Dear Shalom Mordechai, the day we found out that you were set free another ness happened: We were in immense שמחה. For a day, we forgot to be Litvaks, Chasidim, Sefardim, Lubavitchers. We remembered that we are all Yidden. Even if these feelings didn’t stay with us, at the very least, that day we were the way Hashem wants us to be everyday. It was due to you. Zei gebentched!
Dear Shalom Mordechai, the day we found out that you were set free another ness happened: We were in immense שמחה. For a day, we forgot to be Litvaks, Chasidim, Sefardim, Lubavitchers. We remembered that we are all Yidden. Even if these feelings didn’t stay with us, at the very least, that day we were the way Hashem wants us to be everyday. It was due to you.
Zei gebentched!
ישתבח שמו אין עוד מילבדו רק אמונה וביטחון
מסר חשוב שכדאי להפיץ הלאה.