How to get On Six Meters - Introduction
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- I had an interesting QSO with a new ham the other day and he was interested on getting on 6 meters, but he was concerned about the lack of activity. He has a newer radio that has 6 meters in it and he was asking me questions about getting on 6. I told him that there are several contests coming up and that is a great time to try 6. Many stations will be active and looking for contacts. I explained to him that he could build a simple dipole antenna and operate from a hilltop and have lots of fun. I will be posting another video about building a simple dipole antenna.
In this video I explain the basics that are needed to get on 6. You will need a radio with 6 meters, and most newer radios have this and you will also need an antenna. You can build a simple dipole to give 6 a try. If you operate a contest you may want to get some contesting software. I talk about a simple contest logging program from N3FJP. This software is not free, but he sells it for $6-$10 for a single contest, or $39 for his entire package. N1MM offers an extensive contest logging program that is free, but it is a bit more complicated for the first time contester.
I speak just a bit about propagation on 6. Normally 6 provides for local contacts. But, when the band opens up with Sporadic E contacts can be made out to hundreds or thousands of miles. I have worked across the USA with 5 watts and a 3 element beam. There are many web sites that specialize in 6 meter propagation, google to find more information.
For SSB stations, listen on the Calling Frequency, 50.125 MHz. This is the frequency that station monitor for 6 meter openings. Give a CQ on 50.125, if a station comes back to you, please move up the band 5 or 10 KHz to leave 50.125 free for stations to monitor. It is bad operating procedure to rag chew on 50.125. For FM, listen to 52.525 for activity. Stations outside of the US, check with your local bandplans for operation.
Grid Squares are usually used as part of the exchange in VHF contests. The world is divided into 1x2 degree squares (about 70x100 miles), each with a two letters followed by two numbers designation. (6 digits are used for more exact location, but typically not used.) provides your Grid Square as part of your detailed station information. Search around for Grid Square calculators to calculate you Grid Square based on lat-long or zipcode.
Check on the ARRL, CQ Magazine, and RSGB websites for VHF contests that may be coming up. Summer is a good time for VHF contests, as Sporadic E propagation is more likely to open up during the summer months.
I hope this video provides you enough information to give 6 meters a try during a contest when there will be some activity. As you learn more about six you may want to install a small beam at your home station. Start watching the DX clusters or 6 meter pages for band openings. Please checkout the web pages below.
I will have other videos about 6 meters posted soon. Stay tuned.
When the band comes alive you will be amazed at what you can work.
Welcome to the Magic Band,
Wikipedia 6 meter page
How to Work 6-Meter DX
Six Meter News and Propagation
North American 50 Mhz Beacon Map by K9MU
Lots of Six meter links
DX Sherlock 1.8 - V-UHF QSO - Real Time Maps
New book on 6 meters from RSGB
ARRL Contest Calendar page
CQ magazine VHF contest page
N3FJP Logging software -
What a great video. And still holds up after 10 yrs. Keep up the good work!!!
Very imformative. Best ham radio videos on youtube! I just passed my license exam. I really liked your PSK31, 6 meter, and QSL card videos.
Keep it up!
Great videos - thank you for posting. As a new ham, It's great to be able to find a reliable source of basic information. The homebrew antennas are brilliant! 73s
Hi Randy, today i made my first QSO on 6m. 1351 km with 2.5W of power. Many thx for everything. 73!
Wonderful job. I am glad you like the video elmering. Since I do not usually
do 6 meters, your info is useful and inspiring. keep up the good work. 73
I just wanted to drop a note and let you know how I appreciate you making these videos. You are helping many people and promoting ham radio at the same time. Thank you.
6 meters is probably my favourite band. Awesome band. Just waiting for the solar cycle to go up again.
You may be waiting a very long time. We are currently experiencing a deep solar minimum. Three solar cycles are at their minimum activity level coinciding together to shut down everything above 15 megacycles. I am not an amateur radio operator but I listen often. I do not start hearing any amateur radio activity until under 15 megacycles. Every once in awhile, I will also hear some 2 meter repeater activity. But everything else is dead. Even the once flamboyant and crowded Citizen's Band is a barren landscape of radio. It appears the once Citizen's Band operators have migrated to 3.860 megacycles and close surrounding frequencies. 80 meters has turned into the new Citizen's Band. Few use their call signs and everything once heard on the 11 meter Citizen's Band can now be heard on 80 meters. It is quite colourful there. When I was kid in the 1980s and 1990s, all radio bands were full of major activity. It was so much fun! I had a puny 3 watt RadioShack Citizen's Band Walkie Talkie and I could talk from Saskatchewan, Canada to Northern Mexico! Today, very little is heard in any band. These are bleak times for any sort of radio hobby.
