Imhornydadcomeinside Oh I see, it's a butt ceremonial site. He will never talk about that. When someone asks you to build rings in the wood you should go home. At least now we know what it's for. Scientists never though of it.
The way I see it: 3000BC, several people got together and they were like:"Let's fuck with people from the future. Let's place some large stones in circle and let them investigate it for centuries. They will never figure it out, because there's nothing to figure out." How does that sound?
trckojr xD What if stonehenge just had ritual purposes. People have to stop coming up with Sci-fi crap. It's just a bunch of stones built into a circle.
The mathematical precision, the placement on earths energy grids, the accuracy of how the suns movement lines up with the stones, coupled with THE WEIGHT OF THE STONES. How on earth could regular humans with no proper tools place the stones with such precision?
migo43 Mystery orbs stonehenge solstice theres a GATEWAY where the orbs enter marked by a pagan symbol and black cloud theres a giant rockman ghost on right kind of time traveler sentinel, he has an helmet on all in the pic with 3 girls check the face on the guy underneath the floaty orb type object with something hanging off it There is a Ceremony of sorts i have all the pics to prove it Honestly.
It's from a time when history was not recorded in writing, or indeed any other method. The Bronze Age is a very tricky area for archaeologists because almost all of the understanding we have is based on artifacts and remains, this unfortunately means that we have to do a lot of guess work as to the actual purpose of many of these artifacts, which is mainly why Stonehenge's purpose is still hotly debated.
The "blue hue" could have been an anhydrous coating used on a tartaric substance during a time period where H2 was abundant. This would explain the possibility of being able to move tons of the "stone" to specific locations in a triangle formation to assimilate volcanoes.
jose rosas I was thinking aliens also. Even though I don't normally jump straight to aliens. But they needed to raise the vessel to make repairs or something.
Dave H. Iv seen something like that beffore aswell with something to do with the nazis bell ufo stuff, and it had something like stone henge for it to sit on while it was powerd up
A lot has been suggested about the purpose and meaning of Stonehenge: that it was as an astronomical calendar or computational device for predicting the equinoxes, as well as solar and lunar cycles. This is likely true and equally likely that the site served as a place for ritual worship and festivities. I would like to suggest a thought that occurred to while watching several documentaries on the subject and I emphasize it is just a thought, as I am not an archeologist. My idea is that the series of twin vertical monoliths with their lintels reminds me of the figure "pi" repeated over and over again in what type of configuration? A circle, of course. Whether this configuration is intentional or not, from my reading and audiovisual exploration of the subject, I stronly believe the ancients were certainly well-versed in mathematics and astronomy far beyond the abilities we credit them for... and most certainly beyond what is taught in schools today.
Seeing the sun align during the solstece makes me beleve whatever the reason for its creation and feeling the magic there during that time that the seasons was always at the heart of its creation
It is huge. It sits in the middle of grassy plain just off the highway, but away from human habitation. It is amazing to think such huge stones could have been moved without heavy machinery. I imagined some great summer gathering when teens from all over got to mingle.
From what I've heard the modern Stonehenge was built in the 40s and 50s. Before then it was just a bunch of stone pillars laying on the ground so they made it look like what they thought it looked like so mystery solved
Recent discoveries have found that it's part of a group of burial shrines. That is its purpose. I'm not sure what else of a mystery there could be to it in that regard.
If Stonehenge had been in any other country in the world - it would have obviously have been a ruin of a building! The biggest mystery is why million of people just copy what their told and still believe it was an open structure with alignments to the heavens. I can not imagine the people who built Stonehenge - standing in the rain?
I've found sites like Stonehenge are great landscape architecture, and that at times people use patterns that seem to correlate with other aspects of nature - and maybe completely unaware...I suspect Stonehenge is our first look into ancient UXD....However I've been wondering if the site is one of many symbol now being made to look like Earth?
Bit of an oversimplification regarding a very sophisticated astronomical mechanism in stone. No attempt to explain it would be complete without reference to the works of Gerald Hawkins, John Michell and Robin Heath.
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:1-4 KJV
I feel like the henge was made by magic beings, using it as a ritual spot of portal to the other side.. or a healing sight where people laid in the middle and magically got healed
I'm American and burr-ial sounds weird to me because I also say bear-ial. I think it's a regional thing in the US because I'm from the east coast and I think D-News is filmed on the west coast.
