0:01 generation 1: seems so fine! 0:18 generation 2: a little bit incidental. 0:36 generation 3: grey line up to the screen. 0:54 generation 4: it shakes at the start. 1:12 generation 5: a color spazzing out! 1:30 generation 6: the color is glitching! 1:48 generation 7: the color is gone! (Also the scroll is on 1:50.) 2:05 generation 8: the audio is worse! 2:23 generation 9: the shaking starts. 2:41 generation 10: it shakes so much!!! 2:59 generation 11: loud and worse! 3:17 generation 12: it shakes sooooo much!! 3:36 generation 13: unwatchable!!! 3:55 generation 14: waving progress. 4:15 generation 15: it scrolls up and down... 4:37 generation 16: so unwatchable!!! 4:57 generation 17: terrible! 5:20 generation 18: audio worseness: 160 5:42 generation 19: it's soooooooooooooooo worse!!! 6:06 generation 20: so close to static!!! 6:42 generation 21: VHS gave up.
Very accurate on the explanation! I really love how vibrant the colors are at the start and then they start to deteriorate along with the direct audio, leading to static!
Hmm so Recaptured Version huh? Im gonna do Generations Explained (I wont include audio cuz im scared the hell out of it) @bagdenisov2 Honorable mention: Generation 0 - Not in this video. Its basically the original video and the quality is really similar to DVD time to copy our way through! Generation 1 - 0:00 - Original. Seems Different Than Last time huh? Its a Recapture. At Least it looks better than the other video. It Seems Too Clear for VHS, hmm. Also, you can see some video glitching on very bottom. I Think that is normal for VHS. Good Generation. You can see some small shakes but its nothing to worry, as its completely normal for VHS. TIME TO DIVE INTO THE DEPTHS OF HELL! Generation 2 - 0:17 - Copy of Original. Oh, i see now! The Generation 2 Looks like Original from the last video! I Think VCR Was Changed, Same with recording device (it is). Well, Video Is Slightly Darker. Lines Are Thiccer and there is a Gray bar on top. Also, this whole video is edited and recorded much better! Generation 3 - 0:35 - Copy of Copy (You know the drill). I Can see some color glitches on top (Really hard to notice). Lines Suprisingly arent that visible on left bar. But On the characters, they are. Generation 4 - 0:53 - Damn, This Video was edited really good! Well... Color is Glitching on top more and i can see some static. Also Purple on the end of this generation cannot be seen. It was replaced by gray. You can also see some small shakes here and there Generation 5 - 1:11 - Suprisingly, this generation didnt have any color flashes! Really something i didnt expect. But well, Rather than giving me epilepsy, it gave me some B/W Time. Yes, First Generation to have completely B/W Frames, but not that noticible. Also, the colors are changing but atleast they dont give me epilepsy Generation 6 - 1:29 - I Dont know why but some generations last 17 sec and some 18 sec. Propably Editing fault. Anyways. This is mostly B/W Video with colors trying to come back. Also, Lines are thiccer! Finnaly! But still. Looks better than the last video with 1 mil views. Generation 7 - 1:47 - First Fully B/W Video. Okay, now i see where lines are thicc, THE RIGHT BAR. Video is shaking and even rooolin'. Not much to say here. Generation 8 - 2:04 - Video is really Shaky. Only Blind person wouldn't notice, cuz you know, He is Blind. Also Video Stopped Rolling! Yay. Generation 9 - 2:22 - Up until this point, text was readable. But now, Its hard to read it. You can see some Horizontal Interval blanking happen here. More Shackes, Lines thiccer. Generation 10 - 2:40 - First Generation To start distorting itself. Lines are so thicc, they start having multiple layers! Not much to say Generation 11 - 2:58 - The distorting is strenghtening and also more thick lines. I cannot anymore recognize what the text says. Generations 12-19 - 3:16 - 5:41 - Not much to say. Its just distorting more and more until its ruined Generation 20 - 6:04 - Rick's Great song is now ruined. Its Just Static. The video ends with blue screen that is the end
Changelog : 0:00 gen 1 looks a bit more clear. The video sharpening and the resolution. 0:18 gen 2’s audio is louder. It looks like regular vhs now 0:35 gen 3 the bitrate got a little crushed and color shifted when glitched. The bottom is now going batshit 0:54 gen 4 the bottom is now crushed. This is the first gen which is a little destroyed 1:11 gen 5 the sharpening and color is now being damaged very much. Surprised that the bottom got repaired 1:30 gen 6 almost everything is grayscale. Its very glitchy 1:48 gen 7 grayscale. First sign of video jumping and audio jumping 2:04 gen 8 is gen 7 but the video and audio jumping is way more frequent. Hang on tight bottom. 2:22 gen 9 is the rollercoaster that the video and audio and bottom is on. is starting buckle your seats. 2:40 gen 10 first drop. Quite okay. 2:58 gen 11. The first 360 roll!. The audio sounds pitched down 3:17 gen 12. Extreme drop! Was that fun? 3:36 gen 13. The visuals are cracked. You cant even get 5 seconds without a drop 3:54 gen 14. Cant have a break. We cant stop screaming!!! 4:15 gen 15. Were together forever with you now. The roller coaster is at its ending now!! Hang on tighter! 4:56 - 6:35. The rollercoaster ended!
