1-أنا ما اخترت زماني أينا يختار عصره أنا ما اخترت مكاني أينا يختار مصره 2-لا أملك عمري , أنا لا أملك عمري أينا يملك عمره بيد أني اخترت دين الله واستحببت أمره 3-أنا في التيار تيار الهدى أنشد نصره بيد أني اخترت دين الله واستحببت أمره 4-أنا في التيار تيار الهدى الهدار قطره قطرة في الخير لا في الشر فالإنسان فكرة 1- I did not choose my time. Where should he choose his era? I did not choose my place, where does he choose his fate? 2- I do not have my age, I do not have my age, where does he have his age? However, I chose God's religion and loved his command 3- I am in the current, the current of guidance, I seek its victory However, I chose God's religion and loved his command 4- I am in the current, the current of guidance is a drop A drop in good, not in evil, man is an idea
I didn't choose the time period I get to live in, and which one of us gets to choose the time period he gets to live in? I didn't choose the place where I get to live at, and which one of us gets to choose the country to live in? I don't own my life, and which one of us gets to own their lives? But I chose the religion of Allah and loved his command. Etc.
المنشد الرائع عماد رامي
رائع ومتألق دائما احلى منشد عماد رامي مجدد الانشاد وعندليب الانشاد
هذه دغدغة القلوب
تبارك الله
أي صوت ساحر!
من أروع اناشيد ابو موفق
من أروع ما سمعت كلمات وأداء
انشوده طفولتي ❤❤
الالبوم رائع جدا اكتشفته بالصدفة يجب عليكم التسويق له بشكل جيد وبالاخص اناشيد عماد رامي
رائعة من روائع عماد رامي
مبدع دوما الأستاذ عماد رامي
ولا احلى يااستاذ ... ماشاء الله
اينا يختار عصره انا ما اخترت مكاني لااملك عمري بيد اني اخترت دين الله واستحببت امره
ربنا يفتح عليك
قطرة في الخير لا في الشر فالانسان فكرة
هذه الأبيات للأستاذ سليم عبد القادر زنجير رحمه الله.
احبكم في الله ام محمد من مخرم التحتاني ام النور
Can we have the translation for this nasheed as well please!
1-أنا ما اخترت زماني أينا يختار عصره
أنا ما اخترت مكاني أينا يختار مصره
2-لا أملك عمري , أنا لا أملك عمري أينا يملك عمره
بيد أني اخترت دين الله واستحببت أمره
3-أنا في التيار تيار الهدى أنشد نصره
بيد أني اخترت دين الله واستحببت أمره
4-أنا في التيار تيار الهدى الهدار قطره
قطرة في الخير لا في الشر فالإنسان فكرة
1- I did not choose my time. Where should he choose his era?
I did not choose my place, where does he choose his fate?
2- I do not have my age, I do not have my age, where does he have his age?
However, I chose God's religion and loved his command
3- I am in the current, the current of guidance, I seek its victory
However, I chose God's religion and loved his command
4- I am in the current, the current of guidance is a drop
A drop in good, not in evil, man is an idea
I didn't choose the time period I get to live in, and which one of us gets to choose the time period he gets to live in? I didn't choose the place where I get to live at, and which one of us gets to choose the country to live in?
I don't own my life, and which one of us gets to own their lives? But I chose the religion of Allah and loved his command. Etc.
حجر الالماس
My idol🥰😍
عائده ساحرت شرق وغرب هههه