We have the files inside a directory that is inside a container. Simply there are some files stored in container > directory1>directory2> list of files. Now how to download the files. As download blob gives an option to only download a particular file. We need list of files to be downloaded
Hello Sanjeev, java 17 doesn't support the connector "azure storage" anymore; How can i fix this problem?
How to write MUnits for Azure connectors
Good but little Confusion in Storage integration. May be unaware of the MuleSoft tool. Is it Microsoft provided integratio n tool ????
Azure Storage is cloud service from Microsoft.
How to count the number of downloads performed on a blobstorage file?
How to download the blobs from specific directory. Instead of listing the blobs from all the directories
You can try "Download file" operation which takes directory parameter as well.
We have the files inside a directory that is inside a container.
Simply there are some files stored in container > directory1>directory2> list of files.
Now how to download the files.
As download blob gives an option to only download a particular file. We need list of files to be downloaded