International movies $6.50 I watched black penther 2020 theater nice and clean constable chair than USA Cambodia good spirits ❤ to watch movies since 1960 till now theater looks good allways thank you for sharing
Good for cambodian high earners not so good for people living from pay check to pay check . But it good for khmer living and earning abroad . Until you have $3 to $4 million save and passive income of 10k per month Plus home in cambodia . Then you can live better than in the state .
life in cambodia better than be a work slave in US . ខ្មែរច្រើនណាស់ រស់ក្រោមដំបូល social ( walfare , foodstamp , ) they dont even have $5000 in the bank sad
They watched movies from home. Very convenient. The younger generation don't like to go watch a movie at the movie theaters. Also they can watch a movie from the smart phones.
International movies $6.50 I watched black penther 2020 theater nice and clean constable chair than USA Cambodia good spirits ❤ to watch movies since 1960 till now theater looks good allways thank you for sharing
how long have you been live outside of Cambodia??.
Nice movie theaters
Very fancy theater cool
រោងកុននៅស្រុកយើងថ្មីទើបតែសង់ហើយ រោងកុនស្រុកគេសង់យូហើយ ឯរោងកុនខ្លះថ្មីក៌ស្អាតដែរ!
Good for cambodian high earners not so good for people living from pay check to pay check .
But it good for khmer living and earning abroad .
Until you have $3 to $4 million save and passive income of 10k per month
Plus home in cambodia .
Then you can live better than in the state .
Look better than usa
ស្រុកយើងមានសន្តិភាព សូមរក្សាអោយល្អ សប្បាយៗ ហេងៗ👍❤️ ស្អាតដូចនៅបារាំងដែរ ស្រុកយើងស្អាតជាង 🙏🇰🇭
Any Cambodian movie in the Theater
ប្រជឿនលឿនគួរសមសំអ្នកមានលុយតែបើក្រគ្មានជំនួយទេ មានតែភាពកំសត់
ប្រទេសណាក៏មានអ្នកក្រដែរ អ្នកក្រក្នុងប្រទេសក្រ គ្រាន់បើជាងអ្នកក្រក្នុងប្រទេសអ្នកមាន
life in cambodia better than be a work slave in US . ខ្មែរច្រើនណាស់ រស់ក្រោមដំបូល social ( walfare , foodstamp , ) they dont even have $5000 in the bank sad
ហួសសមយ័ហើយ រោងកុនបិតជិតអស់ហើយនៅបរទេស
They watched movies from home. Very convenient. The younger generation don't like to go watch a movie at the movie theaters. Also they can watch a movie from the smart phones.
ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយើងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ខ្លាំងណាស់។ អ្នកនៅស្រុកខ្មែរប្រសើរជាងអ្នកនៅបរទេសច្រើនណាស់។
ភាគច្រើនគេប្រៀបធៀបប្រទេសទៅប្រទេស១ទៀតលើ GDP , សេវាកម្មសាធារណៈ និង សុខមាលភាពសង្គម។