@ Typically, degradation and aging are associated with each other. I mean, even the name “Generation Loss” indicates the passage of time, with a “Generation” being anywhere between 20-40 years. Sure, it’s about VHS tapes in this case, but I was talking about it representing an immortal human, and in humans a generation is 40 years, so… Tl;dr Aging and degradation are commonly associated together, and my point still stands
@@cloudtaker633 aging will cause degradation in varying amounts, and some people get older than others, meaning they had less degradation. If the brain still degrades, it will eventually fail, then you're not truly immortal, one organ failing will be considered dying of old age
@ I meant to say the mental state. I’m sorry, I think I was pulling from that one Marvel movie, what is it, The Eternals? Anyways I meant to say it was a degradation of sanity over time
@@cloudtaker633 ah yes, my bad then, that makes sense, you'd always be the only one left in that case, definitely would make someone at least apathetic
As someone who saw the original video, the results with the Samsung vcr compared with the Sony vcr on the last video, are very different. I mean on gen 7, we are already seeing a little bit of frame scrolling. Glad to see a updated version of one of my favorite vhs generation loss videos. :)
Vintage TV ------------------ 0:01 2000's Vintage Film 0:18 1990's Vintage Film 0:36 1980's Vintage Film 0:53 1970's Vintage Film Black and White TV ---------------------------------- 1:47 1960's Film 2:04 1950's Film 2:22 1940's Film 2:40 1930's Film First Television --------------------------- 2:57 1920's & 1910's Film First Camera ---------------------- 3:16 1900's Flim 3:36 1890's & 1880's Film
Gen 1: normal color Glitch on top (relly hard) Gen 2: copy of original sounds mono. Gen 3: 88% mono Gen 4: 96% mono Gen 5: color start to fail. Video starts shacking. Wtf 99.04% mono Gen 6: alomost no color. Gen 7: no color Gen 8: pitch DOWN Gen 9: 99.99% mono wtf Gen 10: 100% mono nooo Gen 11: video shack more. Gen 12: hard to show picture Gen 13: picture only visible in some frames Gen 14: just 93% stastic Gen 15: hmmm Gen 16: bad Gen 17: picture is almost gone Gen 18: stastic evreywrehe Gen 19: picture is gone Gen 20: last gen to have sound and picture Gen 21: youre been rickrolled (6:26)
Generation loss and distortion is really cool and nostalgic to me, even tho I barely knew the VHS era. I don't know how someone can find it creepy on its own..
I don’t find it creepy i just find it.. unsettling. You know what i mean? Like the noise is a mix of slow and really high pitched so it kinda makes it a little unsettling and only being able to hear only a bit of the song while all the static is happening for a while it then just sounds like a REALLY high pitched scream well to me atleast
@@BIBBLEISAICON the song devolving into noise like that in the later gens does make me a little uncomfortable, but more because it's just unpleasant to listen to, not necessarily being unsettling. the scream bit I don't get. you're sorta digging something out of nothing.
20 generations with a broken VCR is honestly really good. Even in 20th generation you can still make out _some_ of the music. That's good for a broken VCR!
