That looked like a pain in the arse! Do you have a mirror handy? My old tech told me he’d use that to adjust the monitor. Great content as always! That’s really awesome that Chinese chasis worked out for you. Can’t wait for the sound to work so everything is rocking and rolling!
on my box it also says: "High Quality Scanning Piedestal" 😄
That looked tricky! But the proof is in the pudding. Happy New Year Hopper. Thank you.....
Happy new year Carlos I hope this year is better than last.
@@RetroGamingWithHopper It will be!
That looked like a pain in the arse! Do you have a mirror handy? My old tech told me he’d use that to adjust the monitor. Great content as always! That’s really awesome that Chinese chasis worked out for you. Can’t wait for the sound to work so everything is rocking and rolling!
I know that is the one thing I don't have, Is A Mirror.
I have a guide on UKVac describing my experience with one if these, and I put up a link to a complete guide to adjusting them for different tubes.
Cool Thank You.
Great job!
Thanks for the visit Ron.