Thank you for watching! 💡 What reflections did you take away from this video? Share your thoughts in the comments, I’d love to know what you think! 👇 If you enjoyed it, leave a valuable like 👍 and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel to stay tuned for our future daily reflections! 🔔
Life is just a series of moments, spaced nanoseconds apart. So fast that we can’t distinguish the current moment from the next. It just flows. It’s also why time seems to fly by so quickly, yet crawl along, at times, so painfully slowly.
I did not know of him until now, but I have been thinking much the same for most of my life, life is a curse, death is a gift. Life hurts, death is painless. Ecclesiastes 4. It is best never to be born, for those who are never born will never know all the evil that men do.
An interesting video, the pictures & images were good, although the constant ‘flickering’ effect was awful, no need for it making it hard for me to concentrate on what was being said.
When a child is born, everyone celebrates - parents, family, friends. The only person not celebrating is the guy in the cradle. He comes into the world screaming. Is it because he knows that the only certainty in life is suffering? Happiness is never guaranteed. You have to look for it. You don't have to look for unhappiness. It will find you.
well...we forget, the starchild forgets. When you remember your presence you are delighted with the bodies slightest breath, the fascination is neverending feeling gravity, noticing light...its remarkable what we miss.
I think this lyric encapsulates it correctly: "Oh! Bulged tummy women! Oh! Deformed body women! From your filthy womb, it's death to whom you give birth." -- 'Son Of Earth' by Samael
People ask me why I didn't become a father, my response for the past thirty years has always been the same "I love my children so much that I refuse to bring them to this hell"
That just sounds like you're a pathetic loser who's afraid of responsibility of effort, and has found a convenient way to rephrase your decision so it makes you sound noble.
Emil Cioran a fost din tara mea, Romania. Multi oameni geniali din tara mea au fost exclusi din viata. Ca sa-si salveze viata, unii au tacut, altii au emigrat si au scapat(ex: Constantin Brancusi, George Enescu, Emil Cioran). Dupa 113 ani de la nasterea lui Emil Cioran, suntem tot intr-un viitor incert: alegerile prezidentiale au fost anulate, pentru ca un candidat este un om patriot genial.
Yes. Pain demands to be felt. And pain is the only things that makes you feel alive. Too much painless and heaven like world is to good to belive that it feels to begain like dream and unreal. You need a pain to feel. Our primitive cerebeum is wired to make us feel alive on pain.
My childhood was a nightmare. I made so many mistakes during my life. The only thing that has made my life bearable was the magical moments that seemed too synchronized to be random. It’s a shame I was born and I hope I never return but in the event that I do, I put all my energy into awakening the masses to what I see coming (irreversible totalitarianism).
Well this can't come true simply because evil eats its own legs . Love is the fullness and perfection of all that is . God is love . He is the fullness of being . Evil has no chance it will always lose .
@@pot_kivach160 of course...a Buddha knows everything so while with a human body sure as shit his body contains shit & he knows the world runs on shit & all is what it is but due to your ego u take it as a is also whatever u make it out to be but your ignorance prevents u from seeing is shit and it is everything else too...just as life is meaningful due to relativity and subjectivity and yet meaningless because all info is passing away and being forgotten
of course...a Buddha knows everything so while with a human body sure as shit his body contains shit & he knows the world runs on shit & all is what it is but due to your ego u take it as a is also whatever u make it out to be but your ignorance prevents u from seeing is shit and it is everything else too...just as life is meaningful due to relativity and subjectivity and yet meaningless because all info is passing away and being forgotten
of course...a Buddha knows everything so while with a human body sure as shit his body contains shit & he knows the world runs on shit & all is what it is but due to your ego u take it as a is also whatever u make it out to be but your ignorance prevents u from seeing is shit and it is everything else too...just as life is meaningful due to relativity and subjectivity and yet meaningless because all info is passing away and being forgotten
@@pot_kivach160people filled with ego and ignorance such as u fail to realize that just because someone makes a statement doesn't not mean they believe it does not apply to them. The Buddha (arahant) still in human form on earth of course has shit in body and he knows the world runs on shit so everyone is full of it. He knows that due to all we see and experience being illusion life itself is a lie. He also knows life is whatever u wanna make it out to be but simpletons will look at the negative and focus on that. Life is shit and it is everything else just as due to relativity and subjectivity life has meaning and due to all passing away and being forgotten life is utterly pointless and meaningless. People of low intellect cannot understand the paradox and the dichotomy
Human intelligent existence is so insane; I'm 74 and now know that my lifetime of experience and knowledge will cease with my certain eventual death, religion to the contrary. All I know is that everything derives from the microscopic quantum world and that is something we all return to. In the meantime avoiding pain and suffering as much as possible will make the best of it.
At 74 I’m surprised to see you using the adjective “insane” inappropriately. Currently everything is “insane” on TH-cam. It is an overused and inappropriately used descriptor.
Because overwhelming vast majority of adults are brainless subhumans who lack the ability to think for themselves, so they repeat what generations before them did
That chain needs to be stopped your parents bought you in this world suffering dosent mean you have to follow them and bring your own children in this world for suffering.
Ok, but that means a world where no questions are asked because there will be nothing as intelligent as humans remaining. Take it to the next level, no living at all. We are a 'sprouting' which will end with the end of Universe, actually probably the earth unless we can escape the earth. Non existence is nothing and we wouldn't know about it if we never existed. Bear in mind am a glass half full.
I have a bigger problem with humans themselves, rather than the human experience. It's humans that create those experiences despite them going against everyone's best interest.
Most cannot endure the true depths of darkness that this world plunges us into. Most people prefer to live in delusional dreams of a sky fairie who will save them from eternal death and decay and deliver them into happiness. The real truth is too hard to bear for most people so the problem remains with the next generation of kids. Camus was only half right but I think Emil knew the true nature of existence.
People take this cosmic joke seriously,literally and personal. Take a deep breath & Calm and relax,Just let this cosmic joke pass and let it go and you will not even fell the pain.
There are people who dare to admit. As for myself, I'm 85, I climbed out of my personal worst and a few externally handed mishaps by observing an 8 billion human society and a Planet where Life is based on death, recycling, re-inventing and re-writing the blueprint, then letting the four winds take their course and using my creativity: Learning, teaching and playing the classical guitar, composing guitar music, surfing, growing chemicals free fruits and small crops, observing the ecosystem and microorganism hands on, while simultaneously dealing with family, friends and pet animals passing away, some young, some older, and writing for World Peace and Sanity. While the world is still the same as a billion years ago, society has sunk further into this infinite rabbit hole only to drift further and further from the ever elusive answers. But, as human beings in our nonetheless precarious state, we could do things to turn life into a journey of learning while accepting our ephemeral existence in the chaos of this infinite Universe, thereby giving this human race an acceptable reason or purpose for living. On the question of the cruelty of life in the wild, we can't change that, but we could accept it but stop contributing to it.
@@janetdidonato9963 When all suppressed and downtrodden people across the world stand in solidarity against the system, it will have been worth the 180 pages written the past 15 years. You can find them if you know how.
I know these considerations. I know a catholic woman who told me years ago that we come into this world, suffer, then die. I thought at the time that was a bit over the top. I was just coming out of a divorce and desperately clinging to the hope of a better life. FF nearly 30 years and I went through more physical and existential pain, some that nearly extinguished my life. When I got past the surgeries and other related medical snafus, I looked back and observed that not once in 60+ years did I ever experience joy more exquisitely than the pain I had endured. It is astonishing how intense just physical pain can get. And I never once felt joy or happiness to the same degree as I experienced pain. And I know what I experienced was far less than people who have had their limbs slowly severed. I've tried to rationalize the idea that we come into this world for the express purpose of experiencing vulnerability and failure, as that seems to constitute the bulk of human experience. I cannot. Such an idea is revolting and a sign of a deranged mind. I see no purpose to it. The planet and living creatures are a great marvel to me. The engineering and comprehension necessary to create it is overwhelming. But when I see how flippantly and easily it is overthrown for lack of care and concern, I cannot fathom any reason for humanity to exist.
I try to remind myself that others have had and still have more pain every day of their lives than I probably ever will but that doesn't make the suffering less .
@@luis__jrtx Ditto. And not everyone can handle that sort of pain before imploding. One thing I found being around the impaired, they tend to help keep one's own pain in perspective. And suffering loves a measure of company.
