Hi, Connie! We ABSOLUTELY loved it! We booked a return visit before we even left. Before this, we were Excellence Playa Mujeres super-fans, and, while we still love it there, there's just something extra-magical about Jamaica!
Hi! I had been looking for a bottom floor video for so long so thank you for posting this was incredibly helpful since hubs and i have only been to EPM for our honeymoon and is our only excellence stay we have to compare to. I was wondering how i can make sure i'm booking the bottom floor room. I can't seem to figure out on the website which one is the bottom vs top for the beach house and we'd really like a truly walk-out room. What was the language used on your booking to imply it's the bottom floor?
I want to request this room. Will be there in two weeks! Thanks for the review 😊
Looks like they updated the glass on the side of the plunge pool. Based on older videos it looks like that hasn’t been frosted before but now it is.
Hi Natalie great video of beach house. What did you think of resort itself?
Hi, Connie! We ABSOLUTELY loved it! We booked a return visit before we even left. Before this, we were Excellence Playa Mujeres super-fans, and, while we still love it there, there's just something extra-magical about Jamaica!
Hi! I had been looking for a bottom floor video for so long so thank you for posting this was incredibly helpful since hubs and i have only been to EPM for our honeymoon and is our only excellence stay we have to compare to. I was wondering how i can make sure i'm booking the bottom floor room. I can't seem to figure out on the website which one is the bottom vs top for the beach house and we'd really like a truly walk-out room. What was the language used on your booking to imply it's the bottom floor?
Excellence Club Beachfront House Suite with Plunge Pool
I cant get over the dirty mirrors, if you aint cleaning that, what else aint getting cleaned?
And the stained blue couch lol it just gets worse
I still can't get past their bathroom concept. But if y'all had a good stay then great.