Well there is actually a pretty solid theory that they were built as a gift to the gods to give them prosperity and harvest since they were in such a remote non diverse middle of nowhere island
It’s interesting that the word Hag in Hebrew means “Going around in circle” aa well as “ Holidays “same as Haj in Arabic which is a pilgrimage that people circle around a monument! Keep in mind that Haj pilgrimage started way before Islam and even has ancient roots!Maybe there is a connection!
Is it possible that henges were originally heavy duty animal traps. Hunters could build stone or wood walls in a V shape to funnel quarry into the apex point of the V where the henge would be located. As animals passed through the open apex, the opening could be closed behind the herded animals, essentially trapping them within the henge. The open slots of the henge could be lined with wood allowing hunters to corral large wild animals by running poles from the outer circle to stone pillars in the inner circle. This would allow them to trap animals in a confined space allowing for an easy kill as need arises.
I can kind of figure out how the standing stone were erected. They were probably lifted the same way the giant heads of Easter island were erected. But how the stones on top of those were put up, I have no clue.
The pronunciation of the welsh area near pembroke made my day, im not criticising before someone calls me a prick. I want to hear more attempts at other places in wales.
If you think Stonehedge is great, you should see pictures of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. Only partially excavated, large stones with intricate carvings have been uncovered. These stone are as big as the ones in Stonehenge, and the topper is: Gobekli Tepe are 11,000 years old. That is more than double the age of Stonehenge, and it was built without the benefit of the wheel. There are 20 circular enclosures. It is believed that it was a temple. Mankind did not begin to establish itself as societies until 6,000 years ago.Another place to see is Almendres Cromlech in Portugal. It was built approx. 6,000 years ago (1,000 years before Stonehenge) and consists of similar 90-stones configuration as Stonehenge, but the stones are not as large.
Well you summed it up in the first few sentences, I believe there was a BBC documentary (may have been a different channel) a year ago that gave some compelling evidence as to what purpose it served.
+NortexG - Art I might've seen that documentary. An ancient hospital of sorts? A place people traveled to for healing? She even mentioned that the people of the time might have believed that those blue stones had healing properties, especially in a location like that one.
Bullet Craft It's pretty commonly pronounced like a combination of the words berry and all, at least in the US. Saying booryall like she is doing sounds very weird.
David Pallatin I also noticed her pronunciation of that word. I'm a linguist and I found it both "marked" and "salient". ;-) I wonder where she is from that she says it that way. Julia, where did you grow up?
The blade Firelion I beleve it was for time too, If you watch alot of videos about this, one said that one day of the year, the stones make a perfect line up as well as the shadows.
by Alex Carmichael edited by Matt Slick AD does not mean “After Death.” It is an abbreviation for “Anno Domini,” which is a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of our Lord,” referring to the year of Christ’s birth. BC means before Christ. So at the time of this writing, 2011 AD is intended to signify that it has been 2,011 years since Christ was born.1 Second, if you think about it logically, as was discussed in class that day, 1 BC could not be directly followed by 1 AD if AD meant “After the Death of Christ.”2 That would mean that Christ was born then He immediately died, and we know that’s not the case. It is important to note that even though the BC/AD system of dating has Christ as its central focus, it is not found in the Bible. It was not actually developed until 525 AD, when the entrance of the Christ into the world was recognized as being the turning point of history, and our calendars were made to reflect that.3 Regarding the use of BCE and CE, these are more recent developments. In most usages, BCE stands for “Before the Common Era,” and CE stands for “Common Era.” BCE is used in place of BC, and CE is used in place of AD. The word “Common” in both instances refers to the date employed by the most commonly used calendar system, the Gregorian Calendar. The years are the same, only the designations are different. For example, 400 BCE is the same as 400 BC, and 2011 CE is the same as AD 2011. There is another less frequent meaning in use for the “C” in the new BCE and CE designations in that the “C” stands for “Current,” the implication being that there is yet another era still to come. Many Christians do not like either of these changes, but they can, of course, interpret the letter “C” in the BCE and CE designations as referring to “Christian” or “Christ’s” without taking offense in what many see as an attempt to delegitimize or eliminate Christ from the calendar.
It is so old that even the Ancient Romans when they landed in Britian didn't know what it was used for. Even 2000 years ago the culture that built it was already dead.