You could try to read the book Sweet Bean Paste by that Japanese author and pay attention in the end. You could also read Siddhartha by Herman Hesse (it's not about religious bs). These ones helped me a great deal.
✨ The one (and only) guaranteed way to prevent all the suffering of children is not to bring them into this world of diseases, crimes, wars, accidents, natural disasters, old age, death, and all the unknown evils the future holds. ☮
A superb video.. The tone of the voice that resonates deep with each and every word so carefully chosen... The brief but very deep study and analysis of this late philosopher.. .. His deep and utterly sad - but regretfully true - vision of this existence and its parameters are a reason good enough to listen time and time again to this utterly successful presentation. Thanks to all who collaborated to make it available.
No one? There is a real lack of reasoning out in the world then, if people cannot even comprehend such a logical view. David Benatar is also an antinatalist. I once listened to a radio 'phone in in S. Africa and people 'phoned in giving their reasons for deciding not to bring 80 years or so of suffering into the world aka 'having a kid'. Things such as humans beings within society do not act differently/ better than our forefathers did. Most people I come across are nosey and ask me if I have kids, that and 'are you married' seem to be the most important things for them to know about people- I have no idea why; I'm a human being, not an incubator. If I reply to the 'have you got kids' question with 'I'm not a bitch' they reiterate what they asked and if I state 'no', I get told, 'sorry' or 'you'll change your mind when you grow up'- like they are somehow mature for copying other people and failing to use contraception. The older women like to brag about how many bundles of suffering they selfishly brought into the world, proclaiming, 'I did my bit'- like they should be rewarded by the Government for producing canon fodder for them or something. Maybe breeders can't face reflecting on how nasty they are by having bred? They breed for selfish reasons, such as hoping the kid will look after them in their old age. Marriage is a social construct and, given the divorce rate, the two making the vows are likely liars.
@@dm-2194 Agreed. I'm 61 and have arbored this world and all in it since I was a child. I wept in assembly (aged 9) when we learned of the life of Vincent Van Goch. Nothing has changed my mind since!
I would try adjusting the horizontal knob. It's located on the back of the set and usually labeled 'hor' or 'hrz'. If that doesn't work, check the coax connecting your antenna to your set. Finally, as a last resort, you might have to actually get up on the roof and move the antenna a bit. Good luck.
Earth experience may be a classical example of "it seemed a good idea at the time". When you're here you wish you'd never come down; after you complete a hard but successful life and perhaps get rewarded in the afterlife you'll be glad you did. Whether life was a good idea or not changes as you progress. I intend to wear a label around my neck saying "do not incarnate" in case I get any more stupid ideas in the future, forgetting what life's like. I'll forgo any rewards.
Yeah, that seems consistent with what I got out of my OBE 30 years ago. I'm still out to lunch on whether it truly was a good idea to continue with the crap in order to gain a ROI. 60 years ago I embarked on a religious mission, not to convert anyone to the sponsoring church's ideology, but to have a quasi-supportive environment where I could work on coming out of my shell, speak publicly without fear or constraint, to gain some measure of social skill I had not developed. It was tough at times. there were many moments I wanted to quit, go home and embark on something else. But it was a journey to learn to stick something out to the end I set for myself despite the discouragements, criticisms, lack of genuine empathy from True Believers. Often times I think that is part of life's purpose on this planet. Learn to become a better soul despite the abrasiveness. Can't play basketball without risking an elbow in the nose.
I've always looked for happiness. and found it many times every day. Indeed, my most recent brush with happiness was just 10 minutes ago, concerning a peanut butter sandwich in two fat slices of white bread, nor any stinting on the two butters, cow and peanut respectfully. The key is to be shallow, but not to try or think much aboout it.
Either the (illusive) search of happiness, or the interesting things, etc, it doesn't matter in the end. What matter is that it motivate you to keep going forward. And if we are talking about the search of happiness, anyone with healthy enough mind will know this "search" in an absurdity. happiness is a trick, an illusion, and if you are searching for it you will gain nothing good. Happiness by definition is not a preponderant or even worse - a constant state to attain. The moment you get hold of happiness for more than a few moments, it immediately starts to lose its meaning.
Buddha figured this out long ago. Material Life is suffering. Pain however is optional. We are a very small part of a very great Spiritual whole. Practice mindfulness meditation.
Would you prefer to have not existed?To understand that one day you will not exist you first have to exist do you understand just how unlikely it that you exist you are Unique combination of your mother Egg and father sperm the change that you get to exist is about 700000000000 to 1
@@AlexReynard "Accomplishments", however those are defined, since they are highly subjective, that have no bearing in a universe that goes on for infinity. You live in a microcosm of sheer insignificance.
If it's not your experience then it's not your truth. If all you've known is misery then the truth of existence is misery. But there are those who have lived a magical loving life and for them existence is meaningful and wonderful even if they become ill. They are grateful for the time they had and accept that in this reality entropy rules and thus eventually the body will age and become worn out. How we look at existence is a matter of perspective based on our experiences. We all have a choice.
If you're one of the few who have been gifted with a magical loving life, good on you. Most of us have not. About 15 years ago I realized, one day, that I would never again live a day without pain. I had a HS classmate who dove into a swimming hole two weeks after graduation, hit his head, broke his neck, quadriplegic, when I saw him again 40 years later he smiled and laughed, but his eyes said, Why the hell can't I just die? But, quadriplegic, he couldn't even kill himself.
@lestercrowley666 Yes, they do, most people anyhow. There are exceptions to every norm in an 8 billion people society, we can't paint everything with the same brush.
This philosophy aligns perfectly with the increasingly popular theory that we are living on a prison planet,, and our masters, the Demiurge & Archons, breed us in the same way a farmer breeds cattle.. Our life of suffering provides them with sustenance via the low vibrational energy generated from human pain and suffering.
This is my exact view of life, and I share it at each birth in my social circle as well as weddings, graduations, holidays, etc. It is my way of spreading depression and hopelessness. On first dates, I always do a deep dive into this with the woman over dinner. They usually leave in absolute disbelief! It is my sole form of entertaining to see anger and suffering! 😅
I am 71, and had quite the ups and downs in life. Both, almost to an extreme (although you always will notice those with more good fortune, and those with less). I have studied Buddhism, Stoicism, Daoism, etc. for perspective and guidance. I find it ironic that this video and the comments have made me happy! I had never heard of Cioran, so thank you for this fine presentation. And the comments are stupendous for perspective, and a positive way forward even with the absurdity of human existence.
The dude basically is reinventing the wheel, the issue had already been observed by the buddha 2500 years ago, except the buddha also showed the way forward to tackle the grim reality.
I was raised Catholic and took for granted that life was "mourning and weeping in this vale of tears". When I abandoned Catholicism I became depressed. No, not because I had lost my faith, but because I had embraced a new faith: the zeitgeist of the late 20th century which was the expectation of happiness. This is an expectation that can only lead to disappointment.
Forcing oneself to work is suffering. If your point is that one must work to attain a perspective free of (or tolerant of) suffering, then it doesn't really address the crux of the problem.
@@Pseudothink Oooh, one of them damned if you do, damned if you don't condomdrums or whatever. Best take a nap when those cross your mind. Usually forgotten about them when you wake up.
"I want a child" sounds somewhat self-centered if not followed by questions like: "Am I able to ensure my future's child happiness? Make it not regret ever being born into this world? Is having a child just my personal whim or I truly believe it will be well and content in this world?"
We all eat, sleep, shit and puss. All other thoughts and actions are extras. I’m 67 years still eating, sleeping, shitting and pissing without any pains that killed me. I deal with the variations of eating, sleeping, shitting and pissing. I did not make me and nothing on earth. I cry because I’m happy. And I cry because I’m sad. As long as I’m aware, I’ll live my life enjoying I’m not the only human who thinks about existing. In the meantime, I’m doing music and dining and dancing with the original, copyrighted songs I created and recorded in my studio. I did the lead and harmony background vocals, played the instrumentals using my Roland XP60 keyboards and did the drum tracks using my Alesis SR 16 drum machine. My heart still beating and sometimes goes rapidly, for whatever reason. My voice is loud. I have great hearing, as well as comprehension of a person who is of a childlike mind. I wear children footwear, clothes and taking care of myself keeping it seriously simple aka KISS. One of my songs titled Why? was my first song I did as a teenager. I’m still asking Why? I’m looking forward to doing live entertainment in person as well as online. Since life allowing me to do music, I figured why not. It’s better than tripping just thinking about why I exist. Thanks for reading my comments. I came across this video on my TH-cam feed. I enjoyed reading the comments. As much as I have experienced hurts and pains, I embrace each as none of it killed me or stopped me from doing music. I guess the hurts and pains blended with the times of happiness made it ? I’ll let yall complete the sentence. I do not know what to call it. I’m just that much still living my life. Smiles
The Truth is this physical reality is temporary. I say We collectively should ask ourselves, why are we aware of Our existence? What is the meaning behind the awareness of Our existence? The Truth is the fact we are aware of our own existence is the key to understanding our true nature. Existence itself is the beauty in Our meaning of life.
