Just a small correction, The frieza calc is actually dwarf star level plus for vs battle standard that is for normal canon frieza, toei anime frieza calc might be a little higher
If I understood correctly, this means that the first form of Cell is 500 times stronger than Freeza, Semi-Perfect Cell can be 1500/5000 times stronger than F, and Perfect Cell is 50'000 F, ok, thats crazy, It's also crazy that Tienchinhan Kikoho have power to Pin him to the ground so he's not twice as weak, thats mean Kikoho is like between 2500-5000 times stronger than Freeza, bruh... Tien solo
3:56 so I think I should mention this radatz said in there battle that Fighters could raise their energy when they do blast attacks or energy attacks i do not think it is a good idea to base freezas strength on an energy attack that is going to be stronger than him because it's already been stated previously their Fighters can raise their power level to fire these attacks
I got blocked on Tik tok for saying Cell was stronger than Trunks in his grade 3 form....cause a Tik Tok user was adamant in disproving that speed and strength in dragonball/ dragon ball z do not scale linearly.
@@penksglid7475that's only if he doesn't get turned to stone entirely first but with how smart perfect cell is, I doubt he'd let that happen. Dabura is very powerful.
@mrperfectcell5079 You can't use filler to powerscale canon versions of characters though (and if you are not powerscaling canon versions of characters you have to state otherwise). I am pretty sure the Kienzan attack against Cell is filler.
I said i was using both anime and manga at the start of the video and the dbz manga and the anime are both just different versions of the same general story i dont know why stuff from the manga cant apply to the anime not to mention i dont even see the problem in cell being able to use the kienzan
@@mrperfectcell5079 Yeah, I got that you used both anime and manga, but they are not the same in all the details, also when it comes to powerscaling related stuff. It's not that the manga can't apply to the anime, it can, it's that the anime can't apply to the manga since the manga, before Super, is the only original source material. So you really should specify when you are powerscaling canon or non-canon versions of characters. I never wrote or implied that Cell shouldn't be able to use the Kienzan. I am pretty sure Cell also has cells from Krillin. I was trying to communicate that we don't know wether or not Cell can tank a Kienzan(, specifically from Krillin anyway,) since it is not in the manga. Another thing. I see in my google email socials thing that you have commented on my comment on the ''How Strong Is Cell Part 2'' video, but I cannot see your comment on my comment there when I open up the video. Have you deleted your comment on my comment there?
what do you mean piccolo wasnt holding back? HE WAS WEARING HIS WEIGHTED GEAR and if we use how much that was holding him back against raditz, he would be 26% stronger without it.
It was stated he was at FP in numerous sources also I hope you realize since piccolo is much stronger than he was Vs raditz those weights probably aren’t gonna slow him down nearly as much
@@mrperfectcell5079 this is something the fandome dosnt seam to understand how strong you are DOSNT MATTER for weights ON YOUR BODY. if i can do 100 push ups with me weighing 100kg then i can do 200 push ups with me weighing 50Kg. you could put that number as high as you want 1000 push ups 10000 push ups, it makes no diffrence cause ofcourse you can move your body easyer and faster if you weigh less. So YES it does make PERFECT SENCE that they move faster without ther weight cause they well..... WEIGH LESS THEN? so they need to move HALF or something of there weight? to the other thing yes WEIGHTED piccolo was full power but unweighted piccolo would have been stronger.
@@mrperfectcell5079 u dont get it do you? it dosnt matter how strong you get, you could move faster without extra weight by a HUGE amount. lets put it like this: if i can move at the speed of light with my body weight beeing 60kg and my extra weight beeing another 60Kg (besides the fact that you cant be faster than light but in dbz you can so lets ignore that) i would probably be much fast without the extra 60Kg even tough i reached a point where i am as fast as light. it wouldnt be exactly double cause thats not quite how it works but it would be much more and the 26% honestly is very low.
No when cell regenerates he doesn’t get weaker like namekians. He actually gets stronger because he’s part Saiyan so it’s a zenkai boost instead of getting weaker.
