This is one of those rare dramas that didn’t give me stress,only lovely feelings becoz they’re so into each other.The chemistry and bond b/w the main leads in the drama was outstanding.I mean they never even thought of not having each other in their life.This drama makes me wan to have a relationship them.The best drama for me.
*Most beautiful drama I've ever watched. The story line is also great and I love the characters very much! I hope there will be a season 2 of this.* 😭💗
@@taekook-loves there is no news as such . But I really hope they make season 2. I just can't get over Chen zhe yuan and Xu mengjie. They are so adorable together.
This is just a drama why i am crying when its end🥺 i miss thier school life they should have more episodes its not enough for us Anyway I'm watching it 2nd time 🙂😘
This extra episode gave a perfect ending . And their teacher was more supportive❤ and their friendship was so good they are like a family they support each other in every moment❤
Well, I am happy to see the extra episode. It was lovely, they are now married and together now. What a lovely ending, just loved it, so much loved it. Will miss it.
Awwwwwww this was one of the most Sweetest and Beautiful dramas I came across ♥️♥️♥️ Zhou Siyue and Ding Xian have my heart🥰🥰🥰 Absolutely loved each and every bit of this Wonderful Story ♥️♥️♥️💚💚💚🤍🤍🤍 I loved this story was not only about love, but also true friendship, school & college life and family♥️♥️♥️❣️❣️❣️ I loved all the characters portrayed in this drama and also the other 2 adorable couples ♥️♥️♥️❣️❣️❣️ Loads of Love from India 🇮🇳 ❣️
perpaduan yang sempurna,cwekx manis cwokx ganteng,jd g bosen lihatx,cwekx klo ketawa cantik sekali,senyumnya,auranya lembut,cwokx klo senyum gantengx nambah trs😄mau doaiin mereka jodoh beneran nikah,Aamin.. tinggalin jejak dilapakx y min,bahwa aku fansx yg mendukung mrk bersama..😁trmks
Lol was hoping Xian would tell Siyue she's pregnant. They gave hints in her being tired combined with her complaining that she's gaining weight. Oh well at least they gave us hints.
Lagu2 ost pd drama ini mmg sedih dan sgt touching mmg buat sesiapa mndgr akn terkesan. Terima kasih krn sudi beri sebuah kenangan pada ku utk suatu ketika . Dan lagu2 di ost drama ini sgt terkesan.
Since childhood I didn't see any c drama ,but this seize my heart so lovely character they are especially zhoe siyuevand ding xinxan how perfect rhey are!for each other .love this drama by kind hearted .want episode 2 yaar
Actually the episodes aren't enough for me...!! Want sm more badly 🥺🥹🥹🥲 Bt atleast happiee for this wndrful Happiee ending🥹🫶❤️❤️ Thankk Uuuu soooooo mchhh for uploading dis beautiful one 😘waiting to see them together once again 🙈
Not enough i want more for them..i wish they extend atlis meeting the parents and real wedding with reception and more moment for thier friends as well.anyway i gonna watch this again
Sumpah ya ini dracin menyentuh banget ceritanya, sampe pas pertama kali nonton diriku nangis tersedu sedu, peran Chen Zhe Yuan, Meng Zi dan yang lain menyentuh banget 🤗
C-dram yg buat aku nangis karena banyak hal, bapaknya ding xian yg perhatian banget, temen²nya yg tulus, kisah hidupnya zhou siyue, persahabatan mereka & lika-liku perjalanan cinta mereka.
Que graça, sempre meigos e graciosos!!! Casal maravilhoso e talentoso!!! Gostei também dos demais casais!! Serie linda, emocionante e mostra muitas verdades de uma forma delicada e sensível!! Parabéns aos atores, escritores e todos profissionais. Pena este capítulo extra não ter legendas em portuguê ia adorar entender o que eles falam.
Every time when I saw cdrama I feel so touch and need to watch so much episodes prolongly if it possible to see more more and seasons in every drama that couple and story of drama and characters are so much impressed me and I feel it as real true life and near to hear my heart it should be feels very calm happy ...❤ if the episodes are more we have our secrate cdrama I need to watch more of their kids and their school life in next episodes but I miss the drama with littile end and I like it zhou syieye and ding xian nice couple and nice and superb affectioned of story heart touch❤❤
I am so happy to see this extra episode..... it's a relief to see all of them being married
I laugh so hard when he said to kong shadi to turn around and he gave a message to ding xian "i love u"with heart sign
This is one of those rare dramas that didn’t give me stress,only lovely feelings becoz they’re so into each other.The chemistry and bond b/w the main leads in the drama was outstanding.I mean they never even thought of not having each other in their life.This drama makes me wan to have a relationship them.The best drama for me.
*Most beautiful drama I've ever watched. The story line is also great and I love the characters very much! I hope there will be a season 2 of this.*
Mannn...I don't know why my eyes is filled with tears🥺.... it's just a series.....but really very touching and memorable 😌💯
A season 2 would be perfect..their lives after marriage, friends etc.
