The hardest decision Ive ever made | Marine Corps
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- For the past few months I kept telling myself that " I don't have anything to post about" when it came to long for content. "I don't have anything to say". Thats just not true. Life isn't always good vibes and van life. This decision has torn me apart for the last 2 years and now it's down to the final days. Do I choose the "smart" decision or the "bold" decision?
The benefits and steady pay that you would have staying in the marine corps hating your job for another 4 years is not near as important as your happiness/mental health is. Yeah you don’t feel like you’ve served, but you have. 7 years is a long time. Get out and chase that new dream. You’ve got this.
No one I know has regretted being stationed in Japan! It's pretty incredible between the art and history. You could do both. That said- Close your eyes, take a breath, and do what makes your heart happy!
There’s no wrong decision but I think Japan would be fun and maybe it could influence your art/photography in ways you wouldn’t even know!!
Follow your dreams man! Sometimes our dreams change and that’s ok! Either way I hope you keep making content.
You could do a lateral move to a different MOS, still go overseas and get a fresh start on your military career. I did it and I had the time of my life. Whatever choice you make, have no regrets and live in the moment. God Bless
Just came across your tiktok and found this - all I gotta say is... you have them 7 years, and did the same thing, it’s time for you to do you. I know America is very proud of there military and all, but as someone from an outside country - this is your chance to enjoy the world! Travel it! America is like a business, and like any business they will only do what’s good for them - not you. Props to whatever decision you make bruh
If you get out, claim everything with the VA. You’ll get a fat check every month and have free healthcare. If you decide the civilian life isn’t for you, prior service members can re enlist until 35 years of age. If you enlist within 5 years of your EAS you don’t have to go to boot again.
I think the decision you make will truly show what you think of your character. Staying shows us don’t believe in yourself and you are scared to try on your dreams. Leaving shows you are confident in yourself and believe you will succeed in whatever is on the horizon. I personally think if you staying in is truly unhealthy for you, you need to get out. Your quality of life and mental health is #1. If it is something you think you can get thru then I think Japan would definitely be an exciting/cool place to document via social media. Hope you find clarity man.
If something is calling to your heart, go to it. Change is difficult and the unknown is scary, but the human spirit is resilient and you'll be ok. I've never served in the military, but in my 26 years of life so far I've been fortunate enough to travel to 13 countries outside of the U.S. and even lived and worked abroad for a bit. Travel is incredibly possible to do on a budget and will enrich your life so much. I dont have military advice, but I can confidently say that the military is not the only way to travel. You can go where you want when you want on your own and live and grow. Follow your heart.
I’ve been in and out vanlife in the past year working on it, up to now we’re I live in a cheap trailer so I can keep developing and improving it. I wouldn’t be were I am today if I didn’t risk it all. I was a drunk staying at my buddies for almost a year, one night bought a ticket to Rome drunk as a skunk, and when I woke up the next day I realized why I was drunk I set up everything to revive my passport, flight plans, and even a travel book ordered. After I saw what’s outside this country I haven’t stopped dreaming and pushing to keep traveling! Embrace your gut, trust the feeling my guy, it’ll never fail you!! Good luck!
Getting out will do you wonders man. I was in the same boat 2 years ago when I was debating on getting out of the Army. It's ultimately your decision but from my experience my mental health and personal happiness have been tremendous. Yes it is stressful wondering where the next paycheck is coming from and how to do things on your own with out Uncle Sam. Things are slowing down for legit combat zone deployments unless you're in an SF community. It's not worth the gamble to stay on for a very very slim chance. Hope you make the right decision for your life. I love your content and your vibe and I'm always rooting for another brother in arms. Shit will buff 🤙🏼
I'm not a Vet. One of many mistakes I made. But, I've been watching people that I love going through some really hard times due to PTSD and other injuries. I can tell you that is not something to stride for. How can you say you didn't serve? You've been serving since the moment you signed that blank check for up to and including your life. If the Marines didn't need to put you in harm's way, that's a blessing, and a blessing not all get to enjoy. Be proud of your time in. I am eternally grateful for you being there. But, there's only so much soul crushing one person can take. If you can chase a dream that you are passionate about, then go for it. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you're still among the stars. And you can go back to the Military if you decide you need to. Best of luck. Thank you for your service.