Gen 1-2: Early stage 1 Gen 3-4: Late stage 1 (drifting into stage 2) Gen 5-6: Stage 2 Gen 7-8: Early stage 3 Gen 9: Awareness hits Gen 10: Processing awareness Gen 11-12: Late stage 3 Gen 13-16: Stage 4
0:00 1 Everything is fresh as fresh air 0:18 2 Vhs copy. 0:36 3 A grey bar shows up on top. And a black line on the bottom is shaking, the audio distorts a bit at the start. 0:54 4 The very first seconds the video was a bit upper and there is more grey lines, the video is also shaking a bit 1:11 5 The color starts to wack a bit, the audio is more louder compared to generation 2. 1:29 6 Everything is almost gray, there is a bit of flash blue rectangles. 1:47 7
gen 1- completely normal gen 2- slight change in pitch gen 3- slight loss in saturation at top. gen 4- lines. and some audio issues gen 5 - more lines and generation loss gen 6 - almost no saturation *past this point there will be no saturation* gen 7 - huge audio issues gen 8 - 2:56 audio issues, scan waves start appearing, and jittering 3:31 - 3:36 completely unviewable, and the glitches get WAY crazier 4:18 OH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING 4:44 - gen 20: glitches and audio gets WAY worse, (gen 20: video is now just noise and scanwaves)
You know, at the risk of sounding stupid, i never understood how some VHS generation loss things have their audio only get worse quality, when for some other ones it gets super distorted AND low quality. I'm not trying to be offensive or trying to send hate, I'm genuinely curious.
It's connected to the techniques of copying. Some VCRs have settings that help the video speed remain in sync with the tape movement and others let it fluctuate - as seen here. I'm not an expert but this is more or less how it works.
Ну типо классно, сначала у нас Together FoAGHAGHer, потом на 1:50 never to pãåāàáäârt. Хотя и тут присутствует наш любимый foAGHAGHer, и ещё, я смотрю с телефона и не могу понять, это моно, или стерео?
Gen 1: Original Gen 2: Sounds slightly larger Gen 3: Sounds no longer stereo and some static Gen 4: More static Gen 5: Color starts choking Gen 6: Only color on occasional burst Gen 7: No color Gen 8: Even more static Gen 9: Sounds occasionally inconsistent Gen 10: Pitch goes wrong and even more static Gen 11: Pitch a bit lower Gen 12: Picture starts to struggle and sounds more inconsistent Gen 13: Picture starts to fail and sounds even more inconsistent Gen 14: More static and sound are going to fail Gen 15: Picture struggling and sound also struggling Gen 16: Sound almost gone and only pictures sometimes Gen 17: Only pictures occasionally and sounds almost slowed down Gen 18: Sound only on occasional burst and pictures rarely shows up Gen 19: Almost dead sound with pictures barely showing up Gen 20: Picture only shows up 4 times and the rest is static with some sounds
Voice Gen 1:sereteo Gen 2 :mono Gen 3 :together forEAUver Gen 7 :and never to paàâæáäãåāªrt Gen 18 :cats Gen 20:and never to pAAAAAAAAArt Gen 21: static (6:26)
1st generation: Very good, perhaps new VHS condition. 2nd: Good VHS condition, minimal wear and tear. 3rd: OK VHS condition, some wear and tear from age 4th: Worn out but still watchable VHS condition. 5th: Worn out condition. 6th: Very worn condition. 7th: Severely worn condition. 8th: Super worn out condition. 9th: Almost unwatchable. 10th and after: Unwatchable
you should make this video publlic!! i'm sure more people will watch this
what i was thinking
There is a public version, made with a cheap Easycap USB capture device. This one is better, though. @@hereinmyroom
Cat getting squeezed from 13th generation 😢
@@geertjalink you already commented that why do you need to reply to me ffs
@@rymaix 2 versions of this video exist, you didn't realize that
4:13 I just noticed this: the 15th generation starts with Rick's phone call scene before the well-known part
ur right! i can see the phone!
1:50 and never to paAÄÅàáâãäRT-
Seems like the heads momentarily lost tracking there
I like flicking between 0:37 and 1:50
6:29 Rick was trying so hard to continue but VCR said no 😭
Yeah rick is really never give up
This is like a visual way of showing how dementia works
Generation 20 6:05 sounds like fighting cats at night
Real audio of my black cat yelling at 12 AM
Memory of something that happened when I was 10: 0:53
Memory of everything i did 10 days ago: 3:55
So True
You have something called dementia.
