According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the ICAO Phonetic Alphabet assigns "B" the code "Bravo," and "R" is represented as "Romeo. The ICAO Phonetic Alphabet has been adopted and is currently in use by various organizations, including the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and NATO, among others.
Que la "R" es Roger??? Será en Israel, porque en el resto del mundo es Romeo. Así lo especifica el código ICAO, igual que has corregido Bravo por Beta, sería bueno que corrigieses ese Roma, Roger, por Romeo. Un saludo cordial, 73/51
"B" es Bravo y "R" es Romeo. (hace mas de 70 años)
According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the ICAO Phonetic Alphabet assigns "B" the code "Bravo," and "R" is represented as "Romeo.
The ICAO Phonetic Alphabet has been adopted and is currently in use by various organizations, including the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and NATO, among others.
Depende de cada pais ese codigo , hay algunas letras mal nombradas
Que la "R" es Roger??? Será en Israel, porque en el resto del mundo es Romeo. Así lo especifica el código ICAO, igual que has corregido Bravo por Beta, sería bueno que corrigieses ese Roma, Roger, por Romeo. Un saludo cordial, 73/51
Nada didáctico. Hay errores un saludo