FrozenEternity Indeed! It's older than Stonehenge, and yet is in a better condition than it, partly due to slight renovation work on the façade. It's also older then the pyramids.
Viktor6665 Not quite. Newgrange dates to 3200BCE. Stonehenge dates to about 2400BCE. The Egyptians started building pyramids around 2700BCE. Those are considerable gaps.
I suggest yhat you read Peter Valentine Timlet's Trilogy about the Stonehenge, Druids, and the Wessex Priests who built Stonehenge. the first book might have been the Power of the Serpent. i read them 40 years ago ...
Guys it was used to tell time. Kind of like a timer that used the sun. The sun would create shadows and you could tell what time it was by the shadows and lights.
+noelsoong777 Someone is telling you to build something, its a design for a 360.deg wheel , see the 15 stones in a ''U'' shape, looks like a horse shoe magnet... they are telling you to place a U magnet every 15 degree's at 5 high...... thats 120 magnets..... x the 3 digits = 360... the large stones are a clue to the size of the magnets....down scaled,,,, the measurements of stonehenge.... give the size of the wheel and the other pyramid sights are also part of the code , especially the Giza pyramid....
The fact that we the modern society cannot figure out something of so long ago like Stonehenge proves one thing. We the modern society are not the first modern society......Period.
I have a question. Can stem cells be ingested to cure diabetes? Lately there's a product around my area claiming that they extracted stem cells from deer placenta and made it in a capsule that is airtight and will not be destroy by stomach acid but only absorbed when reach large intestine. I'm a bit of skeptical about it. It is said to cure diabetes and other stuff. Is our legit?
Conspiratie theory 245: Alien docking station for spaceships. The signs of cremation are just the places where the launch engines scorched the earth. And its build in alignment with the sun(and stars as well i guess) for navigational purpose.
A European writer named Gerald Massey said in one of his books that Stonehenge was build by an African man named Morian. several other European writers say that African people build Stonehenge and other monuments in Europe A lot of People don’t know but They still have statues of many African people in Europe today there’s a statue of St Benedict Made in the 1700s there’s another bust carving of St Gregory that’s in a museum in Germany there’s statues of African people all over Europe to this day that you can see but you got to go over too these museums to see them there very quiet about them also you have to learn about these things in different languages because they keep that history hidden because they’ll put it in another language
Give me a break. There's no written writing, so no one knows the name of anyone connected with Stonehenge. Pure fantasy. And none of the many, many skeletons found in and around Stonehenge has had African characteristics, and now the DNA is coming back, and that also nixes your 'theory.'
I was there but didnt they let me close, we could only see it from like 50meters. But some people (who probably paid off someone) were even allowed to touch them-.-
How do we know Stonehenge is so old? Written records didn't exist until Roman times; How do we know it wasn't built a year earlier? (you can't carbon-date rocks).
Actual you can date rock with thermo luminescence, but anyway, it is dated by items found in primary positions, at the bottom of the ditch, at the base of the stones. A bluestone was excavated about 10 years ago and a human tooth and grain was found under it, both dating 2300 BC.
There could be a New Hampshire and a New NEW Hampshiresshire. Common in Asia with lai-lai and bang-bang. Wewe couldcould startstart usingusing itit tootoo. Cheers Cheers.
People used to know way more about moving large stones and were much better than we are now. Today people are arrogant and think we are smarter than people 1000s of years ago. But ask someone how electricity or radio works and they have no idea.
" Today people are arrogant and think we are smarter than people 1000s of years ago. " We are much much more knowledgeable. We don't need to know how they moved large stones because one, we don't build things with stones. And two, if we decided to build a Stonehenge we have _better_ methods to move them. We can build Stonehenge. They couldn't even make a thermometer. Sure we stand on the shoulders of giants, but that allows us to see further than they could. Lastly, many people know about waves and magnetism and electricity. And so much more
We'll never know as we've lost the spiritual ability to do so, good guess would be communicating with ancestors at certain times of year but only a guess.
The problem with Stonehenge is it's buried in culture meaning all the people that used it are gone and left no clues. Revelation, the last book of the Bible, is also buried in culture although some claim to be able to interpret its meaning. .
could be a mimicking of the stars as the people of the civilization saw it and wanted to preserve that image as a sort of heavens on earth kind of a monument. similar to angkora in cambodia and the giza pyramids
Newby4 Life Hi many have.Top stones do have a fitting built in.Would have been something different entirely in its day.There should be many pics guessing the Original Been such an open area to the elements wonder how long before we start to prop it up.