Go to a doctor
0:01 generation 1: seems so fine!
0:18 generation 2: a little bit incidental.
0:36 generation 3: grey line up to the screen.
0:54 generation 4: it shakes at the start.
1:12 generation 5: a color spazzing out!
1:30 generation 6: the color is glitching!
1:48 generation 7: the color is gone! (Also the scroll is on 1:50.)
2:05 generation 8: the audio is worse!
2:23 generation 9: the shaking starts.
2:41 generation 10: it shakes so much!!!
2:59 generation 11: loud and worse!
3:17 generation 12: it shakes sooooo much!!
3:36 generation 13: unwatchable!!!
3:55 generation 14: waving progress.
4:15 generation 15: it scrolls up and down...
4:37 generation 16: so unwatchable!!!
4:57 generation 17: terrible!
5:20 generation 18: audio worseness: 160
5:42 generation 19: it's soooooooooooooooo worse!!!
6:06 generation 20: so close to static!!!
6:42 generation 21: VHS gave up.
By VHS I mean VCR
Very accurate on the explanation! I really love how vibrant the colors are at the start and then they start to deteriorate along with the direct audio, leading to static!
Gen 21 start in 6:30
@@AliMohamed-bo9mm nahhh that’s the end…
@@Orin_incoming_907bro gen 13 its still watchable
This is what my nightmares look like
Sleep while facing right, problem solved
Finding the love of your life and staying together forever with them?
Definitely nightmare fuel.
Generations 1-10: 😊
Generations 11-20: 😵💫
Great job, dear sir!
generation 21: "stage 6 is without description"
Hmm so Recaptured Version huh? Im gonna do Generations Explained (I wont include audio cuz im scared the hell out of it)
Honorable mention:
Generation 0 - Not in this video. Its basically the original video and the quality is really similar to DVD
time to copy our way through!
Generation 1 - 0:00 - Original. Seems Different Than Last time huh? Its a Recapture. At Least it looks better than the other video. It Seems Too Clear for VHS, hmm. Also, you can see some video glitching on very bottom. I Think that is normal for VHS. Good Generation. You can see some small shakes but its nothing to worry, as its completely normal for VHS. TIME TO DIVE INTO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!
Generation 2 - 0:17 - Copy of Original. Oh, i see now! The Generation 2 Looks like Original from the last video! I Think VCR Was Changed, Same with recording device (it is). Well, Video Is Slightly Darker. Lines Are Thiccer and there is a Gray bar on top. Also, this whole video is edited and recorded much better!
Generation 3 - 0:35 - Copy of Copy (You know the drill). I Can see some color glitches on top (Really hard to notice). Lines Suprisingly arent that visible on left bar. But On the characters, they are.
Generation 4 - 0:53 - Damn, This Video was edited really good! Well... Color is Glitching on top more and i can see some static. Also Purple on the end of this generation cannot be seen. It was replaced by gray. You can also see some small shakes here and there
Generation 5 - 1:11 - Suprisingly, this generation didnt have any color flashes! Really something i didnt expect. But well, Rather than giving me epilepsy, it gave me some B/W Time. Yes, First Generation to have completely B/W Frames, but not that noticible. Also, the colors are changing but atleast they dont give me epilepsy
Generation 6 - 1:29 - I Dont know why but some generations last 17 sec and some 18 sec. Propably Editing fault. Anyways. This is mostly B/W Video with colors trying to come back. Also, Lines are thiccer! Finnaly! But still. Looks better than the last video with 1 mil views.
Generation 7 - 1:47 - First Fully B/W Video. Okay, now i see where lines are thicc, THE RIGHT BAR. Video is shaking and even rooolin'. Not much to say here.
Generation 8 - 2:04 - Video is really Shaky. Only Blind person wouldn't notice, cuz you know, He is Blind. Also Video Stopped Rolling! Yay.
Generation 9 - 2:22 - Up until this point, text was readable. But now, Its hard to read it. You can see some Horizontal Interval blanking happen here. More Shackes, Lines thiccer.
Generation 10 - 2:40 - First Generation To start distorting itself. Lines are so thicc, they start having multiple layers!
Not much to say
Generation 11 - 2:58 - The distorting is strenghtening and also more thick lines. I cannot anymore recognize what the text says.
