This proof, you had found a great husband that not due to all this weird custom authority checks in this pandemic, and handle all this problems smoothly before register for marriage. Which might test the couples into separation when argue and stressed. Thank you for the handwork to summaries the issues for those in process similar to yours in needs 👏👍
Congratulation on your successful getting marry soon! Gosh the process of getting it done so complicated. Btw my hubby and I got married in SG and update in MY without much hazzle. Btw in SG, we need to show birth cert to certify our gender too. For spousal visa, it is not that complicated. 1. You need to keep all past passports from both of you (coz need to photocopy every page to show them later). They will give 3 months, 3 months than 1 year in the beginning. 2. When you apply for 1 year spousal visa, they will open a file for you. Please keep all paid receipts for all your payment when you apply all visa coz when you get your PR status they will refund the deposit. I forgot so didn't claim back the deposit. 3. Every spousal visa renewal, your MY spouse has to be with you when you renew, when you have children, they must be there too. 4. On your 5th year, you can submit your application on PR. I have got my PR after 14 years staying here.
Lol. Didn’t know here you need to prove your gender. I am a Malaysian Chinese and I got married in Italy and my husband is Italian. I could not stop laughing when they asked us if we are siblings. My husband asked them back if I look Italian to them🤣
Bro, I don't understand why is such a hassle for you? The check list for each individual document and process step by step, dept to dept all available in JPN websites, you just need to read thru and follow. Since different country have different regulation, you can even email them before hand to get the information on each document required since you holding American passport. Those embassy in Malaysia, they are familiar with the process as well and they can even provide you information on those document required by Malaysia side. All the information is written in Bahasa but it's pretty easy to goggle translate into English. I'm a local but my wife are foreigner and I went thru the whole process myself without using agent. Usually those that use agent mostly are not educated in bahasa which they never browse thru the requirements first and get prepare the document or they just wanted to short cut. I'm in south in JB, my wife just got all the document ready in her origin country n chop by msia embassy in her country, upon arrival in msia, we went to her country embassy in kl, chop n await all document, n eventually went to foreign affairs dept in putrajaya to chop n went to jpn in putrajaya and all done. For my case after putrajaya, I still need to get JPN at my state to approve. It's pretty clear cut and simple actually. I only went to Putrajaya twice and get it done. Twice is because i was late on the first day due to I'm waiting to get the document chop in embassy and arrival at putrajaya at 4.30pm. Next morning arrival at 8am and got it done same day. I really suggest that since your wife are msian, she should have browse information in JPN dept websites first so you can prepare the document before coming here. Cheers
@@hojehojetv2773 , good for you. If staying in Msia more to come for visa application, later on if have baby, another issue on birth cert n etc. I went thru all that and also some parts is done in mco period
跑了这么多冤枉路,终于走对路也可以在TH-cam 做分享了! 恭喜恭喜🥳🥳
This proof, you had found a great husband that not due to all this weird custom authority checks in this pandemic, and handle all this problems smoothly before register for marriage.
Which might test the couples into separation when argue and stressed.
Thank you for the handwork to summaries the issues for those in process similar to yours in needs 👏👍
恭喜恭喜!!!klinik Kesihatan 是政府在各地区的klinik
恭喜你们,真替你们开心🥳 祝福你们幸福快乐❤️ 终于拿到日期了
我觉得说 klinik kesihatan 应该是指政府诊所 大多数地区应该都有
Curtis 很好,好男人一名。一个外国男人要在马来西亚生存并不容易,祝福你们。
恭喜顺利拿到注冊日期😍 Klinik Kesihatan是指马来西亚的政府诊所。多数在马来西亚你所居住的区域都会有。可上网查询你住所邻近的Klinik Kesihatan
谢谢你的影片。直接清楚明料 👍🏻 我也是美国人也要跟你说的路线跑一趟了 😂
Single cert > MTP > JPN...中間還要extend visa和申請跨州去Putrajaya,還好女友在Cyberjaya,要去Putrajaya比較近...但要結婚真的困難重重,進來馬來西亞至小要用三至四個月的時間,香港的工作也很受影響,壓力真的很大......這段時期對long d的人來說,是地獄來
@@p6688404 不好意思,現在才看到
Both of you should appreciate & be grateful to your mom🙏🏻Cherish & love each other,God bless😊
Thanks Curtis and Jamie!!.Appreciate for the details shared. Love u guyss
请问你们申请了spouse visa了吗?申请了能不能也出一期流程呢?嘻嘻……我也准备帮老公办,但看着checklist还是很头疼不知道从何开始😅 谢谢谢谢!