Okay i'll confess
I made it.
***** But what for? You can say it now.
***** You're old as fuck!
Imhornydadcomeinside Oh I see, it's a butt ceremonial site. He will never talk about that. When someone asks you to build rings in the wood you should go home. At least now we know what it's for. Scientists never though of it.
Imhornydadcomeinside do you understand the concept of secrets?
George Cataloni you're rude af
The way I see it:
3000BC, several people got together and they were like:"Let's fuck with people from the future. Let's place some large stones in circle and let them investigate it for centuries. They will never figure it out, because there's nothing to figure out." How does that sound?
trckojr xD What if stonehenge just had ritual purposes. People have to stop coming up with Sci-fi crap. It's just a bunch of stones built into a circle.
The mathematical precision, the placement on earths energy grids, the accuracy of how the suns movement lines up with the stones, coupled with THE WEIGHT OF THE STONES. How on earth could regular humans with no proper tools place the stones with such precision?
Julia's neck.. look at it once and you can't look away
Omg fck
Shivam Singh she's a fucking giraffe.
Why !!!!!
VST she could swallow a whole live rat at once probably
It's killing me that no one knows
How it was made five thousand years ago
A giant granite birthday cake, or a prison far too easy to escape?
stone hedge to stone 420 blaze it
Koning Rosekraans oh god I hope you're joking. I've had my fair share of woo peddlers in the past, no thanks
***** I would give anything to know, about the Stonehenge, yeah I would give all I have to give...
Ondrikus get juked
I have been there a few times on the summer solstice and its a breath taking place. When you walk up the hill and see it sitting on top it's amazing.
I think there was an era where over sized humans (giants) ruled who constructed Stone henge.
Wow ya fuckin idiot.
It was Kim Jong Ill.
Zedric Perfect .
It was kim Ill sung
It's actually the target for North Korean missile launches against England.
Cynical Toast really
what if the henges were made to troll us in the future ?
Correction: made by slaves who were forced to do so from the people who thought it would be funny.
I hope it turns out to be a shopping mall or something.
Stonehenge was use for time traveling.
Time travel already invented white people, cuz they didn't exist until 10,000 years ago and humans have been around for over 200 million
Haha! I was thinking the same! I read it in a Perez Reverte novel :-)
migo43 Mystery orbs stonehenge solstice theres a GATEWAY where the orbs enter marked by a pagan symbol and black cloud theres a giant rockman ghost on right kind of time traveler sentinel, he has an helmet on all in the pic with 3 girls check the face on the guy underneath the floaty orb type object with something hanging off it There is a Ceremony of sorts i have all the pics to prove it Honestly.
LJM __187 well yea I wouldn’t say dirty tho
TheAjalin ddddduuuuuuuuuuuddddeeeeee
Flintstoned brooooo do u feel it yet?
It's just mind-boggling that something that seems very significant left no written evidence on what it's purpose was.
It's from a time when history was not recorded in writing, or indeed any other method. The Bronze Age is a very tricky area for archaeologists because almost all of the understanding we have is based on artifacts and remains, this unfortunately means that we have to do a lot of guess work as to the actual purpose of many of these artifacts, which is mainly why Stonehenge's purpose is still hotly debated.
The "blue hue" could have been an anhydrous coating used on a tartaric substance during a time period where H2 was abundant. This would explain the possibility of being able to move tons of the "stone" to specific locations in a triangle formation to assimilate volcanoes.
A ufo landing spot
Nah I don't trust Mexicans
jose rosas I was thinking aliens also. Even though I don't normally jump straight to aliens. But they needed to raise the vessel to make repairs or something.
Why u DONTZ trust da Mexicans?
jose rosas illuminati confirmed.
