed...
chromaggus and the scientist was ridiculous hard to beat.
kripp should upload the mage challenge when he was on the verge of winning, but the iron dwarf played that wind master Al'Akir card and rekt him. Kripp was so lost and surprised lol
13:32 - Play Magmarager > Ping him > Get +1 on the Berserker! NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL VALUE Kappa
10:17 ... dis concentrated Kripp face XD
Dragonkin Sorcerer is quickly becoming Kill On Sight.
Next video: How casual is the Kripp?
Honestly I enjoyed it.
Jesus Christ Back in your cave. Go on.
Jesus Christ You dont exist
MrGruxLike Inside youtube everything exists, everything is a thing. It's like an alternative universe! Even pokemon that youtubers catched. Like squshy, from RageGaming. Is that even how you spell it? Probably not XD
battlecraftcrafter Pokemon
EY KRIPP! I'm still waiting for official "Hey guys hows it going kripparrian here" T-shirts....
Guys, does Nefarian (hidden lab boss) have any removal such as silence or transform spells?
Yes he destroys all ur minion after killing onyxea his sister if u count that as a removal
shuvo rahman i do not, since i want to kill him with a 72/72 windfury minion
His ability could kill 72-72 since it says destroy
shuvo rahman ...................................................... did you even watch this video or are you just stupid?
Oh lol forgot he doesn't do that untillhe loses armour and onyxia comes
Isnt ships cannon a mech?
the naxx pala challenge was really hard
Do you think that the Blackrock expansion made ranked more control or more agressive?
Well nothing changed much so far but i asume it will be more control
***** Arena and ladder are wildly different so you can't really translate things like that (even putting aside that arena doesn't seem any slower so far). After two expansions 30 cards isn't going to change constructed enough to mark a significant shift in the meta and that seems reflected in my experience so far.
It basically added combo warrior, gang up rogue and the dragon decks as the main changes so far. The first will slow things down slightly, the second makes games very fast and the third is generally slower but doesn't seem to be seeing a lot of play, likely because everyone is still thinking "dragons are too slow" and playing mechmage. On a general note, midrange decks of all kinds got a huge boost in the expansion. It probably won't be enough to get mass quantities of players to start playing midrange but it is nice that those archetypes are more competitive than previously (where the meta was almost always either aggro-biased or control-biased). More than the addition of a few new netdecks I think that will be the biggest legacy of this expansion moving forward.
Oh yeah, and everybody is making room for Thaurissan now. Maybe that's a slight speed drop?
Gamer2478 only thaurissan makes it quite controllish at lower ranks
in the mage challenge i gave him an unstable portal trough his lore walker cho and he got fel reaver xD so i kinda milled him...
Could you give some tips for "free players" ( I mean for those who dont pay to get some decks or other stuff)? Is it worth to pay 150g to play in arena , getting that GvG deck as a reward or just pay 100g for classic decks? Great vids btw, it really helps me a lot into understanding how this game works ( since I didn`t start to play for a long time)
arena is the best man u get lots of gold and you can get lagendary in reward. Also i feel like arena packs are buffed coz they are always above average for me
I decided to play the expansion with my favorite warlock ranked deck just to see how strong it was - i had some difficulties but it was very fun - if not i could of just cheese-built a deck to just counter every move of the boss, seemed boring. I enjoyed the Expansion and the little surprises in the flow of the encounters and the ragnaros moment was hilariously fun.
the solution would be, when ever you press start to play the bosses there is a chance you get to play as the boss against someone else
These are great videos to fall asleep to. They're so BOOORRRRRIIIINNNGGGGGGG :P
next vid: how good are the font in hearthstone
One of the bosses missed lethal by using lava shock on one of his minions (killing it), when I had only 2 hp. Ended up winning.
Anyone know when Hearthstone's afk timer goes on its been 10 minutes and this druid who just brew mastered a force of nature treant has been afk and not done anything and the timer is nowhere to be seen.......
did kripp change his resolution? or is it me?
I think Blizzard has not delivered yet a good "adventure" mode for this game, I think. Does not feel anything like an adventure instead like a Mortal Kombat 90s tower.
