If you can't win lane, ROAM and TERRORIZE the OTHER LANES! - Predecessor Kallari Offlane Gameplay
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 พ.ย. 2024
- One of the biggest drawbacks of Kallari offlane is that most of her matchups are difficult to lane against, and this was evident this game where there was little we could do versus the Riktor. However, this is where Kallari can shine funny enough as she is one of the best offlaners when it comes to leaving lane and ganking other lanes, making her a constant threat enemies have to respect!
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Crest: Nex
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#predecessor #paragon #solo
I just came from a game where Janjan was our Kallari offline lmao. He didn't disappoint.
I went against him myself once, got destroyed, then found out after the game that he was ranked 8 on the leaderboard: absolute beast of a player.
i was hoping this wasnt going to be posted lol , i was the drongo and i was getting ran down by yours truly . Well played man i was def on guard with this one
gg's my friend, this was a really close match!
7:22 the Hook dodge with your ultimate was SICK!
Thanks for the hard carry hehe
gg's my friend, always a pleasure to play with you even when the game gets sweaty haha
what an awesome game. well played!
Ah yeah! A fellow Kallari enjoyer. Isn't she a delight! (much to the dismay of the enemy players! muahahaha)
When is the right time to take jungle camp when you are carry or offlane?
Also what is the right way to continue farming when the offlaner is ahead and they are freezing lane? Should we roam to gank other lane, trying to farm in other lane, taking jungle camp, etc.?
20 mins in minimum bc any earlier you make ur jungle fall behind
STRESSSSSSFUL game but you killed it! Let’s gooooo!
Sometimes its a better matchup, sometimes its just a better player(which sucks to admit) but you can still lose your lane but win the game. You and the Riktor really carried your teams.
That one was stressful lol
Do you recommend finishing out mindrazor or starting a new item and keeping the mana upkeep from the chalice?
Mindrazor is an item for Kallari you finish as 3rd or 4th. Mainly it comes down to if you need the cleave to focus on split pushing or grab other items to make ganks stronger
I miss kallaris global ult
That is what made her a threat on the whole map. If you were marked and low on health, you were done.
I’m kind of surprised at taking Mindrazor/Chalice first. I like the idea of having more mana sustain, but I feel like you delay your power spike to much. I’ve always through Kallari excels at using her high base damage and trying to stay ahead by pushing the damage advantage
Was thinking the same. Going with the area damage instead of chalice might’ve helped wave clear, lane mgmt
That’s a fair take. This is a build I mostly follow from JanJan as he knows Kallari offlane best. But a big reason for getting soul chalice is to enable her playstyle through cycling through her abilities frequently. Without it, she will go through her mana pool quite fast so she can’t sustain as well mana wise. It’s a similar reason why Feng Mao has to go Mindrazor as well to sustain his heavier mana consumption
Yes, definitely the con of going aoe first. Would have to tower farm for 5 minutes to get chalice, probably resulting in your mid getting ganked. Guess it would depend on opponents skill set a bit
You don't need to start Kallari with Chalice on the Offlane, but extra mana early on will come in handy. As an alternative to Chalice: I've had great success starting with Spirit Beads on Resolution (or Infernum).