@@indridcold8433 how exactly would a CB operator get onto 80 meters? There certainly isnt any LEGAL way that im aware of and they would definitely NOT be useing a CB radio!
@@Justin-bd2dg There is no legal way. It is obvious many on 80 meters are clandestine operators. Listen in on 3.860 LSB. Echo microphones, singing, burping, language that would make a sailor puke, not blush, doubling, over powering, it is all there. Doubtlessly, some of the operators on the band making all the ruckus are licensed operators with a few over samplings of ale in them. But I am certain many are also unlicensed. The radios used are not CBs of course. They are likely purpose built, older equipment.
@@indridcold8433 will do, thanks!
6 Meters is Magical, Kinda like A Hybrid Between HF and VHF; But 6 Meters is Unique in its own way. Great Video !!!!!
Hello I am a new ham operator and I wanted to thank you for a great explanation of 6 m.
Great Video Randy
Just bought a TS-60. I have never worked 6 meter and am looking forward to it. Thanks for the video. Looks like I started at the right time with field day coming up.
Kelly Blackmon the same Kelly from Shallowater Tx. Hey I know you ;) ...You still living around the Houston area? HMU if you would please.
Nope not me. Never lived in Texas
Ok sorry...same name different face. K. QSL. 73.
The best 6 meter story I have heard came from a guy who lives a couple of blocks from me. Years ago he was operating 6 meters from here in the bay area CA. He was running 1 watt AM. For about 20 minutes propagation really opened up and he managed a QSO with South Africa! How's that for magic!
I need to get a 6 meter antenna put back up. Right now all I have is the 6 meter whip on my Diamond discone.
The magic band
Thanks for your videos. Great job. Having never operated on 6 meters I was getting ready to build the 6 meter dipole you show in a video & noticed someone mention on the net that they had used a cushcraft R-7 vertical antenna (10-40 meter) like I have with good results on 6 meters. I tried that antenna tonight with 100 watts & got an swr of 2:1. Good enough. I made one call & had 4 local stations come back to me on 50.125 USB. Very cool. I'm planning on listening more to 6 Meters. Thanks for your help. 73 de AF7FP
Popgunner101 Hey, it works, use it. Thanks for watching
Great videos as always Randy, you sure got me motivated to setup a 3 element yagi during the summer vhf contest and get on 6! Its a great band, my favorite band for sure.
can't wait till you get the antenna video up! looking forward to it!
Randy I love all of the videos that you produce on You Tube this one about 6 Meter activity how ever happens to be my favorite.
Thanks Randy for this very well explained video clip reference the 6 mtr band .
We should see some good openings any moment now.
Hope we can meet some day via Es.
Well done.
@mackycalderon For SSB - USB 50.125 is the calling freq. For FM, 52.525 simplex is the place to listen. Set the radio squelched and wait. Watch one of the DX Cluster sites for 6 meter openings being posted. Check with your local clubs to see if they have any weekly 6M nets. You can wait a long time for the band to open. Enjoy the magic band.
Thanks for the information- I’m definitely going to dive in and see how it goes…
Thanks for the great videos Randy.
Very nice video. I had my first 6 meter QSO a couple weeks ago. Didn't go very far, I worked Cheyenne, WY from Cheyenne, WY. Oh well, one has to start somewhere. Thanks again and 73 de KF9MG
Thanks !! Very clear as per usual. Its real a pleasure watching your videos . In addition it contaminates and you are able to pass a lot of serenity.
Best 73 de i4oqa.Massalombarda/Ravenna/italy
Thanks and enjoy.
Good morning.
I have gone through most of your videos and did not find anything regarding monoband double bazooka antennas !
If you ever will have the time, say something regarding this not so used great antennas.
Thanks and kind regards.
i4oqa, Yoky.