TLDR: I don't think the jump in powers were anywhere near that much. (Reasoning in the wall of text). The attack Frieza used to blow up Namek may of been used when he was using 50% of his power, but that doesn't automatically mean that he used all 50% of his current power to do so. If I were to guess; he only used a tiny percentage of his 50% power for that; as we've witnessed Frieza in his weakest form destroying Planet Vegeta with a finger. This would indicate he put way less energy into the Namek Destroyer attack than his weakest form did to destroy Planet Vegeta. Also; Mecha Frieza wasn't in 100% state when he made the Supernova (as he wasn't bulky). It may of been said to be 10x stronger than the Namek Destroyer attack, but it may just be because he channeled a greater percentage of his current energy into it? Like maybe 1% of his 50%; vs 10% of his 50%? Frieza and his henchmen didn't know how to manipulate Ki to produce attacks greater than their full power. This is also why they rely so much on numbers. The Saiyans; the Ginyu Force, and the like were impressed that the Earthlings, and Goku could alter their powers at will. Which by extention; i'm only assuming this also applies to Frieza. If Frieza could unleash a Supernova 10x stronger than himself; (which yes; is the same attack he used on Planet Vegeta); then he would of easily bested Goku on Namek with it; as Goku's best attack aside from the Spirit Bomb is the Kamehameha; which with SSJ would pale in comparison to a 10x multiplier on Supernova with Frieza.
@Vlorsutes For the pseudo intellectual in my comments section who wrote a whole essay here’s a debunk cus what you said was dumb -the blast that Frieza threw blitzed goku as goku was unable to stop it and Frieza was still below 100% so he was infact holding back or Frieza could just be simply holding back the DC of the attack or Frieza was lying as he says later that it wasn’t because he was holding back it was because he wanted to fight the super saiyan -as for gohans comment about mecha Frieza he says that before Frieza even landed on earth so idk where you going with that Frieza most likely raised his power to max after this -19 compares Yamcha to a goku that went through several years worth of growth plus this Yamcha was most likely suppressed when he faced 19 as he got off guarded and it would -all a barrier in dbz is is ki so idk why daizenshuu a description would be limited to only barriers as Z fighters also use ki to amp and defend themselves normally and 17 most likely amps his ki with those barriers as with some other Z fighters like gokus kamehameha or piccolos special beam canon -sigh no eml doesn’t contradict ssj2 as grade 4 is stronger than grade 3 and ssj2 is double grade 2s power I don’t see a contradiction -blasts in dbz don’t usually explode unless they hit something so yea it most likely hit a celestial body -goku can just be wrong about his comment about cells ki dropping as goku is a biased falliable character in contrast with a databook which is completely unbiased also as I said in the video cell can lose ki but can just refill it that doesn’t mean he always has to refill it. And cell being weakened and needing a senzu beam can be due to the damage he took not exhaustion -no saiyans get stronger mid battle and they get stronger when their destroyed cells heal and adapt as a result of their biology so even if cells injury wasn’t near death he still should get stronger -I never claimed in the video goku was counting on ssj2 I said goku was counting on a rage amp for Gohan to beat cell meaning Gohan normally wasn’t strong enough. Goku was most likely wrong about even this though as Gohan gets a rage amp in ssj and is still inferior to cell. And Gohan did find goku impressive he literally stated he’s impressive just not as much as he imagined which doesn’t mean Gohan is superior as Gohan constantly idolize a his father and pictures him so far above him so him not being that impressed doesn’t automatically mean he’s automatically above him. Also in the video I said I was done with MSSJ Gohan over goku just not cell so idk why you even made that comment lol Yeah so basically everything you said here was dumb idk why you thought any of what you said debunked my shit
17:56 this is disingenuous. In the saiyen saga nappa was as strong as goku but was mentaly weakened till vegeta said something about it. Cell can have a power high, but goku knows what he's saying. Gohan was stronger. It's just his mentality. that's the issue.
Cell not being affected by Trunks' attacks is 100% filler and makes no sense. Not that Cell would be that strong, but that Vegeta would see THAT and still think Cell's weaker than him. Kai just has Krillin punching him, albeit with the addition of Keinzan but that's justifiable too.
