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I Turned My House Into A Fish Tank!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
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➽ Instagram - @MatthewBeem
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In this video I shocked my friends by turning my entire house into a huge fish tank! I love the ocean, but live in Colorado so I decided to bring the ocean to me! We filled my house in some insane ways, like leaving the sink on, dumping bottles of water, having a water balloon fight, and using a firetruck! Since I didn’t want to harm real fish, we used Zuru’s robotic fish to be at the cutting edge of the robot revolution. This was absolutely crazy to make, and we we had lots of fun and laughs along the way. I love making these videos and can't wait for you to see what is next.
If you’re reading this you’re a real one!
Comment “I love fish!" so I can notice you!
Not I BUILT A HOUSE AND FILLED IT WITH WATER, But I BUILT A HOUSE AND FILLED IT UP WITH WATER, But I FILLED MY HOUSE WITH REAL SLIME, But I FILLED MY ISLAND HOUSE WITH BALL PIT BALLS, But I FILLED MY ISLAND HOUSE WITH SNOW, But I Turned My New House Into Biggest Fish Tank, But I FILLED MY ISLAND HOUSE WITH PACKING PEANUTS, But I Transformed My Washing Machine into a Fish Tank, But WE TURNED A SWIMMING POOL INTO A FISH AQUARIUM (pond reveal), But I Turned My Bedroom Into A Cereal Bowl, But I Transformed My Bedroom Into A Fish Tank or any other video like Unspeakable, President Chay, Mad Brothers, Aquarium Info, Barbs Buzzin (The Fish Guys), Brent Rivera, MrBeast, or Airrack would make. This is a video where Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10) transformed his house into a real life aquarium!
Surprisingly it only took a day to dry out my house. Now it’s like brand new! Hope you guys enjoy!!
So that means that it didn't break your house cus thank god
That is not his real house
Exept ur electronics they didn't injoy the video 😂
Matthew Beem
1:42 slap was personal😂😂
Anyone in 2025
That’s not even what personal means
No comment? Lemme fix that
@@akonecki your wrong because you replied to a comment which means there was 1 comment and that’s the only one, the reply’s are in the comment
banger vid keep up the work
This has been my dream since I was little, I find it interesting and I like being underwater, I will be the second to do it.
You have your doors
It amazes me to see how many people think that's actually his house..
I love love love love love love the sonic poster in the background!!!!!!!!!! 0:32
Same ❤
The fact that he didn’t fake this proves how much cares to give us good content
Oh my God what done we done so cool😂 How how how how how how
bro has to spend millions just fix his house the dedication is insane
I think he is doing it for more use only
Bro is flooding his house into a fish tank
This guy is insane he's flooding his house!
He’s not flooding it he flooded it
I can just imagine the water bill at this point
Wait you guys pay for water?
@@normal_canadian_guy Yes every months we do
Juaiop 0:50 0:52 0:53 0:54 6:27 u i n b v a ert
yass i pay more then 9 septillion yes its a real number dolla dolla
Matthew never fails on making bangers
@Don't Read My Profile Picture *Bot Detected*
@@matiqo812this guy literally made his acc 4 years ago…
Disgustingly wasteful but certainly entertaining. Would love to have that kind of money to redo my house. 😊
Exactly. So wasteful and I would love this kinda money. I’d be able to actually fix my car! 😅😭
yeah what a great influence on the children watching this video, i wonder how many grounded 6 year olds will come out of this one
I feel the same
not even a redo, like they have to demolish it, everything is going to mold, no way the neighbors aren’t sick everyday from mold exposure because you can’t clean out that house in the short time it takes for it to get really bad.
