I really do enjoy watching these 1million hp druid arena matches, but for the love of everything that has the name claymore in it, please stop yelling off the top of your lungs.
Stop hating on him for fucks sake. He's doing his best for his fans, and frankly I think it's enough. He might've been slacking on the OG swifty vids but he's busy. You need to remember that even Swifty has a life and he has to prioritise thing a bit different than your everyday streamer/youtuber.
People are hating on him because he called this video "guardian pvp" there's no guardian pvp at all, he hops onto his bear, throws out one or two heals, then tabs back to his warrior.
Dinosaur Ay, it's called killshot you can record a sound and use it for every time you get a KB, the sound plays, for example, mine plays some Montage music.
Bah, I don't agree. In my opinion 1v2 is One character vs 2. not a guy using 1 to heal and 1 to dps. I didn't say I disliked it, just that the label was wrong =)
whats the point of following u on twitch when u got 24/7 sub chat mode so only guys with money can talk? unsubed, u was good before but now u got too greedy!
Because most Twitch chats are cancerous, I usually want people to turn sub mode on even though I'm not subbed to anyone. And I could imagine people trolling and hating on Swifty there.
I thought this video was really cool but you were playing at like 1150-1250 elo... I can play my warrior in carrys for someone with almost no PVP power and win. Very neat idea though. This would take a ton of practice to get really good at it. Nice video.
MrEast111 People have been saying that since Wotlk, and they're still at 7 million subs. You want it to die, we get that, but the truth is your wish isn't coming true anytime soon.
this is a really awesome idea swifty and very entertaining, good job man
This is one of the best serie you are doing it is funny to se 1 man playing by him selfe and winning
This just proves how good Swifty is.
I love your enthusiasm, Swifty! You're adorable lol
RIP headphone users
***** yer nothing was wrong here
Vendetta Gaming Dem screams doe.
I've never seen anyone being so excited about beating a Rogue with 2 characters.
How about winning 2v2 arenas alone?
multiboxers do this all the time nothing new here.
I really do enjoy watching these 1million hp druid arena matches, but for the love of everything that has the name claymore in it, please stop yelling off the top of your lungs.
lol i had to keep turning my volume up and down but it makes it more funny to whatch i really do enjoy whatching these
RIP ears from headphone users.
Remy Lebeau Rip those who sleeps next door
+Duplicate Paradox lol
why he's laughing like tigger from winnie the pooh
Stop hating on him for fucks sake. He's doing his best for his fans, and frankly I think it's enough. He might've been slacking on the OG swifty vids but he's busy. You need to remember that even Swifty has a life and he has to prioritise thing a bit different than your everyday streamer/youtuber.
People are hating on him because he called this video "guardian pvp" there's no guardian pvp at all, he hops onto his bear, throws out one or two heals, then tabs back to his warrior.
someone please tell me what the intro song is
hahah, Swifty yelling as hard as he can xD
did the killing blow addon glitch? i'm sure it came up before the rogue died then just after.
This is not multiboxing.
This is some sort of micro unit management like in RTS games, SC or Dota for example.
Yes more videos like these swifty!
This is world of warcraft right?
It's halo
Troll leave him alone
Darude - Sandstorm
Nicola Hößer why everyone spam that stupid song in the comments .....
Awesome *--* Swifty number 1
I have to try this, you're healing 25k every 5 seconds passively.
Please someone tell me song name 0:13
Thumbs up if you watched it on stream ! Rly entertaining shit ; D
This is honestly really cool
This video was uploaded on my birthday :3
swifty what's ur addon to go KILLING BLOW
I think thats just a thing they put in the video.
Dinosaur Ay, it's called killshot you can record a sound and use it for every time you get a KB, the sound plays, for example, mine plays some Montage music.
That warrior & rogue what the fuck were they doing? Jesus! even at 1300 that's pretty fucking abysmal
Are warriors that OP in MoP? Or just that he has way better gear?
How is he logged in on the same account?
What glyphs do you use for boomie? :D
Swifty, you should stick with the V-necks, they're stylin'.
is that MoP. i am confused already
Why does swifty's hair looks like Vaas's from Far Cry 3?
Swifty could u make duels vs each class?
Is your chair IKEA Markus?
Swifty! That Coming soon Video in the outro never came
It's not really 1v2 if you have 2 toons in the arena.
pvp = player vs player, 1 player with 2 toons vs 2 players with 1 toon on each = 1v2
Bah, I don't agree. In my opinion 1v2 is One character vs 2. not a guy using 1 to heal and 1 to dps. I didn't say I disliked it, just that the label was wrong =)
Try and do that.
I remember in vanilla the very best geared players had like 4000-6000hp. 1mill hp seems a bit ridiculous.