Im going to have to say that implying the humans are anywhere close to Mecha Frieza Level by the time the Android comes is a logical fallacy,and takes what was said way out of proportion. Not only are the humans not even comparable,they are laughably outmached in a vs against even a Namek Frieza. Just because they showed up doesn’t mean they got to those levels of power,besides being friends and allies that of course are going to show up,how exactly would they gain Frieza levels of power? Krillin in Namek was like what at a 70k power level after training basically his whole life + having his potential unlocked,how is he going to jump from 70k to beyond 150,000,000 in just 3 years of plain old training against tien and yamcha? Im pretty sure if Krillin,Yamcha and Tien went all out and fought combined they wouldn’t even touch 3rd form Frieza let alone surpass Mecha frieza. You can argue Tien with the Tri-Beam could come up with a way to beat 3rd Form Frieza but they most definitely stop at Final Form Frieza and get one shotted.
What fallacy did I commit? Also I don’t see why they wouldn’t just listen to piccolo since he was basically saying they would get in the way and be a hinderance if they were too weak so if anything they would take that into account when deciding on whether to show up or not once again showing they were confident they could do something against dudes who can one shot mecha Frieza Also db characters just get bigger and bigger power boosts as time goes on idk what to tell ya (Gohan becoming mui level outta nowhere) Also tien scratched semi cell who was tanking punches from android 16 who can literally one shot mecha Frieza so idk why you are scaling him to 3rd form frieza
@@mrperfectcell5079 the fallacy lies with the fact that you think Piccolo telling them if you’re too weak don’t even show up that means they’re somehow automatically stronger than Mecha Frieza for showing up? Are you forgetting that Tien showed up against Buutenks fully knowing the gap between him and Buu,not to mention there’s literally statements out there that state Tien trains and does a bit of farming on the side on his free time i.e when he’s not on screen fighting opponents,so why did he get mecha frieza level increases only in the android arc if he’s been doing the same kind of training his entire life? Both pre and after the android saga. Shit they even stay behind and try to help Gohan fight Cell even though they know and are shown to be so insignificant even Cell’s aura is far superior to them and almost kills them by simply blowing them away. Its just plot that they showed up,they are nowhere near the level of even namek frieza and certainly not relevant power wise to the androids.
@@mvp746 tell me the name of the fallacy I committed buddy Also don’t act like I didn’t provide a reason as to why it would imply that like it seems you didn’t even read my response Also the scenarios you provided are different as in those cases them joining didn’t hold them back as Gohan was already weaker than buutenks and the Z fighters were attacking cell in a way that wasn’t hindering gohans use of his FP so that’s disanalagous try again
@@mrperfectcell5079 i didn’t say you committed a specific fallacy,you comitted the definition of a logical fallacy which is stating things that are based on unsound proof,which is literally what you did,a reach if you will. I think you misunderstood what i was trying to say. I didn’t say the Z fighters add to or took away from Gohan,i simply said they showed up and tried to help Gohan even though they knew they couldn’t do anything,which supports my point that just because they showed up against Androids it doesn’t mean they would be stronger than Mecha Frieza.