ceux qui viennent de la vidéo d'hugo décrypte avec squeezie 🙋🏼♀
Moi mais c stupid, imagine les million € dépenser juste pour pouvoir réparer sa maison c vraiment stupid
The video:🎉
The thumbnail: water in house
Never waste water is god gift for us
Water is a renewable resource
What if we don’t believe in god though
I agree it is god gift to us
@@i_lovebrookso what he’s real
Dream on
water bill 📈📈📈
freal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Fr lol😊
His water bill 😭😭😭
Her Water bills:📈📈📈📈📈📈
Wait why this reply’s become English lesson😂
Bros water bill before this video : 0$
Broswater bill after this video : 90293819$
This is so dangerous on so many levels😅 he didn’t mention anything about it but I hope he took safety measures with outlets and cables
I was thinking the same thing about the outlets😮
whether this is fake or not, they should let the viewers know, so that no kids try this at home!! People forget how much influence they have on kids and this is CRAZY dangerous!! so much electricity, collapses happening, besides years of mold damage from water in the walls and every crack in the house....
Not a real house
It’s fake
Don't worry guys. He could buy a couple of houses after this video 😮
wuts an off house?
Fun fact: if u double tap a comment it will like it
No it doesnt work
It actually works
It just worked!!!
bro ur like farming, u already have 54 likes
Water bill 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
The water bill goes BRRRRRRRR 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 :0!
@Tiffany-t5l better late then never ah comment im just playing i lol it's just its an old comment
did you buy a new house?
No way you dumasa
Honestly, I bet this isn't his real house with all his tricked-out hidden rooms, this has to be another house that he just bought for this.
Edit - from the looks of the flimsy pipes, the poor wiring, the hollowed out doors, and the general unfinished look, I'd guess this is a custom-built home possibly built in his backyard or something, but specifically built for this project to react best
You already did this once
@@Animebattlesnshorts what do you mean
You don’t say?
@@themostdopekids huh?
@@coasters_bgw obviously it’s not his real house look at the walls they’re painted wood panels
This is the craziest thing we have ever done!! #beemteam
Save the water
I thought he was gonna protect his walls and only fill it up to like 3 feet or something but as expected he surprised me again
I thought he was gonna protect his walls and only fill it up to like 3 feet or something but as expected he surprised me again
I thought he was gonna protect his walls and only fill it up to like 3 feet or something but as expected he surprised me again
Jo and I are
Bro is really destroying his house fr
Lol, it's not a real house
the water bill after this project i can only imagine how big it would be
é para tirar essa água daí depois
Bro took cleaning the house too a hole new level 💀💀💀
Wtf 💀💀💀💀💩💩💩
@@officalxxdevina ik that was 1 Yr but still uhm actually ahh 😐💅
POV bros bank account after paying the water bill:💀💀💀💀💀💀
4:46 blud tryng to be Speed 💀
@@pato-juan0 it’s not new bro
Take not of 2nd commandment making images of anything in heaven anyways dont say oh my God damn and holy moly they are bad words and ur using Gods name in vain Jesus himself stated "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). repent all ur sins Jesus died on the cross for all of us and God loves allLive and have faith in God repent all sins to god he loves all and Jesus died for all repent all ur sins only god can save us all if ur not sure if its a sin or not read the bible. And dont say bad words it's a sin and proof Jesus is coming the euphrates river is drying like an omega shape like what Jesus said and also rumors of wars or wars is a reminder that Jesus is coming to earth soon and when saying God make it capital G so you respect God himself and JesusTake not of 2nd commandment making images of anything in heaven anyways dont say oh my God damn and holy moly they are bad words and ur using Gods name in vain Jesus himself stated "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). repent all ur sins Jesus died on the cross for all of us and God loves allLive and have faith in God repent all sins to god he loves all and Jesus died for all repent all ur sins only god can save us all if ur not sure if its a sin or not read the bible. And dont say bad words it's a sin and proof Jesus is coming the euphrates river is drying like an omega shape like what Jesus said and also rumors of wars or wars is a reminder that