The portal shows the Hollow Earth, the fictional realm of the monsters within the Monsterverse. The "capsule" is literally just Godzilla falling from the sky, the glow around him is in reference to him falling into the Hollow Earth like he did in the movie.
if your wondering no godzilla wont release on the 14th hes gonna release on the 17th BUT we could get his cosmetics leaked on the 14th so only one way to find out. (called it)
Storyline returning maybe of the zero point!? We haven’t seen a rift portal like that since the foundation sealed him self in the spire and Jones leaving the imagined order! Edit I said this before you brought it up in the video because I paused it but I’m literally freaking out this is so cool wait maybe the zero point is destabilizing again because there are zero point fragments being talked about in the storyline and hope is looking for them and we haven’t seen these portals since the zero point was destabilizing and blooming in chapter 2 season 6 opening event when you first booted up the game! This is so crazy!?
Im glad Godzilla got that throat infection fixed
The portal shows the Hollow Earth, the fictional realm of the monsters within the Monsterverse. The "capsule" is literally just Godzilla falling from the sky, the glow around him is in reference to him falling into the Hollow Earth like he did in the movie.
Thanks for the explanation
0:32 chapter 4 starwars collab (forgot the season)
That with the instruments is sooo huge for me im gonna love it
if your wondering no godzilla wont release on the 14th hes gonna release on the 17th BUT we could get his cosmetics leaked on the 14th so only one way to find out. (called it)
leaked?? brother look at the bp
He means his second style and other cosmetics
@ that was actully what i was talking about thx for letting him know btw
thanks for correcting me
Storyline returning maybe of the zero point!? We haven’t seen a rift portal like that since the foundation sealed him self in the spire and Jones leaving the imagined order! Edit I said this before you brought it up in the video because I paused it but I’m literally freaking out this is so cool wait maybe the zero point is destabilizing again because there are zero point fragments being talked about in the storyline and hope is looking for them and we haven’t seen these portals since the zero point was destabilizing and blooming in chapter 2 season 6 opening event when you first booted up the game! This is so crazy!?
I barely watch godzila and I've barely ever hered about Hatsune miku but I'm actually kinda exited about this update.
Finally some news about Godzilla ❤❤❤
Seaport city better not get destroyed 😓
Keep doing what you’re doing bro. 😄
Thanks 🙏
Bye bye to Godzilla’s bronchitis
Now this. Is hype.