Hi Randy-
A great introduction to the Magic Band. I've been licensed for 27 years, and 6 Meters is my favorite band of them all. There have been some excellent 6 Meter openings so far in 2009; the Western US has worked Japan, Eastern and Midwest US has worked into Europe, and Europe has worked into the Caribbean and South America. Of course, large openings have occurred within both the European and North American continents as well.
73 es hope to work you on 6!
Sean KX9X
Grid FN31 - CT, USA
I like to watch your videos they're interesting , good job !!!
OMG six meters is a BLAST... Love it i opperate 6m digital, Meteor Scatter, ssb and my fav. CW.
I got an award for delaware in a contest! operate mostly with up to 100 watts.
Its a great band!!
73 n3tee
Hi there Randy, enjoy your videos a great deal. I have not used the 6 meter band for ham radio but did use these frequencies while in the military. Normal usage was mobile to a base control station. we would use a "Rebroadcast" (Rebro) station up on a hill side has per Ham repeater station setup if needed in between. One day our regimental signals officer came in with an article he had been reading in the officers mess where some guys at the Artillery sigs wing at Larkhill (UK) had been doing trials with vertical Rhombic's. Using D10 telephone wire for the antenna, (approx 200 feet) propped up in the centre to approx. 30 feet with a pair of "Line poles" strapped together. They had used a ferrite ballun x-former. Presume a 4:1. Otherwise it suggested a Pi match for 400 - 75 Ohm. Terminating resistance of 400 Ohm with a ground return wire to the matching unit. I made these up with the army means of beg ,steal or borrow. 2 mm Silvered copper. About 6 turns on 1" dia form. and I think 2x 50Pf variables from our Artty.Bde. Signals Squadron. By the way we did have radios that would cover down to 24 MHz - 52 MHz. I do not remember the actual frequencies used, but did use the exact set up on a back pack radio. O/P 1 watt, in the Malaysia jungle the year after and that covered 50, ish MHz to 75 MHz. the Rebro station that our battalion was using broke down and VHF coms were lost. So I asked the unit sigs officer for help in getting the Assault pioneers to chop me a 30 odd feet length of bamboo and a clear path through the jungle of 200 feet running N.East to S.West to put up my vertical Rhombic antenna. Sent a coded message asking for permission to use the primary frequency and got the message that the Brigade signals officer was on his way by helicopter to look at my setup. (Feather in my cap). Obviously the vertical Rhombic is fine for point to point working because of the narrow beam width, but I dare say that from the States over to a particular European country that would be OK.?. Do you have any information of Hams in the States using this kind of setup for the 6 meter band ?. 73 de John - G0WXU.
Hi Randy,
Great series of videos once again. Have never heard much on 6m down here, but I listen for the beacons. When it picks up again in a couple of years, it should be good - I've worked a fair bit of Es on 2m all over Europe (from G) with just 2.5W! That was great fun.
Keep up the great videos.
73 - Rob G0MOH / VK2GOM
@VA2ASF When the band opens you may find guys lower down in the CW area. They are always trying to dig out the weak ones. I have worked from Ca all over the east cost, Hawaii, and Kwajalein Island (look that up on a map) all with my 817, 5 watts, and a 3 element beam. I also worked a guy in NJ on 6 using the rubber duck from my driveway, 2500 miles. When six opens, grab on.
One other trick I found to work in the past was to monitor TV channel 2 for any television stations if there is not one in the area or if the nearest one is weak. Most of the time if I got a TV station fighting the one 65 miles away from me I heard strong SSB activity on 50.125 and in some cases FM. I suppose this might be a moot point after the DTV transition but it will still work in some cases since TV channel 2 is still going to be used for DTV/HDTV.
So many ideas, not enough time. Great idea. Thanks for watching.
I worked back in the 6 Meter AM days (1970's) with 25 watts plate modulated and a 6 element wide spaced 6 meter beam.. The band was wild with a mixer of sporatic E layer sometimes F layer and incredible groundwave.. 50 miles common! We all said the same thing.. call CQ once in awhile theres probably 50 people listening and nobody transmitting as a quick CQ revealed OFTEN!
Hi Randy , tahnk you for wonderful Introduction video.
I hope to see you on 6m. I've already contacted with many US station on 6m.
73 de JP1LRT
Thanks for this video Randy, good to see you again de M0SJD
Nice video Randy.
50Mhz is one of my favourite bands.