If you decide not to reenlist dont think for a second that your service is less valid because you didnt deploy. You've done a great job serving! Now, Japan would be an amazing experience. I only spent a week there as a tourist and I loved the country, but if you hate your job it might not be worth it. Either option gives you the opportunity to see the world and give you new perspective of other cultures and lifestyles, which i think make us better human beings. Good luck dude!
Hey man it's simple do what makes you happy and don't look back.
Which one would you regret most not doing? Then make your decision. You'll know what the right decision will be pal for yourself🙌
Money is great but isn't the main thing if you don't already enjoy what you'd be spending majority of your time doing the next 4 years.
Goodluck dude😁
follow what is in your heart❤️ the important thing is you are happy and will be content with what you have... God bless🙏
Whatever choice you make brother. We will be here. Following. I made a similar choice. Go with your gut.
My bestfriend was in the same boat as u but was in army did 8 years and called it quits and he’s never been happier u gotta take those leaps of faith if u don’t u will never know what happens if u don’t !!!!! u miss 100% of the shots u don’t take!!
Don't do it man, you've already served your country and got all the respect from everyone for doing so. You did your part and then another 4 years. Follow your dream and enjoy your life to the fullest. Trust me it'll be worth it!
Hey from tik tok, subbed just for this video. I recently got some advice that might help. Don’t get caught up on invested time. Just because you spent 7 years on something you previously wanted doesn’t mean it’s what you want now, it also doesn’t mean that you wasted those 7 years in the marines. You served, you made sacrifices and you made a difference in the world through your sacrifice already. Don’t dwell on the fact that you may be mad in the future that you left, because if you stay, you could miss other opportunities that you wouldn’t get. This is your decision and I’m not going to vote one way or the other, but think about what you want right now, and not what you in the past wanted for your future.
This is a perspective from a military brat, my dad who served 24 years, met my mom while stationed in Turkey. Had it not been for the military I wouldn’t be here! We were lucky enough to travel all over the world for my dad to serve and yes that doesn’t happen for a lot of service members, but it’s a life I was blessed with and really miss! Here is your chance to finally see another way of life on the military’s dime! Imagine the images you could capture while stationed in Japan!
I think Japan is a great options and a hell of a life experience also. I have had friends that's have gone and heard nothing but amazing things and how they are so happy they took the opportunity.
I have been on the fence and am at 7 1/2 in the Air Force. I spent the last two years in Japan and it was the best thing to have ever happened so far in my entire life. Japan is a whole other world with the most beautiful sights and amazing opportunities for photography that you won’t see anywhere else. Flights to mainland from Oki are cheap and traveling is very open here.
I’ve been to Oki also and loved it.
I also wouldn’t say you’d be playing it safe staying in. Photography will always be there and after a “free” three years in Japan, that opportunity will be available and won’t be going away.
I know your decision has been made. I got out of the Corps in 2007. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. When I realized it, they did the 202k push. Not letting us prior enlisted back in but still recruiting boots and closing down prior service recruiting stations. I would be retiring next year if I would have stayed in and I’m 36. My reason for getting out when I did was stupid. But you live and you learn devil dog. Keep putting in your packet to change MOS. Keep doing it until they are sick of you. Just my opinion.
Sounds like you have 2 awesome opportunities! There's no "wrong" decision here. Hopefully, reframing it in a positive light will make it less stressful at least. One school of thought in pychology said that your already know the answer: you just have to come to grips with it. Go do something to take your mind off of it as best you can for awhile and the answer will come. You've got this!
As a now 36 yr old who was medically discharged from the Army after getting injured in Iraq, where the decision was made for me, follow your dreams and all will work itself out.
I’ve seen things I will never forget, for the better and the worse and I can honestly say, life is too short to be miserable. Do what will make to happy, not what is “safe”.
I think the benefits in the long run might be worth it but however if this is your dream wanna do it like this is the thing you want to do and do it well then I think you should go for the GOLD. “Sometimes you have run before you walk”
Best of luck to you and your decision. Just make when you chose you are happy with the decision.
