The title is what brought me here and I gotta say I’m sun aqua moon Virgo. My father was a sun Virgo, he was very reserved and quiet, didn’t like attention and yea I was a wild child growing up. I know I gave him a ride of a lifetime while he was here on this planet physically but I will say this yes I learned a lot from him and even learned upon my spiritual gift cause he too I believe had them also, he was very old school. I could write all day but I wouldn’t flood ya comments section. Rest in spirit dad (Lucious Murray Chambers) p.s. great read.
The title is what brought me here and I gotta say I’m sun aqua moon Virgo. My father was a sun Virgo, he was very reserved and quiet, didn’t like attention and yea I was a wild child growing up. I know I gave him a ride of a lifetime while he was here on this planet physically but I will say this yes I learned a lot from him and even learned upon my spiritual gift cause he too I believe had them also, he was very old school. I could write all day but I wouldn’t flood ya comments section. Rest in spirit dad (Lucious Murray Chambers) p.s. great read.
Jasmine... I always thought I was her...
I'am the one who talk fast and it happened a lot tht i will leave sameone hagging.
😂 💯