@SPN Winchester well, compared to her other songs - this is underrated. edit: or it’s not like MASSIVELY underrated either lmao. edit 2: wtf this ain’t underrated. what was i thinking dkdkdjdjdk
no because we NEED selena to get in the studio and release a sensual minimalistic type of song like this one again because NO ONE is beating her in this department. this is literally selena's genre
At first I was like 'Really? only her lips???' but I found myself staring her lips the whole time lol Can't deny she got talent to get people's attention. True entertainer.
Guys it's suppose to be an audio video not the actual music video. Usually we would get a still picture with lyrics. This was creative and she gave us a little more.
This wasn't creative. She literally filmed a 3 min and 4 second video of her lips and hand gestures emphasizing her luscious lips. In all honesty anyone could make this in one day, just by playing music in the background while showing and touching your lips.
whoever's idea it was to focus on her gorgeous mouth lip syncing to THIS song with all those finger and tongue movements and then showing her face for a little bit with those beautiful eyes is a GENIUS
She doesn’t have a fixed sound and that’s what make her different from other artists. Thanks to that she can be very versatile. She never does twice the same thing. If she only made songs like fetish we would get bored and so will Selena
The way she did this music video effortlessly will literally leave you speechless because you know she's amazing, humble, and beautiful inside and out in real life🥰.
Some people are giving hate o this video,..like boi, you should be glad she even gave you something to watch for an AUDIO release, she might make an actual music video later. And if not, this video is still unique and fitting for the song.
@@vaishportrays2963 Well everything about her her is beautiful.. Her face, her body, her hair, her personality, her attitude, her voice.. She is just PERFECT!
The last digit of the number of likes is your celebrity 1.Selena Gomez 2.The Weeknd 3.Ariana Grande 4. Beyonce 5.Shawn Mendes 6.Nicki Minaj 7.Zayn Malik 8.Miley Cyrus 9.Drake 0.Justin Bieber
HeinrichsoN while she has ugly eyebrows, you have an ugly personality, which is worse. Idk if you know, but what you say about the others says actually a lot more about YOU.
Manchester United Latest News it's not supposed to be an insult , I was just saying ,I can comment if I want to and it's my opinion, not everybody agrees with each other so next time shut the fuck up
too much underrated... this song deserved much more views
Well she does have much more views in the official music video
104m views and you say this song is underrated??
@SPN Winchester well, compared to her other songs - this is underrated.
edit: or it’s not like MASSIVELY underrated either lmao.
edit 2: wtf this ain’t underrated. what was i thinking dkdkdjdjdk
Shreya t it’s just an audio
But it's 105 million views bro..
no because we NEED selena to get in the studio and release a sensual minimalistic type of song like this one again because NO ONE is beating her in this department. this is literally selena's genre
Fr i dont why ahe tryna be quirky w her music when she can do this effortlessly
Uhm lana del Rey can
No matter how many songs Selena puts out, or how good they are, this will always be her best song.
The Flash have you heard souvenir yet? It just came out.
@@dianaharmony I did, I can't believe she outdid herself omg 😭
The Flash nah fetish still her best
You all are crazy!!
This isnt even near a top 5 Lol
Good for you, Me and the Rythm, Lose you to love me, maybe the best ones..
Anyway im just kidding, I respect all your opinions, Selena is so beautiful
This song is like a fine wine, gets better with age... Relaxing and calming.
At first I was like 'Really? only her lips???'
but I found myself staring her lips the whole time lol
Can't deny she got talent to get people's attention. True entertainer.
It's not the music video
we're same thoo.
Sunmin Jeong_선민 is not the music video
Sunmin Jeong_선민 remix th-cam.com/video/bgDztvhcmeA/w-d-xo.html
I did the same thing
100M views for her lips. Iconic
Snggy Bow777 🥳😂💜💘💅🏻
in ways pobom
Yes but it's really beautiful lips😉😁
sad bc in 11 months just 5m views
Hell yes
Guys it's suppose to be an audio video not the actual music video. Usually we would get a still picture with lyrics. This was creative and she gave us a little more.
Annelvine yeah Harry styles did the same thing
Annelvine Yeah it means the music video wont be this
Subtitles are still working
This wasn't creative. She literally filmed a 3 min and 4 second video of her lips and hand gestures emphasizing her luscious lips. In all honesty anyone could make this in one day, just by playing music in the background while showing and touching your lips.