Swifty makes me happy :)
How does he have his 2 characters in 1 group aren't they in the same account ?
has a wow1 wow2 account connected to the same battlenet account.
I don't understand what he's doing. Explain please.
Damn I have to try this, you're healing 25k every 5 secs lmao
How is swifty on same account with 2 people?
dios swifty creia k era imposible intentar hacer eso pero acabo de ver tu video y es flipante tio eres un dios
How do you swap between characters like that?
Have to wows open n alt+tab.
how do you have 1m health?
This is ridiculous. you're playing your warrior, tabbing into your druid for stuns and calling it Guardian PvP...
Other than the heals that's about all Guardian is good for in PVP. I cringe whenever I see a tank in PVP, other than the gladiator stance in WOD.
that's one way to play with yourself
what's the addon that says killing blow
killingblow enhanced
whats the point of following u on twitch when u got 24/7 sub chat mode so only guys with money can talk? unsubed, u was good before but now u got too greedy!
I second this motion.
It's because trolls like to mess with Swifty. Why would you take that personally? There's a reason behind everything.
Because most Twitch chats are cancerous, I usually want people to turn sub mode on even though I'm not subbed to anyone. And I could imagine people trolling and hating on Swifty there.
swiftboxing is so sick
These dual boxing druid/Warrior vids are real boring imo..I personally prefer real arena matches....
Real arenas ? Have u been into a MoP arenas full cc's lmao
***** one of the best classes atm
KILLING BLOW!! (Deep ass voice)
Not sure if I enjoy the video or his reactions more.
Killing BLowww xD nice swifty ^^ saludos
Haha that's awesome. Good job Swifty
make a cyclone macro, and you can be even better !
I thought this video was really cool but you were playing at like 1150-1250 elo... I can play my warrior in carrys for someone with almost no PVP power and win. Very neat idea though. This would take a ton of practice to get really good at it. Nice video.
you are the god of world of warcraft perfecto ;3
that was fast man !
why dont you do arenas with your paid friends?
That health though.
*Dat Health doe
And then he shows his credit card info onscreen and have to turn the stream off. hahaha
I left wow about a year ago and I am soon to get my account back (I have a crappy level 90 DK)
man you are ROOK !!
What's the name of this server that play's Swifty ?
Darude - Sandstorm... No im kidding its Darkspear
Danpet1234 Thanks man :)
Noconection bodybuildera Or i believe so
alt tabbing and multiboxing? lol oh thats right, youre not multiboxing. youre swifty boxing. got ya
It's funny reading people trash on swifty because they don't like the content if you don't like it that's fine but don't have to say shit about it;)
wow still exists?
And it will for a long time ;)
Alex Tralle
No it won't, it's dying every year... Just like facebook
MrEast111 People have been saying that since Wotlk, and they're still at 7 million subs. You want it to die, we get that, but the truth is your wish isn't coming true anytime soon.
Comical got em
That would be me saying 'It is dead' I said it is DYING! Not dead. Maybe learn how to read in future
Swifty make longer videos pls
WTF 12k Counquest?!?!
lol he disable dislikes and likes, sad
wow gg for op swifty pls nerf in upcoming patch swifty too op
he is still playing with him self on camera ok everyone dont even rule 34 me it has been done
Sarude - Dandstorm
lol, happiness lvl 9000 xD
what 9:02 music name?
no that song!
Ulises Garcia no that song!
AAAAAAaaaaand here's hoping for a better video next time again and again and again....
wow great video man keep the good work, hope someday i'll be able to do what you do :D
why the fuck did he disable the likes / dislikes ...
[P] you have 2 account ? Swifty ?
PrinzKain nop he's playing on the same account
DGpro442 like that? tell me how, how will that work?
Why swifty loss so much rating in rbgs?I thought he was grand marshal:D
why ppl keep giving him gold
Es español?
why not upload some wod content? oh yeah forgot.. need to sit on twitch in strange hours to watch it all....
why the fuck is he laughing like that..?
I see the haters down!
under geared rogue trying to cap...... 1200 rating.........takes skill to play at that rating with full gear..... o wait its 2s.........
wow. swifty op
guauuuuuguauuu!!jajayou don't need company for arenas??jaja up rate one player.the new play
I hope WOD is less broken then MOP. Game sucks atm.
This is pretty powerful, and swifty is not even that good at it.. If someone who was actually really good this it might work really well.
Its rather strange when they are not even trying the priest stood there for a while an did nothing why are you so proud of owning two randoms ?
So happy face :D
Why can't I give a like?
Pleas stop saying 1300 rating is good :D hurting my ears :D
man my eardrums u are screaming too much but still cool vid
Swifty could u make duels vs each class?