I support you no matter what you chose man you do you
You have a whole life to settle, follow your dreams, chase the chance of lifelong happiness in your career. Some people settle and find their happiness too late in life. Look into your security net, the people behind you, what drives you to not only wake up in the morning but what gets you to sleep at night. What doors would open and what doors would close in both paths? And I know I’m a stranger, but even my family would let you crash at the cabin for however long you needed. You got people backing either decision you make, looking forward to seeing this weight lifted off you one way or another 🤙🏻
Brother I just made the decision to not stick in and start my own chapter in life would be happy to talk and see what if any help I may be but the advice I did receive was nothing worth having in life will ever come easy your dreams will never come easy
You've served this nation well and we are so grateful. You're answer is in this video just watch it and you'll know. Praying God will give you the wisdom. Whatever you choose You've got tons of us supporting you. 👍
you have served. the fact that you talk about your job the way you do in the video makes the decision for you. don’t put yourself through more years of that. pursue your dream
Imagine the amazing content you could create from Okinawa. The amazing photos you could take while not having to pay for the travel. You can always live the van life when you get back.
What's up 😊 my Daughter was in the Marines for 4 years .. then did 16 years in the Army.. she want all over the place Hawaii, Texas GEORGIA, Afghanistan twice, Germany.. she doesn't regret any of it .. She now lives in Tampa and works at a V.A. clinic.. you have Choices... I'm glad to see you back. Haven't seen many videos. .. maybe you can change your M.O.S. if you don't like the job you have been doing.. ✌😎👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 take care and make a video of your decision..
what an opportunity to expand your horizon and perspective. I imagine an incredibly tough decision. You will pick the right decision for yourself, Geoff! I believe in you and think no matter what you do next, it will be amazing.
From all the videos I have seen of you I can tell you are a free spirit. I think you have the willpower to do whatever you want and you would be successful at it. You could still do the Reserves and get both. I did 8 years active in the navy and I know it can be a hard decision.
TAKE THE RISK. Risks have the greatest potential for growth, self love, and happiness! ❤️ much love man
You are the author of your life story. You decide when its time to write the new chapter. Honestly follow your heart. You'll know when its time.
If you don’t think you’ve achieved everything you’ve wanted to achieve in the Marine Corps, don’t leave. Follow your heart brother, oorah.
In the same boat man. have you thought about lar moving to combat camera? They deploy a good amount and you’ll get to sharpen your skills with the camera and document the world
Sometimes the decisions we think could end up the worst due to the uncertainty of it all end up being the best decisions we can ever make. Go for the dream, live.
It's your call buddy, We will support you either way
If you’re gonna do 12, your next dilemma will be “ if you did 12 might as well do 20 and retire.” There’s no good deployments right now anyways. You’re gonna do the same thing you’re doing here, in a different country. Is that fulfilling. You have a great following now, take advantage and blow it up! Take the leap and do what you love.
This would give you additional opportunity, including in your photography. Just have to ask yourself if working a job you dislike is worth the rest of what comes along with it. Do your positives outweigh the feeling you have working a job you don’t like for a few more years.
You’re young and ambitious, not to mention artistically talented. Take a good look at the opportunity this could be for you. Good luck!
You've got to look deep inside yourself and listen to your heart,as well if you don't like your job as you say and your confident enough to tske the risk of quitting the service,you've got to be 90 precent sure your ready to jump ship with the military than I'd say go for it,your photography is stellar so is your"ve got a bright future,the doors are wide open,are you happy when you have time off from the servicd? Always remember to never stop chasing your goals.
Follow your dreams and take it day by day, your happiness is important (:
If your not stoked you gotta dip and follow your passion
There really is no price for your mental health that can be offered. Do what brings you joy and do what makes you happy; what makes you enjoy getting up in the morning fulfills you.
I really hope for the best man , all I’d say is just follow your gut feeling and do what will make you happier in the long run, you know truly what you want deep down.
Follow your dreams brotha! Life’s always gonna throw the ups and downs but you gotta steer clear follow your heart man best of luck to you from a marine currently in oki ! I’m doing another 3 here total 6 years here 😅 gets kinda boring fast
Go to Japan. I can promise, it will change your life. I came back to CONUS from Japan for limdu, I have thought about RUNNING back every day since. Japan is beautiful and it will change you in so many ways. But so what you think is best. Best wishes.
