Oh man, that was such a peak stream. You worked so hard during this Minecraft arc and it was really awesome to see so many holomembers use all the stuff you built. There was so many fun interactions too. Your adventures with Hajime were so much fun to watch and I love your chemistry together. You are an MVP for sure. I hope you can rest well, you seriously deserve it.
Honestly, it's during streams like this where we can see the best of Ela. Despite the language barrier, she still helped Hajime in the nether, and was very worth it. Thanks for the stream, Ela! Enjoy your rest!
*===== MINECRAFT HARDCORE: HOLOSERVER #5 TIMESTAMP =====* *=== SPECIAL TIMESTAMP ===* *[ SC/SB DONO READING ] 1:11:23 Tomorrow and Today SC, she probably read it at next donation reading *[ TOMORROW SCHEDULE ]* 1:17:19 Cannot play long tonight bcs wanna go touchgrass tomorrow *[ KAELA SOLO HARDCORE RUN SCHEDULE ]* 3:27:20 Kaela solo hardcore run will be on June *== [ INTERACTION WITH HAJIMYE ] ==* *[ MEET WITH HAJIMYE ]* 20:43 Hajimyeeee amaze with kaela's netherite armor 21:14 Hajimye said Kaela strong, Kaela said Hajimye strong 22:22 Hajimye and kaela learn about color now 23:47 Now Kanade join between Kaela and Hajimye conversation 23:59 Hajimye why you diamond?? (after seeing Kanade wearing netherite) 24:33 Kaela remove her armor 25:13 Now both Hajimye and Kaela confused what they said 25:59 We win, don't die. We togheter no die 26:33 Asking who join wither from ReGloss 27:28 Kaela don't know what's going on, so she's practicing her strategy instead 27:39 Kaela practicing her run *[ NETHER JOURNEY WITH HAJIMYE ]* 1:43:21 Meet with Hajimye 1:43:53 Hajimye asked Kaela to go to nether together 1:45:03 Change of plan, nether adventure with Hajimye 1:45:36 Kaela said to give Hajimye some luck, because Kaela can't stay that much, she's dying (social energy depleted) 1:46:12 Hajime said she only one fire potion. K : Not enoough~ 1:47:31 Hajimye said she got many trash. Kaela said to throw 1:47:55 Excited moment littering around 1:48:33 Kaela told Hajimye to take all the fire potion 1:50:46 WOAHH WOAAHHH! YABAI HAJIMYE YABAI! ABUNAI! (Hajimye almost fall) 1:51:29 Kaela teach Hajimye what is chotto matte in eigo 1:54:24 Kaela told Hajimye that nether no water 1:55:43 Hajime and ela calls each other "perfect human" 1:56:22 Ela inform hajimye in nether there's no need for torch 1:57:44 Hajimye praise ela "very cool" 1:58:20 They find magma instead of netherite and decided to go back 1:59:08 Told Hajimye to drink fire potion and follow Kaela 1:59:51 Poich poich yeah! (Kaela told Hajimye to keep talking 2:00:08 They cheer as they reached the other side 2:01:03 Hajime excited & happy swimming in "orange juice" 2:01:47 They found a single ancient debris and almost destroyed it instead 2:02:18 Kaela give Hajimye her diamond pickaxe and told to take the netherite 2:03:00 Hajime got it after cleaning her inventory 2:04:22 Kaela ask how many Hajimye need for netherite 2:05:28 Netheriiite~~ 2:05:40 Hajimye gives back diamond pick 2:05:56 Now found more netherite 2:08:48 They found another one 2:09:13 Almost died, but their calmness saved them this time 2:09:51 Humming happily while swimming trough lava 2:10:21 Ela ask about their loot, they got 4 netherite debris 2:10:39 Moona suddenly died(accidentally killed herself by lava), they both mourn 2:11:14 Hajime sad :( 2:11:55 Swim trough another lava, hajime: "I'm swimmer :D" 2:12:45 They found another singular netherite 2:13:26 Hajime want to help 2:14:01 Ela redirect hajime to dig somewhere else 2:15:04 Ela told hajimye to run if she sees magma 2:15:47 Kanade wants to search netherite with Kaela too 2:16:22 They consider returning and pick up kanade 2:16:58 Hajime suddenly in silence.. 2:17:39 Ela wonder if she's being donowalled 2:18:28 Hajimye voice returned 2:18:58 Kanade douchiyou?? 2:19:29 Kaela informs that kanade is going with anya instead 2:21:10 They brief each other about potion stocks 2:21:38 Found another netherite debris 2:22:15 They found lava, ela barely managed to tell hajime to drink potion before disconnect 2:23:28 Ela ask LC japanese for above to direct hajime to netherite debris 2:24:17 Ela asks hajime about potion stacks again, H: "2!" (she actually has 4) 2:24:38 Swim trough another orange juice non nom nom nom 2:25:33 Both yapping slang words; coming soon! verygood! ezpz! 2:26:22 Nether not scary, nether fun 2:26:37 Found a debris, they checked around and found another one 2:27:24 Hajimye praise ela's eyes very good 2:27:41 Swim trough lava again "nyam nyam nyam" 2:28:22 This one lava is taking so long 2:28:36 Ela: "dont die, we strong! together we strong!" 2:29:26 They go around the very difficult lava 2:30:27 Ask about potion again, somehow hajime's increased to 3 2:30:53 Another lava, hajime: "runaway babyeh!" 2:31:58 They didn't find any netherite and starts calling out for it 2:33:08 Hajime informs she has 9 netherite 2:33:36 They unable to go around a lava, so they swim again with their potions 2:34:27 Both cheered managed to get 10 netherite "sugeee!!" 2:35:04 Ela told hajimye to flex on regloss after this, H: OF COURSE! 2:36:13 Found 2 more netherite debris. Happy happy~ 2:37:09 Ela teaching hajimye indoensian; Smalat pagya & Terima kacya 2:38:22 Found 3 netherite debris and almost lost it to lava 2:38:51 Now Hajimye got 15 netherite 2:39:34 Decided to return as they realisez have enough 2:39:57 Brutal miscommunication, ela tries to borrow back pickaxe, hajimye thought ela have a give for her 2:40:47 Time to go back overworld 2:41:08 Hajimye don't have hear armor. K: HAIYA HAJIMYE WHY NO HAVE! 2:41:39 Now they're finding way back by swimming upwards trough lava 2:44:53 Found the way home 2:47:21 Cliff danger, they very carefuly managed to find their way down towards portal 2:48:52 Lets go, they got back! they both cheer happily *==[ WITHER FIGHT TIME ]==* 28:07 YABBBEEE! Here? All of this court room gonna be broken (Pekora summon wither near them) 28:38 What is going on ( Suddenly Chaos once Wither Attack Them ) 28:59 It's done? YEAHHHHH! 29:51 Poor wither. Wither so sad 30:04 Ada moonya!Moonya said she just joined, but wither raid already end (she got lost) *[ FIGHTING 3 WITHER ]* 31:04 Peko asking if it's still not enough 31:40 Pekora suggesting for 3 wither since it was easy 32:00 Kiwawa said they need to find the wither themselves and protect the city 32:53 Lets Goooo wuuuuuu ~ this is so good. My dirt house 33:18 Asking chat if it spawned already 34:00 Kaela don't think it will spawn at her place 34:02 Lc : Solo ? Kaela : Ga lah ga mungkin disini lah 34:18 Itu bunyinya dimana?? (Lc spill the location at Polka Farm) 34:58 Why raden running away? 35:01 YABAIII!! WHATS THAT?? (Chaos moment) 35:35 Chaos ( Miko screaming around ) 35:46 I think i'll just go sword y'know.. (trying to changed strat) 36:08 Aim doko moment 36:14 YYAAAY NAISUUUUUUUUU.. (The Wither first wave defeated) 36:52 Iroha ded ? (from wither) 37:17 YABAI! ALL OF THE HOUSE! NOOOO! 