efeknya disesuaikan sama damage yg dihasilkan. Karena skill 2 nya hasilin damage 1 kali doang, klo pake efek machinegun ga cocok karena itu untuk skill yg ngasi damage terus²an
@KEVIN Dude don't blame and say that to yourself, everyone has skills. And anyone can reach Conqueror. Its just that you need to have the right cooperative and supportive teammates. This is a Team Game its not an individual game.
Ini baru namanya mereview skin hemat kouta, durasi pendek, singkat dan jelas
Aslinya cocok nya di pake di raz nih genos, nanti skill 3 nya machinegun blow
Skill 2 mode normal ny, coba efek tinjuan nya dibikin tngan ny bnyak,biar mirip skill aslinya genos machinegun blow, psti lbh keren
Haha kyak jurus gomu gomu no gutling gun luffy dong😂
efeknya disesuaikan sama damage yg dihasilkan. Karena skill 2 nya hasilin damage 1 kali doang, klo pake efek machinegun ga cocok karena itu untuk skill yg ngasi damage terus²an
Menyala 🔥🔥🔥
Semoga dapat rejeki di bulan ini amin.
Lah si botak kok gk ada!?
Keren 👍
GeRRaTtis Kan,YeyyS
Oh tentu...... ...... .... Tidak 🙂
@@zalkun937 tenang, dia hanya sedang berjanda🗿🗿
Great skin but if you have weak and Cancerous teammates it's useless
@KEVIN Dude don't blame and say that to yourself, everyone has skills. And anyone can reach Conqueror. Its just that you need to have the right cooperative and supportive teammates. This is a Team Game its not an individual game.
machine gun blow nya mna 4njink
First min
Hy vọng cũng cở 100k thôi
không đời nào anh bạn
Ooooy .,
Ga bisa make Errol 😭
Bukan Genos SSR
MC kok cuman cosplay min?🤔
Menghamdeh...... 😐
I dont like the skin skill one shoulf be machigan blow not kick
Machinegun Blow is a continuous attack while skill 1 on Errol is only Dash and 1 attack. That's the difference!
Saitama sensej
Lah orang luar indo yg komen