Dave H. Iv seen something like that beffore aswell with something to do with the nazis bell ufo stuff, and it had something like stone henge for it to sit on while it was powerd up
Silence will fall when the question is asked- Dr Who
A lot has been suggested about the purpose and meaning of Stonehenge: that it was as an astronomical calendar or computational device for predicting the equinoxes, as well as solar and lunar cycles. This is likely true and equally likely that the site served as a place for ritual worship and festivities. I would like to suggest a thought that occurred to while watching several documentaries on the subject and I emphasize it is just a thought, as I am not an archeologist. My idea is that the series of twin vertical monoliths with their lintels reminds me of the figure "pi" repeated over and over again in what type of configuration? A circle, of course. Whether this configuration is intentional or not, from my reading and audiovisual exploration of the subject, I stronly believe the ancients were certainly well-versed in mathematics and astronomy far beyond the abilities we credit them for... and most certainly beyond what is taught in schools today.
I don't know why, but every time I see Stonehenge I get this eerie feeling inside....
Seeing the sun align during the solstece makes me beleve whatever the reason for its creation and feeling the magic there during that time that the seasons was always at the heart of its creation
It is huge. It sits in the middle of grassy plain just off the highway, but away from human habitation. It is amazing to think such huge stones could have been moved without heavy machinery. I imagined some great summer gathering when teens from all over got to mingle.
From what I've heard the modern Stonehenge was built in the 40s and 50s. Before then it was just a bunch of stone pillars laying on the ground so they made it look like what they thought it looked like so mystery solved
Recent discoveries have found that it's part of a group of burial shrines. That is its purpose. I'm not sure what else of a mystery there could be to it in that regard.
If Stonehenge had been in any other country in the world - it would have obviously have been a ruin of a building! The biggest mystery is why million of people just copy what their told and still believe it was an open structure with alignments to the heavens. I can not imagine the people who built Stonehenge - standing in the rain?
I've found sites like Stonehenge are great landscape architecture, and that at times people use patterns that seem to correlate with other aspects of nature - and maybe completely unaware...I suspect Stonehenge is our first look into ancient UXD....However I've been wondering if the site is one of many symbol now being made to look like Earth?
Added "Construct Stonehenge" to my list of pranks to pull when I gain access to a Tardis.
It was reconstructed at least 4 times since 1800.Some "stones" are made of concrete.
What's it for? To mark the place where the Pandorica is.
It's the first calendar
Bit of an oversimplification regarding a very sophisticated astronomical mechanism in stone. No attempt to explain it would be complete without reference to the works of Gerald Hawkins, John Michell and Robin Heath.
attack on titans did it
E SC clearly they didn't win
What I wanna know is how the stones were lifted and placed on top of each other O.O
The Nephilim race built it
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6:1-4 KJV
The Bible says they were the heroes of the ancient world....the world before the the great flood
The Nephilim race were a by- product of the intermingling of fallen angelic hosts with earthly women
I feel like the henge was made by magic beings, using it as a ritual spot of portal to the other side.. or a healing sight where people laid in the middle and magically got healed
I've always heard burial pronounced like bear-ial not Burr-ial
They like to pronounce everything different in America, or like my science teacher from Cheshire sais Muurica, take no notice...
NortexG - Art I'm actually born and raised in America, and I've never heard it pronounced that way.
I'm from America, and we say bear-ial
I'm American and burr-ial sounds weird to me because I also say bear-ial. I think it's a regional thing in the US because I'm from the east coast and I think D-News is filmed on the west coast.
I don't like when people say see rup, it's pronounced sur up
Well there is actually a pretty solid theory that they were built as a gift to the gods to give them prosperity and harvest since they were in such a remote non diverse middle of nowhere island
No one knows who they were or what they were doing
But their legacy remains
Hewn into the living rock... of Stonehenge
"Stones from afar brought by man to this place where no stones were before"
It’s interesting that the word Hag in Hebrew means “Going around in circle” aa well as “ Holidays “same as Haj in Arabic which is a pilgrimage that people circle around a monument! Keep in mind that Haj pilgrimage started way before Islam and even has ancient roots!Maybe there is a connection!
Is it possible that henges were originally heavy duty animal traps. Hunters could build stone or wood walls in a V shape to funnel quarry into the apex point of the V where the henge would be located. As animals passed through the open apex, the opening could be closed behind the herded animals, essentially trapping them within the henge. The open slots of the henge could be lined with wood allowing hunters to corral large wild animals by running poles from the outer circle to stone pillars in the inner circle. This would allow them to trap animals in a confined space allowing for an easy kill as need arises.