I wouldn't say existence itself is the beauty. Not at all. But I am not counter-arguing just to be a nihilist and if anything this life works more like a test if anything in my opinion.
Cioran's thinking is strikingly similar to Samuel Beckett's. Indeed Beckett's novels and plays seem to be the supreme artistic expression of this pessimistic but unflinchigly honest and ultimately humane world view.
The perception that the purpose of life is to seek and enjoy joy and happiness is a mistaken understanding. Each time a goal is achieved, a new goal arises, and the vicious cycle of suffering continues, shifting from one form of suffering to another. Endlessly seeking happiness but always encountering suffering, which persists. This is a terrifying truth.
Society 6.0 - Wise Society Happiness "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony" Obviously when your thoughts, words and actions are in harmony you should be one while rather than split into external and internal faces. Thoughts and Speech match but Actions don't = Paralysis Speech and Actions match but Thoughts don't = Pleasing others Thoughts and Actions match but Speech doesn't = Hiding real self
And the reason you wait is because you cling hopelessly to the possibility that you may experience some more happiness and fun and laughs, but even if you do, they will end, with encreased pain and misery waiting at the other side......aging is a terminal illness after all.
7:27 "He find his creative act as an act of postponed suicide" OH MY GOD I finally realize why I am doing my videos and 3D modeling and animation! Thank you for helping me understand what and why I am doing what I am doing 😢
Most of life is struggle or monotonous routine. But it's the rare good times that make life worth living. We're more likely to gain satisfaction from those good times if we don't expect them to happen all the time.
The truth that no one dares to admit is that children are born for our sake, not for theirs. Someone has to give birth to that lovely nurse that will take care for me when old, or the farmers that will provide food. So far all the suffering i ever endured was worth it. Whether all the human suffering was or is worth it to have a human race, nature seems to think so.
Schopenhauer is the real Daddy of scepticism. He said the key to living a good life was to reject the will. I do not believe pain is good. Epicurus gave me best vision of a good life.
We know that pain always derives from some portion of life that is being damaged. It's the neurological feedback to warn us damage is being done. IMO, if a person believes they must endure this to grow, they are idiots. Worthwhile living is not comparable to developing bulk muscle. IMO, worthwhile living is learning how to avoid the damage that brings pain, fundamentally through understanding.
The apparent *contradiction of Sentient Life in an Entropic Universe* is unsettling. However, many of the vast number of "Near Death" (NDE) reports have a corroborating thread of *pre-life planning* -- where we help plan an outline of a Human Life with -- specific life lessons -- to grow our soul. This *exonerates God of responsibility for our suffering* We choose it -- to grow our soul -- as reported.
@katherineg9396 I formerly thought this was some type of purgatory or reform school. If indeed we chose to live in an entropic universe then we are in for a world of hurt. I don't see where that implicates or convicts God for our suffering. No it looks like we chose to run the gauntlet! My trauma caused me to connect to source. 'Pretty good training.
I'm an OBE person. While "over there" I observed my past, present, and possible futures. Nearly three days subjective time learning, and then the details were closed off from my memory. Some things however I was permitted to remember. After 33 years, I came to this conclusion: "A man who does not have regret for making poor, unwise decisions is a fool. But one who believes he must have them in order to grow is an idiot." A large share of what we suffer is simply lack of paying attention to consequences of choices.
@@guy7670*It is immoral to Blame God* for anything except helping us. I'm not among those who indict God for our suffering (anymore). He needs no creds from me. I offer you the best info we have from the other side -- sans religion. Again, if we chose this Life -- then God cannot be blamed for the gauntlet-run here. Quantum physics requires some Faith -- so does the NDE reports. *Take your pick -- Bible Stories about the afterlife -- or personal, living testimony from NDE'ers* ? Common-threads in the NDE's are significant. Faith is part of the test.
We don't like it, but pain is the greatest teacher. Yet while meaningless pain is hell, meaningful suffering can offer a transcending liberation. If we live by intellect and focus on self, misery is absolutely assured.
If pain is the greatest teacher we are all immensely stupid and witless. None of my greatest insights into the marvels of this existence came out of pain, but focused, contemplative attention.
Thank you for this video. Just a friendly suggestion (an advice) would be nice to watch withought constant blinking stipes all across the view during the video. Anyway, may God bless you and your loved ones.
Thank you for this comment, and I apologize for replying only today. It was our mistake; we haven’t used that effect anymore. We apologize for it. Thank you for the feedback!
I think Eckhart Tolle’s teachings should be taught to children throughout their school years. People have been insanely conditioned. It will take an intense change in mind to stop the trauma and heal the sicknesses these egoic systems have produced. All monetary systems world wide are thought to be useful. Maybe they have been up to now in some ways. We have to go beyond monetary systems of control. Every body born in this world has need of love, care and the resources from this world to survive. The idea that some people have special rights to resources, which is what any money reflects, is insane. The reward of doing what ever natural skills, gifts, and talents should not be special rights to resources or wealth. That means the guy that collects the trash has an equally accommodating home, food and clothing as those who contribute in any field. No rich, no middle class and no poor. The ego should never be stroked.
@ They may have. As long as there was even one human within their attempt - holding any level of personal wealth - then they could never have achieved a change. I don’t think this will happen anytime soon. We may have the technology but not the wisdom or support to achieve the kind of quality integration that would ensure success. The ego must be recognized for what it is by the greater part of the world population. Without first seeing the insanity clearly - there can be no hope for such a way to ever be generated. It must be a natural process to ever come into being. Otherwise, it will just end up being another insane attempt to force people to live in a way they do not understand.
Evolution one spice died out to let another spice to evolve. The whole universe is about to be born, struggle and died out. We keep evolving until we become pure energy again, life is beautiful even dead is beautiful...
If not "born," we wouldn't be asking the question. Arrogance and ignorance of pertinent questions are the essential problems. How we are trained to look determines what we are able to see.
Totally agree with your last sentence! How we are trained to look determines what we are able to see. It is life itself that is doing the 'training' as much as society. I'm just amazed at how many people prefer to believe in sky fairies and other delusions rather than face the truth of their existence.
@SusannaSaunders We must face the truth(s) of our own existence. One can not show another what must be sought and found for the self. What is most significant to human existence is the immaterial qualities, not quantities.
And the void was good. Out of it came the most celestial music, the deepest friendships, the greatest belly laughs, the most heart felt tears, Joanne Worley, Errol Garner, Chopin, an immense journey with God . The void may be the space we glory in
@ she was on Laugh In, a great variety show in the 60s, and was a staple on many game shows. She probably did Broadway,cameos in tv shows, etc. She is fun. I think she’s 87 now.😊
I feel totally different than this. I am 71 years old now and my body is starting to fail me but the joy of life, despite the problems we all face, is a great gift I will hate to see end.
Good for you! Congratulations, you had a great life! You re different than us! As if that changes anything or adds to the conversation in any profound way besides self praise!
@Florin-r6i You missed the point. I have had the same struggles that everyone has I have just chosen to respond differently. We all have choices and success is not determined by where we finish but by how we respond.
@@frankfowlkes7872 The problem is y deleted comms so the smart one with more than 5 phrases got deleted while the stupid one made with anger because the first got deleted remained.
@@frankfowlkes7872 If you re 71yo you lived the best period of humanity since they can make historical records. I dont want to hear your delusional opinion on life especially if it has a positive note to it! How many houses do you have old man? Anyway! Most of old man s opinions are invalid by default, a bunch of astronomically priviliged individuals what can you say thats worth it? Probably nothing! Go to sleep!
There are quite a few moments that i have thought in the same manner about life but then i wanted to also escape from that kind of thought process cos it can be stultifying and soul sapping. in fact casually i and others i knew used to joke, that our birth itself is a mistake, as the answer to when people used to enquire deeply about particular mistakes made that caused some failure in our life. What he says has felt right at critical times but it also evokes strong negative feelings. Maybe to make this work, one needs to develop a lion heart that can bear a thousand wounds and still stride through this jungle of life without fear.