Randy keep up the great work on the videos about ham radio!!!!
Why the thumbs down? This was a highly informative video for this newbie!
Forgot to include my call sign! 73’s from KM6YNK
You have a great channel! Thanks for all the informative videos, I have learned a lot from them! Have you ever thought about doing a video series about getting on HF? I think it would be helpful to a lot of hams who have, or are in the process of upgrading from Technician to General class. Keep up the good work! I hope to meet you on the air sometime. 73, KC3AEZ
Thanks Randy! At this moment a 6 meter J pole is sitting in the back yard ready to put up! Now I am wondering two things 1 maybe the dipole you describe be better. Have plans for s simple extended double zepp that could be put up real high! and the second is my call sign changed. That gives me a problem with my channel name on You Tube!!!! Five star video 73 Jer W7KO
i am going to the sussex hamfest with the hopes of coming home with a 6 meter rig.thanks for the great video.
Hi Randy:
I upgraded to the VX8DR and am still studying for my ticket. Have had some difficultly with the tests in the past. I can only use handhelds, as I am in a power wheelchair. But, I have looked into buddipoles, to increase my range. Right now, I'm just listening, since I am unlicensed.
Hi, hope you get your license soon. Buddipole antennas for more for HF than V/UHF. Start by building a simple 1/4 2M vertical. I have a video that shows you how to build one.
Yeah, that makes two of us. Have missed out on a lot of fun on the bands over the yrs. The reason I brought up buddipole is because of the wheelchair. I can't mount a 6m antenna on my power chair. That would be difficult to get in and out of the bus or Light Rail train. lol But, there are parks nearby that I could go to to get some contacts. I have been browsing your channel. I think I know of the 2m vertical you write about. I think David (KF7ETX) has a version of it. I run into him up here in Portland, when he's not out of town, tending to his business.
I'm so glad to have such supportive folks who are hams, coaxing me along. I just need to get 26 questions right, and yet, that hasn't happened...yet. Hopefully, soon.
Not sure if you have your license now but I highly recommend Tech course. I was able to study in a week or two before the test and passed easily. The course material is good until June of this year year so you've got plenty of time to study. It helped me tremendously. Forgot to mention the course is free to use as well.
Very cool working across the pond.
@matthew2000tx Not sure about 80 miles. This will depend on the path and the antennas at each end. In the high and clear, I would think so.
I wish I could find a mobile six meter antenna that works the whole band without tuning the antenna?
Half the fun of it would be trying to reach Portland on a tech license. I like the challenge of DX on VHF. It would give me even more incentive to play around with home brew antennas. I do plan on getting a general license and HF equipment at some point. But for now I am going to stick with the tech license. Since I am new to ham, I am going to take it one step at a time. If things go as planned I will be taking the tech license test on Saturday.
@MrRogueShark Hi, hams are not licensed to operate on the VHF marine frequencies and also the other way around. The Marine VHF frequencies are around 156 MHz, right above our 144-148 MHz 2 meter band. Both radios are very similar, but do not cover each group of frequencies. It is fairly easy to get a Technician license to allow operating on 2 meters. Search for Gordon West Radio School and ARRL for license study materials.
Which mode is regularly used on the 6 meter band? is it USB? any particular frequency mostly active for International QSOs? I did recently installed a 6 meter dipole and scanned the whole band for a weekend, but did not found any activity.
Thanks and 73's, Adrian - KP4AJC
@Films4You Most my videos are shot with a $300 Panasonic DV-CAM on tape. The six meter videos were shot with my Panasonic DVX100A, also to tape. Firewire transfer into the computer and Sony Vegas for editing.
Hi :)
I only own a Yaesu VX7R... and i wonder, is this ok for the 6 meter band? its no SSB on this radio, and i understand that SSB is the thing to have if u wana play with Sota and stuff... i have 70cm 2m 6m.... and on the 6 meter, what step should i use? 5mhz 10mhz 12.5mhz and so on... im just a listening station for now.
Best regards from Norway.
I think communicating to your friend in Portland on 6M may be a bit of a challenge. When 6M opens to the north, you may be able to work him. Best to keep studying and get your General. I know many say this isn't ham radio, but Echolink will probably work. I believe PSK is used by a few.