3/4 of this video is good. It’s only the 1/4 of the video that is entirely wrong. In regards to power scaling. you accept certain guide books and quotes from said guidebooks on Power Scailing because it falls in line with your personal narrative that uses head canon reasoning. With zero proof, and is completely contradictory to what happens in both the anime & the manga. 2) all versions of cell, especially perfect cell does not have infinite stamina. Let me educate you a bit. A power level is comprised of power/strength, speed, stamina, endurance, durability “ki” energy. Perfect cell power level decrees for the end of this fight with Super Saiyan Goku. 3) you entirely missed that Goku got a Zenkai boost during his fight with Perfect Cell. This shows you lack in knowledge on power scailing. Do you have basic skills and knowledge when it comes to power steel. But you lack higher levels of skill and knowledge when it comes to this. 4) Perfect Cell 225 Billion. Super Saiyan Goku 150 Billion. 7 Cell Jrs 75 Billion. Perfect cell is 75 billion times stronger than Super Saiyan Goku. The Cell Jrs @ 75 Billion are 1/3 the power level of Perfect Cell. The last quarter of your video you have no idea who talking about you for a lot of your own thoughts and ideas and use some guidance to do your best to validate what you’re saying. But the problem is what you’re personally saying and what the guy told her saying work or are actually a complete contradiction to what happens in the story. 5) You are misleading a great many fans because you are saying implies the manga is separate & different than the anime. Now that applies only if you’re talking about the original DBZ anime which is no longer canon. DBZ Kai anime is Canon and congruent to the manga DBZ. It is not verses, it is equal to in both in it. Also there’s no need to keep on making comparisons of the mom of this for the anime that. All filler in Kai is Canon. Because it is congruent to the manga. There is a great multitude you need to unlearn, re-learn and fully understand. Otherwise you were going to keep on putting out information that is misleading to anyone who follows you or has less sufficient knowledge on how DBZ manga or KAI The Anime.
@@SuperKamiGuruuPerfectly said, u are right. Apologies for the delay, sometimes TH-cam does not send me notifications on point henceforth a year later.
Just a small correction, The frieza calc is actually dwarf star level plus for vs battle standard that is for normal canon frieza, toei anime frieza calc might be a little higher
That was the old calc for Frieza this one is more up to date. And Idc what Vs battle scales Frieza at
@@mrperfectcell5079 can you link it please i might wanna take a look at it?
@@wagy7519 I mean it’s literally in the description
@@mrperfectcell5079 Huh, no, their most recent calc puts 1st Form Frieza at Dwarf Star level+
@@nathanielus5296 send a link
Where is bro getting all the guides from I been trying for 2 years and I can't find shi😭😭
A lot of research and I archived a lot of stuff so I’d never lose it
@@mrperfectcell5079damn smart oh well looking forward to your videos these videos help alot!
Gohan not wanting to fight definitely does play a role on the power he uses against cell.
If I understood correctly, this means that the first form of Cell is 500 times stronger than Freeza, Semi-Perfect Cell can be 1500/5000 times stronger than F, and Perfect Cell is 50'000 F, ok, thats crazy, It's also crazy that Tienchinhan Kikoho have power to Pin him to the ground so he's not twice as weak, thats mean Kikoho is like between 2500-5000 times stronger than Freeza, bruh... Tien solo
3:56 so I think I should mention this radatz said in there battle that Fighters could raise their energy when they do blast attacks or energy attacks i do not think it is a good idea to base freezas strength on an energy attack that is going to be stronger than him because it's already been stated previously their Fighters can raise their power level to fire these attacks
Not so black and white
@@SuperKamiGuruu huh? what does that mean
How does 16 gauge power? Could he not be detecting how much power Pic is using but just a bio scan of total strength?
one of the best power scaler if not the best
I got blocked on Tik tok for saying Cell was stronger than Trunks in his grade 3 form....cause a Tik Tok user was adamant in disproving that speed and strength in dragonball/ dragon ball z do not scale linearly.
Im gonna say he beats Dabura
Yeah prolly bc if dabura were to spit on him he would just regenerate and get a zenkai boost
@@penksglid7475that's only if he doesn't get turned to stone entirely first but with how smart perfect cell is, I doubt he'd let that happen. Dabura is very powerful.
Ngas love this cell vs dabura debate istg no way the first comment is this
@mrperfectcell5079 You can't use filler to powerscale canon versions of characters though (and if you are not powerscaling canon versions of characters you have to state otherwise). I am pretty sure the Kienzan attack against Cell is filler.