@@martinnewtonholmes Often etributed to that German geyser whatsisname who wore wigs, but yeah, it was in fact Danny that said it. I aint never been to any other possible worlds, even in me head, still what Danny said sounds right enough to me.
Life is not absurd, it contains a lot of unknowns. Learn as much as you can, choose to believe something constructive/uplifting. Stephen Wolfram says we are "computationally bound", that is we cannot compute everything, that is, we are limited, no surprise there.
True. I once dwelt on the unfathomable immensity of what I don't know, got bored of that after three minutes or so, and switched on my transistor radio instead.
@@steelearmstrong9616 Something cannot be absurd, unless it does violence to your expectations. So your expectations are part of the perception. Chance, in the realm of our unknowns, sometimes seems to work for you, sometimes seems to work against you, but absent evidence to the contrary, its just chance.
Emil Cioran was a creative and original thinker who made significant contributions to philosophy. However, his pessimistic and nihilistic views led him to a dark and disillusioned path. Cioran's deep confusion about the meaning of life led to misconceptions and a flawed philosophy that ultimately failed to provide a practical understanding of life. So, if you are looking to gain a better understanding of life, you will not find it here. Nevertheless, his philosophy remains a source of intrigue & fascination for students of philosophy.
If we live long enough, we grow a long list of regrets. Regrets show us we're paying attention and recognize our mistakes. The funny thing is, we keep making the same mistakes over and over again. This is where humor makes everything better, even though it doesn't seem to be getting better. 😅
He had some interesting thoughts that I agree with--rather similar to Buddhism. But what is going on with the flickering lines in the video? It adds nothing and it makes it difficult to watch.
“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” (James 4:14)
If you love the non-existence, dont worry too much, life is only a spark between two eternal non-existences. Life's short, try to enjoy it, if you cannot well...really it does not matter anyway.
I understand what you mean; sometimes AI seems to take away the authenticity of art. Our goal is to provide a visual idea of the context. Maybe we don’t reach everyone, and we’re sorry about that, considering the many hours of work behind each of our creations. Thank you for the valuable feedback. Best regards!
What if you were born in a beautiful place where people were friendly but you would still have to die but only from natural causes? Would life be still horrible?
If life was beautiful it would of course be horrible to die. Dying makes life pointless. Paradoxically death is a liberator, since there is almost only suffering to get in this world.
Thank you for watching!
💡 What reflections did you take away from this video?
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Extreme intelligence like you people remind of "Not seeing the forest for the trees"
Life is just a series of moments, spaced nanoseconds apart. So fast that we can’t distinguish the current moment from the next. It just flows. It’s also why time seems to fly by so quickly, yet crawl along, at times, so painfully slowly.
I did not know of him until now, but I have been thinking much the same for most of my life, life is a curse, death is a gift. Life hurts, death is painless.
Ecclesiastes 4. It is best never to be born, for those who are never born will never know all the evil that men do.
@@caryd67 Yes ... the way I see it, life is just one damn thing after another; or, as someone else said, it's a series of unrelated events.
An interesting video, the pictures & images were good, although the constant ‘flickering’ effect was awful, no need for it making it hard for me to concentrate on what was being said.
When a child is born, everyone celebrates - parents, family, friends. The only person not celebrating is the guy in the cradle. He comes into the world screaming. Is it because he knows that the only certainty in life is suffering? Happiness is never guaranteed. You have to look for it. You don't have to look for unhappiness. It will find you.
So true.....
well...we forget, the starchild forgets. When you remember your presence you are delighted with the bodies slightest breath, the fascination is neverending feeling gravity, noticing light...its remarkable what we miss.
Good Point!
It's not that hard to find happiness either. It's everywhere if you don't push it away.
I think this lyric encapsulates it correctly: "Oh! Bulged tummy women! Oh! Deformed body women! From your filthy womb, it's death to whom you give birth." -- 'Son Of Earth' by Samael
People ask me why I didn't become a father, my response for the past thirty years has always been the same "I love my children so much that I refuse to bring them to this hell"
You and me both.
That just sounds like you're a pathetic loser who's afraid of responsibility of effort, and has found a convenient way to rephrase your decision so it makes you sound noble.
@@AlexReynardLife isn't easy. Especially now. And you have to die once you are born. Which is a curse.
Yes. We suffering ans suffers so much. We dont want to want to our children suffer like us. Our unborns.
FAAAACTS! Thank you!
The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible. " Bertrand Russell.
How is this the secret? It makes one miserable.
@@JasminehaydonIt lowers expectations
Death smiles at all of us , all one can do is smile back !! Marcus Aurelius
I won't call it "secret to happiness". I would call it "secret to peace" ...the acceptance that the world is a horfible place to live in.
He was right - I was 8 Years old asking my mother why she brought me to world because where I was before was peaceful and good !
😮Thanks for sharing this!🤍
How do you know that, you have no memory of where you were before you were born.
@@geraldleuven169You just answered your own question.🤦
@@ivansimunovic4202I think you asked the wrong person. Then again, I could be mistaken...😜
@@geraldleuven169 no memory -intuition - I think first time here !
I'd never heard of Emil until ten minutes ago but I'm sure I'll not forget him any time soon. My philosophy and his are very much the same.
It is kind of reductionism... to put it softest way😅 If you do not believe in Eternal life, then it is your only fate😢
I pity the fool.
A Mr. T quote, ehhhh!
pessinism is easy and the hallmark of the lazy
Emil Cioran a fost din tara mea, Romania. Multi oameni geniali din tara mea au fost exclusi din viata. Ca sa-si salveze viata, unii au tacut, altii au emigrat si au scapat(ex: Constantin Brancusi, George Enescu, Emil Cioran). Dupa 113 ani de la nasterea lui Emil Cioran, suntem tot intr-un viitor incert: alegerile prezidentiale au fost anulate, pentru ca un candidat este un om patriot genial.
ignoring pain does not eliminate it, well said my friend.
Yes. Pain demands to be felt. And pain is the only things that makes you feel alive. Too much painless and heaven like world is to good to belive that it feels to begain like dream and unreal. You need a pain to feel. Our primitive cerebeum is wired to make us feel alive on pain.
My childhood was a nightmare. I made so many mistakes during my life. The only thing that has made my life bearable was the magical moments that seemed too synchronized to be random. It’s a shame I was born and I hope I never return but in the event that I do, I put all my energy into awakening the masses to what I see coming (irreversible totalitarianism).
Thank you for sharing and reflecting on this!
Me too...
Me three
And yet , you all still choose life.
Well this can't come true simply because evil eats its own legs . Love is the fullness and perfection of all that is . God is love . He is the fullness of being . Evil has no chance it will always lose .
"life is shit and anyone who says it isn't is full of it" - a buddha
@@pot_kivach160Or in other words, "Shit happens".😏
@@pot_kivach160 of course...a Buddha knows everything so while with a human body sure as shit his body contains shit & he knows the world runs on shit & all is what it is but due to your ego u take it as a is also whatever u make it out to be but your ignorance prevents u from seeing is shit and it is everything else too...just as life is meaningful due to relativity and subjectivity and yet meaningless because all info is passing away and being forgotten
of course...a Buddha knows everything so while with a human body sure as shit his body contains shit & he knows the world runs on shit & all is what it is but due to your ego u take it as a is also whatever u make it out to be but your ignorance prevents u from seeing is shit and it is everything else too...just as life is meaningful due to relativity and subjectivity and yet meaningless because all info is passing away and being forgotten
of course...a Buddha knows everything so while with a human body sure as shit his body contains shit & he knows the world runs on shit & all is what it is but due to your ego u take it as a is also whatever u make it out to be but your ignorance prevents u from seeing is shit and it is everything else too...just as life is meaningful due to relativity and subjectivity and yet meaningless because all info is passing away and being forgotten
@@pot_kivach160people filled with ego and ignorance such as u fail to realize that just because someone makes a statement doesn't not mean they believe it does not apply to them. The Buddha (arahant) still in human form on earth of course has shit in body and he knows the world runs on shit so everyone is full of it. He knows that due to all we see and experience being illusion life itself is a lie. He also knows life is whatever u wanna make it out to be but simpletons will look at the negative and focus on that. Life is shit and it is everything else just as due to relativity and subjectivity life has meaning and due to all passing away and being forgotten life is utterly pointless and meaningless. People of low intellect cannot understand the paradox and the dichotomy
Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.