37:48 This is so messy~ (all the surrounding destroyed) 38:11 I DONT WANT TO HIT SOMEONE (afraid to accidentally kill someone) 38:30 They defeat all the wither 39:13 Otsu (Pray to Nenechi in front of her grave) *[ PEKORA WANT NETHERITE FROM KAELA ]* 50:12 Pekora asks which way to Kaela's house 50:38 Pekora taxed Kaela some netherite, but Kaela decide to aim Pekora with her bow 51:10 Pekora: Kaela, we are best friend ( Try to sweet talk with ela for Netherite ) 51:51 Giving Pekora golden carrots 52:39 Guiding Peko to Kaela house 53:11 WEEEEEEEE! (riding boat with Pekora) 53:30 Arrive at Kaela House ~ Dirt House 53:46 P: WAOOOOO! ENDERPEARL PEOPLE!, K: YEAHH ENDERPEARL PEOPLE! 54:21 Peko still asking netherite 55:20 Now she announce who want netherite enchantment 56:09 Giving netherite enchantment to pekora 56:23 We best friend now ? Pekora : YEAAAHHH !!! 56:53 Tell Pekora she can sell it for diamond 57:17 What is going on..?? I have 2 nether stars (Whisper with laugh) 58:00 Kaela said she can sell that for 100 diamond each 59:21 I didn't skem her, HEI!!! 59:43 LC inform that Pekora really sell the netherite enchantment 1:00:28 Lagi nego sama Aqua? What game is this! This is too much *[ KAELA HAPPY SAW RADEN HAPPY ]* 1:19:57 Kaela think Raden is like tour guide, as long as she happy, Kaela also happy 1:20:17 Ask Raden if she's happy 1:22:30 Kaela love crazy people. The crazier the better 1:23:07 Kaela saw Raden so happy about books. Kaela wonder when was the last time she was that happy 1:26:36 What is that? TNT 44? Haiya TNT 44 (read Pekora chat) 1:32:34 Laughing after saw Raden again 1:32:58 Did you hear that? she said Daijoubu! Daijoubu! I need to Daijoubu! too *[ KAELA HAD TO REFUSE IROHA-SENPAI REQUEST AS SHE HAVE THINGS TO DO TOMORROW ]* 3:17:40 Ela meet iroha who just got flexed by hajime; "uh.. netherite..?" 3:18:21 Kaela told Iroha she want to rest, she still not sleep since yesterday when Iroha ask for netherite hunting 3:20:53 If Kaela don't need to touch grass tomorrow, she still can continue the journey with Iroha-senpai 3:21:32 Kaela did want to go for another trip since it was last day, but kinda a bad timing 3:22:27 Kaela want to help more people *===== FULL TIMESTAMP IN REPLY SECTION =====* (Be advice that timestamp may 20++ second late from context (intended))
*===== FULL TIMESTAMP =====* *=== STREAM START ===* *==[ PREPARATION FOR WITHER ]==* 03:47 Stream start 04:01 Still talking to Kiwawa 04:53 kiara ask about apples 05:29 Nice Shield ( Kaela complimented Kiara Shield ) 05:46 Hello guys, long time no see! 06:08 Kiwawa forgot about the gold she want, but okay 06:34 Now making bucket for milk 06:56 How many do i need ? I dont know 07:07 Kaela just realized her bow durability already halved *[ IROHA AND HAJIMYE VISIT KAELA PLACE ]* 08:16 Iroha visit kaela, she want books. Hajimye visit kaela too 08:59 Everyone haven't finish preparation yet, so is Kaela 09:55 Kaela remove any unnecessary item to bring to fight wither 10:13 My brain is not with me right now ( Kaela confuse which to pick/bring ) 11:18 Asking if need bed to fight wither (she still bring it) 11:42 IDK JUST RUN LAH (kaela strat vs wither) 12:30 Ga punya totem gaes. Udah kalo mati, mati gaes (she didn't have any totem) 14:40 What kaela think about the luckiest when fight the wither *== [ GATHER WITH OTHER MEMBERS ] ==* *[ MEET SUISEI AND AQUA ]* 14:46 Kaela meet Suisei and Aqua 14:55 Greeting Aqua-senpai, and got called Kami 15:38 Oh the Baby cow very cute ~ ( Kaela suddenly sound cute ) 16:09 People are very busy, honestly speaking idk what to do 16:49 Kaela still worry to hit someone later during fighting with wither *[ MEET WITH KIARA AND INA ]* 18:04 Gather with everyone at nether portal 19:11 SEEETTTT SEEEETTTTT (imitating slashing using sword) 19:21 Set set to ina, then make sure with her if they not gonna die + tell her plan 20:39 Kaela couting how many player log in *[ INTERACTION WITH HAJIMYE ]* 20:43 Hajimyeeee amaze with kaela's netherite armor 21:14 Hajimye said Kaela strong, Kaela said Hajimye strong 22:22 Hajimye and kaela learn about color now 23:47 Now Kanade join between Kaela and Hajimye conversation 23:59 Hajimye why you diamond?? (after seeing Kanade wearing netherite) 24:33 Kaela remove her armor 25:13 Now both Hajimye and Kaela confused what they said 25:59 We win, don't die. We togheter no die 26:33 Asking who join wither from ReGloss 27:28 Kaela don't know what's going on, so she's practicing her strategy instead 27:39 Kaela practicing her run *==[ WITHER FIGHT TIME ]==* 28:07 YABBBEEE! Here? All of this court room gonna be broken (Pekora summon wither near them) 28:17 YAAABEEE ??? HERE ??? 28:38 What is going on ( Suddenly Chaos once Wither Attack Them ) 28:59 It's done? YEAHHHHH! 29:51 Poor wither. Wither so sad 30:04 Ada moonya!Moonya said she just joined, but wither raid already end (she got lost) *[ FIGHTING 3 WITHER ]* 31:04 Peko asking if it's still not enough 31:40 Pekora suggesting for 3 wither since it was easy 32:00 Kiwawa said they need to find the wither themselves and protect the city 32:53 Lets Goooo wuuuuuu ~ this is so good. My dirt house 33:18 Asking chat if it spawned already 33:48 I dont think it spawn on my place 34:00 Kaela don't think it will spawn at her place 34:02 Lc : Solo ? Kaela : Ga lah ga mungkin disini lah 34:18 Itu bunyinya dimana?? (Lc spill the location at Polka Farm) 34:58 Why raden running away? 35:01 YABAIII!! WHATS THAT?? (Chaos moment) 35:35 Chaos ( Miko screaming around ) 35:46 I think i'll just go sword y'know.. (trying to changed strat) 36:08 Aim doko moment 36:14 YYAAAY NAISUUUUUUUUU.. (The Wither first wave defeated) 36:52 Iroha ded ? (from wither) 37:17 YABAI! ALL OF THE HOUSE! NOOOO! 37:48 This is so messy~ (all the surrounding destroyed) 38:11 I DONT WANT TO HIT SOMEONE (afraid to accidentally kill someone) 38:30 They defeat all the wither 39:13 Otsu (Pray to Nenechi in front of her grave) *[ POST-WITHER FIGHT ]* 39:47 Aiming Mikochi 39:51 Kaela Miko aiming each other 40:31 Watching and hearing Kanade crying because Iroha died 41:18 Wonder if Ollie-senpai house is fine or not 41:37 Asking Ina if her house ok 41:51 All the chicken is gone.. 42:21 The Members starts helping to fix the farm 42:39 The cow gone too? That's kinda sad 43:06 Kaela got the Nether Star, Somehow Minecraft love me 44:09 What's the point of having 3 stack of golden carrot? (didn't even use it) 44:31 OUCH! It's hurt! (she try to shoot herself using her own bow) 45:20 Kiwawa curious what Kaela try to say (she was trying to shoot herself without armor) 45:42 There is some mission that need to do for the preparation Ender dragon raid 46:30 Informing Kiwawa where to find the enderman 47:11 Now Kaela want to do..... taking some sugar cane 47:57 Taking sugarcane is very important, don't judge me! 48:21 Kaela wonder why they didn't ask for the nether star 48:36 Kakkoi fuku (Ao mesmerized by Kaela armor)
