我把2024龙年除夕夜献给了撒哈拉沙漠 I dedicated 2024 Dragon New Year’s Eve to the Sahara Desert|摩洛哥Morocco

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • 📸除夕孤身在外的我,最后内心还是无法强大到可以对抗他人阖家欢乐,唯我自己漂泊的孤独。于是我决定逃离旅馆那个冰窖,去一个热烈的地方,那就去撒哈拉沙漠吧!报团短途旅行的第二天,我们到达了撒哈拉沙漠。一切的一切都被肆虐的沙尘暴搅黄了!但是我却更加坦然、从容。沙尘暴来,我看沙尘暴;星星来,我就看星星。这种无所图的佛系心理却让我接下来好运连连。大家成群结队,朋友相伴!于是呢,他们都被安排到了几人一窝的帐篷!我却独享一个帐篷,成功避免各种旅途尴尬!那天我真的注定最幸运🤪。到沙漠第二天,大家全体都选择骑吉普车出沙漠,唯我一人选择骑骆驼返回!撒哈拉早晨的七点整只驼队护送我出沙漠,还配了两个牵驼人,豪了一把!大家不谋而合的一致选择再次成全了我和那些骆驼们!这种巧合让我觉得自己注定那一天最特别!一切都很美好,沙漠星空拍到了,日出也看到了🤪。
    C'est la vie!一切都是最好的安排,感恩生命中所经历的一切!
    I was alone in another country on 2024 Chinese New Year's Eve. In the end, my heart was still not strong enough to resist the joy of other people's family getting together while I'm just wandering with great loneliness. So I decided to escape the ice cellar of my hostel and decided to go to a passionate place, ok, let’s go to the Sahara Desert! On the second day of our group excursion, we arrived in the Sahara Desert. Everything was disrupted by the raging sandstorm! however, I was getting more calm and calm. When the sandstorm came, I watched the sandstorm; when the stars came, I watched the stars. This aimless mentality made me have good luck later on. Everyone came together in groups and with friends! So, they were all arranged into tents with several people all in one tent! However, I had a tent to myself, which successfully avoided all kinds of travel embarrassments! I was truly destined to be the luckiest one that day🤪. On the second day after arriving in the desert, everyone chose to ride a jeep to go out of the desert, but I was the only one who chose to ride a camel back! At seven o'clock in the morning in the Sahara, a whole camel team escorted me out of the desert, together with two camel sheppards, which was so luxurious! Everyone’s unanimous choice just leave me and those camels freeagain! This coincidence made me feel like I was destined to be the most special one at that day! Everything was wonderful, I captured the desert starry sky and saw the sunrise🤪.
    C'est la vie! Everything is the best arrangement. I am grateful for everything I have experienced in my life!
    ♫ M U S I C:
    Switched on Carcassi - Brian Bolger
    On the Delta - John Patitucci
    Kirwani - Teental - Aditya Verma, Subir Dev
    M Fischer - Mini Vandals
    Hey There - half.cool
    ❤ Glad to meet you-欢迎关注
    谢谢观看!Thanks for Watching!#sahara #morocco #africa

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