Are you going to do a video on the cards?
You mentioned it's a fail that the most powerful cards are unlocked in the first wing. Maybe they wanted people to think "goddayum those cards man, better unlock all other wings instantly"
I don't think bosses not responding to your moves is necesarrily a bad thing. I mean, in WoW, the only thing bosses respond to are taunts. They don't change their tactics, they don't adapt. They progress through phases and they do the same stuff every time.
Now, granted that Hearthstone's gameplay is inherently different to WoW's, but if you're trying to mimick it, making just super tough bosses that are predictable irresponsive is one way to go.
this not wow mate this is hearthstone. Just coz wow doesn't has it doesn't mean hearthstone shouldn't have it as well. Wow was a really old game they couldn't do that back in the days
I think it is best to keep the better cards in the first wing for people who might be on a low budget.
Yo Kripp, you missed lethal in that last game.
if high justice oldman drops lorewalker cho during the mage class challenge it's so awesome :D
Sweet Spiderman shirt dude!
DEAR KRIPP: around min 24:00 when he plays Onyxia and you draw Hemet, hope when Blizzard watches this video they will remember your Hemet video telling it would be great to make him kill Dragons as well (...because it was also going with the lore...) .. Ohhh Kripp, I feel Blizzard is like a girl, we keep going after them even if they don't deliver because when they deliver our eyes get sparkly emotioned and HOPE revives its flame.. I wish someday Blizzard will change their politics and make this game (all games really) much more competitive (and fun...!!!!!!!) by patching little buffs/nerfs monthly (I say little because i don't wanna see more like Starving Buzzard, that was too much..). Let's not even start talking about the meta... g fcking g, i surrender Blizzard!
what wasn't he attacking with minions as a mage?
28:45 guys.. is that a real bug? wtf... he draw 2 cards from nat pagle.. what
Augusto Vicente Pagle draws cards even in fatigue, essentially speeding it up.
It's just a visual glich saying that pagle drew twice, the frist draw is pagle the second is just drawing a card for the turn
Dazogog Pardell aw... yeah now makes sense...
Gonna catch them all !!!
It was good... but... if I could get the cards without spending the money I'd forget the "Hearthstone Adventure"
09:19 to skipperino the kripperino
honestly, I like the GvG expansions much more than the expansions like BRM, just because I don't really like spending money on hearthstone and I've never gone into the expansions saying "oh boy, I can't wait to see what the bosses do." It's always been more that i'm excited to go get the cards and I feel like i'm trudging through the boss fights in order to get them.
You can buy it with gold also most gvg cards are shit
shuvo rahman That is not true o-o
I said most of them not all. Most of them in my opnion means 70%
A lot of the Blackrock cards are pretty underwhelming too. and I realize you can buy Blackrock with gold. My point is that I find building decks just for the boss fights really really tedious, where as with GvG style expansions I don't have to deal with that nonsense and I can just get my cards.
shuvo rahman List of gvg cards that aren't bad:
-clockwork gnome
-explosive sheep
-spider tank
-tinkertown technician
-mechanical yeti
-piloted shredder
-Antique healbot
-Piloted sky golem
-Kezan mystic
-bomb lobber
-Dr. Boom
-Sneed's Old shredder
-Anodized robo cub
-Feign death
-Goblin blastmage
-Unstable portal
-Echo of medivh
-Shielded minibot
-Muster for battle
-Velen's chosen
-Light of the naaru
-Goblin auto-barber
-Tinker's sharpsword oil
-Iron sensei
-Whirling zap-o-matic
-Ancestor's call
-Mistress of pain
-Bouncing blade
List of gvg cards that are bad:
-gilblin stalker
-ship's cannon
-stonessplinter trogg
-Flying machine
-gnomeregan infantry
-ogre brute
-Burly rockjaw trogg
-Lost tallstrider
-Salty dog
-Force-tank MAX
-target dummy
-gnomish experimenter
-goblin sapper
-lil' exorcist
-arcane nullifier X-21
-Madder bomber
-Fel reaver
-clockwork giant
-Blingtron 3000
-Hemet Nesingwary
-Mimiron' head
-Mogor the ogre
-Troggzor the Earthinator
-Foe reaper 4000
-Druid of the fang
-Dark whispers
-Tree of life
-Cobra shot
-Call pet
-Metaltooth leaper
-steamwheedle sniper
-Wee spellstopper
-Flame leviathan
-Seal of light
-Cobalt guardian
-Scarlet purifier
-Bolvar forddragon
-Shadow boxer
-Upgraided repair bot
-Ogre ninja
-one-eyed cheat
-cogmaster's wrench
-Trade prince gallywix
-Dunemaul shaman
-Vitality totem
-Siltfin spiritwalker
-Floating watcher
-Fel cannon
-Anime golem
-Demon heart
-Ogre warmaul
-Screwjank clunker
-Siege engine
-Iron juggernaut
Well... Now you can clearly see that 70% of the gvg cards aren't bad O-O
not fair to say that all bosses are easy to beat when u have pretty much every card in the game unlocked
boohoo he decided to spend his hard earned cash on a video game
ArcherCLW hard earned? bro stfu
Dino Neretljak They pretty much were. I beat a lot of them with cancer hunter, which is really cheap.