*[ PEKORA WANT NETHERITE FROM KAELA ]* 49:23 Someone even got to my house already.. (Meanwhile Kaela still doesnt know what to do) 50:00 Reading the mission 50:12 Pekora asks which way to Kaela's house 50:38 Pekora taxed Kaela some netherite, but Kaela decide to aim Pekora with her bow 51:10 Pekora “Kaela, we are best friend” ( Try to sweet talk with ela for Netherite ) 51:51 Giving Pekora golden carrots 52:39 Guiding Peko to Kaela house 53:11 WEEEEEEEE! (riding boat with Pekora) 53:30 Arrive at Kaela House ~ Dirt House 53:46 P: WAOOOOO! ENDERPEARL PEOPLE!, K: YEAHH ENDERPEARL PEOPLE! 54:21 Peko still asking netherite 55:20 Now she announce who want netherite enchantment 56:09 Giving netherite enchantment to pekora 56:23 We best friend now ? Pekora : YEAAAHHH !!! 56:53 Tell Pekora she can sell it for diamond 57:17 What is going on..?? I have 2 nether stars (Whisper with laugh) 58:00 Kaela said she can sell that for 100 diamond each 58:46 I dont expect that the Wither fight is gonna become weird like this.. 59:21 I didn't skem her, HEI!!! 59:43 LC inform that Pekora really sell the netherite enchantment 1:00:28 Lagi nego sama Aqua? What game is this! This is too much *[ MAKING DIAMOND BEACON + MEET MOONYA ]* 1:00:54 Lets make the 9 diamonds (beacon) here... (She make it in front of her house) 1:01:43 Now Aqua-senpai saw what Kaela is doing and laughing (diamond beacon) 1:02:17 Planning to make 2 beacons 1:03:01 Kaela want to get speed and haste buff 1:03:11 Greeting Moonya, Moonya want emerald 1:03:33 Ini udah ga ada yg bener gaes. Nothing is actually working as planned (doing very random things now) 1:03:47 Butuh berapa??? Moona : Iya. (Kaela ask how many emerald does Moona wants. Moona replied : Yes.) 1:05:35 Right now Kaela need the diamond 1:06:06 Kaela try to find stronghold using 2 eye of ender 1:06:46 Moona : La, ga ada buku la.. 1:08:05 Now she put black color glass to change the color of beacon beam 1:08:47 Running away… Want to mine diamond *[ DIAMOND MINING ]* 1:09:59 Last day tomorrow, Kaela will just have fun (actual time 1h10min24sec) 1:11:12 Now continue mining for diamond 1:11:23 Tomorrow and Today SC, she probably read it at next donation reading 1:12:18 She get the Diamond. Done gaes done! 1:13:35 Ender Dragon fight gonna be very fast. Then what? Maybe there will be quest for finding elytra? But it was last day *[ MAKING HER 2ND DIAMOND BEACON ]* 1:14:50 Now continue making her 2nd diamond beacon 1:15:41 This is just for fun. Tomorrow server gonna be adios 1:16:07 Kaela just silently laughing at Raden so loud outside her house. Kaela: GG!, Raden: GG! 1:17:19 Cannot play long tonight bcs wanna go touchgrass tomorrow 1:18:59 Kaela kinda like the blue color of her armor *[ KAELA HAPPY SAW RADEN HAPPY ]* 1:19:57 Kaela think Raden is like tour guide, as long as she happy, Kaela also happy 1:20:17 Ask Raden if she's happy 1:21:33 If only that villager can give some emerald, Kaela will be rich right now 1:22:30 Kaela love crazy people. The crazier the better 1:23:07 Kaela saw Raden so happy about books. Kaela wonder when was the last time she was that happy 1:25:25 Kaela just a casual minecraft enjoyer 1:26:36 What is that? TNT 44? Haiya TNT 44 (read Pekora chat) 1:29:05 Asking about eye of ender equal to how many obsidian 1:30:43 Kaela want to find stronghold. Now she confused what was needed (blaze rod) 1:32:01 Kaela brain left the chat (after the confusion for material needed) 1:32:34 Laughing after saw Raden again 1:32:58 Did you hear that? she said Daijoubu! Daijoubu! I need to Daijoubu! too *[ KAELA WANT TO SEARCH FOR STRONGHOLD BUT STOPPED BY PEKORA ]* 1:34:20 Checking eye of ender recipe, HAIYA blaze powder 1:34:54 Kaela told Raden from afar to take care of ojisan 1:35:24 Kemana itu? Huh? Nani kore? I lost one (eye of ender) 1:36:50 Pekora come to Kaela ask for some TNT 1:37:31 Pekora : Sankyuuu Bestfriend 1:39:23 HAIYA NOW WHAT TO DO LAH. WHAT TO DO? WE TRY SO HARD TO DO SOMETHING BUT CANNOT (Pekora stop Kaela to search for stronghold)
*[ NETHER JOURNEY WITH HAJIMYE ]* 1:41:37 Kaela will just go write her diary first 1:42:36 Kaela now know what to do. We find trident! 1:43:10 Write journal first before searching for trident 1:43:21 Meet with Hajimye 1:43:53 Hajimye asked Kaela to go to nether together 1:44:27 Trident ADIOS! 1:45:03 Change of plan, nether adventure with Hajimye 1:45:36 Kaela said to give Hajimye some luck, because Kaela can't stay that much, she's dying (social energy depleted) 1:46:12 Hajime said she only one fire potion. K : Not enoough~ 1:47:31 Hajimye said she got many trash. Kaela said to throw 1:47:55 Excited moment littering around 1:48:33 Kaela told Hajimye to take all the fire potion 1:50:46 WOAHH WOAAHHH! YABAI HAJIMYE YABAI! ABUNAI! (Hajimye almost fall) 1:51:29 Kaela teach Hajimye what is chotto matte in eigo 1:54:24 Kaela told Hajimye that nether no water 1:55:43 Hajime and ela calls each other "perfect human" 1:56:22 Ela inform hajimye in nether there's no need for torch 1:57:44 Hajimye praise ela "very cool" 1:58:20 They find magma instead of netherite and decided to go back 1:59:08 Told Hajimye to drink fire potion and follow Kaela 1:59:51 Poich poich yeah! (Kaela told Hajimye to keep talking 2:00:08 They cheer as they reached the other side 2:01:03 Hajime excited & happy swimming in "orange juice" 2:01:47 They found a single ancient debris and almost destroyed it instead 2:02:18 Kaela give Hajimye her diamond pickaxe and told to take the netherite 2:03:00 Hajime got it after cleaning her inventory 2:04:22 Kaela ask how many Hajimye need for netherite 2:05:28 Netheriiite~~ 2:05:40 Hajimye gives back diamond pick 2:05:56 Now found more netherite 2:08:48 They found another one 2:09:13 Almost died, but their calmness saved them this time 2:09:51 Humming happily while swimming trough lava 2:10:21 Ela ask about their loot, they got 4 netherite debris 2:10:39 Moona suddenly died(accidentally killed herself by lava), they both mourn 2:11:14 Hajime sad :( 2:11:55 Swim trough another lava, hajime: "I'm swimmer :D" 2:12:45 They found another singular netherite 2:13:26 Hajime want to help 2:14:01 Ela redirect hajime to dig somewhere else 2:15:04 Ela told hajimye to run if she sees magma 2:15:47 Kanade wants to search netherite with Kaela too 2:16:22 They consider returning and pick up kanade 2:16:58 Hajime suddenly in silence.. 2:17:39 Ela wonder if she's being donowalled 2:18:28 Hajimye voice returned 2:18:58 Kanade douchiyou?? 2:19:29 Kaela informs that kanade is going with anya instead 2:21:10 They brief each other about potion stocks 2:21:38 Found another netherite debris 2:22:15 They found lava, ela barely managed to tell hajime to drink potion before disconnect 2:23:28 Ela ask LC japanese for above to direct hajime to netherite debris 2:24:17 Ela asks hajime about potion stacks again, H: "2!" (she actually has 4) 2:24:38 Swim trough another orange juice non nom nom nom 2:25:33 Both yapping slang words; coming soon! verygood! ezpz! 2:26:22 Nether not scary, nether fun 2:26:37 Found a debris, they checked around and found another one 2:27:24 Hajimye praise ela's eyes very good 2:27:41 Swim trough lava again "nyam nyam nyam" 2:28:22 This one lava is taking so long 2:28:36 Ela: "dont die, we strong! together we strong!" 2:29:26 They go around the very difficult lava 2:30:27 Ask about potion again, somehow hajime's increased to 3 2:30:53 Another lava, hajime: "runaway babyeh!" 2:31:58 They didn't find any netherite and starts calling out for it 2:33:08 Hajime informs she has 9 netherite 2:33:36 They unable to go around a lava, so they swim again with their potions 2:34:27 Both cheered managed to get 10 netherite "sugeee!!" 2:35:04 Ela told hajimye to flex on regloss after this, H: OF COURSE! 