I can kind of figure out how the standing stone were erected. They were probably lifted the same way the giant heads of Easter island were erected. But how the stones on top of those were put up, I have no clue.
I saw stone henge yesterday. It looks so cool in real life!
Anyone else notice that she said they found the "Bronze age teenager near Marden Henge"
while the heading of that article said Stone Henge
It is believed Marden has a connection to Durrington Walls henge/Stonehenge.
Julia! I would love to see a video about the Georgia Guidestones. I went and saw it in person and that stuff is crazy.
Stonehenge was built as a repair facility for Alpha Romeo cars which couldn't make it to Avebury.
The pronunciation of the welsh area near pembroke made my day, im not criticising before someone calls me a prick. I want to hear more attempts at other places in wales.
If you think Stonehedge is great, you should see pictures of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. Only partially excavated, large stones with intricate carvings have been uncovered. These stone are as big as the ones in Stonehenge, and the topper is: Gobekli Tepe are 11,000 years old. That is more than double the age of Stonehenge, and it was built without the benefit of the wheel. There are 20 circular enclosures. It is believed that it was a temple. Mankind did not begin to establish itself as societies until 6,000 years ago.Another place to see is Almendres Cromlech in Portugal. It was built approx. 6,000 years ago (1,000 years before Stonehenge) and consists of similar 90-stones configuration as Stonehenge, but the stones are not as large.
Well you summed it up in the first few sentences, I believe there was a BBC documentary (may have been a different channel) a year ago that gave some compelling evidence as to what purpose it served.
Your country has to change that name its hilarious
Sid dan Why change something that's hilarious? :)
Sid dan I've got it! The...
Film (&)
It's actually believed to tell time with the sun and its shadows.
+NortexG - Art I might've seen that documentary. An ancient hospital of sorts? A place people traveled to for healing? She even mentioned that the people of the time might have believed that those blue stones had healing properties, especially in a location like that one.
please stop saying bereral its said bare-ee-al
Where do you even live? It's not pronounced like that anywhere I'm aware of
No one cares
Bullet Craft It's pretty commonly pronounced like a combination of the words berry and all, at least in the US. Saying booryall like she is doing sounds very weird.
David Pallatin I also noticed her pronunciation of that word. I'm a linguist and I found it both "marked" and "salient". ;-) I wonder where she is from that she says it that way. Julia, where did you grow up?
David Pallatin Bear Eels? D=
"Can I raise a practical question at this point? Are we going to do Stonehenge tomorrow?"
Imagine it was just a really nice park where people liked to hangout all along.
The first f*cking clock
The blade Firelion I beleve it was for time too, If you watch alot of videos about this, one said that one day of the year, the stones make a perfect line up as well as the shadows.
But it is such a complex structure for its time
There's no 'er' in the middle of Wiltshire 😐
by Alex Carmichael
edited by Matt Slick
AD does not mean “After Death.” It is an abbreviation for “Anno Domini,” which is a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of our Lord,” referring to the year of Christ’s birth. BC means before Christ. So at the time of this writing, 2011 AD is intended to signify that it has been 2,011 years since Christ was born.1 Second, if you think about it logically, as was discussed in class that day, 1 BC could not be directly followed by 1 AD if AD meant “After the Death of Christ.”2 That would mean that Christ was born then He immediately died, and we know that’s not the case.
It is important to note that even though the BC/AD system of dating has Christ as its central focus, it is not found in the Bible. It was not actually developed until 525 AD, when the entrance of the Christ into the world was recognized as being the turning point of history, and our calendars were made to reflect that.3
Regarding the use of BCE and CE, these are more recent developments. In most usages, BCE stands for “Before the Common Era,” and CE stands for “Common Era.” BCE is used in place of BC, and CE is used in place of AD. The word “Common” in both instances refers to the date employed by the most commonly used calendar system, the Gregorian Calendar. The years are the same, only the designations are different. For example, 400 BCE is the same as 400 BC, and 2011 CE is the same as AD 2011. There is another less frequent meaning in use for the “C” in the new BCE and CE designations in that the “C” stands for “Current,” the implication being that there is yet another era still to come. Many Christians do not like either of these changes, but they can, of course, interpret the letter “C” in the BCE and CE designations as referring to “Christian” or “Christ’s” without taking offense in what many see as an attempt to delegitimize or eliminate Christ from the calendar.
