A homeless mother and daughter harvest and sell to improve their lives and receive help
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- A homeless mother and daughter harvest and sell to improve their lives and receive help
Hi everybody.!
My name is Nguyen Bang, my child's name is Minh Khiem. One unfortunate day, my mother and I's house burned down. Taking away my husband's life, I had to wander everywhere to make a living to raise my children. This is the daily life of my mother and I, I really hope for everyone's support. Thanks.
Wishing you a happy and peaceful new day
Will you please use this to get more clothes , blankets , pillows , things for cooking , and things you can use around your house to be more comfortable for you and your baby ❤
Please buy some things you and your baby need. ❤
Well thank you very much
Q belleza de bebé ayuda a su madre❤❤❤❤❤
Курятник надо огородить сеткой и выпускать цыплят погулять. Они будут щипать травку и не забудьте поставить им воду.
Большое спасибо
Me gusta mucho este video
Gracias por compartir conmigo
Your daughter is headstrong I also raised one they are so stubborn . when she's grown you will be so proud of her for who she is . They walk a path that is about honesty and not letting anyone take advantage of them . praise god for headstrong daughters.💜💜💜💜💜💜🤩🤩💜💜💜🤩💜
Thanks for sharing with me
Muito bom esperto essa criança 👏👏👏
Muito obrigado
Good evening and God bless you both❤❤🥰😘
Thank you very much
It's good to see you motivated again, you might have to weave you a basket or buy 1 from the market to carry your vegetable's. Keep up the ability in you to get going, from all angles of life. God bless.
Whenever you pick things to sale give some to your angel 😇 show appreciate her for all she does for you and boy😮😢
Thank you for sharing with me, I wish you and your family good health and peace
I’m so proud of this Mother she very smart and persistent….That baby needs to go to daycare 😂😂….
Thank you very much, wish you a very lucky day
I really like to watch your video. I’m sorry but your child is always winning and crying. Always wanting her own way. To continue to watch I have to turn of the volume so I do not have to listen. Good luck with your channel. 9:02
Thank you very much
아이가 참 지혜로와요 엄마가 잘 가르키는거 같아요 ㅎ
Yes, thank you very much, best of luck
Está mujer est sobre viendo,no le esijan tanto!!lo único q hacen es criticarla,aliente la,más vale.quiciera ver a uds si se aguantan esa situación ,como ella,lo q hace es suficiente,argentina te saluda y alienta bendiciones!!
Muchas gracias
Hi. I realized today that you are in the same town where at least seven other shows are filming. That means you have access to a market with donation boxes. If you went to them maybe you could find things that you and your son need. A boy in another show found several things for his family. They were mostly very nice things.
Criança selimite sera um adulto sem carater ta na hora de por limite cipó torçe verde depois de seco ele quebra educar nao é judiar e dever dos pais educando voce estara dando amor ame seu filho e eduque 😊
Omg your son is to spoiled there is no reason for him to be cry all the time you need to teach him when to say no is no
Малышу нужно обувь,да и постель прикупить
Ой какой непослушный малыш,прямо ужас.Избалован что один у мамы,всё внимание только ему.
Mulher seu filho não tem limites vc precisa dar limites a ele..
Ele quer ir no chão Deus abençoe 😊😅😮😢😂😂❤❤
Menina, não deixa seu filho pegar em dinheiro, tem muitas bacterias, passam por muitas mãos e é perigoso para seu filho e faz uma cesto para voce colher e vender seus produtos, Deus abençoe voces
Muito obrigado
Make that child mind!
Mas está só de meia tem que colocar calçado 😊😅😮😢
Cảm ơn vì đã chia sẻ với tôi
Vc precisa levantar essa secado que fica do lado da represa, ele pode subir em momentos que vc estiver destraida, pois ele subiu com facilidades no seu armário, vc deveria modificar a cerca, fazer no mesmo modelo que vc fez as outras, com as estaquinhas em pé
Женщина, тебя совесть не мучает??Подачку принесли, можно снова не ходить на базар! Такая здоровенная, кровь с молоком, а работать на себя не хочет. А сыночек молодец, уже управляет тобой.. Одежду постирал!!
Ta na hora de da limites a essa criança ta ficando mimada se não futuramente vai te da trabalho bota limites não e judiar não e so educar 🇧🇷🌿
Mulher vc precisa ensinar boas maneiras prá seu filho, se vc não educar ele agora que ainda é Criança vai crescer um homem chato e autoritário..seu filho é cheio de querer...😮
Два пакетика лапши ,купи картошки мяса стилипай.какой нибудь супчик с этой лапшой ,намного лучше и на дольше хватит
Как там дети любят деньги аж трясутся, мамочки не давайте детям деньги в руки, это грязь купите кошельки а не держите в руках
Ну вот и с огнём тоже будьте внимательны, обожгется ребёнок или загорится одежда такой мальчик шустрый
Большое спасибо, что поделились со мной, хорошего дня
다음에는 장화를 사셨음 좋겠어요 혹시 산에 오를때 뱀에 위험이 있어니 조심해서 나쁠거 없을듯요 ㅎㅎ
The title needs to be changed to a single mother and son. The boy needs sandals and if possible make him a bamboo toy. He shouldn't be walking around on socks, no protection. You need boots to protect your feet too. Stay healthy and blessings
He has sandals but he kicks them off. And socks are better than bare feet. I used to love going outside in socks, until mom caught me and lectured me again about ruining expensive things. But I do agree about the toy. He definitely needs something to keep him busy. He is not content with the world around him like a boy in another show.
Thank you very much for sharing with me, wish you a very lucky day
Как попало намотала пучки ,у нас чтоб продать пучек ,моют ,чистят ,окуратно завязывают чтоб не ломать листья ,а у них ,тяк сяк ,грязно все сломано ,и ещё бегут берут ,ужас
Esse menino é mto chato. Cheio de querer, essa mãe tem que ensinar ele que as coisas não são assim!. Tá na hora de levar ele pra creche pra ela poder trabalhar de cabeça fria.
Vc precisa levar seu filho prá escola...
A crianca quer andar mulhernruim
Never give money to the kid,is dirty/contaminated and he can get sick because of that. Be responsible.
It's not like he is putting it in his mouth or something. He's just holding it for a short time
Thank you so much for sharing with me, have a nice day
Que garoto chato meu Deus 😗😗😗😠😠😠
Pls don't let ur bb hold money /momney is durty
Seu filho é muito teimoso misericordia...😮