2:36:13 Found 2 more netherite debris. Happy happy~ 2:37:09 Ela teaching hajimye indoensian; Smalat pagya & Terima kacya 2:38:22 Found 3 netherite debris and almost lost it to lava 2:38:51 Now Hajimye got 15 netherite 2:39:34 Decided to return as they realisez have enough 2:39:57 Brutal miscommunication, ela tries to borrow back pickaxe, hajimye thought ela have a give for her 2:40:47 Time to go back overworld 2:41:08 Hajimye don't have hear armor. K: HAIYA HAJIMYE WHY NO HAVE! 2:41:39 Now they're finding way back by swimming upwards trough lava 2:44:53 Found the way home 2:47:21 Cliff danger, they very carefuly managed to find their way down towards portal 2:48:52 Lets go, they got back! they both cheer happily *[ BACK TO OVERWORLD ]* 2:49:16 Ela invite hajimye over to her house 2:50:08 another miscommunication, ela thought "hajime no house(jp)" as "hajime has no house(en) 2:51:44 Checking something 2:52:21 ela asks if hajimye has diamond, she gambled it all... 2:53:46 Kaela accidentally hit Hajimye~ 2:54:37 Kaela intend to give hajimye manymany diamond but she insisted to refuse 2:55:34 Ela reasons it's ok since "family" 2:56:05 Ela gives hajimye present; teaching her to upgrade armor 2:57:09 Ela realizes she can't help hajimye with no gold, but she doesn't have any either 2:58:07 Ela accuse hajimye of gambling all her jewelry and haiyyaaah her 2:59:30 Ela decidea to teach her how to upgrade it herself instead 3:00:11 GIve Hajimye all her remaining gold 3:01:08 Kaela try to explain about netherite ingot to Hajimye but nihongo jouzun't 3:02:16 Hajimye finally understand & managed to make netherite ingot 3:02:55 Kaela teaching Hajimye to upgrade netherite armor herself 3:03:41 Now they exicited Hajimye got her first netherite armor 3:04:23 Ela refuses payment and say "you happy, I'm happy!" 3:04:50 Kaela told Hajimye to flex to Kanade about her netherite armor 3:06:18 they congratulate & thank each other, ela have something for hajimye 3:07:01 Kaela give Hajimye diamond helmet 3:07:38 Hajime: "tomorrow matanee~" 3:08:10 Partway with Hajimye, but still watching her on bridge
*[ POST-NETHER JOURNEY WITH HAJIMYE ]* 3:08:33 LC learn nihongo alot from the stream, ela: "this is passion nihongo & english!" 3:10:07 Because of Pemaloe's luck, searching for ancient debris with Hajimye went well. No need TNT 3:11:19 Kaela want to end the stream before 12. Need to rest fr fr 3:11:47 Chat informs that hajime is currently flexing, ela is proud she learns fast 3:12:46 Inatructions unclear, turns out hajime is flexing to a senpai instead of her genmate 3:14:04 Kaela checking her discord 3:14:47 Go to the city to write the diary 3:16:34 Ender dragon gonna be at night *[ KAELA HAD TO REFUSE IROHA-SENPAI REQUEST AS SHE HAVE THINGS TO DO TOMORROW ]* 3:17:40 Ela meet iroha who just got flexed by hajime; "uh.. netherite..?" 3:18:21 Kaela told Iroha she want to rest, she still not sleep since yesterday when Iroha ask for netherite hunting 3:20:14 Confused about netherite 3:20:53 If Kaela don't need to touch grass tomorrow, she still can continue the journey with Iroha-senpai 3:21:32 Kaela did want to go for another trip since it was last day, but kinda a bad timing 3:22:27 Kaela want to help more people 3:23:17 Now writing her diary and mission update *[ KAELA HARDCORE RUN SCHEDULE ]* 3:27:20 Kaela solo hardcore run will be on June 3:27:31 Ela felt her english getting better after speaking passion english *[ KAELA THANKING TO ALL WHO INVOVLED IN THIS MINECRAFT EVENT ]* 3:28:34 Kaela thanking all to people that involved in this Minecraft event *[ KAELA SILENTLY HEARING HAJIMYE TALKING ]* 3:31:33 Kaela will just use passion nihongo to give encouragement to Hajimye 3:36:36 Kaela silently hearing Hajimye speaking about her 3:37:44 Hajimye not here. You guys just halu 3:38:05 Kaela heard Hajimye reading her mission 3:41:48 Kaela brain not braining moment 3:42:52 Last time Kaela had enough sleep was thursday morning 3:44:46 WAHH! Hajimye has made the advancement [Local Brewery] *[ MEET WITH ANYA ]* 3:45:36 Anya ask why Kaela shield was like discord icon 3:48:41 Continue writing diary 3:51:20 Now heard Hajimye voice again. Wonder why they go back and forth 3:53:27 Done writing her diary *=== POST-GAME ===* 3:54:00 Happy2 but all of this gonna be adios again tomorrow 3:54:55 Thanking Iroha-senpai for the bridge she build. Kaela really want to go to nether with Iroha-senpai but situation was not possible 3:55:31 Take picture for what? The VOD was here forever 3:55:56 Kanade passed by Kaela and scream, Kaela didn't realize it was her 3:57:30 Today's commentary 3:57:59 Finally the chat can go without reminding Kaela about the VOD 3:58:51 From all of the things that Kaela had done, the most effort was the ojisan. It tooks Kaela 2 day for that 3:59:40 If not about the ojisan trading place, no one will know about the dirt house 4:01:25 Tomorrow gonna be the last day Hololive Hardcore Minecraft arc. Matane bye bye~ Otsulemao 4:02:02 Told pemaloe to take care too, since so much luck already taken
Thank you so much for Bancho's helps !! Her fans, Massugumi, will never forget the kindness you gave her… We hope that you play with her again in some way ! Terima kasih〜 てりまっかしゃ〜
Kaela turned me into a believer of passion japanese in this stream 😂 The adventure with Hajime in the nether is one of the funniest things I've seen in Holo minecraft
1:43:45 the start of Hajime Kaela nether adventure end 2:53:00 ssg kaela minecraft god, aside from doing amazing achievements in hardcore, you also make use the knowledge to help people in need without asking return!
Have some vocab! 弟子(でし)(deshi) pupil; disciple; adherent; follower; apprentice; young person; teacher's student-helper! 「可愛い女の子が弟子入りしてあげてもいいんだよ?」"A cute girl can be an apprentice for you, right?"
So excited for the last day (not really tho, I don't want this to be over :'). But hey, I'm glad that i can keep up with all Kaela's streams, even tho it took me my soul (hehe get it? "My soul"). Also, thanks to Mr. すわのーと for the membership gift, now I'm officially KAELUARGA!
Tips : Since the hardcore server is over, maybe you can help Hajime to farm for netherite on Holo server. But this time, let her dig her own path and you just there to support
I missed your streaming (╥﹏╥) But now I see it that's so much fun and cute ❤ Thanks for the amazing ❤ stream (sorry for the bad eng , eng is not my first language)
自分用 1:43:45
Oh man, that was such a peak stream. You worked so hard during this Minecraft arc and it was really awesome to see so many holomembers use all the stuff you built. There was so many fun interactions too.
Your adventures with Hajime were so much fun to watch and I love your chemistry together. You are an MVP for sure. I hope you can rest well, you seriously deserve it.
1:43:53 when Hajime asked Ela to go look for netherite together, but was interupted by Raden's randomness in the background. Pure gold comedy timing 😂
Thank you,Bro!! I wanna watching it!!
Kaela surely gave Hajimya a precious experience. Then rest well!
1:43:40 Hajime appears 🤍 journey with Hajime begin
Honestly, it's during streams like this where we can see the best of Ela. Despite the language barrier, she still helped Hajime in the nether, and was very worth it.