666MaRius9991 Lol are you mad that Kripp makes his money off of something you call fun? Not everything you find fun is necessarily fun when you dedicate like 10 hours a day to it.
sdfr45678 you obviously never worked a real job
I see Kripp has once again made a video noxious made a couple days earlier
30:36 to skip the video
looking forward to your how good is neffarian video ;)
The Naxx Druid class challenge is pretty grim. Easy but infuriating.
First time i played the mage class challenge i turn 2 unstable portal, got a gadgetzan auctioneer, turn 3 put gadgetzan auctioneer on board then on his turn he put down millhouse manastorm. by turn 4 i had full board + full hand. so yeah was fun 10/10
Naxx felt more special to me because I had done the raid previously and knew all the bosses by heart. I never did BRM, so I really have no connection to it. I'd love to see a Burning Crusade themed one, like maybe against Kael'thas, Lady V and Illidan. :)
Don't see illadin being a thing since his a card, a really really bad card. Ya i enjoyed naxx more to ( not that i play WOW) but it was quite challenging unlike BRM
Damn that pagle went to town on his own boss
Make a "does dragon paladin deck work?" Video!
Love your videos, btw!
Its pretty bad compared to standard control paladin
cleared naxramas on normal dificulty on 1-2 months and inm still missing the paladin class challenge. cleasred blackrockmautain in 1 week on normal dificulty and all class schellenges cleared nax is so much harder than brm to me atleast.
Wtf kind of wall outlets you got behind you.
7:15 did it first try.... I deserve a cookie!
You expected a product from Blizzard to be polished in the year 2015. I am very sorry to hear that. BibleThump
Kappa All blizzard games are polished.
So shiny.
They made cromaggus,drakkisath and nefarian ridiculously hard for players who dont have every single broken card. Took around 100 trys or more to beat cromaggus.
Nozdomo should read "deathrattle: when your hero dies, replace it hero with ragnaros" and maybe be 10 mana
Its majordomo not nazdormu and that would still be shit 8 damage is not that hard
idgaf, but it would be better
Yes it would be better
More wing is good but now i prefer something like more play mode. Something like land-walker cho effect all the time
Octavian owes me a Dr. Pepper.
All this talk of BRM. I'm wondering how easy it would be to beat all the Heroic bosses in Naxx with all the new cards
Hidden code for 5 packs at 30:38
Pagle is victorious!
30:36 to Skipperino Kripperino's talkerino and playerino vs stupid AIrino. You're welcomerino!
What's been going on with Kripp's videos lately? His ooold Hearthstone videos used to be in GREAT quality, and no it looks all fuzzy and blurry.
What if the class challenges were 'fully scripted' (no mulligan phase, both players draw the ecsactly sama cards every time) instead of normal games? That would give blizzard a chance to make those encounters truly challenging by forcing the player to make no missplays and to utilize everything at their disposal, like making weird pyro plays with priest etc.
But then TH-cam guides would ruin the fun... :/
I beat the last two wings first game each time with mech Mage lol