Kueen Sky it's just that she put a little more into the audio than just a still shot with music. it's like a step above the average audio.
whoever's idea it was to focus on her gorgeous mouth lip syncing to THIS song with all those finger and tongue movements and then showing her face for a little bit with those beautiful eyes is a GENIUS
I remember this was my alarm to wake up but then fell back asleep because her voice is relaxing
Good job! ahaha
Same here ✨
Never put your fav song on alarm
You may end up hating it😂
haha I think that I did the same too
@@amangunani6703 tru gal speaking from experience 😔
I'm gonna practice english pronunciation with this video thank you selena
Someone: hey can you help m-
You: got a fetiiiishhh for my loovvve
No need for school yay
this song is actually too fire 😍😍
the sexiest song in the world
You're not wrong
i agree
See, I wish we could've gotten more songs like this from her. This was her sound!
She doesn’t have a fixed sound and that’s what make her different from other artists. Thanks to that she can be very versatile. She never does twice the same thing. If she only made songs like fetish we would get bored and so will Selena
This is what she sounded like when she was with the weekend 🥴🙌🔥
I'm absolutely obsessed blessed by all this music. AHHH
jessiepaege I've never heard of you but I see you commenting everywhere
jessiepaege yes Jess babe 👅😂💕
jessiepaege When this song turns into a fetish. lmao.
Oh no
I see you everywhere and I enjoy seeing your comments plus videos!
This is not the official video but still 10 million views in first day.
Slay Selena Slay
ARSYNEX slaylena :)
ARSYNEX that just means she is really really popular and famous, not a reflection of her talent tho
ARSYNEX Looooll i thought it was the official video 😂 cant wait for the official one now
Marco MartinezI think she is popular because of her talent. We love her for what she does.
No offence tho. Everyone has their own perspective.
This song deserves to be one of the most streamed songs but unfortunately it's highly underrated.
100m for lips?? Yeah of course and it deserves 1B honestly. It's SELENA GOMEZ's lips! I repeat SELENA GOMEZ! 😭❤️
You are right 😊
Now 111 million! 😉💜🔥
@@mkrstavac Stream Fetish harder on Spotify and TH-cam! 💜
This song and video deserves 1 billion+ views! 😉🔥
Selena : 👄
Me : 👁️👄👁️
💅 👄 💅
@@ezrealxshsh5460 hahahaha
These comments have me dead 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Selena : Moving her lips
108M people : Hmm interesting..
Well that's called fetish 😂
4 years of that masterpiece today. Selena is a queen 🤍
Her nails are gorgeous .
True 😍
it's called feeling frisco by opi. like, the nail polish
Signe Kristine Thomsen Demant thanks
AnimeFan yaaas
Happy birthday Selena ! 💖
Why isn't anybody talking 'bout her nails? Her nails are really on point!
The way she did this music video effortlessly will literally leave you speechless because you know she's amazing, humble, and beautiful inside and out in real life🥰.
its not the mv
I love how selena is trying something different for her and her fans 💕
Juaaa . Amillyo the weeknd vibes
Juaaa . Amillyo I love her new stuff
Aaster Rodriguez ik its so adorable 😂💕
Juaaa . Amillyo I Am Turkish I am Selena Gomez Fan
Juaaa . Amillyo me too....she is the best💘💘💘
I understand why Selena cheated on Selena with Selena and why Selena had a crush on Selena I mean look at her She's gorgeous 😍😍😍
sihame98 OMG YES🤣😍😍
sihame98 best comment ever ahahah
Selena quintanilla?
Top Shot She died a long time ago. get over it
EmilyC. thank u 🙈
Some people are giving hate o this video,..like boi, you should be glad she even gave you something to watch for an AUDIO release, she might make an actual music video later. And if not, this video is still unique and fitting for the song.
2:26 how beatiful she is 😭♥️
I can't wait to buy Selena's Rare Beauty makeup.
Its will be out on Thursday 🥺❤
@@prada4bratz YAY
Is Out
@@slurpy2666 YES, I KNOW! I'M GLAD!
same sis
I was afraid of the thought gucci mane's lips would show up
Mya Rivera lol
Lollllllll 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Mya Rivera 😂😂😂😐
Mya Rivera hhhhhhh me too
This was just her lips and damn.. We're getting Crazy about it!!!
Me tooo
well they do look like kissable lips.
Selena: How can we make a video without any budget?
Producer: Yes
Still my fav Selena song!
KKH MIRANDA mine too
Mine too ....well kind of ..it's so hard to pick ...it changes by the mood I am in
Mine too
I see that glowing skin Selena 🔥
issa filter
It's highlight 😂
It's Very Frosty Cold thx :)
I always come back to this video
watching this during 2020 quarantine: no selena don’t touch your face!!!!
Oh so true😂
I agree
Her mom: Selena don't put your fingers on your mouth honey
Selena: ...