That's true. At least keep a sense a sense of humour.....
Or a tragedy for those who think
Who looks 4 answers that don't seem to be super clear
For those who think *and* feel, life is a tragic comedy.
Human intelligent existence is so insane; I'm 74 and now know that my lifetime of experience and knowledge will cease with my certain eventual death, religion to the contrary. All I know is that everything derives from the microscopic quantum world and that is something we all return to. In the meantime avoiding pain and suffering as much as possible will make the best of it.
Such a deep reflection, thank you for sharing! Striving to live with peace is what truly matters. Best regards.
At 74 I’m surprised to see you using the adjective “insane” inappropriately. Currently everything is “insane” on TH-cam. It is an overused and inappropriately used descriptor.
Thank the Gods for Scotch.
Our consciousness goes on into another dimension after physical death. Please watch videos of people who have had After-death
A man who plants a tree knowing that one day he will never sit in its shade, is a man who has grasped the meaning of life - Chinese proverb.
Why are humans bringing babies into this world to suffer. Not a good idea.
Because overwhelming vast majority of adults are brainless subhumans who lack the ability to think for themselves, so they repeat what generations before them did
That chain needs to be stopped your parents bought you in this world suffering dosent mean you have to follow them and bring your own children in this world for suffering.
Ok, but that means a world where no questions are asked because there will be nothing as intelligent as humans remaining. Take it to the next level, no living at all. We are a 'sprouting' which will end with the end of Universe, actually probably the earth unless we can escape the earth. Non existence is nothing and we wouldn't know about it if we never existed. Bear in mind am a glass half full.
I've always found the human experience so profoundly difficult.
What's wrong with right now unless you think about it?
But you`re such a cheerful chap
I have a bigger problem with humans themselves, rather than the human experience. It's humans that create those experiences despite them going against everyone's best interest.
This guy makes Camus look like an optimist!
Most cannot endure the true depths of darkness that this world plunges us into. Most people prefer to live in delusional dreams of a sky fairie who will save them from eternal death and decay and deliver them into happiness.
The real truth is too hard to bear for most people so the problem remains with the next generation of kids.
Camus was only half right but I think Emil knew the true nature of existence.
Cioran detested Camus on a personal level. He didn't think much of his philosophic knowledge either.
That's very funny.
Camus an optimist.
People suffer from the delusion that life should be "fair" and that a divine being exists that has an interest in the outcome.
Most of us here have no such childish illusions. We still find this a tragic stupid pointless painful F mess.
Children have that delusion. They say things such as 'it's not fair!' Wise parents tell them 'life is not fair.'
The instinct for fairness has produced most of the wars and ugly political ideologies that humanity has suffered from.
One of my mottos is "existence is overrated".
What`s the other one ?
People take this cosmic joke seriously,literally and personal. Take a deep breath & Calm and relax,Just let this cosmic joke pass and let it go and you will not even fell the pain.
There are people who dare to admit. As for myself, I'm 85, I climbed out of my personal worst and a few externally handed mishaps by observing an 8 billion human society and a Planet where Life is based on death, recycling, re-inventing and re-writing the blueprint, then letting the four winds take their course and using my creativity: Learning, teaching and playing the classical guitar, composing guitar music, surfing, growing chemicals free fruits and small crops, observing the ecosystem and microorganism hands on, while simultaneously dealing with family, friends and pet animals passing away, some young, some older, and writing for World Peace and Sanity.
While the world is still the same as a billion years ago, society has sunk further into this infinite rabbit hole only to drift further and further from the ever elusive answers. But, as human beings in our nonetheless precarious state, we could do things to turn life into a journey of learning while accepting our ephemeral existence in the chaos of this infinite Universe, thereby giving this human race an acceptable reason or purpose for living. On the question of the cruelty of life in the wild, we can't change that, but we could accept it but stop contributing to it.
Well said. Well done.
Yeah that was beautiful….very well written inspirational and nice 👍👍👍
Wow, you have a worthy life, if there is one.
@@janetdidonato9963 When all suppressed and downtrodden people across the world stand in solidarity against the system, it will have been worth the 180 pages written the past 15 years. You can find them if you know how.
This guy really needed the soothing effect of social media...
Having children is selfish. So with 8 billion ppl now, that's a lot of selfishness out there.
You're obviously still under the illusion that you - or anybody - has free will. Look it up when you have some time spare.
thats not the problem -the problem it is a corrupted place !
It is reckless to have too many children and selfish when you don't care for them but mainly for yourself. Nuances and the right words are important.
there are not 8 Billion it is a lie -maybe 2 Billion !
I know these considerations. I know a catholic woman who told me years ago that we come into this world, suffer, then die. I thought at the time that was a bit over the top. I was just coming out of a divorce and desperately clinging to the hope of a better life.
FF nearly 30 years and I went through more physical and existential pain, some that nearly extinguished my life. When I got past the surgeries and other related medical snafus, I looked back and observed that not once in 60+ years did I ever experience joy more exquisitely than the pain I had endured. It is astonishing how intense just physical pain can get. And I never once felt joy or happiness to the same degree as I experienced pain. And I know what I experienced was far less than people who have had their limbs slowly severed.
I've tried to rationalize the idea that we come into this world for the express purpose of experiencing vulnerability and failure, as that seems to constitute the bulk of human experience. I cannot. Such an idea is revolting and a sign of a deranged mind. I see no purpose to it. The planet and living creatures are a great marvel to me. The engineering and comprehension necessary to create it is overwhelming. But when I see how flippantly and easily it is overthrown for lack of care and concern, I cannot fathom any reason for humanity to exist.
There is no reason
Nicely put.
I try to remind myself that others have had and still have more pain every day of their lives than I probably ever will but that doesn't make the suffering less .
@@luis__jrtx Ditto. And not everyone can handle that sort of pain before imploding. One thing I found being around the impaired, they tend to help keep one's own pain in perspective. And suffering loves a measure of company.
You could try to read the book Sweet Bean Paste by that Japanese author and pay attention in the end. You could also read Siddhartha by Herman Hesse (it's not about religious bs). These ones helped me a great deal.
My understanding goes like this. Being born is the real problem for existence.
✨ The one (and only) guaranteed way to prevent all the suffering of children is not to bring them into this world of diseases, crimes, wars, accidents, natural disasters, old age, death, and all the unknown evils the future holds. ☮
And yet, people still say 'congratulations' to women just after they have given birth!
Of course, what you're saying is true. But what about the MUSIC?
While life in its own right inflicts a misery unlike anything else it take a society of 'good' people to truly turn it into abject hell.
@@SusannaSaunders Well said.
@@janetdidonato9963 Thank you!
A superb video.. The tone of the voice that resonates deep with each and every word so carefully chosen... The brief but very deep study and analysis of this late philosopher.. .. His deep and utterly sad - but regretfully true - vision of this existence and its parameters are a reason good enough to listen time and time again to this utterly successful presentation. Thanks to all who collaborated to make it available.
I totally agree with him never married and never had children for this reason and no one understands
No one? There is a real lack of reasoning out in the world then, if people cannot even comprehend such a logical view. David Benatar is also an antinatalist. I once listened to a radio 'phone in in S. Africa and people 'phoned in giving their reasons for deciding not to bring 80 years or so of suffering into the world aka 'having a kid'. Things such as humans beings within society do not act differently/ better than our forefathers did. Most people I come across are nosey and ask me if I have kids, that and 'are you married' seem to be the most important things for them to know about people- I have no idea why; I'm a human being, not an incubator. If I reply to the 'have you got kids' question with 'I'm not a bitch' they reiterate what they asked and if I state 'no', I get told, 'sorry' or 'you'll change your mind when you grow up'- like they are somehow mature for copying other people and failing to use contraception. The older women like to brag about how many bundles of suffering they selfishly brought into the world, proclaiming, 'I did my bit'- like they should be rewarded by the Government for producing canon fodder for them or something. Maybe breeders can't face reflecting on how nasty they are by having bred? They breed for selfish reasons, such as hoping the kid will look after them in their old age. Marriage is a social construct and, given the divorce rate, the two making the vows are likely liars.
I totally agree with him too. But marriage isn't the problem. Having kids is. Only marry someone who doesn't want kids too! 😉
I fully understand. So far I never met someone who thinks in kind. I never did either and for the exact same reason. I am 58.