Season 2 is there?
@@maddymaddy73 not yet
@@anjliydv will there be a season 2? Is it confirmed?
@@taekook-loves there is no news as such . But I really hope they make season 2. I just can't get over Chen zhe yuan and Xu mengjie. They are so adorable together.
Want season 2 or another drama of them together 💜💜💜
This is just a drama why i am crying when its end🥺 i miss thier school life they should have more episodes its not enough for us Anyway I'm watching it 2nd time 🙂😘
Thankyou for watching this video ❤
This extra episode gave a perfect ending . And their teacher was more supportive❤ and their friendship was so good they are like a family they support each other in every moment❤
Thank you so much for this extra episode ❤️ Please upload other extra episodes soon 🙏
That’s so cute they explaining cute things about each other🥰
Well, I am happy to see the extra episode. It was lovely, they are now married and together now. What a lovely ending, just loved it, so much loved it. Will miss it.
Xu mengjie and Chen zhe yuan please We want others drama of you 2 you two are best couple in Chinese drama 🥰🥰🥰🙏
10:36 why is he so cute...his smile...😭🤧🤌💝
I hope this has a Season 2. I love this drama so much ❤
Awwwwwww this was one of the most Sweetest and Beautiful dramas I came across ♥️♥️♥️ Zhou Siyue and Ding Xian have my heart🥰🥰🥰 Absolutely loved each and every bit of this Wonderful Story ♥️♥️♥️💚💚💚🤍🤍🤍 I loved this story was not only about love, but also true friendship, school & college life and family♥️♥️♥️❣️❣️❣️ I loved all the characters portrayed in this drama and also the other 2 adorable couples ♥️♥️♥️❣️❣️❣️ Loads of Love from India 🇮🇳 ❣️
Extra part so make me full smile 🖤 so cute. I need season 2 🤩
Tersentug banget gk tuh,btw mks ya min😘💕💕,sumpahh seneng bangett😭😭,moga gw ama crush gw endingnya kek gini💕
perpaduan yang sempurna,cwekx manis cwokx ganteng,jd g bosen lihatx,cwekx klo ketawa cantik sekali,senyumnya,auranya lembut,cwokx klo senyum gantengx nambah trs😄mau doaiin mereka jodoh beneran nikah,Aamin..
tinggalin jejak dilapakx y min,bahwa aku fansx yg mendukung mrk bersama..😁trmks
Happy to see this extra episode with three lovely couples , friends & the teacher 🤩😍💜.. thank you for English sub🙏💜❤
I'm so happy that they included Liu laoshi in the end, he witnessed everything from them being the high school sweethearts to getting married 😭💖
Such a relief to see the last scene now I can live my life freely...
So happy for 3 couples with a happy ending...
Lol was hoping Xian would tell Siyue she's pregnant. They gave hints in her being tired combined with her complaining that she's gaining weight. Oh well at least they gave us hints.
That's right! I think she's pregnant but they not notice about that
Lagu2 ost pd drama ini mmg sedih dan sgt touching mmg buat sesiapa mndgr akn terkesan. Terima kasih krn sudi beri sebuah kenangan pada ku utk suatu ketika . Dan lagu2 di ost drama ini sgt terkesan.
Want season 2 or another drama of them together 💜
Since childhood I didn't see any c drama ,but this seize my heart so lovely character they are especially zhoe siyuevand ding xinxan how perfect rhey are!for each other .love this drama by kind hearted .want episode 2 yaar
That's amazing your story is longer and I really appreciate us for this extra episode ❤️
It's good to see them together and happily married
11:05 finally i saw them on wedding dress🤩
Actually the episodes aren't enough for me...!! Want sm more badly 🥺🥹🥹🥲 Bt atleast happiee for this wndrful Happiee ending🥹🫶❤️❤️ Thankk Uuuu soooooo mchhh for uploading dis beautiful one 😘waiting to see them together once again 🙈
Not enough i want more for them..i wish they extend atlis meeting the parents and real wedding with reception and more moment for thier friends as well.anyway i gonna watch this again
Shadi and ziqi is so cute too!🥰
I love teacher Liu🥺❤️ such a good , great,cool teacher
Thank you for uploading this scenes ❤️
Sumpah ya ini dracin menyentuh banget ceritanya, sampe pas pertama kali nonton diriku nangis tersedu sedu, peran Chen Zhe Yuan, Meng Zi dan yang lain menyentuh banget 🤗
C-dram yg buat aku nangis karena banyak hal, bapaknya ding xian yg perhatian banget, temen²nya yg tulus, kisah hidupnya zhou siyue, persahabatan mereka & lika-liku perjalanan cinta mereka.
