i sadly dont have enogh free time to binge watch ur vids since my mom left abroad in japan and no one is raising me and my siblings but my old grandma hopefully i get more free time to watch ur goofy ahh vids
13:15 1. he doesnt have evolution pekka 2. he doesnt run the cheff as a tower thats ONE thing to be greatful about... we might need to learn how to count again💀 (its all a joke i love the content 🤗)
I don’t think the chef is THAT good, people just haven't learned to counter it yet. Aka forcing opponent to use level up on shite troops with bridge pressure.
Ho ho ho, Saxon you've been a naughty boy this year
damn how did you know...
@saxon2 Santa always knows
Who let bro cook(literally)
Level 100 evo pekka is wild
can't believe it happened in that last game omg
7:47 that’s me
It’s all over the screen Saxon
no, its all over ur face (yucky)
@ no Saxon. I edge to you. More than ever. Your face and hot accent. Keep talking
@saxon2 saxon keep speaking Im almost finished... 💔
@flippydaflipper6698what does edge mean
Watching Saxon in tv is just so fucking chill but kinda rude 😂. Love u bro keep going ❤️🔥
who let them cook who let you cook
would be cool to see you an oiled up jigsaw saxon
ayo what...
One of my favourite coc TH-camrs. Bro is funny and real
someone finally said it... let me cook
@saxon2 I SAID LET HIM COOK🗣️🔥🔥
Who let bro cook
Damn in 3 months you almost tripled in size, in every way
do cooking video but instead of cooking you french kiss Austin
@saxon2I’m waiting
@@AustinCRis bro that bored that he reads his friends comments?
Legit getting Chef for FREE in Arena 10 as a king level 8 is INSANE.
You cooking with the cook
Supercell hates cycle decks😢
hates miner cycle decks*
Golden knight eating dog at 9:27
i am new to your channel but i love it
glad to hear it my dude, stick around
i sadly dont have enogh free time to binge watch ur vids since my mom left abroad in japan and no one is raising me and my siblings but my old grandma hopefully i get more free time to watch ur goofy ahh vids
Getting an A on my Math exam while watching Saxon 😼
W, get good grades kiddos
They kept the mirror in a terrible state because of how busted the level-up mechanic was… and then they made a card that did it for free.
saxon must really love peoples glaze :)
9:27 why is Blud just waltzing around in his boxers?
1. he doesnt have evolution pekka
2. he doesnt run the cheff as a tower
thats ONE thing to be greatful about...
we might need to learn how to count again💀 (its all a joke i love the content 🤗)
Can u upload another video tmr?
always do broski
i saw the notification and i was like oh its saxon again again
gonna keep making channels and put more agains at the end of the name until we conquer youtube
how have you been in so many locations. bro knows the secrets to the infinite money glitch
Sick myself like you 🙂🚁
How do you get to travel a lot? What do you do for living?
Bring out Austin and your offsprings
I mean deeks like mega miner, miner loon
Saxon i cant see my screen through the fluids😢
Bro wants to play a little game with us
gratz's least favorite card
Saxon the cr youtube 👑
i was in the white van can confirm
first step to fixing an addiction is admitting you have one
Your so handsome
Your so good at everything you do
I hate this new tower troop already. I played 8matches after this came and fucking evolved mega knight in every deck with this tower troop
Is the chef over worth it?
the chef offer? nothing in clash royale is worth $55 lmao
Soooo, Is the FBI chasing u or something. Why r u moving so much lmaoo
Nerf miner 🗣🔥
14:30 you could have played queen + miner and cannon to prevent the lightning on the tower :/
Would have been an insane play
yes saxon i want to play a little game with you
holy moly dont tempt me boy
for someone who's not very skilled at the game i agree u should stick with beatdown or pekka decks
saxon in 9:16
Saxon when will you be under my tree?
Who is saxon?
Saxon im eating fried eggs with pepper and sriracha does that sound yummy
Look at the camera cough twice and blink twice if you need help in your next vid
(I liked my own comment)
Why are you funny sometimes?
Not glazing
This is making the only thing that made mirror unique not unique 😅
Delete it (the tower troop)
4 min ago thats a real saxon fan
@@KristijanDimovski-rr2ss 28 seconds ago true fan
Saxon is always so romantic with his (underaged) fans 😨
I would like you to accept the request to play ALIEN ISOLATION or ill take off the ac from the kidnappers van
you wanna play a game saxon🫦👅👅👅👅
Wsg saxon
its not that broken, unless its golem, megaknight or pekka evo
im league i am better than u
everyone, this man is league
League goated
Damn his league omg
Yoooooo I’m also league
actually you uploaded at 16:01 saxon get better
meow indeed, meow indeed
Sexon ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘
speak more king saxon. Im not finished
we want f2p
Get new miner
youtube told me i’m in the top 0.01% of your fans and watched 50x the average viewer watch time, may have to go touch some grass rq
no no keep doing it bro trust me its good for you, appreciate the support btw
i am a quadruple amputee and i can still micro place troops better than you 😂 i play using my 3rd leg 😉
When you have 9 mill subs can you buy me a cheeseburger?
50th 🎉
I’m finally first
Saxon you are awful
hard facts
I don’t think the chef is THAT good, people just haven't learned to counter it yet. Aka forcing opponent to use level up on shite troops with bridge pressure.
10 min ago and early
congrats my dude
@aleksvargov5408 I was first I commented at 28 seconds
@@Camm3rs dang
You are just a noob p2w player
One of my favourite coc TH-camrs. Bro is funny and real
One of my favourite coc TH-camrs. Bro is funny and real.