Saddly because of previous equipment which had too low-hitting clapper, quite good part of lower octave was broken out. There was iniciative for repairing of the broken part at Grassmayr, but since bell is too big to be pulled out of the tower we had to letit go. Now, there are planned repairs of the bell to get to the better shape. Bell is ringing just manually 12 times a year 😁
That big one seems to be cracked...
It is peeled off, due to bad accessories 😕
Saddly because of previous equipment which had too low-hitting clapper, quite good part of lower octave was broken out. There was iniciative for repairing of the broken part at Grassmayr, but since bell is too big to be pulled out of the tower we had to letit go. Now, there are planned repairs of the bell to get to the better shape. Bell is ringing just manually 12 times a year 😁