Follow your gut man! Ether choice no regrets and love the fullest
If you love being a marine. Stay in. If you wake up every morning hating what you do. Change your MOS. If you’d rather die then keep serving? Don’t re-up. God speed brother.
If your looking at from the photography point of view possibly going to Okinawa can be a good thing it is a stunning place and could be a good place to kickstart your photography career once your reach the backend of your three years of being in Okinawa but it is best to follow your heart and choose what you truly want
As a man that played it safe and turns 40 this year, be bold my friend. Life is to short to go to a job every day that you hate.
Like you said you will be young when you get out, plus Japan sounds like a great opportunity! Your art/photography work is amazing so anything you do i think people will love! 🙏
I like these kinds of videos. But you’re right it wouldn’t be too hot of an idea to purse dreams right now in a time where there’s a global pandemic. I graduated MOS school in Feb 2020 and as a reservist I was left with no job opportunities and the hype of being a Marine and going through the training pipeline expecting to coming home and offered with plenty of jobs for military people was shot down with the whole world closing their doors. I fell into a depression for a while till I was offered orders to go on active duty And hit the west coast. But things are slowly going back to normal so things look better for you than I did when I came off of active orders. You should go for it Sgt.
I’m at the Yokota base in Japan and I’ve been to Okinawa several times, it’s a great place to be. Okinawa is a beautiful island and as a photographer there’s so much to photograph there.
Also listening further the marines as a career is also a very proud accomplishment. One that in a few months I will also share, Regardless if you “deployed” you served and protected freedom. Semper fi.
I would go to Japan personally. I loved being in Japan the people are so nice it’s so clean and traveling across Japan is so much fun.
Do what makes you happy in the end 🤜🏽
Follow your dreams. If it doesn't work out, the Marines will still be there and take you back.
It’s actually very difficult to reenlist into the active duty side of the marines once you get out, much easier for other branches.
My dad was in the Marine Corp for 35 years. We were in Japan for 4 years when I was younger and all 5 of us wish that we could have stayed longer. Japan is a gorgeous and culture rich country. I’m 24 now and still take a trip back every year. It would give you a chance to build your portfolio as well. That being said life is short and everyone deserves to be able to chase their dreams.
Mate it’s fucken hard to walk away from job security and familiarity but at the same token if you don’t make a change nothing will change and you may not grow and evolve with out it, only you can control this path.
So I spent a couple years in Japan. Do it. It’s an AMAZING country with so much adventure possibilities. And the food *chef’s kiss* SO GOOD!!
Go do something you like!! If you don't make the decision now, you may be stuck for the rest of your working life.. it's a lot easier to make a change and grow when you're younger!
regardless of your decision, you inspire
im in oki right now and dont regret it yet and i really think okinawa will have so much potential for photography
it will also have alot of travel potential because its so cheap to go to other countries around japan
Just stay man. You will be out at 29. You’ll still be young and can pursue your dreams. Go seems different setting!!!
he's 36
I got out in 2018. Best decision I ever made. Finally free, happy, and successful. Proud of my service. I deployed twice and served 5 years. I was in Okinawa for a bit, it was great, but the new location isn't going to change how you feel about your MOS brother (you can always vacation there). Honestly, I think not deploying is not going to haunt you or make you feel as you served less. That's something you couldn't control. You served ready and willing to deploy at any moment (7 years is more than the majority of the Corps serves). Don't let anyone or yourself downplay your service and sacrifice. Follow your heart Devil. (If you decide to get out go apply for your VA disability benefits now ASAP before you're out) That has been a godsend as well. Feel free to message me if you want advice from a fellow Marine who transitioned successfully (my first year out was super dark, so I know how it can be). Godspeed
It’s just three years. You are still so young. I know you probably hear that a lot; but it is true, what is three years more in the military compared to living in JAPAN! Japan could be your foundation of your new life; however, leaving the military could also be the foundation of your new life. It’s a tough decision. Both decisions have their pros and cons. You just have to trust the process. We are proud of you no matter what. 💚
I'm his girlfriend of a year he's coming over from Syria on emergency leave to Australia for us to get married he's 36 not 25 he's not going to Japan I've told him no I'm the 1 who's proud of him how dare you say that you idiots on here are none of you fools even know him & never will he doesn't care what any of you chip fools as he calls yous say on here we both laugh at yous your all pathetic what he'll be doing is coming over to Australia to marry me & live here
Luile Mahrie it’s not that deep. I was literally just trying to be a nice human being. Sorry for caring about a stranger. Is this what the world is coming to, being canceled for being nice?