I said i was using both anime and manga at the start of the video and the dbz manga and the anime are both just different versions of the same general story i dont know why stuff from the manga cant apply to the anime not to mention i dont even see the problem in cell being able to use the kienzan
@@mrperfectcell5079 Yeah, I got that you used both anime and manga, but they are not the same in all the details, also when it comes to powerscaling related stuff. It's not that the manga can't apply to the anime, it can, it's that the anime can't apply to the manga since the manga, before Super, is the only original source material. So you really should specify when you are powerscaling canon or non-canon versions of characters. I never wrote or implied that Cell shouldn't be able to use the Kienzan. I am pretty sure Cell also has cells from Krillin. I was trying to communicate that we don't know wether or not Cell can tank a Kienzan(, specifically from Krillin anyway,) since it is not in the manga. Another thing. I see in my google email socials thing that you have commented on my comment on the ''How Strong Is Cell Part 2'' video, but I cannot see your comment on my comment there when I open up the video. Have you deleted your comment on my comment there?
what do you mean piccolo wasnt holding back? HE WAS WEARING HIS WEIGHTED GEAR and if we use how much that was holding him back against raditz, he would be 26% stronger without it.
It was stated he was at FP in numerous sources also I hope you realize since piccolo is much stronger than he was Vs raditz those weights probably aren’t gonna slow him down nearly as much
@@mrperfectcell5079 this is something the fandome dosnt seam to understand how strong you are DOSNT MATTER for weights ON YOUR BODY. if i can do 100 push ups with me weighing 100kg then i can do 200 push ups with me weighing 50Kg. you could put that number as high as you want 1000 push ups 10000 push ups, it makes no diffrence cause ofcourse you can move your body easyer and faster if you weigh less. So YES it does make PERFECT SENCE that they move faster without ther weight cause they well..... WEIGH LESS THEN? so they need to move HALF or something of there weight? to the other thing yes WEIGHTED piccolo was full power but unweighted piccolo would have been stronger.
@@mrperfectcell5079 ill put it diffrently, it dosnt matter how fast you can run with 10Kg on your back. you could run faster without it.
@@freakdavid4085 yeah but by this point it would be such a minimal difference it would basically be irrelevant
@@mrperfectcell5079 u dont get it do you? it dosnt matter how strong you get, you could move faster without extra weight by a HUGE amount. lets put it like this: if i can move at the speed of light with my body weight beeing 60kg and my extra weight beeing another 60Kg (besides the fact that you cant be faster than light but in dbz you can so lets ignore that) i would probably be much fast without the extra 60Kg even tough i reached a point where i am as fast as light. it wouldnt be exactly double cause thats not quite how it works but it would be much more and the 26% honestly is very low.
No when cell regenerates he doesn’t get weaker like namekians. He actually gets stronger because he’s part Saiyan so it’s a zenkai boost instead of getting weaker.
TLDR: I don't think the jump in powers were anywhere near that much. (Reasoning in the wall of text).
The attack Frieza used to blow up Namek may of been used when he was using 50% of his power, but that doesn't automatically mean that he used all 50% of his current power to do so. If I were to guess; he only used a tiny percentage of his 50% power for that; as we've witnessed Frieza in his weakest form destroying Planet Vegeta with a finger. This would indicate he put way less energy into the Namek Destroyer attack than his weakest form did to destroy Planet Vegeta. Also; Mecha Frieza wasn't in 100% state when he made the Supernova (as he wasn't bulky). It may of been said to be 10x stronger than the Namek Destroyer attack, but it may just be because he channeled a greater percentage of his current energy into it? Like maybe 1% of his 50%; vs 10% of his 50%?
Frieza and his henchmen didn't know how to manipulate Ki to produce attacks greater than their full power. This is also why they rely so much on numbers. The Saiyans; the Ginyu Force, and the like were impressed that the Earthlings, and Goku could alter their powers at will. Which by extention; i'm only assuming this also applies to Frieza. If Frieza could unleash a Supernova 10x stronger than himself; (which yes; is the same attack he used on Planet Vegeta); then he would of easily bested Goku on Namek with it; as Goku's best attack aside from the Spirit Bomb is the Kamehameha; which with SSJ would pale in comparison to a 10x multiplier on Supernova with Frieza.