Thanks for the stream, Ela! Enjoy your rest!
i just love every time kaela said "Orange Juizu"
1:11:23 Tomorrow and Today SC, she probably read it at next donation reading
1:17:19 Cannot play long tonight bcs wanna go touchgrass tomorrow
3:27:20 Kaela solo hardcore run will be on June
20:43 Hajimyeeee amaze with kaela's netherite armor
21:14 Hajimye said Kaela strong, Kaela said Hajimye strong
22:22 Hajimye and kaela learn about color now
23:47 Now Kanade join between Kaela and Hajimye conversation
23:59 Hajimye why you diamond?? (after seeing Kanade wearing netherite)
24:33 Kaela remove her armor
25:13 Now both Hajimye and Kaela confused what they said
25:59 We win, don't die. We togheter no die
26:33 Asking who join wither from ReGloss
27:28 Kaela don't know what's going on, so she's practicing her strategy instead
27:39 Kaela practicing her run
1:43:21 Meet with Hajimye
1:43:53 Hajimye asked Kaela to go to nether together
1:45:03 Change of plan, nether adventure with Hajimye
1:45:36 Kaela said to give Hajimye some luck, because Kaela can't stay that much, she's dying (social energy depleted)
1:46:12 Hajime said she only one fire potion. K : Not enoough~
1:47:31 Hajimye said she got many trash. Kaela said to throw
1:47:55 Excited moment littering around
1:48:33 Kaela told Hajimye to take all the fire potion
1:50:46 WOAHH WOAAHHH! YABAI HAJIMYE YABAI! ABUNAI! (Hajimye almost fall)
1:51:29 Kaela teach Hajimye what is chotto matte in eigo
1:54:24 Kaela told Hajimye that nether no water
1:55:43 Hajime and ela calls each other "perfect human"
1:56:22 Ela inform hajimye in nether there's no need for torch
1:57:44 Hajimye praise ela "very cool"
1:58:20 They find magma instead of netherite and decided to go back
1:59:08 Told Hajimye to drink fire potion and follow Kaela
1:59:51 Poich poich yeah! (Kaela told Hajimye to keep talking
2:00:08 They cheer as they reached the other side
2:01:03 Hajime excited & happy swimming in "orange juice"
2:01:47 They found a single ancient debris and almost destroyed it instead
2:02:18 Kaela give Hajimye her diamond pickaxe and told to take the netherite
2:03:00 Hajime got it after cleaning her inventory
2:04:22 Kaela ask how many Hajimye need for netherite
2:05:28 Netheriiite~~
2:05:40 Hajimye gives back diamond pick
2:05:56 Now found more netherite
2:08:48 They found another one
2:09:13 Almost died, but their calmness saved them this time
2:09:51 Humming happily while swimming trough lava
2:10:21 Ela ask about their loot, they got 4 netherite debris
2:10:39 Moona suddenly died(accidentally killed herself by lava), they both mourn
2:11:14 Hajime sad :(
2:11:55 Swim trough another lava, hajime: "I'm swimmer :D"
2:12:45 They found another singular netherite
2:13:26 Hajime want to help
2:14:01 Ela redirect hajime to dig somewhere else
2:15:04 Ela told hajimye to run if she sees magma
2:15:47 Kanade wants to search netherite with Kaela too
2:16:22 They consider returning and pick up kanade
2:16:58 Hajime suddenly in silence..
2:17:39 Ela wonder if she's being donowalled
2:18:28 Hajimye voice returned
2:18:58 Kanade douchiyou??
2:19:29 Kaela informs that kanade is going with anya instead
2:21:10 They brief each other about potion stocks
2:21:38 Found another netherite debris
2:22:15 They found lava, ela barely managed to tell hajime to drink potion before disconnect
2:23:28 Ela ask LC japanese for above to direct hajime to netherite debris
2:24:17 Ela asks hajime about potion stacks again, H: "2!" (she actually has 4)
2:24:38 Swim trough another orange juice non nom nom nom
2:25:33 Both yapping slang words; coming soon! verygood! ezpz!
2:26:22 Nether not scary, nether fun
2:26:37 Found a debris, they checked around and found another one
2:27:24 Hajimye praise ela's eyes very good
2:27:41 Swim trough lava again "nyam nyam nyam"
2:28:22 This one lava is taking so long
2:28:36 Ela: "dont die, we strong! together we strong!"
2:29:26 They go around the very difficult lava
2:30:27 Ask about potion again, somehow hajime's increased to 3
2:30:53 Another lava, hajime: "runaway babyeh!"
2:31:58 They didn't find any netherite and starts calling out for it
2:33:08 Hajime informs she has 9 netherite
2:33:36 They unable to go around a lava, so they swim again with their potions
2:34:27 Both cheered managed to get 10 netherite "sugeee!!"
2:35:04 Ela told hajimye to flex on regloss after this, H: OF COURSE!
2:36:13 Found 2 more netherite debris. Happy happy~
2:37:09 Ela teaching hajimye indoensian; Smalat pagya & Terima kacya
2:38:22 Found 3 netherite debris and almost lost it to lava
2:38:51 Now Hajimye got 15 netherite
2:39:34 Decided to return as they realisez have enough
2:39:57 Brutal miscommunication, ela tries to borrow back pickaxe, hajimye thought ela have a give for her
2:40:47 Time to go back overworld
2:41:08 Hajimye don't have hear armor. K: HAIYA HAJIMYE WHY NO HAVE!
2:41:39 Now they're finding way back by swimming upwards trough lava
2:44:53 Found the way home
2:47:21 Cliff danger, they very carefuly managed to find their way down towards portal
2:48:52 Lets go, they got back! they both cheer happily
28:07 YABBBEEE! Here? All of this court room gonna be broken (Pekora summon wither near them)
28:38 What is going on ( Suddenly Chaos once Wither Attack Them )
28:59 It's done? YEAHHHHH!
29:51 Poor wither. Wither so sad
30:04 Ada moonya!Moonya said she just joined, but wither raid already end (she got lost)
31:04 Peko asking if it's still not enough
31:40 Pekora suggesting for 3 wither since it was easy
32:00 Kiwawa said they need to find the wither themselves and protect the city
32:53 Lets Goooo wuuuuuu ~ this is so good. My dirt house
33:18 Asking chat if it spawned already
34:00 Kaela don't think it will spawn at her place
34:02 Lc : Solo ? Kaela : Ga lah ga mungkin disini lah
34:18 Itu bunyinya dimana?? (Lc spill the location at Polka Farm)
34:58 Why raden running away?
35:01 YABAIII!! WHATS THAT?? (Chaos moment)
35:35 Chaos ( Miko screaming around )
35:46 I think i'll just go sword y'know.. (trying to changed strat)
36:08 Aim doko moment
36:14 YYAAAY NAISUUUUUUUUU.. (The Wither first wave defeated)
36:52 Iroha ded ? (from wither)
37:48 This is so messy~ (all the surrounding destroyed)
38:11 I DONT WANT TO HIT SOMEONE (afraid to accidentally kill someone)
38:30 They defeat all the wither
39:13 Otsu (Pray to Nenechi in front of her grave)
50:12 Pekora asks which way to Kaela's house
50:38 Pekora taxed Kaela some netherite, but Kaela decide to aim Pekora with her bow
51:10 Pekora: Kaela, we are best friend ( Try to sweet talk with ela for Netherite )
51:51 Giving Pekora golden carrots
52:39 Guiding Peko to Kaela house
53:11 WEEEEEEEE! (riding boat with Pekora)
53:30 Arrive at Kaela House ~ Dirt House
54:21 Peko still asking netherite
55:20 Now she announce who want netherite enchantment
56:09 Giving netherite enchantment to pekora
56:23 We best friend now ? Pekora : YEAAAHHH !!!
56:53 Tell Pekora she can sell it for diamond
57:17 What is going on..?? I have 2 nether stars (Whisper with laugh)
58:00 Kaela said she can sell that for 100 diamond each
59:21 I didn't skem her, HEI!!!