If you didn't know the WHITE QUEEN in Alice in the wonderland said that BUTTERED FINGERS are tasty
And Selena is testing it
Million billion fingers
Yui Amelia 😂😂
Guys this is NOT the music video, it's clearly written "audio" in the title, calm down and appreciate the song ❤️❤️
Guys I think I'm in love. This song and her lips are hypnotizing.
This girl never ages
"if i were you i'd do me too"
that's some next level narcissism
Well thanks to social media, everyone can relate lmao
That's some buffalo bill narcissism🤠
can someone explain that line to me please, cause I'm too dumb 😭😭😭
@@sundehhh6797 she says if she were him she would use her body too because she is that irresistible
but it’s Selena!!☺️
her nails are bomb tho
Axelator Vlogging ikr
Axelator Vlogging it s fake stupid
Axelator Vlogging Tom bachik credits
mariem23563696. no shit
Wish they were stilettos tho
This is her genre, I hope she release more songs like this
I actually like this one more than the offical music video. I just have this easier to watch
“I push you out and you come right back”
Just like an acne
Triclentt 😂😂
Rafe Adler :P
Lmaoo relatable
Triclentt lamo relatable
Am I the only one who listens to this music every day? Reassure me. I'm not the only one, huh? 😭😭
Nah not the only one
No,me too
Me tooo
It's good. Keep it streaming ❤️
she broke the internet with this
1:59 that shiver though
τηξ λOsτ GιRλ Omg I noticed that now
lol i thought I was the only one to notice it
lol this made me laugh so hard xD idk why
That made me sad
I freaking love this song. I heard she has a new song that is gonna be like fetish 2.0. Damn I can't wait. One of my fave songs of Selena.
Is it?when she will release?
Damn cant wait
Wait really?? Omgg
OK, so what is the song's name?
2:25 her eyes are twinkling like an angel
collectibly tricks pause at 2:26 she looks like an idiot lol
collectibly tricks i
Gabagoo J how?
Cus she is an angel
She is truly an entertainer and knows the audience and this proves it. It’s so captivating and it’s only of her lips 🤤😍😍😍
0:23 she made a little mistake, instead of saying '' I '', she said '' I'm '' haha♥
Let It Be lol
Same i think im the only whos have Seen that
She actually didn't. It just may sound a little bit that way. But she didn't say it wrong.
lmaoaoao i forgot to comment this when the video came out because i thought it was only me who noticed
Valeria Flores Sameee
1.5 Million Likes for her lips.
Lol, but is addictive.
@@edwardpachon8316 fact
And the song
@@edwardpachon8316 agreeed
@@smayeeee facts
9.57 million views in 24 hrs, queen!
Lucas Chein in vevo have 10 Millions!
Literally Nobody:
Selena's lips getting 110 million views
And deserves more lol
Deserve more agree
She's a talented girl. Her musics are the best for a night out or a night in
I know now that you liked 👍
Normal people: Nice lips
Legend: Nice nails
Ultra legend: Nice earings
Here we are... She got nice tongue
I'd say nice Nose!
@@vaishportrays2963 Well everything about her her is beautiful.. Her face, her body, her hair, her personality, her attitude, her voice.. She is just PERFECT!
Nice nails and fingers 😉😏😏
Bro you see that smooth neck tho
When she sings "right back" 😱😱😍
Elizabeth Jones same 💜 im inlove with it
Elizabeth Jones so much auto tune 😍😍😍
Zaina Hoda ikr
Zaina Hoda fuck you
Zaina Hoda ikr
this song is so legendary
Was I the only one expecting Gucci Mane's lips to come on when it was his turn
Kate Cinco same
Kate Cinco lol same
Devious Donut ew you are nasty
Devious Donut LOOOOOL DEAD
Me too..LOL
1 year ago and I'm still in love with this song
Miss Mystique YES OMG . This is my lullaby tbh when I had hard time sleeping 😘💓
Aesthetic she is like nothing to compare
Can we talk about how nice her skin is though
Eesha Tota my penis approves
The last digit of the number of likes is your celebrity
1.Selena Gomez
2.The Weeknd
3.Ariana Grande
4. Beyonce
5.Shawn Mendes
6.Nicki Minaj
7.Zayn Malik
8.Miley Cyrus
0.Justin Bieber
Me when I buy new lip gloss 💁💁
Nice profile pic tho
Lmao 💋 💋
Ooooo lil meow meow 💕
girl meets world yeeeee
girl meets world MEE
girl meets world MEEEE
This is not just a mv, this is their hardwork and passion... THIS IS MASTERPIECE
this video is little wierd but I am obsessed with selena's perfect lips and chin..who else ia with me?
