@Tiny Tiny becouse our server so trash i was mythic 100 point in pick someone mafe a fight i will pick marksman and the 2 guy feed for i pick cloude in 1st pick and my 100 wr is fucked up my wr was 141 100
Ini mah enak teamnya cok...stakk g putus" krna minion dan jungle di percayain ma MM..jdi mw pindah kmna mna selalu dpt stakk..dan lv pun cepat..coba itu publikk..dah minion di potong g jelas... Jungle di ratain..g peduli buff siapapun selama free ya di embat😁😁😆😆
It's not about how you good in ML it's about the Squad you have, because being a good player is useless if you are only a solo player in every mach in ranked game!
Can someone explain to me the concept of 5 man mask? When i as a mm buy mask and i farm alongside my tank/suport who also have mask, even though i last hit, the gold goes to the tank? But when i see pros play the gold goes to them?
All buff and jungle... This would never hapoen in solo rank...
@Tiny Tiny what is ur sercer pls
@Tiny Tiny becouse our server so trash i was mythic 100 point in pick someone mafe a fight i will pick marksman and the 2 guy feed for i pick cloude in 1st pick and my 100 wr is fucked up my wr was 141 100
It's called the Hypercarry meta, and no pro players solo rank using their higher winrate heroes.
Tama have but rare
sa Mythic po madalas ganyan funneling
Song:Warriyo Mortals .Leave a like if love it😌😆😆😆
This guy is just amazing, he's really really good, and great team mates too
You cannot maintain 10 stacks if you're a solo gamer 😔
I think the most critical thing for claude player is to maintain stacks. Good game
Hard to maintain stacks if you're a solo gamer 😔
And that time when you got no support or the buff got taken by teammates
To branz is the best mm in the game you'll see in mpl he team carry for EVERY match
Best cover from kyy
Check Lemon and rekt
This mm only take bronze vs RRQ😂
Rip grammar
How is your English class going on Eugene?
10 SURE WIN STREAK sa magla-LIKE neto! 🍻
Gaming Content Creator Here! 😍
Chekirawt nyo na yan! 😎
Hug to hug done hugging
8:33 lol disampah
Mungkin ngakak di sampah :'
Nama aj setim, udh psti suka nyampah2an
@@fuckthisshit4665 matamua lol=tolol
@@fiturgaguna bacot
XINNN juga menonton channel ini , da best Branzz
Rip savage... Not rip maniac😂😂
#Dont steal savage!!! 8:30 😂
Ini mah enak teamnya cok...stakk g putus" krna minion dan jungle di percayain ma MM..jdi mw pindah kmna mna selalu dpt stakk..dan lv pun cepat..coba itu publikk..dah minion di potong g jelas... Jungle di ratain..g peduli buff siapapun selama free ya di embat😁😁😆😆
Mabar goblok, moonton bikin room buat mabar. Bacot mulu
Wahyur Rizal bener cuy, susah banget nyari stack Claude kalo solo wkwkwk
hahahaha can relate
Benar itu bro
Namanya juga publik
The best claude player
Nope it's sanz
Rekt too before patch note:v
hey its him opinion bruh
@@avralad yeah i know that
Rekt:Punten slur
How can he maintain 10 stacks
no body pick his jungle.+cooldown shoes
+good teammates, not to mention in a squad
@@butter5649 im solo amd still can maintain my stacks even though no cd shoes
@@notaguyfrominternet3454 Well i do can keep up my stack too, and i dont use cd shoes as well, i use the mana regen one
Main masih Menit 7:58 udah level 15..mantul
7:23 almost die
Little pokemon save the day haha
@@rizkigunawan7946 more like bulbasaur saves the day
There's ordinary, and then there's you
maen kalo solo... winrate tinggi.. baru luar biasa
Keren maennya.
Tapi lebih seneng kalau lihat rekt yg make claude
Player from jogja BTR branz.😁🙏
Gk nanya
FBnya : Jabran Bagus
overproud x
Give me this team.....ill also carry u with any mm...lol
Can u do grock top one?
His battlefield stats made me jealous 😻😿
And... He's lvl 15 before 8 mins.. *WTF!*
Hyper Carrie bro!
Wow is the best Claudi
grabe sayang savage di pa binigay ng kakampe haynako hshs
Baxia top player please men 🙏🏽🔥
very good game
Comen aa biar chanel aq di suport😊
Mampir ke channel aku ya bro, gameplay hayabusa dan montage hayabusa❤️
Ga putus" tuh stack
Mana ada, putus berkali-kali itu
Imagine own iphone 11 For more speed,caused my phoNe is so f*ckin'laggin..so lol🤣
Nice gameplay! New friend here :D
New subscriber
Coba ya mmr nya atau rank nya dibedakan antara party sama solo. Pasti ga bakal 90% wkkwk
Kalo rank bo5 ketemu bo5 change nya 90% dpt
Nice bro im lancelot 5000 match global 12 lance salam from indo
Who's care??😂
I dont care
@@tustastestos7061 me
Nice video
8:30 TRIGGERED , fail savage
6:89 Full Build
5:67 Max Level
Bedanya solo dan mabar squad ya begini kalok solo terkadang Nemu orang tua dan berubah jadi anak kecil ataupun anak kecil berubah jd orang tua 🤣
I stopped using Claude when Moonton nerfed him to kingdom come.