59:43 LC inform that Pekora really sell the netherite enchantment
1:00:28 Lagi nego sama Aqua? What game is this! This is too much
1:19:57 Kaela think Raden is like tour guide, as long as she happy, Kaela also happy
1:20:17 Ask Raden if she's happy
1:22:30 Kaela love crazy people. The crazier the better
1:23:07 Kaela saw Raden so happy about books. Kaela wonder when was the last time she was that happy
1:26:36 What is that? TNT 44? Haiya TNT 44 (read Pekora chat)
1:32:34 Laughing after saw Raden again
1:32:58 Did you hear that? she said Daijoubu! Daijoubu! I need to Daijoubu! too
3:17:40 Ela meet iroha who just got flexed by hajime; "uh.. netherite..?"
3:18:21 Kaela told Iroha she want to rest, she still not sleep since yesterday when Iroha ask for netherite hunting
3:20:53 If Kaela don't need to touch grass tomorrow, she still can continue the journey with Iroha-senpai
3:21:32 Kaela did want to go for another trip since it was last day, but kinda a bad timing
3:22:27 Kaela want to help more people
(Be advice that timestamp may 20++ second late from context (intended))
*===== FULL TIMESTAMP =====*
*=== STREAM START ===*
03:47 Stream start
04:01 Still talking to Kiwawa
04:53 kiara ask about apples
05:29 Nice Shield ( Kaela complimented Kiara Shield )
05:46 Hello guys, long time no see!
06:08 Kiwawa forgot about the gold she want, but okay
06:34 Now making bucket for milk
06:56 How many do i need ? I dont know
07:07 Kaela just realized her bow durability already halved
08:16 Iroha visit kaela, she want books. Hajimye visit kaela too
08:59 Everyone haven't finish preparation yet, so is Kaela
09:55 Kaela remove any unnecessary item to bring to fight wither
10:13 My brain is not with me right now ( Kaela confuse which to pick/bring )
11:18 Asking if need bed to fight wither (she still bring it)
11:42 IDK JUST RUN LAH (kaela strat vs wither)
12:30 Ga punya totem gaes. Udah kalo mati, mati gaes (she didn't have any totem)
14:40 What kaela think about the luckiest when fight the wither
14:46 Kaela meet Suisei and Aqua
14:55 Greeting Aqua-senpai, and got called Kami
15:38 Oh the Baby cow very cute ~ ( Kaela suddenly sound cute )
16:09 People are very busy, honestly speaking idk what to do
16:49 Kaela still worry to hit someone later during fighting with wither
18:04 Gather with everyone at nether portal
19:11 SEEETTTT SEEEETTTTT (imitating slashing using sword)
19:21 Set set to ina, then make sure with her if they not gonna die + tell her plan
20:39 Kaela couting how many player log in
20:43 Hajimyeeee amaze with kaela's netherite armor
21:14 Hajimye said Kaela strong, Kaela said Hajimye strong
22:22 Hajimye and kaela learn about color now
23:47 Now Kanade join between Kaela and Hajimye conversation
23:59 Hajimye why you diamond?? (after seeing Kanade wearing netherite)
24:33 Kaela remove her armor
25:13 Now both Hajimye and Kaela confused what they said
25:59 We win, don't die. We togheter no die
26:33 Asking who join wither from ReGloss
27:28 Kaela don't know what's going on, so she's practicing her strategy instead
27:39 Kaela practicing her run
28:07 YABBBEEE! Here? All of this court room gonna be broken (Pekora summon wither near them)
28:17 YAAABEEE ??? HERE ???
28:38 What is going on ( Suddenly Chaos once Wither Attack Them )
28:59 It's done? YEAHHHHH!
29:51 Poor wither. Wither so sad
30:04 Ada moonya!Moonya said she just joined, but wither raid already end (she got lost)
31:04 Peko asking if it's still not enough
31:40 Pekora suggesting for 3 wither since it was easy
32:00 Kiwawa said they need to find the wither themselves and protect the city
32:53 Lets Goooo wuuuuuu ~ this is so good. My dirt house
33:18 Asking chat if it spawned already
33:48 I dont think it spawn on my place
34:00 Kaela don't think it will spawn at her place
34:02 Lc : Solo ? Kaela : Ga lah ga mungkin disini lah
34:18 Itu bunyinya dimana?? (Lc spill the location at Polka Farm)
34:58 Why raden running away?
35:01 YABAIII!! WHATS THAT?? (Chaos moment)
35:35 Chaos ( Miko screaming around )
35:46 I think i'll just go sword y'know.. (trying to changed strat)
36:08 Aim doko moment
36:14 YYAAAY NAISUUUUUUUUU.. (The Wither first wave defeated)
36:52 Iroha ded ? (from wither)
37:48 This is so messy~ (all the surrounding destroyed)
38:11 I DONT WANT TO HIT SOMEONE (afraid to accidentally kill someone)
38:30 They defeat all the wither
39:13 Otsu (Pray to Nenechi in front of her grave)
39:47 Aiming Mikochi
39:51 Kaela Miko aiming each other
40:31 Watching and hearing Kanade crying because Iroha died
41:18 Wonder if Ollie-senpai house is fine or not
41:37 Asking Ina if her house ok
41:51 All the chicken is gone..
42:21 The Members starts helping to fix the farm
42:39 The cow gone too? That's kinda sad
43:06 Kaela got the Nether Star, Somehow Minecraft love me
44:09 What's the point of having 3 stack of golden carrot? (didn't even use it)
44:31 OUCH! It's hurt! (she try to shoot herself using her own bow)
45:20 Kiwawa curious what Kaela try to say (she was trying to shoot herself without armor)
45:42 There is some mission that need to do for the preparation Ender dragon raid
46:30 Informing Kiwawa where to find the enderman
47:11 Now Kaela want to do..... taking some sugar cane
47:57 Taking sugarcane is very important, don't judge me!
48:21 Kaela wonder why they didn't ask for the nether star
48:36 Kakkoi fuku (Ao mesmerized by Kaela armor)
49:23 Someone even got to my house already.. (Meanwhile Kaela still doesnt know what to do)
50:00 Reading the mission
50:12 Pekora asks which way to Kaela's house
50:38 Pekora taxed Kaela some netherite, but Kaela decide to aim Pekora with her bow
51:10 Pekora “Kaela, we are best friend” ( Try to sweet talk with ela for Netherite )
51:51 Giving Pekora golden carrots
52:39 Guiding Peko to Kaela house
53:11 WEEEEEEEE! (riding boat with Pekora)
53:30 Arrive at Kaela House ~ Dirt House
54:21 Peko still asking netherite
55:20 Now she announce who want netherite enchantment
56:09 Giving netherite enchantment to pekora
56:23 We best friend now ? Pekora : YEAAAHHH !!!
56:53 Tell Pekora she can sell it for diamond
57:17 What is going on..?? I have 2 nether stars (Whisper with laugh)
58:00 Kaela said she can sell that for 100 diamond each
58:46 I dont expect that the Wither fight is gonna become weird like this..
59:21 I didn't skem her, HEI!!!
59:43 LC inform that Pekora really sell the netherite enchantment
1:00:28 Lagi nego sama Aqua? What game is this! This is too much
1:00:54 Lets make the 9 diamonds (beacon) here... (She make it in front of her house)
1:01:43 Now Aqua-senpai saw what Kaela is doing and laughing (diamond beacon)
1:02:17 Planning to make 2 beacons
1:03:01 Kaela want to get speed and haste buff
1:03:11 Greeting Moonya, Moonya want emerald
1:03:33 Ini udah ga ada yg bener gaes. Nothing is actually working as planned (doing very random things now)
1:03:47 Butuh berapa??? Moona : Iya. (Kaela ask how many emerald does Moona wants. Moona replied : Yes.)
1:05:35 Right now Kaela need the diamond
1:06:06 Kaela try to find stronghold using 2 eye of ender
1:06:46 Moona : La, ga ada buku la..
1:08:05 Now she put black color glass to change the color of beacon beam
1:08:47 Running away… Want to mine diamond
1:09:59 Last day tomorrow, Kaela will just have fun (actual time 1h10min24sec)
1:11:12 Now continue mining for diamond
1:11:23 Tomorrow and Today SC, she probably read it at next donation reading
1:12:18 She get the Diamond. Done gaes done!