@@dm-2194 Agreed. I'm 61 and have arbored this world and all in it since I was a child. I wept in assembly (aged 9) when we learned of the life of Vincent Van Goch. Nothing has changed my mind since!
@@SusannaSaundersbut oh how they lie! Sheesh!
I enjoy the comments more than the video. Reminds me of the Monte Python song Always look on the bright side of life.
That song is VERY clearly about how HORRID life is. ...with a pointless giggle.
This presentation is so well done!
That was absolutely beautiful it has given me the will to live happy, even if I can’t change this world. Happy New Year ❤ everyone 😊
This is the spirit we would like to share with everyone! Thank you for this sharing 🙏
I would try adjusting the horizontal knob. It's located on the back of the set and usually labeled 'hor' or 'hrz'. If that doesn't work, check the coax connecting your antenna to your set. Finally, as a last resort, you might have to actually get up on the roof and move the antenna a bit. Good luck.
Why didn't he think of that😅
I've tried that. I'm on the roof checking the coax cable, but I can't find where it connects to my cellphone... 😢
@@gatehanger1385 ..... you're joking.....
@@gatehanger1385I think it's the heart.
It's a Supid Computer Generated load of Sh*t to pretend that the Video is old ! I hate it as well !
Thank you so much for this donation!🙏🤍
Earth experience may be a classical example of "it seemed a good idea at the time".
When you're here you wish you'd never come down; after you complete a hard but successful life and perhaps get rewarded in the afterlife you'll be glad you did.
Whether life was a good idea or not changes as you progress.
I intend to wear a label around my neck saying "do not incarnate" in case I get any more stupid ideas in the future, forgetting what life's like.
I'll forgo any rewards.
Yeah, that seems consistent with what I got out of my OBE 30 years ago. I'm still out to lunch on whether it truly was a good idea to continue with the crap in order to gain a ROI. 60 years ago I embarked on a religious mission, not to convert anyone to the sponsoring church's ideology, but to have a quasi-supportive environment where I could work on coming out of my shell, speak publicly without fear or constraint, to gain some measure of social skill I had not developed. It was tough at times. there were many moments I wanted to quit, go home and embark on something else. But it was a journey to learn to stick something out to the end I set for myself despite the discouragements, criticisms, lack of genuine empathy from True Believers. Often times I think that is part of life's purpose on this planet. Learn to become a better soul despite the abrasiveness. Can't play basketball without risking an elbow in the nose.
Existence is the real problem of existence. Brilliant.
I never looked for happiness. All I asked for is to find things that are interesting. I have not been disappointed in that.
Beautiful reflection! Thank you 🙏
I've always looked for happiness. and found it many times every day. Indeed, my most recent brush with happiness was just 10 minutes ago, concerning a peanut butter sandwich in two fat slices of white bread, nor any stinting on the two butters, cow and peanut respectfully. The key is to be shallow, but not to try or think much aboout it.
Interesting things are what make you happy. That seems like a fine existence.
Either the (illusive) search of happiness, or the interesting things, etc, it doesn't matter in the end. What matter is that it motivate you to keep going forward.
And if we are talking about the search of happiness, anyone with healthy enough mind will know this "search" in an absurdity. happiness is a trick, an illusion, and if you are searching for it you will gain nothing good.
Happiness by definition is not a preponderant or even worse - a constant state to attain. The moment you get hold of happiness for more than a few moments, it immediately starts to lose its meaning.
@@ryutenmen So you know of no one who has been happy with their life for years?
I was going to buy the book "The Power of Positive Thinking". But then I thought, what the hell good would that do?
Buddha figured this out long ago.
Material Life is suffering.
Pain however is optional.
We are a very small part of a very great
Spiritual whole.
Practice mindfulness meditation.
I agree. I don’t consider Buddhism as a religion but an explanation and the only way to be truly happy.
More like a bunch of stupid apes trying to find our next fix.
The process of dying begins at the moment of conception.
Halton Arp characterized this phenomenon when he analyzed Quasars.
Would you prefer to have not existed?To understand that one day you will not exist you first have to exist do you understand just how unlikely it that you exist you are Unique combination of your mother Egg and father sperm the change that you get to exist is about 700000000000 to 1
But it is more likely that we ,having gained conciousness once will gain it again after all "It is stranger than we can think" RBS Haldane.
Death is undefeated. Be a fan of a winning team.
That`s why we reproduce
Most people don't want to look into this obvious truth of our existence. Is too painful. Ignorance is required to experience any happiness here
Buddha: Fat. Dumb. Happy.
That's why most idiots seems to be so happy
How many of those "ignorant" people are accomplishing way more than you?
@@AlexReynard "Accomplishments", however those are defined, since they are highly subjective, that have no bearing in a universe that goes on for infinity. You live in a microcosm of sheer insignificance.
Life is nothing but trouble, yet people are for it.
Their hormones make them breed before they get their bearings. It's a folie a deux.
Causing trouble can be fun.
If it's not your experience then it's not your truth. If all you've known is misery then the truth of existence is misery. But there are those who have lived a magical loving life and for them existence is meaningful and wonderful even if they become ill. They are grateful for the time they had and accept that in this reality entropy rules and thus eventually the body will age and become worn out. How we look at existence is a matter of perspective based on our experiences. We all have a choice.
You won't find happiness on a silver platter. 👍
Then they run of with your mate, divorce lose everything , women r not happiness, loyalty, friendship, r 2 words they don't undetstand
I had a privileged happy life for years, then the doctor found my bone cancer
@@FogelsChannel Be glad for those years and don't quit. Doctor's make mistakes. I feel for you.
If you're one of the few who have been gifted with a magical loving life, good on you. Most of us have not. About 15 years ago I realized, one day, that I would never again live a day without pain. I had a HS classmate who dove into a swimming hole two weeks after graduation, hit his head, broke his neck, quadriplegic, when I saw him again 40 years later he smiled and laughed, but his eyes said, Why the hell can't I just die? But, quadriplegic, he couldn't even kill himself.
You are on Earth. There is no cure for that. " Samuel Beckett ".
Died at he ripe old age of 83. How embarrassing.
@@MrHammerkop Not really, he accepted his fate and chose to carry on rather than quitting. That's courage.
@@BobOort Do not people fear death more than life?
@lestercrowley666 Yes, they do, most people anyhow. There are exceptions to every norm in an 8 billion people society, we can't paint everything with the same brush.
I honestly believe I have been a atheist since childhood. Even then I knew things weren't right when I saw other children running around like sheep.
The pure bliss to have never been born , I hate being alive and living in constant fear of what happens after death
This philosophy aligns perfectly with the increasingly popular theory that we are living on a prison planet,, and our masters, the Demiurge & Archons, breed us in the same way a farmer breeds cattle.. Our life of suffering provides them with sustenance via the low vibrational energy generated from human pain and suffering.
Thanks man, I just purchased his book off ebay.👍 Love it
Ask for nothing...expect nothing...the pain will.still.find us
This is my exact view of life, and I share it at each birth in my social circle as well as weddings, graduations, holidays, etc. It is my way of spreading depression and hopelessness. On first dates, I always do a deep dive into this with the woman over dinner. They usually leave in absolute disbelief! It is my sole form of entertaining to see anger and suffering! 😅
No mystery why you don't get second dates!
@@katherineg9396😂 at least he’s honest upfront🤭😝👍🤘
I couldn't agree more with Emile. He was spot on
Best episode of Dragnet ever!
Cioran was the man! 'I am so displeased with everything. If they made me God, I would immediately resign.' ;)
I am 71, and had quite the ups and downs in life. Both, almost to an extreme (although you always will notice those with more good fortune, and those with less). I have studied Buddhism, Stoicism, Daoism, etc. for perspective and guidance. I find it ironic that this video and the comments have made me happy! I had never heard of Cioran, so thank you for this fine presentation. And the comments are stupendous for perspective, and a positive way forward even with the absurdity of human existence.
Thank you for this valuable sharing🙏
The dude basically is reinventing the wheel, the issue had already been observed by the buddha 2500 years ago, except the buddha also showed the way forward to tackle the grim reality.
I was raised Catholic and took for granted that life was "mourning and weeping in this vale of tears". When I abandoned Catholicism I became depressed. No, not because I had lost my faith, but because I had embraced a new faith: the zeitgeist of the late 20th century which was the expectation of happiness. This is an expectation that can only lead to disappointment.