Ishita Singh this is just an audio
Hablas español :v
@@lauraflorez8561 eso pensé :v
Ela é rainha dona do meu universo poc
O Santo!!
This songs a fetish, I can't seem to stop replaying it.
Renee Bitch
victoria Nou ik this has nothing too do with the vid but um...
sorry im...wierd
Soneylis Loubriel lmao
Love the song even after 4 years
This song is really relaxing
Y'all are gonna hate me but I like this version better than the actual video.
I'm not hating you🙂
Same dude
Same here
@@eleniemmanouilidou24 εισαι Ελληνιδα;
@@annatrifona5342 Ναι... Κι εσύ;
Selena teeth are brighter than my future
Biz Kuzeniz ! Lol me 2
Biz Kuzeniz ! Lol!!!!!!!
Gucci manes are brighter they really bright af
üzülme kardeş kimse geleceğini bilemez
Thanks Dentist Hahaha
This is something incredible. On the repeat right now.
Love this song ❤
Her glowy skin thooo😍🤩✨
filter and makeup
"I am not surprised
I sympathize"
Killed me 😍😍😍🔥🔥
ugly eyebrows
HeinrichsoN shut up nobody asked for your opinion
HeinrichsoN ugly personality
with kindness ?
HeinrichsoN while she has ugly eyebrows, you have an ugly personality, which is worse. Idk if you know, but what you say about the others says actually a lot more about YOU.
I really like her earrings
istg this is the sexiest audio version of any song till date
2:00 Lip twerk!
in many ways their mine land on them usssr
Omgg her lips n her nails amazing !!!☺️
@@jessiedowlah9988 really?
Gabriel Bretas no. Watch the behind the scenes
and noise
this song is so addicting. 😩❤ love my girl Selena. her voice is so soft and beautiful, it's so captivating. Absolutely in love.
Makayla Taylor IT IS
Makayla taylor
Makayla Taylor I guess you have a fettish for this song
The Apple Lord I do, I do😂
Kakku Kakka nah
Selena broke the internet after posting a video of just her lips💋🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
you have grown so much as a musician i am so proud of you and i love you so much good work
Selena's music has always been amazing but the three new singles she dropped are BOMB!
Helen Darragh 3?? You mean 2? Bad Liar and Fetish?
catsandflowercrowns 1 she has another one called stained
Yeah stained is leaked
catsandflowercrowns 1 It ain't me is also Selena's song.
Stained is 🔥
Stained!!! DUDE I DIDNT KNOW 😨😨 going to look now
Reachin your lemon, say you're reaching your lemon, going over your lemon
Cyrus Khan she said limit...i heard "limit" or you're just being funny lol??
Arjane Blaine he's being funny XX
Cyrus Khan ويش
hvugnhg العنزي 😂😂 اي بالله ويش
Cyrus Khan our neighbourhood has some lemon stealing whores
Selena forever
sounds like it could be a fifty shades of grey song( only the chorus)
you just ruined this song for me
Yes! is provocative 😍
Manchester United Latest News it's not supposed to be an insult , I was just saying ,I can comment if I want to and it's my opinion, not everybody agrees with each other so next time shut the fuck up
Sonny Etchell I'm sorry didn't mean to
Taneisha .N Zé
I hate these fake "SelenaGomezVEVO" ads accounts spamming the comment section.
Colorless Rainbow SAME. It's so fucking annoying because those fake adds literally take up 90% of the comments section.
I denounced it, I was already tired
just report them.
Colorless Rainbow Same! I reported like 20 of the comments to get rid of it😭🙄😑 they're so flippin annoying
I know I'm trying see the fans comments
10M Just One Day congratulation selena gomez And Selenators
Justin done goofed real bad with this one.
when you leave toxic relationship behind, you do much much better!
Women are toxic. You must be a lesbian.
alazar almaze men can be toxic too sexist much
Chillouttunez X means she still stuck back there actually! But in his songs he moved on
Who else can't accept the fact that she looks the same as she did in 2009 and 2010?
Wesley Simon sameeeee
Wesley Simon I think I saw someone else say the exact same thing on "bad liar" lmao
+LauratheExplorer I guess great minds think alike :)
Kate K ohh thats bad men come on
Kate K maybe her personality?
Who's here before 1 million???
Allyna Tang me!
Allyna Tang ME AFFF
she’s so cute I cant
the visuals went so well with the song not many people got it the first time BUT I DID i need her to work with petra again soon
makeitshinebright not that of a masterpiece huh
Carmen Wyler your an amazing singer omg