1:13:35 Ender Dragon fight gonna be very fast. Then what? Maybe there will be quest for finding elytra? But it was last day
1:14:50 Now continue making her 2nd diamond beacon
1:15:41 This is just for fun. Tomorrow server gonna be adios
1:16:07 Kaela just silently laughing at Raden so loud outside her house. Kaela: GG!, Raden: GG!
1:17:19 Cannot play long tonight bcs wanna go touchgrass tomorrow
1:18:59 Kaela kinda like the blue color of her armor
1:19:57 Kaela think Raden is like tour guide, as long as she happy, Kaela also happy
1:20:17 Ask Raden if she's happy
1:21:33 If only that villager can give some emerald, Kaela will be rich right now
1:22:30 Kaela love crazy people. The crazier the better
1:23:07 Kaela saw Raden so happy about books. Kaela wonder when was the last time she was that happy
1:25:25 Kaela just a casual minecraft enjoyer
1:26:36 What is that? TNT 44? Haiya TNT 44 (read Pekora chat)
1:29:05 Asking about eye of ender equal to how many obsidian
1:30:43 Kaela want to find stronghold. Now she confused what was needed (blaze rod)
1:32:01 Kaela brain left the chat (after the confusion for material needed)
1:32:34 Laughing after saw Raden again
1:32:58 Did you hear that? she said Daijoubu! Daijoubu! I need to Daijoubu! too
1:34:20 Checking eye of ender recipe, HAIYA blaze powder
1:34:54 Kaela told Raden from afar to take care of ojisan
1:35:24 Kemana itu? Huh? Nani kore? I lost one (eye of ender)
1:36:50 Pekora come to Kaela ask for some TNT
1:37:31 Pekora : Sankyuuu Bestfriend
1:39:23 HAIYA NOW WHAT TO DO LAH. WHAT TO DO? WE TRY SO HARD TO DO SOMETHING BUT CANNOT (Pekora stop Kaela to search for stronghold)
1:41:37 Kaela will just go write her diary first
1:42:36 Kaela now know what to do. We find trident!
1:43:10 Write journal first before searching for trident
1:43:21 Meet with Hajimye
1:43:53 Hajimye asked Kaela to go to nether together
1:44:27 Trident ADIOS!
1:45:03 Change of plan, nether adventure with Hajimye
1:45:36 Kaela said to give Hajimye some luck, because Kaela can't stay that much, she's dying (social energy depleted)
1:46:12 Hajime said she only one fire potion. K : Not enoough~
1:47:31 Hajimye said she got many trash. Kaela said to throw
1:47:55 Excited moment littering around
1:48:33 Kaela told Hajimye to take all the fire potion
1:50:46 WOAHH WOAAHHH! YABAI HAJIMYE YABAI! ABUNAI! (Hajimye almost fall)
1:51:29 Kaela teach Hajimye what is chotto matte in eigo
1:54:24 Kaela told Hajimye that nether no water
1:55:43 Hajime and ela calls each other "perfect human"
1:56:22 Ela inform hajimye in nether there's no need for torch
1:57:44 Hajimye praise ela "very cool"
1:58:20 They find magma instead of netherite and decided to go back
1:59:08 Told Hajimye to drink fire potion and follow Kaela
1:59:51 Poich poich yeah! (Kaela told Hajimye to keep talking
2:00:08 They cheer as they reached the other side
2:01:03 Hajime excited & happy swimming in "orange juice"
2:01:47 They found a single ancient debris and almost destroyed it instead
2:02:18 Kaela give Hajimye her diamond pickaxe and told to take the netherite
2:03:00 Hajime got it after cleaning her inventory
2:04:22 Kaela ask how many Hajimye need for netherite
2:05:28 Netheriiite~~
2:05:40 Hajimye gives back diamond pick
2:05:56 Now found more netherite
2:08:48 They found another one
2:09:13 Almost died, but their calmness saved them this time
2:09:51 Humming happily while swimming trough lava
2:10:21 Ela ask about their loot, they got 4 netherite debris
2:10:39 Moona suddenly died(accidentally killed herself by lava), they both mourn
2:11:14 Hajime sad :(
2:11:55 Swim trough another lava, hajime: "I'm swimmer :D"
2:12:45 They found another singular netherite
2:13:26 Hajime want to help
2:14:01 Ela redirect hajime to dig somewhere else
2:15:04 Ela told hajimye to run if she sees magma
2:15:47 Kanade wants to search netherite with Kaela too
2:16:22 They consider returning and pick up kanade
2:16:58 Hajime suddenly in silence..
2:17:39 Ela wonder if she's being donowalled
2:18:28 Hajimye voice returned
2:18:58 Kanade douchiyou??
2:19:29 Kaela informs that kanade is going with anya instead
2:21:10 They brief each other about potion stocks
2:21:38 Found another netherite debris
2:22:15 They found lava, ela barely managed to tell hajime to drink potion before disconnect
2:23:28 Ela ask LC japanese for above to direct hajime to netherite debris
2:24:17 Ela asks hajime about potion stacks again, H: "2!" (she actually has 4)
2:24:38 Swim trough another orange juice non nom nom nom
2:25:33 Both yapping slang words; coming soon! verygood! ezpz!
2:26:22 Nether not scary, nether fun
2:26:37 Found a debris, they checked around and found another one
2:27:24 Hajimye praise ela's eyes very good
2:27:41 Swim trough lava again "nyam nyam nyam"
2:28:22 This one lava is taking so long
2:28:36 Ela: "dont die, we strong! together we strong!"
2:29:26 They go around the very difficult lava
2:30:27 Ask about potion again, somehow hajime's increased to 3
2:30:53 Another lava, hajime: "runaway babyeh!"
2:31:58 They didn't find any netherite and starts calling out for it
2:33:08 Hajime informs she has 9 netherite
2:33:36 They unable to go around a lava, so they swim again with their potions
2:34:27 Both cheered managed to get 10 netherite "sugeee!!"
2:35:04 Ela told hajimye to flex on regloss after this, H: OF COURSE!
2:36:13 Found 2 more netherite debris. Happy happy~
2:37:09 Ela teaching hajimye indoensian; Smalat pagya & Terima kacya
2:38:22 Found 3 netherite debris and almost lost it to lava
2:38:51 Now Hajimye got 15 netherite
2:39:34 Decided to return as they realisez have enough
2:39:57 Brutal miscommunication, ela tries to borrow back pickaxe, hajimye thought ela have a give for her
2:40:47 Time to go back overworld
2:41:08 Hajimye don't have hear armor. K: HAIYA HAJIMYE WHY NO HAVE!
2:41:39 Now they're finding way back by swimming upwards trough lava
2:44:53 Found the way home
2:47:21 Cliff danger, they very carefuly managed to find their way down towards portal
2:48:52 Lets go, they got back! they both cheer happily
2:49:16 Ela invite hajimye over to her house
2:50:08 another miscommunication, ela thought "hajime no house(jp)" as "hajime has no house(en)
2:51:44 Checking something
2:52:21 ela asks if hajimye has diamond, she gambled it all...
2:53:46 Kaela accidentally hit Hajimye~
2:54:37 Kaela intend to give hajimye manymany diamond but she insisted to refuse
2:55:34 Ela reasons it's ok since "family"
2:56:05 Ela gives hajimye present; teaching her to upgrade armor
2:57:09 Ela realizes she can't help hajimye with no gold, but she doesn't have any either
2:58:07 Ela accuse hajimye of gambling all her jewelry and haiyyaaah her
2:59:30 Ela decidea to teach her how to upgrade it herself instead
3:00:11 GIve Hajimye all her remaining gold
3:01:08 Kaela try to explain about netherite ingot to Hajimye but nihongo jouzun't
3:02:16 Hajimye finally understand & managed to make netherite ingot
3:02:55 Kaela teaching Hajimye to upgrade netherite armor herself
3:03:41 Now they exicited Hajimye got her first netherite armor
3:04:23 Ela refuses payment and say "you happy, I'm happy!"
3:04:50 Kaela told Hajimye to flex to Kanade about her netherite armor
3:06:18 they congratulate & thank each other, ela have something for hajimye
3:07:01 Kaela give Hajimye diamond helmet
3:07:38 Hajime: "tomorrow matanee~"
3:08:10 Partway with Hajimye, but still watching her on bridge
3:08:33 LC learn nihongo alot from the stream, ela: "this is passion nihongo & english!"