Generations 12-19 - 3:16 - 5:41 - Not much to say. Its just distorting more and more until its ruined
Generation 20 - 6:04 - Rick's Great song is now ruined. Its Just Static. The video ends with blue screen
that is the end
6:26: gen 21
5:23 *meow meowww meowwWWWWWWwwW*
1:50 bro is an elevator
Changelog :
0:00 gen 1 looks a bit more clear. The video sharpening and the resolution.
0:18 gen 2’s audio is louder. It looks like regular vhs now
0:35 gen 3 the bitrate got a little crushed and color shifted when glitched. The bottom is now going batshit
0:54 gen 4 the bottom is now crushed. This is the first gen which is a little destroyed
1:11 gen 5 the sharpening and color is now being damaged very much. Surprised that the bottom got repaired
1:30 gen 6 almost everything is grayscale. Its very glitchy
1:48 gen 7 grayscale. First sign of video jumping and audio jumping
2:04 gen 8 is gen 7 but the video and audio jumping is way more frequent. Hang on tight bottom.
2:22 gen 9 is the rollercoaster that the video and audio and bottom is on. is starting buckle your seats.
2:40 gen 10 first drop. Quite okay.
2:58 gen 11. The first 360 roll!. The audio sounds pitched down
3:17 gen 12. Extreme drop! Was that fun?
3:36 gen 13. The visuals are cracked. You cant even get 5 seconds without a drop
3:54 gen 14. Cant have a break. We cant stop screaming!!!
4:15 gen 15. Were together forever with you now. The roller coaster is at its ending now!! Hang on tighter!
4:56 - 6:35. The rollercoaster ended!
0:36 This Video Is Similar To 80s
This song is from the 80s. First quality version is ALSO from the 80s
Still makes me think of the downsides of being immortal and never aging. The mental part of it at least.
There's a difference between degradation and aging, you can even see it here, this is not aging, just degradation
@ Typically, degradation and aging are associated with each other. I mean, even the name “Generation Loss” indicates the passage of time, with a “Generation” being anywhere between 20-40 years. Sure, it’s about VHS tapes in this case, but I was talking about it representing an immortal human, and in humans a generation is 40 years, so…
Tl;dr Aging and degradation are commonly associated together, and my point still stands
@@cloudtaker633 aging will cause degradation in varying amounts, and some people get older than others, meaning they had less degradation. If the brain still degrades, it will eventually fail, then you're not truly immortal, one organ failing will be considered dying of old age
@ I meant to say the mental state. I’m sorry, I think I was pulling from that one Marvel movie, what is it, The Eternals? Anyways I meant to say it was a degradation of sanity over time
@@cloudtaker633 ah yes, my bad then, that makes sense, you'd always be the only one left in that case, definitely would make someone at least apathetic
0:01 1990 tv
0:17 1980 tv
0:35 1970 tv
1:47 1960 tv
2:05 1950 tv
2:22 1940 tv
2:40 1930 tv
2:57 1920 tv show
3:16 1910 tv show
3:35 1900 tv show
3:54 1890 tv show
4:14 1880 cinema
4:35 1870 cinema
4:56 1860 camera
5:20 1850 camera
5:41 1840 camera
6:04 1830 camera
6:26 first camera
At the 1800s they had good cameras exept they were black and white
i think you have a poor understanding of the evolution of video
@@urmom-xi2ftyeah lol
"Together Forever and Forever..." - Rick Astley, 1997.
As someone who saw the original video, the results with the Samsung vcr compared with the Sony vcr on the last video, are very different. I mean on gen 7, we are already seeing a little bit of frame scrolling. Glad to see a updated version of one of my favorite vhs generation loss videos. :)
Which VCR do you think is better?
@@MapixAgeOfHistory The Samsung VCR mainly because of how well it keeps the video signal up until gen 14-15.
@@devilfox1987nah the easycap made it worse and the lg vcr played back the tapes
Vintage TV
0:01 2000's Vintage Film
0:18 1990's Vintage Film
0:36 1980's Vintage Film
0:53 1970's Vintage Film
Black and White TV
1:47 1960's Film
2:04 1950's Film
2:22 1940's Film
2:40 1930's Film
First Television
2:57 1920's & 1910's Film
First Camera
3:16 1900's Flim
3:36 1890's & 1880's Film
Fr but i think that 2000’s can continue through this age and time, just without being vintage.
