Who did Jesus Reject In Matthew

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @realestate2181
    @realestate2181 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I warned a female preacher today that she wasn't supposed to be teaching in the church. She looked at me to say what evidence did I have, I referenced 1 Timothy 2: 11 - 15 and she looked guilty. I told her with a smile to stop preaching heresy in the church. She then asked if I wanted to speak to the head pastor and I said no this was meant for you and I left.

    • @SpiritualMinefield
      @SpiritualMinefield  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Real Estate: That was good that you warned her about disobeying God's Word, concerning the role God has placed for men and women in the church. Excellent that you gave her Scripture, that's very important because the Word of God is what penetrates a person's heart.

  • @ZacharyLittle777
    @ZacharyLittle777 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Hey Spiritual MineField, let me explain Matthew 7:21-23 by backing up other scriptures!
    Matthew 7:21 KJV:
    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the WILL OF MY FATHER which is in heaven.
    Now only those who do the will of the father? Turn to John 6:40 and John 6:28-29 for the will of the father!
    JOHN 6:40 KJV:
    40 And this is the WILL OF MY FATHER that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and BELIEVETH on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
    John 6:28-29 KJV:
    28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
    29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
    You can also compare John 6:28-29 WITH James 2. The work/will of God is to simply believe on Jesus Christ!
    These people in Matthew 7:21-23 didn’t simply believe on Jesus Christ! That’s why he told them to depart from him, NOT because they didn’t do enough or aren't quote on quote ''living good enough''! If you simply believe that Jesus Christ (The Eternally Existing Son of God, God The Son, Savior, Christ) died on the cross shed his blood for all our sins, was buried, rose again the 3rd day, you're promised/have eternal life, you're eternally saved, sealed, sanctified, eternally redeemed, eternally secured. Once Redeemed, Always Redeemed!

    • @Telepathythinker
      @Telepathythinker 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Zachary This 100% correct, we in no form or fashioned are saved by works, Ephesians 2:9 KJV Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    • @cblue7384
      @cblue7384 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @lchimenz
    @lchimenz หลายเดือนก่อน

    1 John 3:23 "And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment."

  • @Ryukuss
    @Ryukuss 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Mathew 7-21 still keeps me in fear of the Lord and i think that is good for me.

  • @4HisGloryFilms
    @4HisGloryFilms ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for explaining this well. I didn't really understand this. Thanks to you, I now understand. God bless you! 🙏 💕

  • @johnnybravo5964
    @johnnybravo5964 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The works and fruits will be for rewards not salvation. Believing who Jesus is and why he died and that he was raised up and trusting in His sacrifice is what it means to be saved. After that it’s a walk with God, no one is without sin because we are still under the curse of Adam until we get our glorified bodies. The ones who he will deny will be the false teachers like Joel osteen, who teach prosperity, the pope who teaches all religions lead to God, the ones on the narrow path are the ones who believe in the son and what he did to save the world. Many on TH-cam are casting out demons and doing all those things yet aren’t truly putting their faith in Christ, just using his name yet they never truly believe what he did they use His name for money and clicks. Those deeds are for rewards, not salvation, yes on our walk with God we SHOULD be doing these things for people. Not everyone is able to do that, some people are very shy and reserved and struggle with just saying hi to someone. Anyone that’s a Christian today that says they don’t sin is a liar and the truth is not in them. It is written if you confess your sins God is faithful to forgive you, non Christian’s don’t confess, they don’t care, they don’t believe they sin. This tells us that it’s a walk with God, yes over time we do change, God molds us and when we look back at the person crucified with Christ when they believed, they can see they have come this far, it’s not a perfect walk, it’s not over night, sometimes it can take years just to see some improvement, people hear messages like this and think wow I’m never going to make it because I keep sinning like I did before. Sometimes God will allow you to sin to the point you cry out God please take this from Me I can’t do it. He will allow you so that you literally learn to hate that sin with your very being. Some sins are so embedded in someone that it’s very very hard to get away from it. Like a drug addict, who has done drugs for years and years,,it’s not given up over night, sometimes they make it a week and then bam they backslide, then maybe a week and a day, over time it gets longer and longer between that sin and after a time (only God knows how long because He is leading you). God knows we are not perfect, knows we are sinners which is why he sent Jesus, because we are the very sick Jesus talked about. If salvation could be lost by sinning, it wouldn’t be salvation or a free gift from God. No one, and I mean no one will be sinless in the end, that driver that cut you off and you got mad? That’s a sin, that woman that walked by in that short skirt and you looked, that’s a sin, that extra burger you ate because it just tasted so darn good? That’s a sin. As we grow with Gods walk, we start learning our habits and how to avoid them most of the time, not all the time, because we are humans Born under a curse of sin, Jesus came to defeat that curse. Our walk with God will show fruits to us when we look back and see how far we have come, it will soften our hearts because we will see someone in need and our empathy will demand we help. These are the fruits, these are the things that show. Helping someone broke down on the side of the road and offering them a ride and a meal. Seeing a homeless person, yes there are many but some days one will just stand out and you will feel the conviction to help. These are the fruits. Not everyone will see them, but you will and so will the person you help. Keep focusing on God, the walk can be tough at times, you will fall flat on your face, backslide more than you care to admit and think (gee I must not be truly saved because here I am in the same sin again) it’s not how it works, we are saved the moment we believed in who Christ is and what He did, not what we do, we could never do enough good deeds our whole love to even come close to pleasing God. That’s why our salvation is in Christ and what He did. The things we do the (works) those are about rewards: the things you do in your walk with God that pleases Him, Jesus says He is coming and he brings His rewards with him! This isn’t a license to sin, however again, if God thought we would be perfect once we believes, there would be no need for us to confess our sins and for Him to be faithful to forgive them. There is no peace like the peace of knowing you are saved. People teaching all these works based salvation because that’s how you trust know you are saved is a fear tactic from Satan not God. It’s a free gift and not by works lest any man should boast (well look how many works I did, you didn’t do that many) what works did the thief on the cross do? The one that counted, he believed! Not everyone’s walk with God is the same timing. Don’t fall away, keep the faith, if you struggle pray, if you fall back into a sin confess, don’t try to hide, God already knows. Matter of fact God already knows every sin you will ever commit your whole life, and guess what? He still chose you to hear the word and believe….. that my friends is the power of Gods loves grace and forgiveness! So get up, brush yourselves off and keep walking forward with God, don’t blame anyone else but yourself for your sin, don’t try to rationalize it, you were tempted, you fell into the sin, no one else to blame, take responsibility and confess it. God will bring you around trust me, He I’ll show you the way, your way isn’t the same as someone else, some people are deep habitual some are trauma, but God can defeat them all. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you aren’t saved because you still sin, we all do. The level of which you sin will change, it will fluctuate, don’t be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you, every step, every moment and guess what? He is rooting for you!