Does it take two days to swallow things with that neck?
Every time Stonehenge is mentioned, Indians will be reminded of the Sajjad Ali video
It is so old that even the Ancient Romans when they landed in Britian didn't know what it was used for. Even 2000 years ago the culture that built it was already dead.
5 mins video, that's what i want not 50 mins
thank you
Stonehenge isn't even all that terribly impressive. Take a look at Newgrange.
Gobekli Tepe
Cíat Ó Gáibhtheacháin that is pretty cool.
FrozenEternity Indeed! It's older than Stonehenge, and yet is in a better condition than it, partly due to slight renovation work on the façade. It's also older then the pyramids.
Cíat Ó Gáibhtheacháin Stonehenge and Newgrange are both around 5000years old. And the Pyramids too, which is way more impressive.
Viktor6665 Not quite. Newgrange dates to 3200BCE. Stonehenge dates to about 2400BCE. The Egyptians started building pyramids around 2700BCE. Those are considerable gaps.
I suggest yhat you read Peter Valentine Timlet's Trilogy about the Stonehenge, Druids, and the Wessex Priests who built Stonehenge. the first book might have been the Power of the Serpent. i read them 40 years ago ...
Guys it was used to tell time. Kind of like a timer that used the sun. The sun would create shadows and you could tell what time it was by the shadows and lights.
I really want to attend the solstice ritual at Stonehenge one of these years.
Who the fuck builds a stone henge?
***** It's a reference to a song.
He needs a civic. A car you can. Trust.
+noelsoong777 Someone is telling you to build something, its a design for a 360.deg wheel , see the 15 stones in a ''U'' shape, looks like a horse shoe magnet... they are telling you to place a U magnet every 15 degree's at 5 high......
thats 120 magnets..... x the 3 digits = 360...
the large stones are a clue to the size of the magnets....down scaled,,,,
the measurements of stonehenge.... give the size of the wheel and the other pyramid sights are also part of the code , especially the Giza pyramid....
+noelsoong777 Well, straw henge and wood henge got blown down, so...
The fact that we the modern society cannot figure out something of so long ago like Stonehenge proves one thing.
We the modern society are not the first modern society......Period.
Holy shit I never noticed that she had a giraffe neck until i read some comments 😂😂😂
stadium and colliseums for concerts, combat sports, hunting games, and holidays. Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.
I bet they are just gravestones of forgotten kings and queens.
Willem van de Beek As good an idea as any.
Willem van de Beek King Dvolakin is said to have build it, he's english translation of his name literally means "One they fear..."
I think it's a landmark to clarify where the Pandorica was buried
Its very hard not to dislike this.
Why is it so hard not to dislike this, it kills me!
is what i wanna know is why the built stonehenge next to such a busy road
This chick has a long neck :) srry lol
Ankaboot omg she totally does! It's kinda creepy...
Aliens confirmed!
Ankaboot lol that's rude
Wonder if people felt bad to tell giraffe jokes around her
I have a question.
Can stem cells be ingested to cure diabetes?
Lately there's a product around my area claiming that they extracted stem cells from deer placenta and made it in a capsule that is airtight and will not be destroy by stomach acid but only absorbed when reach large intestine. I'm a bit of skeptical about it. It is said to cure diabetes and other stuff. Is our legit?
Stonehenge was where the aliens parked the spaceships for repairs...c'mon everyone knows that!!! LOL
A few windows and flowerpots at the doors would of been nice
Conspiratie theory 245: Alien docking station for spaceships. The signs of cremation are just the places where the launch engines scorched the earth. And its build in alignment with the sun(and stars as well i guess) for navigational purpose.
A European writer named Gerald Massey said in one of his books that Stonehenge was build by an African man named Morian. several other European writers say that African people build Stonehenge and other monuments in Europe A lot of People don’t know but They still have statues of many African people in Europe today there’s a statue of St Benedict Made in the 1700s there’s another bust carving of St Gregory that’s in a museum in Germany there’s statues of African people all over Europe to this day that you can see but you got to go over too these museums to see them there very quiet about them also you have to learn about these things in different languages because they keep that history hidden because they’ll put it in another language
Give me a break. There's no written writing, so no one knows the name of anyone connected with Stonehenge. Pure fantasy. And none of the many, many skeletons found in and around Stonehenge has had African characteristics, and now the DNA is coming back, and that also nixes your 'theory.'