6:05 1450's Film
6:26 1440's Film
Gen 1: normal color Glitch on top (relly hard)
Gen 2: copy of original sounds mono.
Gen 3: 88% mono
Gen 4: 96% mono
Gen 5: color start to fail. Video starts shacking. Wtf 99.04% mono
Gen 6: alomost no color.
Gen 7: no color
Gen 8: pitch DOWN
Gen 9: 99.99% mono wtf
Gen 10: 100% mono nooo
Gen 11: video shack more.
Gen 12: hard to show picture
Gen 13: picture only visible in some frames
Gen 14: just 93% stastic
Gen 15: hmmm
Gen 16: bad
Gen 17: picture is almost gone
Gen 18: stastic evreywrehe
Gen 19: picture is gone
Gen 20: last gen to have sound and picture
Gen 21: youre been rickrolled (6:26)
Generation loss and distortion is really cool and nostalgic to me, even tho I barely knew the VHS era. I don't know how someone can find it creepy on its own..
I don’t find it creepy i just find it.. unsettling. You know what i mean? Like the noise is a mix of slow and really high pitched so it kinda makes it a little unsettling and only being able to hear only a bit of the song while all the static is happening for a while it then just sounds like a REALLY high pitched scream well to me atleast
@@BIBBLEISAICON the song devolving into noise like that in the later gens does make me a little uncomfortable, but more because it's just unpleasant to listen to, not necessarily being unsettling.
the scream bit I don't get. you're sorta digging something out of nothing.
To be fair gen 11 is still entirely watchable just black and white
Nah it’s not
at BEST, gen 10 is the last generation you could still comfortably watch
Gen 7 is too
@@squidduor gen 13
3:16 who needs macrovision when you can ship 12th generation copies at retail
20 generations with a broken VCR is honestly really good. Even in 20th generation you can still make out _some_ of the music. That's good for a broken VCR!
여기서도 고양이가 앙칼지게 울면서 싸우는 소리가 들려온다...
영상의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본의 복사본 (아날로그 버전)
Gen 1-2: Early stage 1
Gen 3-4: Late stage 1 (drifting into stage 2)
Gen 5-6: Stage 2
Gen 7-8: Early stage 3
Gen 9: Awareness hits
Gen 10: Processing awareness
Gen 11-12: Late stage 3
Gen 13-16: Stage 4
0:00 1
Everything is fresh as fresh air
0:18 2
Vhs copy.
0:36 3
A grey bar shows up on top. And a black line on the bottom is shaking, the audio distorts a bit at the start.
0:54 4
The very first seconds the video was a bit upper and there is more grey lines, the video is also shaking a bit
1:11 5
The color starts to wack a bit, the audio is more louder compared to generation 2.
1:29 6
Everything is almost gray, there is a bit of flash blue rectangles.
1:47 7
Я только вчера смотрел это видео несколько раз!! Спасибо!❤
gen 1- completely normal
gen 2- slight change in pitch
gen 3- slight loss in saturation at top.
gen 4- lines. and some audio issues
gen 5 - more lines and generation loss
gen 6 - almost no saturation
*past this point there will be no saturation*
gen 7 - huge audio issues
gen 8 - 2:56 audio issues, scan waves start appearing, and jittering
3:31 - 3:36 completely unviewable, and the glitches get WAY crazier
4:44 - gen 20: glitches and audio gets WAY worse, (gen 20: video is now just noise and scanwaves)
nice recapture
Alternative title: "rick Astley but together forever degraded with VHS generation loss"
Things seemed to go to shit here even faster than in the first one lol
angas yan Samsung, kita ko pa rin yung picture kahit sa 20th generation, unlike noong last na wala na yung picture around 14th generation
why does it loss color?
the sequel we all wanted
The Forevero Togetherloo: II
its slowly distorting itself until its all unintelligible noise
What is that Line at the bottom in 1th gen until gen 3
Some random glitchy frame
The sequel!
bro this is scarier than horror movies
I watch these videos at night in the pitch dark
5th gen: time to clean the heads
10th gen: time to replace the heads
15th gen: time to throw away the tapes
20th gen: time to throw away the VCR
You know, at the risk of sounding stupid, i never understood how some VHS generation loss things have their audio only get worse quality, when for some other ones it gets super distorted AND low quality. I'm not trying to be offensive or trying to send hate, I'm genuinely curious.