It could be he held back the dc of the attack but the ap still could be that of 70% frieza
For the pseudo intellectual in my comments section who wrote a whole essay here’s a debunk cus what you said was dumb
-the blast that Frieza threw blitzed goku as goku was unable to stop it and Frieza was still below 100% so he was infact holding back or Frieza could just be simply holding back the DC of the attack or Frieza was lying as he says later that it wasn’t because he was holding back it was because he wanted to fight the super saiyan
-as for gohans comment about mecha Frieza he says that before Frieza even landed on earth so idk where you going with that Frieza most likely raised his power to max after this
-19 compares Yamcha to a goku that went through several years worth of growth plus this Yamcha was most likely suppressed when he faced 19 as he got off guarded and it would
-all a barrier in dbz is is ki so idk why daizenshuu a description would be limited to only barriers as Z fighters also use ki to amp and defend themselves normally and 17 most likely amps his ki with those barriers as with some other Z fighters like gokus kamehameha or piccolos special beam canon
-sigh no eml doesn’t contradict ssj2 as grade 4 is stronger than grade 3 and ssj2 is double grade 2s power I don’t see a contradiction
-blasts in dbz don’t usually explode unless they hit something so yea it most likely hit a celestial body
-goku can just be wrong about his comment about cells ki dropping as goku is a biased falliable character in contrast with a databook which is completely unbiased also as I said in the video cell can lose ki but can just refill it that doesn’t mean he always has to refill it. And cell being weakened and needing a senzu beam can be due to the damage he took not exhaustion
-no saiyans get stronger mid battle and they get stronger when their destroyed cells heal and adapt as a result of their biology so even if cells injury wasn’t near death he still should get stronger
-I never claimed in the video goku was counting on ssj2 I said goku was counting on a rage amp for Gohan to beat cell meaning Gohan normally wasn’t strong enough. Goku was most likely wrong about even this though as Gohan gets a rage amp in ssj and is still inferior to cell. And Gohan did find goku impressive he literally stated he’s impressive just not as much as he imagined which doesn’t mean Gohan is superior as Gohan constantly idolize a his father and pictures him so far above him so him not being that impressed doesn’t automatically mean he’s automatically above him. Also in the video I said I was done with MSSJ Gohan over goku just not cell so idk why you even made that comment lol
Yeah so basically everything you said here was dumb idk why you thought any of what you said debunked my shit
17:56 this is disingenuous. In the saiyen saga nappa was as strong as goku but was mentaly weakened till vegeta said something about it. Cell can have a power high, but goku knows what he's saying. Gohan was stronger. It's just his mentality. that's the issue.
18:04 Better yet the contexts in the picture. They used that picture of a Gohan before fighting cell. Crazy how we glaze the person where named after
Cell not being affected by Trunks' attacks is 100% filler and makes no sense. Not that Cell would be that strong, but that Vegeta would see THAT and still think Cell's weaker than him. Kai just has Krillin punching him, albeit with the addition of Keinzan but that's justifiable too.
dude.....krillin, yamcha and tien never got close to frieza.
Burden of proof.
Im going to have to say that implying the humans are anywhere close to Mecha Frieza Level by the time the Android comes is a logical fallacy,and takes what was said way out of proportion.
Not only are the humans not even comparable,they are laughably outmached in a vs against even a Namek Frieza.
Just because they showed up doesn’t mean they got to those levels of power,besides being friends and allies that of course are going to show up,how exactly would they gain Frieza levels of power?
Krillin in Namek was like what at a 70k power level after training basically his whole life + having his potential unlocked,how is he going to jump from 70k to beyond 150,000,000 in just 3 years of plain old training against tien and yamcha? Im pretty sure if Krillin,Yamcha and Tien went all out and fought combined they wouldn’t even touch 3rd form Frieza let alone surpass Mecha frieza.
You can argue Tien with the Tri-Beam could come up with a way to beat 3rd Form Frieza but they most definitely stop at Final Form Frieza and get one shotted.
What fallacy did I commit?
