American Reacts to "Why Do Europeans Dislike Americans So Much?"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ก.ค. 2023
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  • @faketheo3432

    My biggest problem with some Americans is when they pretend the US is the greatest country in the world. Even if they admit that the US has massive problems, they refuse to look to other countries for solutions. Because in their minds, no other country can ever do anything better than the US.

  • @paulbromley6687

    I think Trump has a lot to do with how many see Americans.

  • @kelvinheron3425

    That British woman who said she wasn't European because "we left the E.U.", sort of blew the whole "Americans are a bit thick" argument to bits.

  • @TheWackiboy

    After the company I once worked for was sold by a German corporation to a US corporation, I had colleagues in the US for 10 years of my professional life. I have never again experienced so much stupidity and ignorance in working out and supervising business. The supervisor mentality is frightening. No one thinks processes through to the end, there is always someone in charge, who says what to do. I left the company because of the American way of doing business. It was unbearable for a European like me. Today, the company is pretty much on the verge of closing down. The Americans have managed to ruin a German company that was successful for 175 years before the takeover within 30 years. I don't judge every US-American to be stupid and ignorant, that would be unfair and stupid. As an employee of a US company, however, one could come to this judgment.

  • @robinwbarrett

    Joel, thank God we have young Americans like you dispelling the American stereotypes, yet have the balls to call out outdated culture within your own country. Don't change mate

  • @railvlogger1439

    If American employers would give their workers 4 weeks paid vacation a year, then perhaps more people would be able to discover a whole new world out there.

  • @daveofyorkshire301

    It's not that the Dutch are more critical, its just that they're more open and honest... They aren't hiding their opinion behind a fake smile to make you feel better about what you're hearing...

  • @angelametcalfe953

    Having travelled to the USA from Australia over the last 30 odd years, I must say I am over the whole country. The food is appalling. Travelling around is complicated and expensive with limited options available. The patriotism in general is over the top and as an outsider I cannot understand why. The apathy on world issues and knowledge on politics and geography is astoundingly limited. There seems to almost be an awkward pride in living in a bubble.

  • @cketts8128

    Oh Lord….that British girl saying ‘but we’re not in Europe because we left the EU’!! It’s a common misconception by lots of people and it drives me crazy. You can’t physically leave a continent only a club that sits in that continent. 😤

  • @adamwilliams8177

    I was in Mexico once, and I explained to an American that I was Welsh and, as usual, had to explain that no Wales is not in England 🤦🏻‍♂️. I explained that in Wales, we also speak Welsh, which he thought was cool. He then followed on by saying that America has its own language too, to which he continued to say that he spoke American. I laughed and said, "No, you speak English." He frowned and insisted he spoke American. I asked, "Then how do I understand you as I speak English, not American" He became quite disgruntled and confused and he explained that Americans use words like "trash" and "dipers" to which I explained that they are just adaptations of words that already exist in the English language. He was not happy and walked away to my delight 😂

  • @tosa2522
    @tosa2522  +752

    There's a great meme where the European says, "I feel sorry for you Americans," and the American responds, "I don't care about you Europeans," which describes the situation very well. While Europeans are interested in what happens in the U.S. and how Americans behave, Americans don't care what happens outside the States and how others feel about them. To Europeans, this lack of interest comes across as ignorant and stupid.

  • @haroldpearson6025

    I was born and educated in England (UK). When visiting USA a waitress asked why I did not speak English? I explained my background at which time a man at the next table said "You don't speak English, you speak a kind of English"

  • @kyliegray7188

    Aussie here. I have travelled a lot through the UK, Europe and spent several months in the US working as a camp counsellor (25 years ago). During my time in the US I found the people very warm, friendly and very open and interested in where I came from. What I took away from it though was, the schooling is atrocious. Education is very Americanised and students leave with no sense of the world around them. As many people in the video said it was and in many ways still is "America is great", "America is the best". What many Americans fail to realise is that, unless they are native American they are immigrants as well, the English they speak was bought over from England!!! I was asked while I was in the States to speak Australian...they honestly thought that Australians speak a language other than English........Americans as a whole are good friendly people, it the BS they are fed from their leaders brainwashing them into not being able to think for themselves and find that they are just another country in a much much much larger global family.

  • @UlliStein
    @UlliStein  +963

    As a German travelling a lot in the USA and loving the country I can tell you this:

  • @r.d.404
    @r.d.404  +627

    Me (German) was an exchange student in the US back in 1986. I was absolutely shocked by experiencing the patriotism, believing in "America is best" and nescience of anything outside their (narrow-minded) barriers. The lack of knowledge/education in school, even about their own country in terms of politics, history and geography was mind-blowing to me. I couldn't count the stupid and arrogant questions the host family asked me, like if we have TV or cars in Germany (while there was a VW Jetta parking in their driveway! 🙈). They laughed at me when I tried to explain, many things of their daily use were invented by Germans...

  • @almalipovaca6654

    My brother and his wife come to NY in 1992 from Croatia because my brother got a job on a university. They have one child who of course went to school there. On some point, my brother and his wife has to educate her about history and geographic of Europe because she got any of this at school. It was all about America as it was the only country in the world. I as an Bosnian in elementary school and later in gymansium, learnd more about the world around the planet that I wanted to but I am glad now. Because, I have knowledg now. So, back to the first lines of my story, I am not surprised that Americans think that there are the only people who matter.

  • @markusmenedetter5137

    I am from Austria. So, I am from a country that bears the same guilt as Germany for WW2 and the holocaust. One of the main reasons why this evil was was possible was nationalism (in the extremest sense of the word). As a result, Germans and Austrians see nationalism quite differently. Of course we are proud of our respective countries but we also recognize that they are by far (!) not perfect. That is why I always feel very uncomfortable if someone tells me that America is the geartest country in the world. This is a purely emotional sentiment that has noting to do with reality. Emotions can easily be exploited (Trump) and that is exactly what happend in Germany and Austria in the 1930s. Jan 6 was only a question of time...

  • @fransmith3255

    I live in an Asian country and I'm often asked where I come from. When I say Australia, the walls literally break down, similar the Canadian people. The thing that most people dislike about America is the culture that contains all the things they dislike, rather than the individual people. Most Americans I've met dislike the same things about America that the rest of the world dislikes about America. The dislike is mostly about the cultural arrogance that the American culture spews out, the arrogance of continually telling the world that America is the best country, whilst simultaneously actually being one of the worst countries in terms of how they treat their citizens, that the rest of the world dislikes. And the fact that American companies come into our countries and try to behave in the same disgusting ways they get away with in America, trying to water down our workers' rights and the constant attempts to get away with treating our citizens as badly as they treat American citizens. That's what most of the world dislikes. It's not individual American people. The American people are mostly nice, the American culture is NOT nice!!

  • @catherinegrant1570

    Hi Joel. I just came back from a vacation in England, but found that people were cold and distant, until I said I was Canadian, and their whole demeanour changed 180°. A generalization of Americans is that when they visit other countries, they are not willing to accept the “otherness”, and want everything to be the same as it is in the US.

  • @MrStGeorgeIllawarra

    The "Ugly American" stereotype exists for a reason, having worked in Tourism I know it's real, but like everything in life, a loud annoying minority spoil it for everybody.