It's connected to the techniques of copying. Some VCRs have settings that help the video speed remain in sync with the tape movement and others let it fluctuate - as seen here. I'm not an expert but this is more or less how it works.
@@Cp-71 ahh, I see. Thanks for telling me!
Ну типо классно, сначала у нас Together FoAGHAGHer, потом на 1:50 never to pãåāàáäârt. Хотя и тут присутствует наш любимый foAGHAGHer, и ещё, я смотрю с телефона и не могу понять, это моно, или стерео?
Gen 1: Original
Gen 2: Sounds slightly larger
Gen 3: Sounds no longer stereo and some static
Gen 4: More static
Gen 5: Color starts choking
Gen 6: Only color on occasional burst
Gen 7: No color
Gen 8: Even more static
Gen 9: Sounds occasionally inconsistent
Gen 10: Pitch goes wrong and even more static
Gen 11: Pitch a bit lower
Gen 12: Picture starts to struggle and sounds more inconsistent
Gen 13: Picture starts to fail and sounds even more inconsistent
Gen 14: More static and sound are going to fail
Gen 15: Picture struggling and sound also struggling
Gen 16: Sound almost gone and only pictures sometimes
Gen 17: Only pictures occasionally and sounds almost slowed down
Gen 18: Sound only on occasional burst and pictures rarely shows up
Gen 19: Almost dead sound with pictures barely showing up
Gen 20: Picture only shows up 4 times and the rest is static with some sounds
Gen 1:sereteo
Gen 2 :mono
Gen 3 :together forEAUver
Gen 7 :and never to paàâæáäãåāªrt
Gen 18 :cats
Gen 20:and never to pAAAAAAAAArt
Gen 21: static (6:26)
This looks better in its original 50 fps form.
I like 📼 VHS TAPES
Generation 4-5 looks like its from a local public tv station in the late 80’s
This is getting it into snow static!
From generation 13 it's like a cat being squeezed 😮
at 20 it's like a rabid cat having violent sex with a leaf blower
By 'No Hi-Fi, that VCR is broken...' did you mean the one in the other video? I can't comprehend
@@bagdenisov2 OMG hii i didnt expect you to reply
@@bagdenisov2 Also I was inspired by you so I tried to make my own (this is on my alt account tho)
0:00 Sube el Volumen! 😁👍
6:03 Baja el Volumen! 😵💫👎
Why is the audio blurry
Edit: this version is BURNNN
another vcr
@@bagdenisov2 ok got it
"together for eEEEVer" -rick astley
Generation 8 and next, are like Apollo XIII
Reminds me of Everywhere At The End Of Time.
Rick Astley: Analog Terror.
0:00: how i remember something interesting
How I remember geography lessons:4:57
Flick between 0:37 and 1:50
Looks like bro got a better VCR
Doest 1st generation mean already ripped from one VHS to another, or is this the VHS "master" (not ripped from another VHS?
VHS Master
@AliMohamed-bo9mm Ah ok, thanks!
No cc? Why?😢
So pretty much the foundation of analog horror? Gotcha.
This actually made my phone lag
We got together forevered twice 😭
Thats better 😌😊
Hey how much time did u copy tape from one vcr to another to get generation 11 loss
it would take about 10 or 20 minutes
1st generation: Very good, perhaps new VHS condition.
2nd: Good VHS condition, minimal wear and tear.
3rd: OK VHS condition, some wear and tear from age
4th: Worn out but still watchable VHS condition.
5th: Worn out condition.
6th: Very worn condition.
7th: Severely worn condition.
8th: Super worn out condition.
9th: Almost unwatchable.
10th and after: Unwatchable
Rick tape roll !
I LOVE the part that says :aaæRKKlabāaĄÆ AR ĀĀÆÆÆQWUWAU
Gen 16 is . . . Creepy 🙈
It reminds me of furbies 😳
I think I just got rick rolled 😂😂😂😂😂😂
No you didn't
Together forEIĚÆver
Is the first generation from the original cassette or the first copy?
i think orignal copy
Привет ты русский?
You want to see what our government looks like? Watch this. 😂
I think I just got rick rolled 😂 and what causes this?