The pyrimads? Those were built 4000 years ago and they're much more advanced buildings than most of recorded history.
I think it might be a way to know what time it is
I was there but didnt they let me close, we could only see it from like 50meters. But some people (who probably paid off someone) were even allowed to touch them-.-
Viktor6665 i want to tip them
they're fucking rocks people
+Valterain dirtynastysuicide
***** ayy lmao
How do we know Stonehenge is so old? Written records didn't exist until Roman times; How do we know it wasn't built a year earlier? (you can't carbon-date rocks).
Actual you can date rock with thermo luminescence, but anyway, it is dated by items found in primary positions, at the bottom of the ditch, at the base of the stones. A bluestone was excavated about 10 years ago and a human tooth and grain was found under it, both dating 2300 BC.
Anyone else remember "Before Christ, After Christ"?
It was Conkeldurr
Lamp lpl
Dude, read. It was built by the Minowans (the 'lost Atlantians') and they used boats and it was used for astrology and navigation.
Did no one back then write anything about it?
2.22 "...Presley Hills?" Try Preseli (Press-el-ee)
Did you just call it Wiltshireshire? @ 0:32
Why do Americans have such an issue with pronouncing this name.
Its like me saying Washingtonton D.C.
Terry Wiltshire I was thinking the same thing.
Do they call Hampshire "HAMPERSHIRE" like really,its not exactly another language.
Terry Wiltshire Well british would probably call it Washing tons on Tyne. Wiltshireshires, got a ring to it.
Hannah Angel Well there's a state called New Hampshire in the US so I don't think that would be a problem
AngryCakeMonkey Well in that case, it seems even more dumb for her to mispronounce Wiltshire.
There could be a New Hampshire and a New NEW Hampshiresshire. Common in Asia with lai-lai and bang-bang. Wewe couldcould startstart usingusing itit tootoo.
Cheers Cheers.
People used to know way more about moving large stones and were much better than we are now. Today people are arrogant and think we are smarter than people 1000s of years ago. But ask someone how electricity or radio works and they have no idea.
Ask anyone who has taken the most basic physics course and they can tell you how they work
" Today people are arrogant and think we are smarter than people 1000s of years ago. "
We are much much more knowledgeable. We don't need to know how they moved large stones because one, we don't build things with stones. And two, if we decided to build a Stonehenge we have _better_ methods to move them. We can build Stonehenge. They couldn't even make a thermometer. Sure we stand on the shoulders of giants, but that allows us to see further than they could.
Lastly, many people know about waves and magnetism and electricity. And so much more
Sometimes I think the ancient people made these mysterious grand monuments to fuck with future civilizations.
2:30 She said shire correctly :O
David Henchman because she speaks soooo fast. Its annoying. I did not finish tbis video.
How or why is it still standing? Wouldn't have some people tried to push the stones over the years?
Maybe they built it so that almost 5.000 years later people ask "Why did they built it?!" We'll never know :D
I hate it when they replace AD and BC with what they use now
Stonehenge is a lock, the antitkythera is a key, and the vault is in Antartica
I think it is a tomb for someone who was very powerful
We'll never know as we've lost the spiritual ability to do so, good guess would be communicating with ancestors at certain times of year but only a guess.
Proof it was a spiritual place...?
Proof it was a spiritual place...?
I thought the purpose of Stonehenge was determined when Superhenge was found
How did they get the stone on to of each other you it meet u on this video
Healing stones make sense - and when they didn't work people died, hence the burials.
To people who can't imagine how it was done:
Just imagine WOOOOOOD.
There's better information here than there was on the tour of Stonehenge!
The problem with Stonehenge is it's buried in culture meaning all the people that used it are gone and left no clues. Revelation, the last book of the Bible, is also buried in culture although some claim to be able to interpret its meaning. .
could be a mimicking of the stars as the people of the civilization saw it and wanted to preserve that image as a sort of heavens on earth kind of a monument. similar to angkora in cambodia and the giza pyramids
All I'm wondering is with how many storms have happened since it was created how none of them have fallen
Newby4 Life Hi many have.Top stones do have a fitting built in.Would have been something different entirely in its day.There should be many pics guessing the Original Been such an open area to the elements wonder how long before we start to prop it up.