i love your optimist thinking...always hope better with a good mindset. 😊😊😊
klinik kesihatan 是马来西亚政府的诊所,很多地方都会有
恭喜恭喜! 终于呀!🎉♥️♥️
Marriage visa 怎么办,我在砂拉越,所以mco真的比较麻烦去putrajaya
thankyou so much this is bvery helpful !!!!
恭喜恭喜!!! 这些系列的视频可以不要下架吗 哈哈哈哈哈哈 以后会用到!!!
其實不用跑太多趟啦!在註冊之前,在馬來西亞JPN網站可以找到所有的資料。 我們也是幾個月前完成國際聯婚註冊,從拿單身證明到宣誓才不到兩個月的時間。
大使館(1天)> 外交部 MOFA + Putrajaya JPN (1天)> 等三個星期 > 宣誓
Anyway 成功辦理就好啦,辛苦你們了!
不好意思 想要询问您,我的女朋友是拿工作签证,我们要结婚,那是可以用这工作签证直接去申请结婚这些的吗? 不需要申请special pass tunjuaan perkawinan?不好意思因为真的上网找不到类似资料,感恩您的帮助
@@cheekit9698 你好! 之前我老公也是拿著工作簽證跟我去註冊,沒有申請pass tunjuan perkahwinan ~不過這也要看你女朋友的國籍,如果是越南/緬甸籍的話,印象中要做多一個步驟 🤔 可以去jpn的網站看哦,我們基本上就跟著上面已列好的清單去準備,蠻順利的~
@@hojehojetv2773 因为看到jpn网站说拿着工作准证的不能提出婚姻申请,所以就有点不明白,但在想那个意思应该是不是说 可以由本地人去申请,但是外地拿着工作准证的人,不能申请吧
@@cheekit9698 這就不太清楚了~我是本地人而我老公是拿工作簽證的韓國人,那時候沒有問題哦!
@@hojehojetv2773 嗯嗯 那方便告诉我 你先生的工作签证 的全名叫什么吗 好像有分的 谢谢你的答复
恭喜🎊🎉🎊感谢分享 🙏
恭喜你们顺利登记😁 💕💕
恭喜 💕💕💕
恭喜!永结同心 💝
klinik kesihatan 就是各个地方的政府医院啦
Congratulation on your successful getting marry soon! Gosh the process of getting it done so complicated.
Btw my hubby and I got married in SG and update in MY without much hazzle. Btw in SG, we need to show birth cert to certify our gender too. For spousal visa, it is not that complicated. 1. You need to keep all past passports from both of you (coz need to photocopy every page to show them later). They will give 3 months, 3 months than 1 year in the beginning. 2. When you apply for 1 year spousal visa, they will open a file for you. Please keep all paid receipts for all your payment when you apply all visa coz when you get your PR status they will refund the deposit. I forgot so didn't claim back the deposit. 3. Every spousal visa renewal, your MY spouse has to be with you when you renew, when you have children, they must be there too. 4. On your 5th year, you can submit your application on PR. I have got my PR after 14 years staying here.
Hello,可以知道费用一共花了多少吗?我的fiancé也是美国人,我们打算明年在Malaysia注册和拿spouse visa
Hello :)
早期的馬來西亞女居民如果想和其他国籍的男人結婚是不可以为丈夫办签证的。只有跟随丈夫回他的国家! 也只有男居民可以为妻子申請簽証!直到近十幾二十年才多加了这個條例! 妳們也算是幸運的了!
27.07, 我的生日~ 新婚快乐!
Thx alot because you video help me alot
Lol. Didn’t know here you need to prove your gender.