Gue ke sini, gara gara kopex gaming.
It's not about how you good in ML it's about the Squad you have, because being a good player is useless if you are only a solo player in every mach in ranked game!
True,espicially when ur the mm since the supports have to babysit u until ur gud to go
@Baby I will believe in you if he can win in solo rank with 5 win streak. Lol 😂😂😂
@Baby okay 😅
Jagoan leokoce mah
Phasha steal savage😂😌
900 match wr 91, apa kabar kagura lemon 3k ++ match masih 92
Uda ga pernah di pake
Percuma tuh wr kalo gk pernah dipake di turney
Is that kaja also a top global??
The Team of Pause.
Player Pause
Can someone explain to me the concept of 5 man mask? When i as a mm buy mask and i farm alongside my tank/suport who also have mask, even though i last hit, the gold goes to the tank? But when i see pros play the gold goes to them?
The farm goes to the person with the highest farm
There's some trick to play 5 man mask, first minion in middle must be clear by hypercarry hero without any help from your tank or support.
good like ...
Gw juga user claude 1300 macht 77,5% iri liat team sekompak ini solo rank 0,01% dpt tim kompak beginian
great carry made by a great team
7 menit 57 detik, level max
Itulah branz,farmingannya cepet,apalagi di MPL,super cepet
Efek meta hypercarry itu
Panutan gw di Mobile Legend
Jonathan liandi
Sana ol matino team mates
Nice Game Nice Team
Jahat bang parhsa
Claude is the best mm. of ml.
Enak banget buf di kasih terus
Taking all buffs n saying full build in 9mins now that make sense 😂😂😂😂
Sad kid, don't know hypercarry meta. Stop living under rock😂
fon fon I know ...that's y I wanna relate things to it becuz when I first saw the caption I thought he only took red buff
@@sheesh9210 try it than, if u can full item in 9 min,
i feel sad for u😌maybe u play in very shitt server😂😂
You have to know, full build in 9 mins is very hard to do. Even you can have all the jungle and buff too.
Nama Back sound Penutupan nya aph min?
Jangan lupa cek juga chanel gua banyak montag2 nya😊
GG Annisa
What the use of being a great player if your teammates are the ones who make you loose.xo xad
WS nya top 1 rank ya nih orang yg pecahin kwkwk
Wow 92 winrate
That pharsa😠😠😠😤😤😤
Pantes cook buff 1map free utk dia bot aja skit🤣
Bagus sih bagus tp ga punya mental juara. Main bagus ketika tim nya bagus doank.
I stop playing mobile legends,because my ml was broken and the WiFi is lagging all the time.i hate lag and monoton if you read this,pls fix it.
Ok.. We will fix it
8 menit max lvl gila njinggg
7menit level 15 ok
BTR (Best Team Rematch)
If he solo ranked, tidak bakal Terjadi seperti itu
What is enblem
Nda ngotak anj wr ny
Gen vs this guy mm
Im curious who will win
put mobazane on the list
Top global but, playing together
Cause he has a team
@Fachriza Ramadhana tq bro🙏
But, if top global solo ranked, that's is the best
Alahh makan sama ikan asin aja ngomong sok Inggris
@@aldous9995 bukan ngomong bro, tapi ngetik
Fast spade to farming 7.50 and 2× maniac, rip savage 1×
Noob Gaming headset
Mga idol pa subscribe po
Yang pingin tau rasa2 liquid, review liquid bisa cek channel saya
BG MW tanya. Btr BRANZ emang Dari Sleman.?
Ya bang dari gamping
Pantesan aq cek top hero Wilayah Sleman Mesti Branz terus. 😂 Ikut follow akun ya liat pas mabar ternyata 1 squad. 😁
ang galing!
Curse that pharsa won't get any savages anymore
If you solo will not give a buff with you team macth
I need to know how ur getting gold from minions even with mask and allies nearby nice hack
You can get the gold and exp if you're the one who has the highest exp
Got it?
Lah iya lah, tim lain nya gak farming.. Coba aja main sama public. Buff untung dapat tu branci hhhhaa
Mainnya 1 squad coba kalau solo :v
Pas Solo buff diambil sama fighter bangsat, Lane nya si fighter Ampe jebol terus grgr nyolong buff gw
He's my inspo playing mm
rip maniac or rip savage?
Top Argus
Ops what an outplay
Hyper carry?
No they dont need him zzzzz
Rip savage 😓😓
Do you know ACE Claude?
Yes, that nub mm in M1
Report pharsa haha Savage Claude fail
Hrs main squad anjenk.. Ngimpi solo rank haha
RIP ,Lol😂😂
That pharsa hahaha
Give away lah bang