The Buddha offered a solution to suffering--avoid desires and follow the 8-fold path. This is too much work for most folks.
It's too much for you too, otherwise you wouldn't be feeding your desire for new information on TH-cam.
Forcing oneself to work is suffering. If your point is that one must work to attain a perspective free of (or tolerant of) suffering, then it doesn't really address the crux of the problem.
@@Pseudothink Oooh, one of them damned if you do, damned if you don't condomdrums or whatever. Best take a nap when those cross your mind. Usually forgotten about them when you wake up.
how do i get rid of my desire to get rid of my desire? Seems a paradox that won't be solved :)
Knowing what I know about us humans is suffering in itself we're a nasty cruel bloodthirsty lot
"I want a child" sounds somewhat self-centered if not followed by questions like: "Am I able to ensure my future's child happiness? Make it not regret ever being born into this world? Is having a child just my personal whim or I truly believe it will be well and content in this world?"
OK he probably wasn't a laugh at parties but I have to say I can't argue with his logic.
It's only a problem from the illusory standpoint of the separate self. In reality, there is no such thing.
It could be that the popular theory of free will & self as the central point looking out, distorts our perception of the experience of living
I think we are just born, eat, work, and die and the cycle never ends so very truly sad...........
We all eat, sleep, shit and puss. All other thoughts and actions are extras. I’m 67 years still eating, sleeping, shitting and pissing without any pains that killed me. I deal with the variations of eating, sleeping, shitting and pissing. I did not make me and nothing on earth. I cry because I’m happy. And I cry because I’m sad. As long as I’m aware, I’ll live my life enjoying I’m not the only human who thinks about existing. In the meantime, I’m doing music and dining and dancing with the original, copyrighted songs I created and recorded in my studio. I did the lead and harmony background vocals, played the instrumentals using my Roland XP60 keyboards and did the drum tracks using my Alesis SR 16 drum machine. My heart still beating and sometimes goes rapidly, for whatever reason. My voice is loud. I have great hearing, as well as comprehension of a person who is of a childlike mind. I wear children footwear, clothes and taking care of myself keeping it seriously simple aka KISS. One of my songs titled Why? was my first song I did as a teenager. I’m still asking Why? I’m looking forward to doing live entertainment in person as well as online. Since life allowing me to do music, I figured why not. It’s better than tripping just thinking about why I exist. Thanks for reading my comments. I came across this video on my TH-cam feed. I enjoyed reading the comments. As much as I have experienced hurts and pains, I embrace each as none of it killed me or stopped me from doing music. I guess the hurts and pains blended with the times of happiness made it ? I’ll let yall complete the sentence. I do not know what to call it. I’m just that much still living my life. Smiles
i agree
The point is to end the cycle.
The Truth is this physical reality is temporary. I say We collectively should ask ourselves, why are we aware of Our existence? What is the meaning behind the awareness of Our existence? The Truth is the fact we are aware of our own existence is the key to understanding our true nature. Existence itself is the beauty in Our meaning of life.
I wouldn't say existence itself is the beauty. Not at all. But I am not counter-arguing just to be a nihilist and if anything this life works more like a test if anything in my opinion.
@ without being aware of your existence life wouldn’t be experienced. As challenging life can be at times being Here IS The BEAUTY!!
Born to suffer . That’s all it is …that’s all there is.
Very nice and thoughtful. Thank you
Cioran's thinking is strikingly similar to Samuel Beckett's. Indeed Beckett's novels and plays seem to be the supreme artistic expression of this pessimistic but unflinchigly honest and ultimately humane world view.
Yup. This is right on. I’m very anti natal
The true war is a spiritual one -ones you know Physik and Metaphysik is One -you are ready as a warrior ! trust yourself !
👍 True - My lifetime is 68% Burdensome, yes!
The perception that the purpose of life is to seek and enjoy joy and happiness is a mistaken understanding.
Each time a goal is achieved, a new goal arises, and the vicious cycle of suffering continues,
shifting from one form of suffering to another.
Endlessly seeking happiness but always encountering suffering, which persists.
This is a terrifying truth.
Society 6.0 - Wise Society
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony"
Obviously when your thoughts, words and actions are in harmony you should be one while rather than split into external and internal faces.
Thoughts and Speech match but Actions don't = Paralysis
Speech and Actions match but Thoughts don't = Pleasing others
Thoughts and Actions match but Speech doesn't = Hiding real self
Time to get pissed and listen to Shane Mc Gowans Christmas Lullaby, merry Christmas 😊
“Logic is an enemy, and Truth, a menace” Rod Serling of the Twilight Zone
I totally endorse his philosophy.
But iam living a miserable existence only waiting for my death.
Read Dostoyevsky.
What's wrong with right now unless you think about it?
sriramakrishnan, you need to consult Sri Ramakishna (1836 - 1886), the great Bengali saint.
And the reason you wait is because you cling hopelessly to the possibility that you may experience some more happiness and fun and laughs, but even if you do, they will end, with encreased pain and misery waiting at the other side......aging is a terminal illness after all.
7:27 "He find his creative act as an act of postponed suicide"
OH MY GOD I finally realize why I am doing my videos and 3D modeling and animation!
Thank you for helping me understand what and why I am doing what I am doing 😢
Find joy in the little things.
Because there is so little joy in things.😐
Most of life is struggle or monotonous routine. But it's the rare good times that make life worth living. We're more likely to gain satisfaction from those good times if we don't expect them to happen all the time.
Joy is an "illusion..."
The truth that no one dares to admit is that children are born for our sake, not for theirs.
Someone has to give birth to that lovely nurse that will take care for me when old, or the farmers that will provide food.
So far all the suffering i ever endured was worth it. Whether all the human suffering was or is worth it to have a human race, nature seems to think so.
Schopenhauer is the real Daddy of scepticism. He said the key to living a good life was to reject the will. I do not believe pain is good. Epicurus gave me best vision of a good life.
Say, did this Epicurus approve of peanut butter sandwiches, or only the fancy stuff?
We know that pain always derives from some portion of life that is being damaged. It's the neurological feedback to warn us damage is being done. IMO, if a person believes they must endure this to grow, they are idiots. Worthwhile living is not comparable to developing bulk muscle. IMO, worthwhile living is learning how to avoid the damage that brings pain, fundamentally through understanding.
I don't recall ever hearing the anti-natalism argument from the pro-abortion contingent. It's hinted at, but not specifically stated.
The apparent *contradiction of Sentient Life in an Entropic Universe* is unsettling. However, many of the vast number of "Near Death" (NDE) reports have a corroborating thread of *pre-life planning* -- where we help plan an outline of a Human Life with -- specific life lessons -- to grow our soul. This *exonerates God of responsibility for our suffering* We choose it -- to grow our soul -- as reported.
There is not enough good research on NDE to draw any conclusions. This exonerates God of NOTHING. If he existed, you would have to call him a sadist.
@katherineg9396 I formerly thought this was some type of purgatory or reform school. If indeed we chose to live in an entropic universe then we are in for a world of hurt. I don't see where that implicates or convicts God for our suffering. No it looks like we chose to run the gauntlet! My trauma caused me to connect to source. 'Pretty good training.
I'm an OBE person. While "over there" I observed my past, present, and possible futures. Nearly three days subjective time learning, and then the details were closed off from my memory. Some things however I was permitted to remember.
After 33 years, I came to this conclusion: "A man who does not have regret for making poor, unwise decisions is a fool. But one who believes he must have them in order to grow is an idiot." A large share of what we suffer is simply lack of paying attention to consequences of choices.
You cannot exonerate One you believe to be Omnipotent. That would be immoral.
@@guy7670*It is immoral to Blame God* for anything except helping us. I'm not among those who indict God for our suffering (anymore). He needs no creds from me. I offer you the best info we have from the other side -- sans religion. Again, if we chose this Life -- then God cannot be blamed for the gauntlet-run here. Quantum physics requires some Faith -- so does the NDE reports. *Take your pick -- Bible Stories about the afterlife -- or personal, living testimony from NDE'ers* ? Common-threads in the NDE's are significant. Faith is part of the test.
Thank you for this video
Indeed! I wouldn't have heard of this guy without this video! 🫶👏
We don't like it, but pain is the greatest teacher. Yet while meaningless pain is hell, meaningful suffering can offer a transcending liberation.
If we live by intellect and focus on self, misery is absolutely assured.
Thank you for this reflection!