@@coleyvigs6094 that's a lie him saying he's never been deployed he's been deployed in Russia Libya & Syria twice he's deployed in Syria for 8 more weeks i know the real him don't think he's nice all the time he does start his bullshit he puts on a show on his videos
As a MoM of two active duty Marines, I know this is a struggle for you. I wish I could see the future for you and guide you. One of my Marines serves in Japan and is trying to get orders for San Diego. LOL. The irony. My advice is to reenlist. Your job may not be one you like, but new surroundings will help. Let the Marine Corps pay for you to live in a place you may otherwise not ever see. Also with the current state of affairs in the East, I’d kind of like knowing that there is a Marine of your caliber who has my sons’ six. What ever you decide to do, just know there are people out here who are proud of you and what you go through to serve as a Marine. I wish you success in the direction you take. I, for one, would love to view Japan through your camera lens though!
I was in the same situation, but I've found love for cars and everything about them, even more now than I did before the Marine Corps. Steady check and benefits are great, but I just don't see my self doing 4 more years in a job I truly dislike. I have a dream, and Marine Corps does not allow me to do that, hence my decision to leave the steady but miserable life, and do what I love even if I struggle. That's my way, and if you really love your life when you're not doing Marine stuff, then you should maybe finish this chapter and start your new one.
I think either decision will be full of great experiences for you regardless of what you decide and you will make the most of both situations. there are other ways you can deploy as a civilian (IE war photographer etc) you got this. as for leaving a steady pay check during a global pandemic, I mean I got out in october so I feel that one haha
Hey Buddy, I feel your pain haha. I think you should get out man. I feel the struggle of that decision since i literally just made a similar decision. I am 25, and went right from highschool to a corp job and moved up really fast to a career level position (no college and self taught). Kinda missed out on the early 20's experience just a bit. Yes its a safe job, its has its ups and downs for sure, but i have come to decide that i dont see myself sticking to it for my entire life. So like you with the photography and being passionate about it, mine is architecture and design. So I decided to let my work know that I'm starting school, and over time ill get to where i want to be even though its a hard road but ill be working toward something i think will be actually fulfilling. with that decision i am also going to be moving into a Van to save a ton of money while i work through school. Thats how i came across your videos recently lol.
Anyway, im just sayin that doing a job you hate for years just to maybe get a chance at travel? not worth it man, it will bog you down. Get out, work whatever job you can while being smart about it, then go to japan yourself! I know i will at somepoint haha. regardless, hope the best for ya man.
I spent 20 years in the Air Force and retired. Stay, it's worth every minute for the benefits you'll take into retirement. That health insurance doesn't go away, and you'll still get a guaranteed paycheck monthly until you die. It'll be a lot less, but it's still guaranteed income for life. You can put up with a little discomfort for the good at the end of a twenty year long tunnel. You'll regret punching out now. PS - I did three tours at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa. Great place although the Okinawan's aren't very fond of Marines. That not withstanding. Doing time in Okinawa is almost like a right of passage for a Marine. Do it!
Go to japan. There’s so much you could document there
Alright my dude, I had to come log on to my computer because I saw your tiktok and had to watch the video. The decision you have is going to be a hard one and there is always going to be that wonder "what if". I basically had to make the same choice 3 years ago. I was stationed in Japan and got orders to Germany just before my 8yr mark (AD Air Force btw). I was hell bent on getting out of the AF and opening a food truck. But when the orders dropped and it came time to either re-enlist, I had to really think about it because that means this contract would take me to my 12yr mark. So getting out then would be stupid. I joined at 18, to do 20 years would put me at 38 when I get out. 38 is soo young still. So I chose to stay in only because I really wanted to experience Germany and what Europe has to offer.