Really happy to see together and we want season 2 and waiting for season 2 please
Petition to have another drama for all the cast of this cdrama "Our Secret"
Why am I crying like stupid?🥺
It was a beautiful ending but I want to see more of it😭
Berharap ada season 2 nya ☺☺☺😘
Drachin paling bagus sih mnrtku ya ini love love
Ternyata masih ada lanjutannya meskipun short story tapi ngena bgt 😍😭
Untung ada ini, jadi penonton tenang...endingnya jga lebih jelas. 🥰
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️no more comments it just full of perfection... perfect happy ending....i wish everyone will get their partner soon❣️
Thank you so much😣 it's hard to move on from this film, please!!😭💗
Thanks for translet indonesia🤗
Yayyy everyone is so happy at the end!😁
This is so nice to watch thx for uploading the extra
This drama not only of love but inspiring they work hard for each other..❣️
Most beautiful drama ... All actors are gery good..nice story line... Feel so happy to see this drama
The last music when he proposed shadi!! got my heart 😫❣️🤧
I m gonna miss them sooo much😭❤️
After finished this drama,iam also gonna miss them sooo much😭❣️.
Thank you for this extra episode 💖
omg finallyyy 😭 thank you so much!!
Que graça, sempre meigos e graciosos!!! Casal maravilhoso e talentoso!!! Gostei também dos demais casais!! Serie linda, emocionante e mostra muitas verdades de uma forma delicada e sensível!! Parabéns aos atores, escritores e todos profissionais. Pena este capítulo extra não ter legendas em portuguê ia adorar entender o que eles falam.
Ap lagi saya sngt sngt myukai drma china ini 😍
Did anyone notice that on their way back from cinema hall, behind them was Aunt Liu😂
I love the extra story so much 😭😭😭
Every time when I saw cdrama I feel so touch and need to watch so much episodes prolongly if it possible to see more more and seasons in every drama that couple and story of drama and characters are so much impressed me and I feel it as real true life and near to hear my heart it should be feels very calm happy ...❤ if the episodes are more we have our secrate cdrama I need to watch more of their kids and their school life in next episodes but I miss the drama with littile end and I like it zhou syieye and ding xian nice couple and nice and superb affectioned of story heart touch❤❤
Couple fav 😘😘😘😘
Rumor ny mereka bakal main film bareng 😍😍😍
Semoga rumor nya bener 😘😘
I was hoping for an off cam real romance between them😘
Ahh masa sih, beneran?? Hwaaa 👏🏻
My eyes is full of tears 😅 my heart aches when it ended ♥️♥️I want another episode pls🥲🤣🥲
Me super encanto esta serie, tan maduro así como Love 020 que protejia el amor
I waited so long for this👀💕 thnkuu
The movie they be I just love the movie I hope season 2 will come fast
Filh yg sempurna ,happy ending,moga ada season 2 ditunggu y
Kak thankyou yaa
Aku jd terharu liat episode yg terakhir ini 🥹🫶
I miss you all the characters of this drama really 😍
I love their school life very much and I miss it so much.
woy kuranggg, 24 jam pun gua jabanin dah ini special episodenya😭💙
Sama euyy, dikasi 24 jam jga hayoo dehhh.
i will never stop to watch this drama is amazing and quiet i did enjoyed
I love this movie so much😭 i hope that thiers a season 2😊
Ini drama terbaik menurut ku , karn membuat baper perlakuan lelakinya 😊
Saya sangat senang ❤
Keren banget ada sedih nya😢
Mau dong season lanjut
Wow 😍....happy ending really nice drama 😍...i love it ...from india....Andrapradesh
I'm literally living this heart aches when it ended...🥺💝
Thanks for the movie i really love this movie ❤️
Nice drama waiting for season 2 😘
Season 2 is there?
Thank you for this extra episode it was very imotional and lovely episode ❤
No, this was excellent 😊😊 so touching they look so adorable together season 2 plźzźźzzźz or wish to see them in future co operation ❤❤❤❤❤😍🤩🤗
10:51 why even i'm blushing!!!🤭🤭
Worth watching drama. ❤
It is best drama for me always ❤❤❤❤
Wahhh, I love this extra episode 😍😍😍
Couple fav bngetttttt😚💗
Baru selesai liat dramanya..masih gagal move on dengan acting mereka..suka sekali liat drama ini..
10:56 so cute!😆🥰❤️
they’re so adorable :(
I really love ziqi soo much!!
The voice of the song seems a lot like BTS's Jin.I really love this drama
Wow keke is another time pregnant 😂
Arghhh g bs g bs ini trlalu ckp andai bs dpt cwo ky dia😂
Makasih banyak min...😘😘
Please release season 2 of this it's really good and characters are also nice 😊
Я искала эту часть и наконец то нашла 🖤😎
Willingly waiting for season 2
Fan boy Ding Xian, Senyum nya manis bet anjay 🙈
Thank u so much extra ep😊
U'r welcome 🤗
Thank you so much 🤩🤩
My only favorite cdrama😊
Tnks for this extra ep..i am so happy after this💘
U'r welcome...thank you for visit our channel. 🤗
Im zoo satisfied tnx u
Boy and girls everything love ❤😢😊