If we live, PERIOD, misery is absolutely assured!🤨
If pain is the greatest teacher we are all immensely stupid and witless. None of my greatest insights into the marvels of this existence came out of pain, but focused, contemplative attention.
Thank you for this video. Just a friendly suggestion (an advice) would be nice to watch withought constant blinking stipes all across the view during the video. Anyway, may God bless you and your loved ones.
Had a reply from WDR and they will not do this again. 🫶 I'm not alone in finding this very distracting and irritating.
Thank you for this comment, and I apologize for replying only today. It was our mistake; we haven’t used that effect anymore. We apologize for it. Thank you for the feedback!
I think Eckhart Tolle’s teachings should be taught to children throughout their school years. People have been insanely conditioned. It will take an intense change in mind to stop the trauma and heal the sicknesses these egoic systems have produced. All monetary systems world wide are thought to be useful. Maybe they have been up to now in some ways. We have to go beyond monetary systems of control. Every body born in this world has need of love, care and the resources from this world to survive. The idea that some people have special rights to resources, which is what any money reflects, is insane. The reward of doing what ever natural skills, gifts, and talents should not be special rights to resources or wealth. That means the guy that collects the trash has an equally accommodating home, food and clothing as those who contribute in any field. No rich, no middle class and no poor. The ego should never be stroked.
Didn't the USSR try something along those lines?
@ They may have. As long as there was even one human within their attempt - holding any level of personal wealth - then they could never have achieved a change.
I don’t think this will happen anytime soon. We may have the technology but not the wisdom or support to achieve the kind of quality integration that would ensure success. The ego must be recognized for what it is by the greater part of the world population. Without first seeing the insanity clearly - there can be no hope for such a way to ever be generated. It must be a natural process to ever come into being. Otherwise, it will just end up being another insane attempt to force people to live in a way they do not understand.
Evolution one spice died out to let another spice to evolve. The whole universe is about to be born, struggle and died out. We keep evolving until we become pure energy again, life is beautiful even dead is beautiful...
If not "born," we wouldn't be asking the question. Arrogance and ignorance of pertinent questions are the essential problems. How we are trained to look determines what we are able to see.
It not need be taught.. Ignorance indeed..
.......(you're correct 💯)
Until like the professional musician, you transcend the training and SEE.
Totally agree with your last sentence! How we are trained to look determines what we are able to see. It is life itself that is doing the 'training' as much as society.
I'm just amazed at how many people prefer to believe in sky fairies and other delusions rather than face the truth of their existence.
@SusannaSaunders We must face the truth(s) of our own existence. One can not show another what must be sought and found for the self. What is most significant to human existence is the immaterial qualities, not quantities.
And the void was good. Out of it came the most celestial music, the deepest friendships, the greatest belly laughs, the most heart felt tears, Joanne Worley, Errol Garner, Chopin, an immense journey with God . The void may be the space we glory in
Joanne Worley...Lol... that's hysterical... what was she anyway... a professional game show player?
@ she was on Laugh In, a great variety show in the 60s, and was a staple on many game shows. She probably did Broadway,cameos in tv shows, etc. She is fun. I think she’s 87 now.😊
I feel totally different than this. I am 71 years old now and my body is starting to fail me but the joy of life, despite the problems we all face, is a great gift I will hate to see end.
Good for you! Congratulations, you had a great life! You re different than us! As if that changes anything or adds to the conversation in any profound way besides self praise!
@Florin-r6i You missed the point. I have had the same struggles that everyone has I have just chosen to respond differently. We all have choices and success is not determined by where we finish but by how we respond.
@@frankfowlkes7872 The problem is y deleted comms so the smart one with more than 5 phrases got deleted while the stupid one made with anger because the first got deleted remained.
@@frankfowlkes7872 If you re 71yo you lived the best period of humanity since they can make historical records. I dont want to hear your delusional opinion on life especially if it has a positive note to it! How many houses do you have old man? Anyway! Most of old man s opinions are invalid by default, a bunch of astronomically priviliged individuals what can you say thats worth it? Probably nothing! Go to sleep!
@@frankfowlkes7872We can respond to things positively. But pls don’t deny the truth that life is fundamentally flawed.
I was told always look out for number one,but I keep stepping in number two..arr..Life ..
There are quite a few moments that i have thought in the same manner about life but then i wanted to also escape from that kind of thought process cos it can be stultifying and soul sapping. in fact casually i and others i knew used to joke, that our birth itself is a mistake, as the answer to when people used to enquire deeply about particular mistakes made that caused some failure in our life. What he says has felt right at critical times but it also evokes strong negative feelings. Maybe to make this work, one needs to develop a lion heart that can bear a thousand wounds and still stride through this jungle of life without fear.
The troubled evolution of humanity is a big problem for quality of life. Can we just get out of this sadistic Kali Yuga and bring in the Golden Age?
What gets me is the fact that are trillions of alternstives to this life on earth--- but it had to be this
So true!...
Every one of 'em is worse, so cheer up, what-ho?
Name one.
Of all possible worlds this is the best one
I think Danny Baker said that
@@martinnewtonholmes Often etributed to that German geyser whatsisname who wore wigs, but yeah, it was in fact Danny that said it. I aint never been to any other possible worlds, even in me head, still what Danny said sounds right enough to me.
I used to wonder how people ended up in a straight jacket.......i think i get it, control?? programming?? Choice?? No choice? Force? Its just.....
Life is not absurd, it contains a lot of unknowns. Learn as much as you can, choose to believe something constructive/uplifting. Stephen Wolfram says we are "computationally bound", that is we cannot compute everything, that is, we are limited, no surprise there.
Thank you for sharing this!
True. I once dwelt on the unfathomable immensity of what I don't know, got bored of that after three minutes or so, and switched on my transistor radio instead.
@@MrHammerkop And, did you get inspired to learn to play guitar yourself?
Unknowns is what makes life so absurd
@@steelearmstrong9616 Something cannot be absurd, unless it does violence to your expectations. So your expectations are part of the perception. Chance, in the realm of our unknowns, sometimes seems to work for you, sometimes seems to work against you, but absent evidence to the contrary, its just chance.
First time I heard something that reflected my thoughts about life.
Emil Cioran was a creative and original thinker who made significant contributions to philosophy. However, his pessimistic and nihilistic views led him to a dark and disillusioned path. Cioran's deep confusion about the meaning of life led to misconceptions and a flawed philosophy that ultimately failed to provide a practical understanding of life. So, if you are looking to gain a better understanding of life, you will not find it here. Nevertheless, his philosophy remains a source of intrigue & fascination for students of philosophy.
If we live long enough, we grow a long list of regrets. Regrets show us we're paying attention and recognize our mistakes. The funny thing is, we keep making the same mistakes over and over again. This is where humor makes everything better, even though it doesn't seem to be getting better. 😅
This guy is quite a bundle of joy. Not inviting him to my NYE party.
He had some interesting thoughts that I agree with--rather similar to Buddhism. But what is going on with the flickering lines in the video? It adds nothing and it makes it difficult to watch.
Absolutely true, it was a poorly executed effect that was no longer used. We apologize for this. Regards!
The old VHS effect makes this video annoyingly unwatchable.
Thank you so much for this feedback. This time, we realize we probably went a bit overboard.
@WiseDailyReflections I thought it was an old movie reel ???
Please listen my music and give a feedback, you are very good.
“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” (James 4:14)
Whether he knew it or not he understood that this poace was a soul trap!
No such thing as a soul trap. Those were just an invention of hairy hippies as Apache gimmicks to sell in craft markets.
The soul trap idea suggests the corruption in this place could very well also exist in the Bardos.
If you love the non-existence, dont worry too much, life is only a spark between two eternal non-existences.
Life's short, try to enjoy it, if you cannot well...really it does not matter anyway.
So fed up with AI imagery
I understand what you mean; sometimes AI seems to take away the authenticity of art. Our goal is to provide a visual idea of the context. Maybe we don’t reach everyone, and we’re sorry about that, considering the many hours of work behind each of our creations. Thank you for the valuable feedback. Best regards!
Yes, it is terrible
Sounds a lot like David Benatar’s book, “Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into
What if you were born in a beautiful place where people were friendly but you would still have to die but only from natural causes? Would life be still horrible?
Apparently yes........
If life was beautiful it would of course be horrible to die. Dying makes life pointless. Paradoxically death is a liberator, since there is almost only suffering to get in this world.
Yes. Suffering is ingrained in all DNA
Not as bad..
Yes, due to physical pain, grief, uncertainty, desires...