3:10:07 Because of Pemaloe's luck, searching for ancient debris with Hajimye went well. No need TNT
3:11:19 Kaela want to end the stream before 12. Need to rest fr fr
3:11:47 Chat informs that hajime is currently flexing, ela is proud she learns fast
3:12:46 Inatructions unclear, turns out hajime is flexing to a senpai instead of her genmate
3:14:04 Kaela checking her discord
3:14:47 Go to the city to write the diary
3:16:34 Ender dragon gonna be at night
3:17:40 Ela meet iroha who just got flexed by hajime; "uh.. netherite..?"
3:18:21 Kaela told Iroha she want to rest, she still not sleep since yesterday when Iroha ask for netherite hunting
3:20:14 Confused about netherite
3:20:53 If Kaela don't need to touch grass tomorrow, she still can continue the journey with Iroha-senpai
3:21:32 Kaela did want to go for another trip since it was last day, but kinda a bad timing
3:22:27 Kaela want to help more people
3:23:17 Now writing her diary and mission update
3:27:20 Kaela solo hardcore run will be on June
3:27:31 Ela felt her english getting better after speaking passion english
3:28:34 Kaela thanking all to people that involved in this Minecraft event
3:31:33 Kaela will just use passion nihongo to give encouragement to Hajimye
3:36:36 Kaela silently hearing Hajimye speaking about her
3:37:44 Hajimye not here. You guys just halu
3:38:05 Kaela heard Hajimye reading her mission
3:41:48 Kaela brain not braining moment
3:42:52 Last time Kaela had enough sleep was thursday morning
3:44:46 WAHH! Hajimye has made the advancement [Local Brewery]
3:45:36 Anya ask why Kaela shield was like discord icon
3:48:41 Continue writing diary
3:51:20 Now heard Hajimye voice again. Wonder why they go back and forth
3:53:27 Done writing her diary
*=== POST-GAME ===*
3:54:00 Happy2 but all of this gonna be adios again tomorrow
3:54:55 Thanking Iroha-senpai for the bridge she build. Kaela really want to go to nether with Iroha-senpai but situation was not possible
3:55:31 Take picture for what? The VOD was here forever
3:55:56 Kanade passed by Kaela and scream, Kaela didn't realize it was her
3:57:30 Today's commentary
3:57:59 Finally the chat can go without reminding Kaela about the VOD
3:58:51 From all of the things that Kaela had done, the most effort was the ojisan. It tooks Kaela 2 day for that
3:59:40 If not about the ojisan trading place, no one will know about the dirt house
4:01:25 Tomorrow gonna be the last day Hololive Hardcore Minecraft arc. Matane bye bye~ Otsulemao
4:02:02 Told pemaloe to take care too, since so much luck already taken
Credit tags to: UnironicallyDKV (Koval), Mohann, Satria, Fyn
Hajime’s English is so incredibly adorable. The Kaela x Hajime duo was a lot of fun to watch!
For myself
1:43:40 🏇
2:54:00 🐓
3:04:00 🦍
3:18:20 Siapa sangka?!
3:41:20 Buseto
3:51:15 👻
Hajimya is Kaela-shin's newest daughter
Thank you so much for Bancho's helps !!
Her fans, Massugumi, will never forget the kindness you gave her…
We hope that you play with her again in some way !
Terima kasih〜
Thanks for the hardwork
2:00:18 ここからはじみゃが段階的に驚いてるのほんとかわいい
Kaela turned me into a believer of passion japanese in this stream 😂 The adventure with Hajime in the nether is one of the funniest things I've seen in Holo minecraft
42:16 "All the chicken's gone"
Not all the chicken Kiara's right there.
Thanks for the Amazing Stream
Thank you Kaela
amazing magma swimming!
Orange juice
@@WW-ik7vr yeah. 🍊🍹
1:43:45 the start of Hajime Kaela nether adventure
ssg kaela minecraft god, aside from doing amazing achievements in hardcore, you also make use the knowledge to help people in need without asking return!
2:02:24 ここからの2人のやりとりほんとすき
You and Hajimnye in this stream is the best and my fav moment off all of this MC HC arc 😂
Have some vocab! 弟子(でし)(deshi) pupil; disciple; adherent; follower; apprentice; young person; teacher's student-helper! 「可愛い女の子が弟子入りしてあげてもいいんだよ?」"A cute girl can be an apprentice for you, right?"
the way she say "YABAAAIIIII" about the diamond pickaxe 🤣🤣🤣
So happy to see Hajime treat her as Kaela, not some" Minecraft God"
So excited for the last day (not really tho, I don't want this to be over :'). But hey, I'm glad that i can keep up with all Kaela's streams, even tho it took me my soul (hehe get it? "My soul"). Also, thanks to Mr. すわのーと for the membership gift, now I'm officially KAELUARGA!
That stream was peak can’t wait for all of the clip that came out of it.
Take a rest Kaela gotta touch that grass later 🌾🌾🌾🌾
youre da goat, thank you kaela!
Thank You Love You Kaela Kovalskia❤️❤️❤️
Sampai polka mau jadi Baby nya kaela
Kaela and Hajime peak adventure 💛💜
Terima kasih banyak untuk petualangan yang seru kali ini
Selamat beristirahat, sampau jumpa di stream selanjutnya
Thank you for a very entertaining stream
Thank you for the stream kaela....Rest la buat siap2 ender dragon
Absolute peak strimm 🔥🔥🔥🔥
otsulemao〜!Thank you for helping Hajime🙏
Kalau kaela udh maen minecraft pasti seru cuy
Thanks for the stream elajangan lupa tidur
Arigathanks elaa
Thank you for the stream Kaela, it was really a fun stream!!
Have a good rest, and I can't wait for your adventures again tomorrow!!
otsulemao, terimakacya for the stream kaela cenpai you did such an amazing work!
Thank you for the stream Ela.
1:49:30 Let's go mayonnaise!
thanks for the Awesome stream
Seru banget adventure nya bareng hajime 😂😂😂
Thank you for another fun Minecraft hardcore mode mass collaboration stream, Kaela!
Thx for the stream laa
Otsulemao thanks for the stream, amazing adventure in nether, bastion, and with hajimya
Tumben la live nya cuma sebentar
Tips : Since the hardcore server is over, maybe you can help Hajime to farm for netherite on Holo server. But this time, let her dig her own path and you just there to support
Otsulemao... Terima kaca ela
JDON Knight:Kaela
Thank you for the wonderful stream, Kaela. Please rest well.
Otsulemao, thanks for the stream!
Thank you for the stream kaela
Thank goodness, she finally got some sleep. She is resting, right? Right?
You are very kind!
peko senpai is buseto friendo hahaha 3:41:50 imma gonna cry 🤣
2:46:03 スリーツリー(森)
43:28 Luck kaela 🍀
thx for the stream laa
Chaotic and fun stream indeed.
Lots of fun and really appreciate you helping others out. Have a good rest and take care stay safe everyone
GG Kaela.
Selamat beristirahat kaelaa 🛌🏻🎑
Thanks for the stream la, rest well
Thank you !!
Thank you for the fun stream😊
otsuela. what a fun stream
Terima kasya for the stream
Seniornya ditipu sama Kaela
Thank you for this stream Ela, tete with Hajime chan tskr
OtsuHardCore, Yeeeaaaaayyyy
Sorry i'm oversleep Again
KaexPeko Bussiness Partner 🤝
Tangkyu for the stream ela,sleep well😄 "i hope she really sleep"
2:02:25 cocote
Otsulemaooo....thanks for the stream and Get Some Nice Rest ela :')
Hajime is soo cute!
Tumben"an ga sampe pagi🗿
Wait what? 4hrs tell me this is not real🗿
+12 :v
I missed your streaming
But now I see it
that's so much fun and cute ❤
Thanks for the amazing ❤ stream (sorry for the bad eng , eng is not my first language)
+1 daughter
Lah... Bentar amat Ela...!!! 😑
HAJIMNYE drink pocong
I've been playing Minecratf for over 1 years now
Thanks for amazing fun stream