If you see Oppression of the poor

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 KJV
    [8] If you see oppression of the poor and perversion of law and justice in the province, do not marvel at it; because a higher one watches over the high one, and a higher one is over them. [9] Furthermore, the benefit of the land is for everyone; the king himself is subject to the fields. [10] He who loves money, he will not be satisfied with money; and he who loves to have much, he will not bear fruit. This too is vanity. [11] When goods increase, those who consume them also increase. What good, then, will their owner have, but to see them with his eyes? [12] Sweet is the dream of the worker, eat much, eat little; But abundance does not let the rich man sleep. [13] There is a grievous evil that I have seen under the sun: riches kept by their owners for their evil; [14] who are lost in evil pursuits, and nothing is left in their hands to the children they have fathered. [15] As he came out of his mother's womb naked, so he returns, leaving just as he came; and has nothing of his work to carry in his hand. [16] This is also a great evil, that as it came, so it shall return. And what did it profit him to work in vain? [17] Besides this, all the days of his life he will eat in darkness, with much toil and pain and misery. [18] Here then is the good that I have seen: that what is good is to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all the work with which he toils under the sun, all the days of his life that God has given him. given; because this is the part of it. [19] Likewise, to every man to whom God gives riches and goods, and also gives him the power to eat of them, and take his share, and enjoy his work, this is the gift of God. [20] For he will not remember much of the days of his life; because God will fill your heart with joy.

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