"Musically, we wanted this zone to be a farewell to our players as they head on to defeat the final boss." This has to be my favorite track in the entire soundtrack. This perfect medley gives a remininscent of your accomplishments in the game and gives me chills just hearing it, due to its tone setting the danger of your adventure. Ultimately, I think they accomplished their goal with this track. One word rushes through my head as this plays, and it stays with me as I go to defeat Eggman and the crazy monster he has created: "Godspeed."
My Top 10 Songs From Before/After The Sequel 10: Liquid Air 9: Ghosts With Guitars 8: Espresso With Bayonetta 7: Freefall 6:No Longer Alone 5: Crumbstepping 4: Combat Night 3: Metro Madness 2: Titanic Tower 1: All Or Nothing
For Boss Themes....I CANT CHOOSE. I know Rude Awakening isn't good enough to be on the list. The Reckless One would be 6 or 8. Sea Devil Chase is definitely 1. Can't choose between Breakfast Time or Wolf Rayet. Worlds Largest Pogo Stick/ Unicycle would be tied for 4 or 2.
Songs Referenced Cyan City Metro Madness Redhot Ride Titanic Tower Moon Mansion Edit: it's been 5 years. 5 YEARS. And I still forgot to give credit to "CyanCityZone" for the comment in the extended version. That user made the original comment. Doesn't seem like anyone noticed though. The video in question may be gone now, but the username isn't.
@@ultranitro2361 Yeah, but it's a revamped version, and there are all sorts of crazy power-ups and things now. I personally prefer the older version where they kept it simple...
@@tauanunknownplaymaker3992 LOL im really talking about the original from 2014-2019 ! Here the link : web.roblox.com/games/3156187068/27-07-2020-Build?refPageId=2f9c1e7b-5ae4-4814-8d3a-2cb9a4d85014
I've literally been listening to this for 9 years and I never get tired of it, it's just a masterpiece !!
hey, 10 years
"Musically, we wanted this zone to be a farewell to our players as they head on to defeat the final boss."
This has to be my favorite track in the entire soundtrack. This perfect medley gives a remininscent of your accomplishments in the game and gives me chills just hearing it, due to its tone setting the danger of your adventure. Ultimately, I think they accomplished their goal with this track. One word rushes through my head as this plays, and it stays with me as I go to defeat Eggman and the crazy monster he has created: "Godspeed."
...i legit want to cry.
Sorry, it's just memory and childhood time
I love it when they put so much time and creativity into the music
The lack of views on this stellar fan song is so criminal... This easily deserves 100M
Is it just me or would this make a sick Crypt of the Necrodancer track?
This would.
Years later and I'm still jaming to this daily
thought I was the only one that was still bumpin to this shit regularly
@@FusionComet still doing it my boy what a banger
Are u still doing it now ? xd
Yes! •,-,• memories
in my car rn listening
Everyone! Get down on that dance floor and do the Spindash!
Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb bbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbb bbbb bbbbbbbbbbbvvvvbbbbnjbbbbbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Bbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb nbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Bbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjnbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb nbbbbbbjnjnjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb nbbbbbbjnjnjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb nbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjn
Bjjjjnnnnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbnn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb nbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb nbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjnjnjn bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjnjnjnjjjjjjj bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjnjnjnjjjjjjjnnjjjjjj bbbnbbbbbbbbnbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjnjnjnjjjjjjjnnjjjjjj bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjnjnjnjjjjjjjnnjjjjjj bbbbbbbbbbjnbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbjnjnjnjnjnjjnjnjnjjjjjjjnnjjjjjj
This act it got *real*
Such an awesome epic way to finish the game too xD lol
Let's look at the funk.
Let’s keep it quiet though
I want to let mom sleep
@@nikkle1337 the name of the creator of the music is "funk fiction"
@@felinin yeah, and?
@@nikkle1337 and wat
The roads getting harder, electricity in the air, and error is small. It's All Or Nothing!
The name couldn't be any more fitting for this music
Surely one of the best. Probably my favourite.
My Top 10 Songs From Before/After The Sequel
10: Liquid Air
9: Ghosts With Guitars
8: Espresso With Bayonetta
7: Freefall
6:No Longer Alone
5: Crumbstepping
4: Combat Night
3: Metro Madness
2: Titanic Tower
1: All Or Nothing
For Boss Themes....I CANT CHOOSE. I know Rude Awakening isn't good enough to be on the list. The Reckless One would be 6 or 8. Sea Devil Chase is definitely 1. Can't choose between Breakfast Time or Wolf Rayet. Worlds Largest Pogo Stick/ Unicycle would be tied for 4 or 2.
+Cinko420 i likr world largest pogo stick
titanic tower 3 ftw
Huh, I don't even remember writing this.
0: Eye of the Storm
I absolutely fuckin love the throwback to Moon Mansion zone. Damn I love when music gets creative like that, it really adds so much life to it...