It has been 10 years since you posted this video, I am assuming the information is still valid. I was given an Icom-IC551... that had a cup of coffee spilled in it. I have a 6M Ringo and have been interested in 6M for a while. When I find out what it will cost to get the radio back on the air, I plan on listening in and seeing who is calling CQ. I am looking forward to having a good time on the magic band
It can be fun.Hope the radio can be fixed, it is probably older than Icom will deal with.
Nice new 6m video. Nice. Greetings from Europe / Germany.
Your fan André DL2PAN.....
H for SSB and CW, V for FM. Put up whatever you will use most. When the band opens you will be ready.
Once I get my license I will have to look into getting a 6 meter radio. I live in the bay area in CA and have a friend who lives in the Portland Oregon area. I was hoping to be able to talk to him with just a technician license. Looks like 6 meters during the summer will do the job. Do people use 6 meters for PSK 31?
I was given a converted 46 Megacycle transceiver from another service so I would take interest and become licensed. It was converted to operate on 48 megacycles to 54 megacycles. I took it home, made a power supply, cut an antenna for it, bought coaxial cable, and started scanning for about a month and a half. But the transceiver is only FM mode. I heard no FM traffic. I guess 6 meter operators do not like FM mode. Thus, FM was a barren landscape. I took apart the station and put everything in a box. The box has been in the attic for many years. I remember the transceiver was a Motorola 50 watt fm transceiver. It was a nice gesture of the amateur radio operator to give me the transceiver in hopes I would get interested in amateur radio. I guess he just gave me the wrong transceiver. I have an AOR scanner I have had for many years. For the first time in my life I heard 6 meter traffic on 50.125 USB. The operators met on that frequency two days in a row then nothing was heard after that. That was just this year February 2020. I guess not many like 6 meters.
You are right. Not a lot of activity on 6M. It probably varies in different parts of the country. When I lived back in Rochester NY in the 70s there were a small group of us on 6. It was like an intercom. We had the radios on 52.525 national simplex, waiting for the openings, which happened.
@@K7AGE Was the FM signal capable of long distance communications? I always thought that FM was too wide a signal to travel skywave without getting distorted. Please excuse my ignorance. I am not an amateur radio operator. But I will not be ignorant of FM characteristics for skywave propagation after you help me. It is a Shame. I scanned 6 meters for nearly two months and heard nothing. But, as mentioned, it was only FM.
Thank you, 73 from HP2KEA
what is the typical range when SE not open?? Could it be used reliably for 80 miles or so away or not? (I'm new taking my Tech class later this month). Thanks.
Another great Video Randy. Unfortunately from my location 6m is banned - TV channel. I think about 8 people in the are still use it - ha ha ha.
Andrew VK4HAM
I use Rybakov antenna (10m long wire with 4:1 transformer)
thanks harold shipman.
Technician Class still prohibited on 6 ?
I don't know about UK license requirements. Search for RSGB and look around their web site.
N3FJP software I would highly recommend.
Looking forward to working 6m. My TYT quad band arrives tomorrow. Listen for KM4YWO. Be kind, I'm a lowly technician 73's.
I hope the band opens.
Awesome video. One question, I have a Yaesu VX-6 and was wondering would I need another antenna, to work 6m? The reason I ask is that the box says it's dual band, but I can dial up to 50.125. I'm listening only, because I have to wait and pass the test this
The VX-6 will transmit on 146, 220, & 440 MHz. Not 50 MHz 6 meters. You can listen on 6. This antenna is only good for 6 meters. You would need another radio to work 6 meters.
Well, then I'll have to research some other radios, won't I;-) Thanx for the response. Summer is just around the corner. Hoping to have my license by then. Listening is helping with the learning curve.
If a person has a VHF marine radio, could he still communicate with other HAMs? Thanks for any info you can provide. Your videos are awesome!
Albany NY is 60 Miles south of my QTH KD2DJU
Hi, Great intro, still need help! I just got a 1966 Lafayette HA-650 6 meter portable radio. Seems to work like new. I am coming out of the CB and UHF radio world, and have no clue how to pick up stations, much less call to another operator. Any help you can offer would be much appreciated!
That is an old AM radio. It also uses crystals for the transmit frequency. Not much 6M AM anymore. I don’t think this radio is very useful any more. I don’t know if you have a license to operate this ham radio. Thanks for watching.