Jesus is coming to earth soon and when saying God make it capital G so you respect God himself and JesusTake not of 2nd commandment making images of anything in heaven anyways dont say oh my God damn and holy moly they are bad words and ur using Gods name in vain Jesus himself stated "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). repent all ur sins Jesus died on the cross for all of us and God loves allLive and have faith in God repent all sins to god he loves all and Jesus died for all repent all ur sins only god can save us all if ur not sure if its a sin or not read the bible. And dont say bad words it's a sin and proof Jesus is coming the euphrates river is drying like an omega shape like what Jesus said and also rumors of wars or wars is a reminder that Jesus is coming to earth soon and when saying God make it capital G so you respect God himself and JesusTake not of 2nd commandment making images of anything in heaven anyways dont say oh my God damn and holy moly they are bad words and ur using Gods name in vain Jesus himself stated "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). repent all ur sins Jesus died on the cross for all of us and God loves allLive and have faith in God repent all sins to god he loves all and Jesus died for all repent all ur sins only god can save us all if ur not sure if its a sin or not read the bible. And dont say bad words it's a sin and proof Jesus is coming the euphrates river is drying like an omega shape like what Jesus said and also rumors of wars or wars is a reminder that Jesus is coming to earth soon and when saying God make it capital G so you respect God himself and Jesus
The bill is going to be crazy👀
It's all fun and games until they see the water bill😮😂😂
I am pretty sure they don't care
The water bill will be insane 💀☠️
I like when Dad said it’s all right, he didn’t pay attention😂 1:42
@user-iw2qj2hc8y are you sure about that?
Mathew: Hey let’s fill my house with water .
Me: why is this guy wasting water
Dawg you'll live your fine your not gonna die stop being so dramatic
@@deannabutler2916still it’s so god damn wasteful. imagine how many people could’ve used that water.
@@deannabutler2916 they are throwing a lot of water thats not good and you say that it isnt interesant you are idiot envelope usa is passing for a drought
@@Martineman-p7h watch the end before comments he donated 2K dollars to team seas
@@JasonOrellana-fl2mh Yes but filling a house is way more then 2k gallons of water.
Everybody gangsta until it goes up to the microwave 😂
Thank god that hair dryer was missing😂😂
You are one of my favorite youtubers, and you have inspired me to have big dreams and goals. Thank you. Also live in Colorado, and I have BEEN in in that exact same Scheel's
4:55 I have a few more cases😂
Welcome back, Matthew! Awesome video!
I like Matthew’s videos😮😮😮
Epic cannonball 😂. I dont know why that made me laugh so hard😂❤
Bros water bill: 📈📈📈📈📈📈
Fr fr 💀
Bills -💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵🪙🪙🪙💰💰💰💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💰💰💰
bills: 1 decillion dollars
Matthew:done filling my house with water
Waterbill:hi matthew
Matthew:help me
"" "
What in the Word happin.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅
I’m still surprised how many stupid things Matt did without his mom disowning him 😅😅
I’n still surpriaed how many stupid things Matt did without his mom disowning him 😅😅
Maybe his mom is already dead
Matthew Beem te quedó chido ❤
Bros water bill is gonna be in the millions 💀
Nahhhhhhh it’s gonna be the billions
nah its gonna be in the Septillion
It’s not water bill it’s water pipe
Fish 🐠 tank in the house 🎉😎❤️the fish tanks in my room are so hot and I love it here too 😂😂
9:08 bro took his job seriously
This is how the basement is filled with water in 15 minutes
“Washing my hands” 💀 9:38
Are there is no comments here😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@@Sammy-mb8oy there has been one, you made the first reply, you are 6 years old, you are under age for youtube
Water bill 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
Bluds rich
I hope he has insurance
He’s rich enough…. (Hopefully)
Imagine bros water bill 💀💀💀😳🗿
Nah Fr 😂
Nah Fr
That’s all right, you didn’t pay attention😂😂
Bro is resist💀 here is the time of it saying the n word💀 3:35
Bros water bill is through the roof😂😂😂😂😂
Who else think this is wasteful?
Yea it is
Can someone explain, how he doesn't electrocute himself with all the electrical stuff?
It’s a fake house
Obviously the gods of electricity decided he was simply too epic to be electrocuted.