  • @drewgoodman5543
    @drewgoodman5543 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    What does Jesus say the will of the Father is? To BELIEVE upon the one (Him, Jesus) whom He has sent! Jesus says to simply BELIEVE! John 3:16 to BELIEVE! What must we do to be saved? BELIEVE upon the Lord Jesus Christ! We bare fruit (works) because we are saved! Works does not save you!!!! We are saved by grace through faith alone! Those who trust in their works will hear depart from me I never knew you! Just like the man who was at the feast, but did not have on the royal garment , he was trying to get in on his own merit or works. Do not be deceived in these last days! God Bless!

    • @SpiritualMinefield
      @SpiritualMinefield  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thank you for your comment. You are correct, all we need to do is accept through faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross and His resurrection. However, after we get saved and have eternal life, Jesus will use us for good works. Good works which are through the Holy Spirit (Philippians 2:13) will enable you to do God's will. If a person claims to believe in Jesus but does not have good works shows that that person is not saved because no fruits are being produced which signifies that the Holy Spirit is not working in that individual because He is not there.
      ‭John 15:7-8 BSB‬
      [7] If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. [8] This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, proving yourselves to be My disciples.

    • @DigitalWitness77
      @DigitalWitness77 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@SpiritualMinefield But to him that Worketh Not, But Believeth on him that Justifieth the Ungodly, His Faith is Counted for Righteousness.
      Romans 4:5kjv
      You're backloading the Gosple. Matt 7:22-23 is your future.

    • @KilluminatiENG
      @KilluminatiENG 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@SpiritualMinefield i have a question please... how can the. Christians in matthew 7.21-23 cast out devil's and do all these good works. In jesus name if jesus didn't know them. How did they do these works with out the Holy spirit? They must of had the Holy spirit to be able to.do these wonderful works ? I can't find a answer to this question! Could you shed light on this please of your are able to ? God bless and thankyou ♥

    • @SpiritualMinefield
      @SpiritualMinefield  3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@KilluminatiENG I'm going to be honest man, that is a very good question. I'm going to do a quick video with the answer today. Look for it.

    • @KilluminatiENG
      @KilluminatiENG 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@SpiritualMinefield please tag me man and God bless looking forward to hearing the video ☺

  • @lchimenz
    @lchimenz หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is the will of God...John 6: 28 Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”
    29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent
    The narrow path is the way of trusting ONLY Jesus for eternal Life.
    The wide path is trying to do good works to earn eternal life. Not trusting Jesus alone.

  • @markhenderson9069
    @markhenderson9069 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is he saying that a true Christian cannot live in sin, or have sin in his or her life? We all sin! From the day we're born to the day we die, we all have sin! Everyone!! So how do you gauge weather or not your fruit is the good or the rotten. Weather we've believed in Christ and accepted Him or not, we all have good and bad in our lives. God doesn't completely perfect anyone in this life. Our only hope is to learn to rest in his grace. Yes a true Christian should be loving, but even God's chosen people in the bible all had besetting sins! So i'm still a bit confused over what he says between 3:30 and 4:15. How close to perfect do we have to be to have the good fruit. I sin every day! I don't want to but I do. I keep a repentive heart, but I still sin in numerous ways! Who will save me from this body of death? Thanks be to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! So how do you explain this? And how do you gauge your Christian walk in light of this teaching of Matt ch 7 ?

    • @SpiritualMinefield
      @SpiritualMinefield  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm saying that a genuine believer in Jesus Christ, according to 1 John 3:6,9, cannot live a lifestyle of sin. If he does, it proves that he was never converted and is devoid of the Holy Spirit. Every Christian falls here and there, however, he does not stay down but repents and tries not to fall into the same pit he fell in before and tries and desires to live holy.

    • @markhenderson9069
      @markhenderson9069 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@SpiritualMinefield Hey thanks for your prompt reply. I guess I still struggle with what would be considered a sinful lifestyle vs sinning every day. As I mentioned before, I sin every day. Or at least almost every day, I get angry at things and curse, grumble and complain. Especially at work! I think about things I shouldn't, laugh at things I probably shouldn't, say things i shouldn't, ECT. I hate these sins in my life, and wish I did not do them, but when I try not to, I can't. It's like i keep trying on my own strength, even when I pray and try to read the bible, often i'm still powerless! I get burned out from trying and fail. I've learned to rest in God's grace, as I believe it still extends to me. I can't say I completely disagree with what your saying, I just can't figure out me not living a lifestyle of sin, when I sin so often (unwillingly or perhaps willingly)? Even though I hate it. Thanks again for your input.