Storm station, death egg, interstellar amusement park, and eggmanland are the 4 horsemen of eggman going all out.
the egg
Songs Referenced
Cyan City
Metro Madness
Redhot Ride
Titanic Tower
Moon Mansion
Edit: it's been 5 years. 5 YEARS. And I still forgot to give credit to "CyanCityZone" for the comment in the extended version. That user made the original comment. Doesn't seem like anyone noticed though. The video in question may be gone now, but the username isn't.
If you don't know listen closely you'll hear every one of these songs
Super Smash Bros. Melee? 0:37
Oh Christ, I thought I was crazy when I kept hearing that in my head. Nice to see I'm not the only one. lol
OverdriveSparky hmm, same tempo too...
Fuck you....
Titanic Tower, from Sonic BTS
Used this song in “Distance”. Results were flawless!
Metro Madness is all I can say...
Act 2?
I've been looking for this song for a damn long time and i've finally find it, it's been my childhood for years.
"Niiiice, see i knew you had it in ya..."
POV: It's 2015 and you're listening to this on your Windows 8.1 PC with an Intel i5 processor and thick as hell 1080p monitor
Throwing a party at Eggman’s fortress be like:
Super Checkpoint Final Five Brought Me Here
0:53 sound like redhot ride
this is one of the best sonic songs ever even though its not from an official game
the sonic game on the game cube had some casino levels and redhot ride sounds like one.
0:55 that part sound familliar i cant remember i think its the redhot ride 0.o
You're right it's Redhot Ride
thank you +cinko420 i wasnt sure (even through i love this game to death i dont know it perfectly)
The 16-Bit Version of this song plays Foliage Furnace at about 1:37.
1:23 😊
0:22 my fav part
0:15 Yeet
Yike. 1 yike
y a e
*_I N T E N S E_*
Sounds more EDM-inspired than any other track from this game
@Peyton Robinson Isn’t dubstep just an EDM subgenre?
it's like electro music
@@greple6198 That’s exactly what I said. :-p
@@tdark987 My comment was deleted, but yes you were right, and I was wrong.
super checkpoint
idk bout y'all but im here from super check point but this song still a banger just the same
"Let's book a book!" Nice pun.
I can a lot of James, Falk, and Funk Fiction in this track. Mostly James tho.
The beginning is cyan city zone 1, and there is also some red hot ride in here too
There is also Moon Mansion, Metro Madness And Titanic Tower
+Cinko420 You're right, I hear it! ^^
+Storm 1208 as well as Redhot Ride
this song is pogger
The one dislike is Robotnik himself.
good stuff! ^_^
Anyone come here after Super checkpoint? The nostalgia bro ;-; it got removed because of Roblox's update
Aaaaaaand that where your wrong. Game got reuploaded. Ask me if you wants the link.
@@ultranitro2361 Yeah, but it's a revamped version, and there are all sorts of crazy power-ups and things now. I personally prefer the older version where they kept it simple...
@@tauanunknownplaymaker3992 LOL im really talking about the original from 2014-2019 ! Here the link : web.roblox.com/games/3156187068/27-07-2020-Build?refPageId=2f9c1e7b-5ae4-4814-8d3a-2cb9a4d85014
@@tauanunknownplaymaker3992 Old version still exists
@@Warpedassassin found it, thanks!
nice music
redhot ride? 0:55
_l e t ' s l o o k a t t h e f u n k_
cool song
Because of that one SiivaGunner rip, I can only associate this song with Vat19
fuck damm i love this song!!!!!!!!!!! i love this sonic so muchh!!!!
Yoie indeed!!!
lets daaaaaaaaaaaance
Well, what I've heard was "Let's book a book!". What BTS music are you talking about which contains that pun?
Super checkpoint
Looks like Redhot Ride and Moon Mansion had a baby
Sonic and Autobots vs. Dr. Eggman and Decepticons
Is it me, or does this have some of Moon Mansion in it? ewe
I think that you are true, in 1:20 i hear something like that
Raoul WB Tiny bit of Titanic Tower in there, too.
***** I think I hear quite a few songs mashed into this track
It IS Moon Mansion
Video Game Animation Study i'm 5 years late but...Woah, you here? Amazing! :0
0:15 ЯЙ
You used your username as the reply. Noice.
I hear Lava Reef Act 1 in this song.
I hear Marble Zone in this song.
I hear Panic Puppet in this song.
Yeah, it kinda has a similar vibe.
You _are_ referring to the Genesis Act 2, right?
@@RandomTomatoMusic Yep!
@@connormarini4720 Called it! XD
Hotline Miami style
that intro is so exciting but it kinda drops the ball when it turns into a by-the-numbers dance track
Inspired in Nitro Fun New Game no?
Inspired By
Cyan City (0:00- End Of The Song)
Metro Madness 0:16
Titanic Tower 0:38
Redhot Ride 0:53
Moon Mansion 1:23
Cinko420 Thanks :)
@@megabyteplay3870 you are stupid for thinking that
Kirby Superstar Kirbo, we don't need hate from you...Besides, you're 4 years late dude
JToH ToIII anyone?
haha idiot it got copyright so you can no longer say this