On a serious note.... The house probably was a fabricated set with flood damaged appliances and furniture from recycling centres.
Felt bad for the TVs though, usually if electrical equipment is not plugged in after fully drying out it will usually work, but the LCD screen will allways look messed up unless you clean it inside and out which involves full Dissasembly, for LED TVs that's easy.. For regular LCDs.. Nigh on impossible
@@orionwittenberg2641correct. Took longer to build than to tear down. The first floor was underground.
5:55 you can come home 🏡
His water bill must be through the roof 😅😂
1:43 😂😂😂 he said "it's okay because he didn't paying any attention
This is epic! I would love to see a longer video going more in depth of your actual stay and what you did there in future hotel videos
❤ leanna
I’ve been waiting for this one since he turned his bedroom into a fish tank
@Mathew Beam 🅥 fake
The pet shop woman is goated
Watching this looks so fun but having anxiety at the same time😭
My literal childhood dream like I literally had dreams about my house being full of water
I just commented the same thing dude! I’m so glad I’m not alone on this!
Water bill$$$$$$$$😮
I watch this video so many times that I can’t stop watching this. You might be my favorite TH-camr because of this video.
Yes, this would be the first "fishy tank" house that I have ever seen!
Yes, this would be the first "fishy tank" house that I have ever seen!
Yes, this would be the first "fishy tank" house that I have ever seen!
OH #/@*%
Who else saw the remote is floating in the water?😂😂😂
Respect to this guy for literary flooding his own house
I hope Matthew been has a massive TH-cam career I wish you the best luck❤
the water bill 💀💀💀💀
That’s what I was about to comment
I was about to say that
Bro is going to torn into a fish😂😂 3:54
Rip to all The electric stuff in this house
This was insane!! Didn’t believe it at first, but Matt pulled it off
8:07 😳😳😳😳
Imagine opening the front door and you end up seeing a lot of water coming out of the house
1:44 that dad 😂 i couldn’t tell if he was mad or joking or annoyed😂😭
Hes joking that's how my dad jokes
0:36 brushing my teeth😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
😂on 8:20 you’re gonna need a new table no, he needs a new house😂😂😂
7:31 bro is a fish for eating fish food lol😂💀
This man’s water bill is going to be through the roof 😂🏠💦
Bro no this is 1 month ago and this is copied
With the money he makes from these videos its probably nothing
Oh my gosh 😮 I love the water and pools
My question is what are you gonna do with the water?
Waste it probably
@@mannybautista707 piss in it and donate it to africa
make a hole inside too outside
I'm glad your team , Salish
Bros water bill ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
I love how at 3:22 the remote is just floating
You mean 3:20
I would never do this because I don't want to ruin my house.
first reply
Yeah, and the bills you would pay so much money
And waist a lot of water
John pork why would you do this this video
bros poop are gonna go up instead of down 😭
Love your videos Matthew ❤❤❤❤❤
don’t waste water
Me when I was at the start 1:50 😂😂😂😂
The coolest part of this house is when you leave the bath 🛁 your still in the bath🤗 1:31
hey thats my line
It is not cool. People who really like this Video are immoral und decadent. So much water wasted just for a video? Sick
Family guy reference love it
Lol idk wat ur sayin bro 😂
Bros water bill after that☠️
( *Not any type of bot comment* ) But i want to appreciate how you turned your entre home into a aquarium
Bro who says ( not any type of bot comment ) 💀 💀 💀 💀
mathews water bill: 📈📈📈📈📈
Such a wast of water well have fun paying your bills
I will take my bf on a date if this comment gets 50 or more likes
My name is Addison
Heck no I’m not liking
@RebeccaKeskin also you a kid and dont use your real name
Tom and Jerry ❤ same as one episode of Tom and Jerry 0:51
He should’ve showed us how he got all that water outta there
Pulled the toilet and let it drain lol
You wasting water😱 0:59
Bro shut up
@@BFJAMdang 😂😂😂😂