I gave you a little bit of my backstory so I can show I can relate. And our situations were similar. I'll just say this. Going to Japan will be a huge experience that I would always advise not passing up. It was the best time of my life. You might even be able to really start setting yourself up for the documentary photographer thing too while you are over there. Being in the pacific region, you have a lot of opportunities to participate in exercises with other countries. To be able to document some of that. Or your travels, because you know you are going to go see as much as you can while in the pacific. But I know the feeling of thinking that getting out after your tour would be a waste, but it's about what makes you happy. And to suffer another 9 years isn't worth it if you aren't happy. If you chose to take these orders then get out after your contract ends because you aren't happy. At least you got to experience what being stationed in Japan has to offer.
I don't know you, I just follow your Tiktok. But I think you just have to decide on what is going to make you happiest. It's going to be hard my dude, and nothing is going to help that. I wish you the best of luck with whatever choice you make!
No bad choice here! Either choice you choose will lead to great life experiences!!
Chase your fears brother!
Go with what your heart tells you only live once
Okinawa is beautiful, I'm there now, but u get island fever real fast especially now where the island is in a state of emergency because of the virus.
I feel like you answered your own question buddy. Your dream is not to be a marine...your dream is to travel and document life. From someone who had that opportunity and let it slip I can tell you not taking that leap of faith to go after your own dream will haunt you. You can travel without the core, you can find those lives and stories worth documenting, you can build those connections now.
Excited for you, whatever you choose.
And what alot of subscribers didn't hear is he Hates his current Job! If he Hates his job this much why do 4 more years.
he doesn't hate his job he's told me it's risky I'm his girlfriend of a year we're getting married he's not going to Japan I've told him no
good luck buddy. I'm barley 18 so I don't have much advice but do what your heart says. another 4 years would be dope and truly serving more than a decade. dont make yourself miserable tho. idek
Hey man I’m going through the same thing. I was accepted into Harvard law but my gut is telling me to move to Wyoming and peruse my passion of fly fishing and I’m still deciding
What did you decide?
Do it man! Japan will give you those opportunities you are seeking. You’ll love it
What did you/he decide? I'm assuming he went with job since no videos have been done in while.
Well you can always be miserable at the place that people pay to go for vacation 😅 “do the job from 9-5” and enjoy the island, best place ever! So much to do, so much to see, so much history and inspirations. I hope you will give it a chance. :)
Stay in man the benefits are much better after you do you man
I would love to see you document the world tho
If you're worried about health insurance you can go get coverage at the VA hospital
Follow your heart!! There is no wrong answer here.
You’ll never work a day in your life if you love your job. Follow your happiness. FIGHT FOR YOUR HAPPINESS!
Tough spot. Not sure the right decision for you but you’re very young still! Even after another 4 years you’ll still be young! 😄 In some ways, you can’t lose!! Good luck!
he's 36
Follow your heart! If your heart (passion) has changed, then step out in Faith and follow your new passion. Don't stay where you aren't happy, you will look back with regrets. Please don't stop making content either way. Will be praying for you and for GOD to show you the true path. If GOD is behind you being a photographer, you will have no worries, HE will provide for you. Send love and prayers your way.
Don't ever live for a paycheck. There is no amount of money worth your fulfillment. Do what feels right and ignore the money or you will live on filled with sorrow and regret.
I saw stay in and go to Japan. You will get to photograph some beautiful country
Do it I was in the army for 8 years no deployment. But my dad was in the Air Force and traveled. I was born in Germany and I am proud of that. So in the end it’s going to suck to extend but you get to see the world . On another note my father in law served in the navy and his first duty was in Japan and he loved it there to the point he didn’t want to leave.
I'm gonna be real bro if your MOS makes you miserable and you'll be stuck doing it for 4-13 more years yeah okinawa is dope but shit if you're setting out to be a photographer good chance that job will take you around nthe world you served your country brother and I have the most respect for you for that so live it up and I'd say take in that new dream you did what you set out to do. Good luck with whatever you decide!
Yea man that’s a tough one all I can say is follow ur heart or gut feeling
Could you possibly enter the reserves that way you could try your hand at photography, if it doesn’t work out just go back active duty
Sounds like you know what you want to do, maybe you could combine your aspirations?
Id not, take your shot man.
Do what makes you happy, or what brings you happyness