If someone actually used communication skills none of this would be happening "Credo, we're not enemies" "Kyrie, he attacked me out of nowhere how was I supposed to react" "Agnus, you reaaaally don't want to fight me"
G Fry. A few helpful tips to improve your already impressive performance. In Nero's Echidna fight, you can use the Devil Bringer's Buster attack on both her vulnerable 'seed planting' thingy, and on her face when she charges you in phase two of the fight. Against the first Savior fight (with Nero), if you use the Buster attack on the Savior's punch, it will pop 'His Holiness' out of the statue and in a vulnerable state. No need to keep chasing him down in the second phase of that fight.
@@ChaoticKey29912 i think by little he means we are playing same levels as nero and Dante. ik dante has a different mission which isnt neros mission in reversed
Does Vergil get Cutscenes like this? I just got it today and started with his story mode. He's cool, but it feels so lonely without other characters to talk to.
Well you could say the central focus is Nero, but halfway through the game you play as Dante for a few missions and see a little bit from his perspective.
To be honest i didin´t liked nero at first but i came to like him later i think is because of dante not being the protagonist at first but when we start to play as him i didn´t disliked him anymore i would love to see him as dante sidekick if Dmc 5 ever came out (Really That emo douchebag dante did not worked for me at all)
Love the way Vergil says Devil May Cry
Nero humiliates every boss. Dante turns every boss into an SNL skit.
Vergil turns them into regular DMD demons
The Credo fight has to be one of the best in the entire series. ^^
I always had such a good time playing it over and over again.
ReyaitheShadowWolf Hit and Dodge
Itsuno-san said it's his all-time favorite fight in the series as well :)
@@kahfitrasna4487 It truly is the Vergil/Nelo Angelo boss fight of DMC4
I love dante's character
I never realised that Dante only wounded the human knights while only killing the demon ones
1:46:18 Dante is reading a magazine about Devil may cry 4 ?
Hero XV not right now kid
1:09:37-1:11:40 that was quite the show
i agree very entertining
Dude you rock on DMC4 really!
Look up a donguri990 DMC4 video
Jonathan Thompson fam he won’t be able to keep up don’t tell him to look it up xD
This man cant even style switch and switch weapons properly
dante's fightings was awesome!
I love Dante.
If someone actually used communication skills none of this would be happening
"Credo, we're not enemies"
"Kyrie, he attacked me out of nowhere how was I supposed to react"
"Agnus, you reaaaally don't want to fight me"
lol he formed a heart and then broken heart lol i love that part the cutscene
2:41 (screenshot) wallpaper confirmed
39:34 Same scene from vergil boss fight 1 except dante didnt get stabbed
I got so annoyed by "His Holiness" because he keeps doing this:
*"Behold the power of the Savior!"*
*"Do it Now!"*
You can buster the savior's arm and his holiness will fall out
@@TheMinekBolt lol
G Fry. A few helpful tips to improve your already impressive performance.
In Nero's Echidna fight, you can use the Devil Bringer's Buster attack on both her vulnerable 'seed planting' thingy, and on her face when she charges you in phase two of the fight.
Against the first Savior fight (with Nero), if you use the Buster attack on the Savior's punch, it will pop 'His Holiness' out of the statue and in a vulnerable state. No need to keep chasing him down in the second phase of that fight.
Nero looked speeded up compared to the bosses.
i know right
Holly Denvers because hes the flash
Nero for marvel vs capcom infinite
Sky ark Knight yes
unfortunately we got Spencer
Didnt happen...
Nero is listening to his own theme at the very beginning. So meta.
Hey I just notice something Dante carries the weapons he get within the game in the fight with Nero
Thanks for the like but comment at me if you noticed.
@@VileVeilt i noticed. It makes sense because at this point both Nero and Dante have fought the same bosses but in reversed order.
@@brimstoneclub that's the best thing about devil May cry games attention to DETAIL!!!(like Nero gliding with the rocket hand in dmc5)!!!
@@VileVeilt i didn't catch that, I suck lol
lol well done dante that was brilient with that taunt I approve. :D
We know you needed the sword Nero. Dante also need that.
i love this game but it has too little missions
Dmc1 had 23
Dmc2 ? (Never beat it too 💩)
Dmc3 20
Dmc4 20
@@ChaoticKey29912 i think by little he means we are playing same levels as nero and Dante. ik dante has a different mission which isnt neros mission in reversed
Love this game :D
Nero is too emotional
Does Vergil get Cutscenes like this? I just got it today and started with his story mode. He's cool, but it feels so lonely without other characters to talk to.
i dont think he knows about the whole buster the savior when sanctus goes in
did Nero and Dante has connections?
Nero is the reborn of Vergil, that is why he can use Yamato
Nero is Dante's nephew.
Dante is Nero's uncle
Dante and Nero are related
Nero is Vergil's son, so Dante is his uncle.
Very nice
how big is Berial from horns to tail?
what I find weird is the first boss is the charecter you played as in all the others
If "lady" is there, and trish is there, where's Lucia??
gksora dmc 4 is set before dmc 2
@@xeonoct1992 nope
is Nero the main character of this game or Dante?
Well you could say the central focus is Nero, but halfway through the game you play as Dante for a few missions and see a little bit from his perspective.
both of them
nero is
ElementGuns12 Nero is because Dante let's him be lol
did you mod the game
What is the password Trish mentions anyways?
Anyone agreee that the White haired dante looks cooler than da black haired dante
To be honest i didin´t liked nero at first but i came to like him later
i think is because of dante not being the protagonist at first but when we start to play as him i didn´t disliked him anymore i would love to see him as dante sidekick if Dmc 5 ever came out
(Really That emo douchebag dante did not worked for me at all)
Joshua Belmont Reese it came outttt
DMC is my Favorite game
dante is the father nero?
Vergil is
nope but he is the uncle of nero
et pour celui qui fais le jeu une premiere fois commet il sait comment les battre ? c'est n'imp' ....
sorry but i m not facebook
what .....
+Giovanci Bravo You tried so hard you fucking loser xD
oh oh, easy ....
sound llow
aren't Nero and Dante brother or not I play dvc 2,3
not bad but seen better player at dmc4
mod quần áo của nero
The dialogue is pretty awful.