I am a Malaysian Chinese and I got married in Italy and my husband is Italian. I could not stop laughing when they asked us if we are siblings. My husband asked them back if I look Italian to them🤣
Will the process be easier if married in US first and register in Malaysia afterwards?
不错的日子 我生日当天 恭喜恭喜....🎉🎉
只要结婚注册好了其他资料全部跟着check list跑一次就可以,我跟我老公结婚和办social pass都是一次跑完,没跑冤枉路
1. 马来西亚是不能够同性婚姻的。要双方国家在同一份公文盖章证明是正确的做法。所以领事馆盖一个,外交部盖一个。
2. 结婚签证合理,毕竟国情不同,不能够随随便便搞个签证就结婚。
恭喜🎊 然后接下來加油💪
谢谢分享, 和外籍伴侣注册结婚是件不简单的事, 我也跑了很多趟,感激你分享这些process
Bro, I don't understand why is such a hassle for you? The check list for each individual document and process step by step, dept to dept all available in JPN websites, you just need to read thru and follow. Since different country have different regulation, you can even email them before hand to get the information on each document required since you holding American passport. Those embassy in Malaysia, they are familiar with the process as well and they can even provide you information on those document required by Malaysia side. All the information is written in Bahasa but it's pretty easy to goggle translate into English. I'm a local but my wife are foreigner and I went thru the whole process myself without using agent. Usually those that use agent mostly are not educated in bahasa which they never browse thru the requirements first and get prepare the document or they just wanted to short cut. I'm in south in JB, my wife just got all the document ready in her origin country n chop by msia embassy in her country, upon arrival in msia, we went to her country embassy in kl, chop n await all document, n eventually went to foreign affairs dept in putrajaya to chop n went to jpn in putrajaya and all done. For my case after putrajaya, I still need to get JPN at my state to approve. It's pretty clear cut and simple actually. I only went to Putrajaya twice and get it done. Twice is because i was late on the first day due to I'm waiting to get the document chop in embassy and arrival at putrajaya at 4.30pm. Next morning arrival at 8am and got it done same day. I really suggest that since your wife are msian, she should have browse information in JPN dept websites first so you can prepare the document before coming here. Cheers
Hahahahhaah, u got it right.
I know right! In our case, we did in during this pandemic as well and it took us only two months from visiting embassy to solemnization 🤣
@@hojehojetv2773 , good for you. If staying in Msia more to come for visa application, later on if have baby, another issue on birth cert n etc. I went thru all that and also some parts is done in mco period
馬國大部份也是有錢好辦事 我朋友也是這樣子
恭喜你!I'm the Grab driver early 🥰
Heng 啊 你们登记日期是7月,现在MCO过后疫情降温后可以结婚。
What a coincidence, 27th July is my birthday!
Next hurdle is the non existent “spouse visa”. Apparently Malaysia issues long term social visit pass as the spouse visa.
congratulation 祝福💪🏻
其实结婚不难,难是难在你要open file for marriage visa. 这才是难. 我老婆是泰国人 我自己都走了最少6次 without runner. 开了file基本上就是renew而已. Renew 通常都不会为难你了. 加油 💪
请问是一定要去kl 弄吗?因为我在新山
恭喜你哦 。。
棒啦🥰🥰🥰 接下來就是抱孫子了 )誤
Klinik Kesihatan满街都是。 就是政府的诊所。最平民最便宜那个。。。。。
Klink kesihatan is available every where is Malaysia. In short it is called polyclinic. Hehehe!
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜
恭喜 等很久了
Klinik kesihatan 到处都有。
穿着要得体不暴露,当着去工作面试那样,还有态度要好。So far 我去政府部门都很顺利,官员都很友善助人。马来西亚对同性结婚很介意和重婚是非法,有些人也去改出生证明,所以他们不得不严格。
finally,, congrats......
@@FuLove 谢谢😍
Why don't you get married in America?
@@FuLove 谢谢😊
大個仔啦~ 生生性性呀~ 🤭🤭🤭
很简单,因为我国政府pattern多多喜欢u转!Anyway,congratulations to be a part of Malaysian 👏
话说我国又再封国了,wishing you and Jamie stay safe 🙏