Kurt Murphy maybe he does that weird thing where you have one watch set to one time zone and another watch set to the one you're in. The only other explanation I have is he's crazy. 😕
I only watch this because of the actors. Larry King is a horrible interviewer. He doesn’t care about the people in front of him, he doesn’t truly listen to their answers, he looks bored. Ugh. I wish his parts could be edited out bc it’s great to listen to Elizabeth, Iain, and Brett, but not Old Man Larry.
Ruch Aristurle Ruch Aristurle Why only Elizabeth?? He asked the very same question to the others two..I agree it was inappropriate but not only to her just because she's a girl!
Did either of you, as in Jay Ed.09 or Xerxes, even watch the interview? He asked Elizabeth about her bf completely sporadically and unrelated to the actual question he presented the rest. He most certainly did *NOT* ask Brett or Iain if they have girlfriends and what it is they do.
kelllsey12000 that’s what I’m saying. He didn’t ask Iain or Brett about girlfriends and asking Elizabeth in the way that he did( randomly and not related to anything in the interview) was rude
I saw one of the comments say they didn't think it was a good interview. I don't often watch Larry King but I actually enjoyed this interview. I like the questions he asked and I disagree that Larry came off as disinterested. If he was, I was totally interested in the answers. The panel of course are so adorkable.
TV execs: Here is what are we going to do: We are going to interview the cast of now popular TV series, and we are going to put 165 yo man, who doesn't know anything about it and doesn't care at all about any of it, and he is going to pretend that he is listening to any of them.
Mubashar Ali I don't think so. When I'm in a four way talk, I will look at the person directing the questions and the person in my line of sight. The person next to me is not really in my line of sight unless I shift my body towards that person. I think he's just looking at her and Larry back and forth...end of nerd rant lol
Omg, Iain's response to the thing he can't live without was so...FITZ-LIKE.
"My mum...friends, family, yeah...uh, water?" xD
Haha! So true.
I love this cast. They're all so lovely.
This is one of the cutest interviews of the whole cast! I love their relationship and they're just so adorkable
It's sooo funny haha
18:02 I love the way Brett and Iain snicker when Elizabeth says she'd want Chris Hemsworth on the show
Iain and Lizi, they are beauiful together!. Brett handsome!.They're lovely. I love Shield.
@laressa myrella tavares da silva yeah
Me too
WE'RE BEST FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE I'm just gonna go cry for ten years
omg, SAME!!!
only five more years left of crying!
Brett Dalton has so much star power
17:25 time travel or space travel
Season 5: why not both?
They're all so cute i love iain
Did you see how Iain look elizabeth at 10:42?
Any idea why Larry's wearing two watches?
Kurt Murphy maybe he does that weird thing where you have one watch set to one time zone and another watch set to the one you're in. The only other explanation I have is he's crazy. 😕
469ka37 I thought maybe he was wearing two watches because maybe one was his father's, plus he has his own. But who knows!
bc by this time (2015), he lived in two times - the Larry King era, and the present.
I only watch this because of the actors. Larry King is a horrible interviewer. He doesn’t care about the people in front of him, he doesn’t truly listen to their answers, he looks bored. Ugh. I wish his parts could be edited out bc it’s great to listen to Elizabeth, Iain, and Brett, but not Old Man Larry.
I 100% agree
I 100000000000000% agree
Eloise Mumford is darn lucky lady to have Brett! 🥹😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
Iain is adorable!!! Briain!!!!
It's worth watching 'till the end, just to see Larry King read people's social media usernames. (*Larry King voice*) "@CrazyGirlVidz says..." LMAO!
cool upload full ep! NICE! THANKS!!
I love this show. Don't cancel.
"cut off 1 tentacle 2 grow back or whatever" lmao
Brett is so cute, I cant handle it
The questions about Elizabeth's boyfriend seemed awkward and a bit inappropriate.
Ruch Aristurle Ruch Aristurle Why only Elizabeth?? He asked the very same question to the others two..I agree it was inappropriate but not only to her just because she's a girl!
Did either of you, as in Jay Ed.09 or Xerxes, even watch the interview? He asked Elizabeth about her bf completely sporadically and unrelated to the actual question he presented the rest. He most certainly did *NOT* ask Brett or Iain if they have girlfriends and what it is they do.
kelllsey12000 that’s what I’m saying. He didn’t ask Iain or Brett about girlfriends and asking Elizabeth in the way that he did( randomly and not related to anything in the interview) was rude
This man is so rude to Elizabeth he should be honored to have her there
You're so entitled. Grow up.
Anon bro hows that entitled lmfao they speaking facts
Did Iain say 16:52 'I remember he and I did not enjoy it at all? ' :D Or am I getting this totally wrong?
no - he said "i remember hating it and not enjoying it at all" :D (I had to listen back and check though! haha)
Amazing that Brett acknowledges Agents of Shield as MCU though fans who never saw the shows will be mad saying "He doesn't know that!"
24:32 I KNOW CRAZYGIRLVIDS! (Well... not in person, but I'm subscribed to her on TH-cam.)
This Larry King seems like doesn't take woman seriously. The way he treats Eliz. May be not.
Divorcing his wife of 20 + yrs while on his sick bed. What do you think?
Fitz did both; time travelled and space travelled!
Larry is really creep ... Lil probably thinks the same.
Iain's laugh at 26:34 😂😂♥️
I saw one of the comments say they didn't think it was a good interview. I don't often watch Larry King but I actually enjoyed this interview. I like the questions he asked and I disagree that Larry came off as disinterested. If he was, I was totally interested in the answers. The panel of course are so adorkable.
Great series
TV execs: Here is what are we going to do: We are going to interview the cast of now popular TV series, and we are going to put 165 yo man, who doesn't know anything about it and doesn't care at all about any of it, and he is going to pretend that he is listening to any of them.
there so cute all of them
Why does Larry have a watch on both wrists?
Great interview
Do you like lava?
Oh definitely , they're hawt.
okay , cool . cool...
The way he's acting with lil 🙄
They seem to still be in character. I feel like im watching the series in this interview.
Who else thinks that the actor boyfriend Elisabeth was referring to is in fact Iain? I mean the two have a chemistry on and off screen! I ship them :)
Sadly it’s not. Iain actually isn’t dating anyone that anybody knows of
Eloise Mumford is dayum lucky lady to have Brett every single day for her eyes! 😭🔥😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
larry king doesn't give a shit lol
EpicHamMan when he asked Elizabeth about her first kiss, Iain seemed pissed
He needs to drink some red bull before his interviews ugh
Give him a break, he's what like 70 or 80 yrs old
+Francis Yu then he should take a break forever and let the younger and more energetic and capable interviewers take over
+Xin Lim it's fine, AoS stars take the spotlight for this one :))
some body notice that Ward was looking to Jemma every time!!!😕😕😕 some thing going on between them!!!!???😜😜😏😏
Brett Dalton has a wife and child
+dudewheresmycar46 really???😬😬😬
+Mubashar Ali they're so adorable I can't deal with their cuteness in instagram
+dudewheresmycar46 cute!!!😁😁😁😝😛😜😝😛😜
Mubashar Ali I don't think so. When I'm in a four way talk, I will look at the person directing the questions and the person in my line of sight. The person next to me is not really in my line of sight unless I shift my body towards that person. I think he's just looking at her and Larry back and forth...end of nerd rant lol
who's lizzies bf