Cov khoom qab zib yog ntxias. Pom koj hle tawm lub khob, nws hloov tau, huag qab heev, Kuv xav tau nws! Koj kuj muab txiv maj phaub mis rau saum lub khob, nws qab qab noj txias. 6:57
Ua tau ib hnub ua ntej kawg os tab sis txhob muab cov coconut milk add rau nawb. Cia thaum twg yuav noj mam muab hais cia saum toj os. Thiab yuav tsum muab cov coconut milk the topping cia rau hauv tub yees thiaj tsis qaub os
Ntxim qab tshaj Kuv yuav xyaum ua thiab os thanks for sharing the recipe
Love all your cooking videos. Kuv yuav xyaum txhua yam li os vim txim qab heev li.
Ua tsaug os
Looks very yummy. Im going to try to make it
Cov khoom qab zib yog ntxias.
Pom koj hle tawm lub khob, nws hloov tau, huag qab heev, Kuv xav tau nws!
Koj kuj muab txiv maj phaub mis rau saum lub khob, nws qab qab noj txias. 6:57
Ntxim qab heev
Muab ua tau cía ib hmos mam li coj mus noj Tim church puas zoo thiab os
Ua tau ib hnub ua ntej kawg os tab sis txhob muab cov coconut milk add rau nawb. Cia thaum twg yuav noj mam muab hais cia saum toj os. Thiab yuav tsum muab cov coconut milk the topping cia rau hauv tub yees thiaj tsis qaub os
Yummy heev
What size is ur cup and can I use canned coconut stripes?
I used 5 OZ of the cups sister, and you can use the canned of coconut stripes
@@nagfoodrecipe thanks.
Sister koj cov young coconut meat lub cover zoo li cas.. kuv mus nrhiav tsis pom muaj nyob qhov twg li..?
Koj yuav kom pom lub txiv maj phaub ntsuab 2 xwb ces hom twg los tau tas os
Sister, where did you buy your cups? Thank you!
I order them from Amazon os sister
Sister koj cov steam layer cake 1 large tray yog li cas os how much?koj nyob qhov twg os
Hi sister koj mus saib kuv li facebook page os. Kuv lub npe yog NagFoodRecipe os.
Ntxhim Qab ua luaj 😮😮
Does this need to be refrigerated?
You can put it in refrigerator but dot not add the topping. You can add the coconut cream when you want to serve
Tss paub kj cov qe qav haig lug hmoob hu cas
Cov noob lawv ua nab vam noj na
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