@@K7AGE Thanks for your help. Yes, there are four huge crystals inside 8360, 8385, 8375 and 8400 KC. The tuner goes from 50 to 52 KC. Are you saying it's basically a bookends, and not to waste time with it?
Six can be a blast when the band opens
Great news. It all works, when the band opens. What is your antenna?
Hi Randy!
This is a wonderful video. Great work again my friend. I’d like to use this video on the show this week. Are you OK with that? I’ll make sure and of course credit you and your TH-cam channel again.
I don’t have good 6 m receive here due to some pretty bad RFI. It’s like a neon side man. Very poor. Because my channel talks a lot to beginners and I can’t get on 6 m here, this would be a great option to use.
Thank you again my friend for all the wonderful work you do to advance the skills people in ham radio. You’ve done such a great job over your career Randy. I’m grateful to have subscribed to your channel, and I’m honored that you subscribed to mine.
By the way, had to sell nearly every rig I have here lately to help pay for medical bills for my family. I’m very grateful to still have “something left.“ LOL! Getting my dog I knee surgery and my brother some hearing aids isn’t cheap.
Take care my friend and all the best to you.
de K7HN
Larry, go ahead and use the video. Six has been hot the last several days.
@@K7AGE thanks Randy. I can’t use 6m here. WAY too much RFI. THANK YOU! I’ll use it on today’s show and credit you and your page. Thank you SO MUCH!!!
These are great video's K7AGE! Thanks!
Alinco makes a 6 M FM mobile. Yaesu has a 10/6/2 & 70 cm FM radio, FT8900.
Is 6 meter good for communications of of 1100 miles? Or around 600 miles? It's bayond the reach of 2 meter, with a repeter even.
It seems like this distance is a good fit for 6 meter
Hi, you are stuck on FM. Here in the US 52.525 if the national 6M simplex calling frequency. Maybe there is something similar in Europe. As far as step, I would find the 6M band plan for Norway to see what the guys are using.
Hi Om ,
thanks for sharing 6m,
i will post on our local ham link,
let ham can enjoy 6 meters as well,
2009.5.29.HKT 0902
In the Video Randy you never said what or why 6 meters open up so big or huge in 2000 and 2001. I am guy about details. But moreover over just a neat video here. 73's Kevin from NorthEast Md. And I remember this happing I just didn't know why.? Does it have something to do with the Sun?
Yes, sunspots and E layer openings.
Ok I thought I was right with this the "sunspots or the sun" thank you. can't remember or know what the E layer is. Need to study that again. I have a question for you. Have you ever thought about doing a video on the call signs we now have and the history? I can remember when my dad had to have a call sign for CB's and or the q codes or ten codes" ..... Just brainstorming here And thanks again 73's Kevin
I just picked up a quad-band 10/6/2/440 radio, but it does FM only. That's fine and dandy, but since I'm only a tech that leaves me out of using it on 10m for now (I've got SSB rigs for that). But, now that I have this rig, I am BRAND NEW to 6. Since I'm limited to FM, i see that I should start on 52.525 listening, but is there a common range of frequencies other than that that I could find most FM activity on? I've been researching the band plan and it seems like FM is scattered all around the band with SSB designated frequencies sandwiched in there too. I just don't want to start out with bad operating procedures and start putting FM out on traditional SSB freq's. Thanks, 73 KC0JAR
52.525 is the place to listen. As well as 29.6 for simplex openings. I would check repeater listing and club webpages in your area to find other frequencies to program into the radio. I had fun back in the 70s with an old tube FM rig on 52.525. There were a few of us in Rochester NY on the that frequency. It made a nice intercom channel. But, when the band opens Texas, Florida and other places came rolling in.
K7AGE Patience is needed!
Is DX performance better with H-polarization? I've seen some 6 meter J-pole designs used, but vertical polarization.