Also I don’t see why they wouldn’t just listen to piccolo since he was basically saying they would get in the way and be a hinderance if they were too weak so if anything they would take that into account when deciding on whether to show up or not once again showing they were confident they could do something against dudes who can one shot mecha Frieza
Also db characters just get bigger and bigger power boosts as time goes on idk what to tell ya (Gohan becoming mui level outta nowhere)
Also tien scratched semi cell who was tanking punches from android 16 who can literally one shot mecha Frieza so idk why you are scaling him to 3rd form frieza
@@mrperfectcell5079 the fallacy lies with the fact that you think Piccolo telling them if you’re too weak don’t even show up that means they’re somehow automatically stronger than Mecha Frieza for showing up?
Are you forgetting that Tien showed up against Buutenks fully knowing the gap between him and Buu,not to mention there’s literally statements out there that state Tien trains and does a bit of farming on the side on his free time i.e when he’s not on screen fighting opponents,so why did he get mecha frieza level increases only in the android arc if he’s been doing the same kind of training his entire life? Both pre and after the android saga.
Shit they even stay behind and try to help Gohan fight Cell even though they know and are shown to be so insignificant even Cell’s aura is far superior to them and almost kills them by simply blowing them away.
Its just plot that they showed up,they are nowhere near the level of even namek frieza and certainly not relevant power wise to the androids.
@@mvp746 tell me the name of the fallacy I committed buddy
Also don’t act like I didn’t provide a reason as to why it would imply that like it seems you didn’t even read my response
Also the scenarios you provided are different as in those cases them joining didn’t hold them back as Gohan was already weaker than buutenks and the Z fighters were attacking cell in a way that wasn’t hindering gohans use of his FP so that’s disanalagous try again
@@mvp746 also stop typing these bibles I hate when mfs do this make your argument concise
@@mrperfectcell5079 i didn’t say you committed a specific fallacy,you comitted the definition of a logical fallacy which is stating things that are based on unsound proof,which is literally what you did,a reach if you will.
I think you misunderstood what i was trying to say.
I didn’t say the Z fighters add to or took away from Gohan,i simply said they showed up and tried to help Gohan even though they knew they couldn’t do anything,which supports my point that just because they showed up against Androids it doesn’t mean they would be stronger than Mecha Frieza.
3/4 of this video is good. It’s only the 1/4 of the video that is entirely wrong. In regards to power scaling.
you accept certain guide books and quotes from said guidebooks on Power Scailing because it falls in line with your personal narrative that uses head canon reasoning. With zero proof, and is completely contradictory to what happens in both the anime & the manga.
2) all versions of cell, especially perfect cell does not have infinite stamina. Let me educate you a bit. A power level is comprised of power/strength, speed, stamina, endurance, durability “ki” energy. Perfect cell power level decrees for the end of this fight with Super Saiyan Goku.
3) you entirely missed that Goku got a Zenkai boost during his fight with Perfect Cell. This shows you lack in knowledge on power scailing. Do you have basic skills and knowledge when it comes to power steel. But you lack higher levels of skill and knowledge when it comes to this.
4) Perfect Cell 225 Billion. Super Saiyan Goku 150 Billion. 7 Cell Jrs 75 Billion. Perfect cell is 75 billion times stronger than Super Saiyan Goku. The Cell Jrs @ 75 Billion are 1/3 the power level of Perfect Cell.
The last quarter of your video you have no idea who talking about you for a lot of your own thoughts and ideas and use some guidance to do your best to validate what you’re saying. But the problem is what you’re personally saying and what the guy told her saying work or are actually a complete contradiction to what happens in the story.
5) You are misleading a great many fans because you are saying implies the manga is separate & different than the anime. Now that applies only if you’re talking about the original DBZ anime which is no longer canon. DBZ Kai anime is Canon and congruent to the manga DBZ. It is not verses, it is equal to in both in it. Also there’s no need to keep on making comparisons of the mom of this for the anime that. All filler in Kai is Canon. Because it is congruent to the manga. There is a great multitude you need to unlearn, re-learn and fully understand. Otherwise you were going to keep on putting out information that is misleading to anyone who follows you or has less sufficient knowledge on how DBZ manga or KAI The Anime.
Yes suppressed cell was weakened from fighting Goku
@@SuperKamiGuruuPerfectly said, u are right. Apologies for the delay, sometimes TH-cam does not send me notifications on point henceforth a year later.