God of War 2 General Kratos BH Only: Part 8

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • This is a run focused on getting knowledge about the Barbarian Hammer. We will focus on Souls and properties of the attacks rather than pure damage output. Magic will be allowed but limited (Naturally, GK limits the value of orbs). There is also a need to see how BH can interact with different magic attacks.

ความคิดเห็น • 11

  • @BigVEE
    @BigVEE 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    0:07 So many ways to express yourself (rather than wreck yourself **see: Zesty**). What's it going to be?
    0:15 >soul pinning while turtling
    >reposition into deep aMotK
    >for rarely worked RO location
    Nice. A little closer to the edge and you could have grapple canceled for the Hell of it.
    0:36 >carefully pulling spawns
    I can dig it.
    0:56 >LoS on-landing
    >dirty deep aMotK for RO
    1:15 >we're getting some ROOT strats
    Very rare, indeed.
    2:11 Dead before they knew it.
    2:42 Another dose.
    2:58 >RO
    4:07 Sadly, it has an issue like souls. It doesn't just last for a long period with hit count as a secondary factor, so in a case like this it was really going to do very little (even before spreading foes out **which also lowers the potential as it passes between targets**).
    4:39 Didn't quite pull them to the root.
    5:43 Change of plans.
    NOTE: Titan Storm might have reached all the way over there.
    7:17 Ah, so we did get a Zesty tribute in this part.
    7:25 >didn't get his early hit in
    Alright. What's the gameplan? Fairly sure souls will only hit him at the end of his charge in S1. We going with the MotK focused strats I mentioned or something else?
    7:28 >immediately eats a hit
    7:33 Oh. Just left the other part in.
    7:43 Feels like we're keeping it very simple (not mastering his invisibility, trotting away from it with perfecting spacing and punishing with MotK).
    8:31 Let's see if souls offer anything here (I feel like they will just make trouble). Could use MotK pretty easily (with CC for safety here). What's the play with Flash going to be? Punish in trade, escape and punish again? Or trick into punish?
    8:34 >they don't even pretend to hit him during moonwalk
    Preferable to a lie.
    >still not seeming to hit at all even when he should become open
    8:43 They seriously made him immune?
    9:49 Dear Lord I hope souls can at least hit his shield to serve some purpose in S3. MotK isn't a multi-hit with shockwave, so it won't be a great tool to push into walls with (even CD is a better choice **with CC for safety**).
    9:52 >nada
    NOTE: I'd definitely hug a wall, let him flash, escape, put his back to the wall as he whiffs the shield slap and s1 him into the wall while building for t2 (s,s,t). Mind you, you COULD work lvl3 TB as CWB might push him into the wall (I forget how he reacts to it **CR is solid even at lvl1**). LV shouldn't work like that, but you never know. Pretty sure TS will just hit once and move along. Repeated WB can work.
    11:15 >TB hot-tag
    Can't be helped. They rigged this against us.
    12:12 It was either this or going left of them and cheesing from off-camera.
    13:18 >s3 to air t1
    Only with slow-mo.
    13:34 More of that weirdness with directional knockback.
    14:02 >CD
    MAX disrespect.
    14:20 >just two light foes
    LoS is the obvious play. What's the kill means and order? Probably not going to use MP until W2.
    14:58 Going to try getting them killed at the same time?
    NOTE: I imagine you won't try something so cute as LoS, CC into OH.
    15:57 >brief 1v1
    Time to go HARD and try for getting it to "O" in a hurry. Maybe then Flick lock.
    16:15 Just as planned.
    16:24 >EH method
    16:46 MP making more sense here to me.
    16:51 Good redemption off the toe cutter.
    17:01 With this much MP left, you can lazily GR then crush these boring heavies (no interesting aspects of the run apply to them).
    >doesn't do that
    >takes chest with full refill coming up
    Oh, you.
    19:30 Anything fancy with the birbs? Going to work high ground or the next bit? Or just ruin them?
    19:47 >souls into air OS for collisions
    I see.
    NOTE: Wright says he is making a video showing Clotho's gimmick arm drop can be bested with a same frame strike on both. Normally you do 75DMG and the next hit to whichever arm takes it down (can focus one the whole arm, then hit the other once to still have to do that again with the arm you were giving all that love). This would effectively halve the amount of hurt she needs. Maybe something like MotK would make this easier? Not sure I trust in the souls for it. If interested in trying this, we can go over DMG values as they would be for GK on VH. See if we can't make it practical to go for. You've got lvl3 TB, so that's 50DMG (not P%, so flat/unscaled) off TS alone.

    • @kiraqueen0
      @kiraqueen0  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      They made Perseus immune to souls! Of all the things they could have worked on. They spend time making stuff immune to this almost 0dmg attack.
      I will obviously test out Wright's findings in BH context. We are also near the TM3.

    • @BigVEE
      @BigVEE 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kiraqueen0 >soul immunity
      "He can't keep getting away with it!" - ??? (on Jason **aka worst SSM dev**)
      >his findings
      You say the Clotho vid (aside from TM3)?

    • @kiraqueen0
      @kiraqueen0  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      >Clotho vid
      Yes. He hasn't done it though yet. In general, I'll be happy to test stuff out.
      Yeah, there is that guy as well. I've seen him speak his nonsense at game dev conferences. Just....

    • @BigVEE
      @BigVEE 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kiraqueen0 >hasn't done it yet
      Oh, but he has. An unlisted one, anyway. Our comments go over various things that might work to varying degrees going beyond the video. Not sure he means to make a more complete presentation.
      >has to listen to Jeice jabber

    • @kiraqueen0
      @kiraqueen0  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@BigVEE I see. We can maybe go over the things to try in text. I would need to deal the said 75dmg the hit both arms at the same time right? Or am I getting it wrong? I would also love to know about damage values.