I just got a non-working (no transmit) Kenwood TS690. So far, I found the mic preamp SIP8 uPC1033H2? chip has no output, so.... The Japanese love SIP8 IC including putting 4558s in SIP8 packages too. That is blown, and I have a shorted cap, and a blown switching transistor, and it possibly took out a 4066 RF switching IC. All in all, less than $20 in parts to repair, 400 for the transceiver. Both sets of finals are strong, and well matched, but I had NOTHING going into or out out of the finals heat sink box. At least that is what "sniffing" the coaxes with an O Scope probe indicated. I had zilch coming out of the mic preamp, so that's obviously toast. When I get it sorted out, it will do 6 meters, but so will my Yeasu FT857D. My linear RF amp just barely got the 10 meter mod. I suppose I can finger out how to add 6 meters to it too, but do I really need it?? I think the TS690S only runs 50 watts on 6 meters. Google Maps has a Maidenhead grid square map. You start of in Paris France and have to zoom out, and find your QTH. DM33WL is my QTH's grid square, or so says the map. I just fixed up a Kenwood TS450AT, and I really do like it. Some bad electrolytic caps and new audio output to the speaker. ($10 in parts) I like the onboard autotuner, and it give an honest 98-102 watts from 160m to 10m. Not bad for $200. If you transpose the TS to ST, and look up a Kenwood ST690, you get a service manual for a steam iron.LOL I did not know Kenwood JVC made household irons, but they do. I wonder if they are any good? JK 73s KI7AQJ
Seth, glad to hear that the repairs were successful.
Thanks for a great video. N3PEE
When will the solar cycle improve? Right now its terrible, I read how six meters is great and how far you can talk on 10 meters. I haven't heard a word on either since I got my ticket last year.
keep an eye on
for openings
Nice video!
Best 73,
Randy, my local club actively discourages use of 6 meters, saying "6 meters is dead" "No one uses it anymore" What goes into the logic of comments like that? Also, do you always use Sideband or have you ever used FM or even AM on 6 meters? Have you been doing any of the digital modes on 6 meters(JT65/FT8/Olivia). Do you ever do CW on 6 meters? What current market radio might be best for 6 meters?
With an attitude like that, no wonder you don't have any activity in your area. Six is great for local contacts and when the band opens it can be lots of fun. All modes are used on 6. FM simplex is 52.525. Leave a radio on the frequency squelched and wait for the opening. Just about all HF transcievers include 6 meters.
K7AGE yes, the best I can hope for is some good summertime e-skip. I wish we had a good local 6 meter group, but alas.
Start one.
6 meters is also very interesting when it opens across the Pacific to Australia. Usually a few times a year and via digital modes contacts are possible at this time of the low point of the solar cycle.
Hi Randy, we have a local 6 meter net some nights and the calling station is 30 miles away. I have a FT450AT with a wire windom antenna. I can barely hear the station and they can barely hear me. Any ideas? Is a Windom OK for 6 meters?
+FGsltw2009 If the Windom is for 80-6, it may not be great on 6. If your net is FM, try building a 1/4 vertical. If your net is SSB, try building a have wave dipole, as I show in my video
Thanks Randy, I will try that.
K2NJ, not N2NJ.
Thanks for watching
The simple solution to increasing activity on 6 meters. Simply call CQ on 50.125 at least once a day. If everyone with a 6 meter radio did this, there would eventually be lots of activity all up and down the band. I do my part every day. How about you?
Does anyone know if i can get a 6m mobile that is either exclusively 6m only or 6m/2m/70cm? all the ones i can find are HF units and i dont want one with HF
No talk about international contacts on 6m? Why do you have your backround monitor showing some of these contacts?
David B Not sure if I have ever worked any international from the west coast. Those are scans of my QSL cards, not only for 6 meters.
@Philovideo Now for a real antenna?
Had fin om 6
I like it 😊😊😊😊 videos...
DE Unnamed (no callsign): On a pear run: licensing in the UK: how old must you be? I'm one year away from being legal on Google (i.e. 12yo)
I Made a 6m J pole for my New old Azden never used I need to get it on the air N3WYZ
How does it work??
Im not sure I have to put the mfj analyzer on it see what the swr is. any idea how 10m is I like 10m dx I don't contest just rag chew 73s de n3wyz
How do you get the cards?
Send a card the station that you worked and you should get a card in return. Usually send and SASE to the station, then he doesn't have to deal with postage.
Hi, I have decided what I am doing this year.
I got an old army radio that does 6m fm frequencys. its frustrating that i cannot pick up any activity at all. Anybody play with them?
There are guys that play around with mil radios. You may not hear much on 6 until the band opens. If the radio does FM, listed to 52.525 with the squelch set and maybe you will hear something over a few days.
It should only get better. Keep listening and watching the DX clusters for band openings.
ah thanks Randy 73