here are some tips 1 set a goal [ex: to day i am gona race my friend on how will get the firsf master dimond platet ak47 and to toppit all of the loser will have to eat the word most spyci cake [step 2; remaind them to subscribe ex; and before we start remeber to subcribe so you can keep me motivatet (vile a pop up with suscribe apere for a sec) high lite your good funny and bad trying to varry like g g f g b or gfggbbbfggg keep moment in silents and leat a sher of good clipes to role up or one god mode or some bad becose you have to show the camera theat you are not perfec you are a human and that you are relatebat after the silent theat you shud have put hume hypiing music on you shud say someting or reavea twyst like if you showd a god mode video you shod he to show somting like but from there every thing was going down hill and vise versa like in an anime give some carater development to your videos
o and will take this as hate coment iven if it is not the thing theat is holding your chanel is the lack of audio engaiging (you have to talk more so the wiuers wont get bore ) and the lack of inovation you can be the best at a game but as long you wont add some ting to the table no will wana wachi becouse wath make you difrent bethen all the ather creators
here are some tips
1 set a goal [ex: to day i am gona race my friend on how will get the firsf master dimond platet ak47 and to toppit all of the loser will have to eat the word most spyci cake [step 2; remaind them to subscribe ex; and before we start remeber to subcribe so you can keep me motivatet (vile a pop up with suscribe apere for a sec) high lite your good funny and bad trying to varry like g g f g b
or gfggbbbfggg keep moment in silents and leat a sher of good clipes to role up or one god mode or some bad becose you have to show the camera theat you are not perfec you are a human and that you are relatebat after the silent theat you shud have put hume hypiing music on you shud say someting or reavea twyst like if you showd a god mode video you shod he to show somting like but from there every thing was going down hill and vise versa like in an anime give some carater development to your videos
you have a phone thet can reach 120 fps but can disply it waile my can disply 120 but cant reach 120 [unless i wan to get 4 degrea burns on my hands]
o and will take this as hate coment iven if it is not
the thing theat is holding your chanel is the lack of audio engaiging (you have to talk more so the wiuers wont get bore ) and the lack of inovation you can be the best at a game but as long you wont add some ting to the table no will wana wachi becouse wath make you difrent bethen all the ather creators